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Everything posted by CNA

  1. I heard something a few years ago about Atlas being made into a movie but didn't hear anything else after that about it. I can only hope they stay as close to the book as possible. But as we all know, Hollywood is notorious for taking books to the chopping block in order to fit it into a movie. I so hope they don't do that with Atlas. I'm not much of a fan of either but my, oh, my, Brad Pitt as John Galt !! WOW, did it just get HOT in here all of a sudden !! LOL Do I dare ask for anything more!?! I'm sure I could and would. But to have such a handsome, dreamy man in the role of John Galt, my heart just went pitter patter and has just skipped a few beats. I hope it will be soon. And I will thoroughly enjoy this movie on so many personal levels !! and looking forward to it. Angie
  2. Thank you, Mike, for your wonderful post, so caring and so loving and so respectful. It's obvious what you value and much respect to you for that. Jenna, girl, just try to let it roll off your back. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting you upset over all their incoherent babbling and club wielding ways. Don't ever allow them to get you in that way. Put that shield up in front of you so when they start flinging all their chimpanzee crap at you, it will never hit you and you'll always walk away clean. Angie
  3. Thank you, Barbara I'm very grateful I found this site first, well, second site. The first site I posted at, wham, hit with all kinds of stuff from a crazy krishna guy and recieved a lot of emails unfortunately. But I think I finally put him in his place because he actually apologized for his actions. Now, I just go about my own business, doing my own thing happily !! I've come to my own unfortunate conclusions on some issues but it is better for me to stay away from it; such as, the madness on other sites I've also seen. I'm not really confused about all of it. I'm a pretty strong thinker as some on here know and very firm in my beliefs. It's just so unfortunate to see so much fighting, especially towards someone who has had such a tremendous impact obviously to Objectivism and who has also had a tremendous impact on the lives of others due to their hard work and their achievements. It's unfortunate that their achievements have to be drug through the mud by these people, possibly due to jealousy/envy and their knowing deep down that they themselves cannot rival Chris' achievements; i.e., their insecurity or possible fear of such a great man. I don't know all the individual parties and do want to read more to help me understand more and how each person impacted the growth of Objectivism. But unfortunately also due to time constraints, I am limited to an extent but still chugging along with it slowly but surely. In regard to someone's hard work and achievement, as they say in my profession, the evidence/work speaks for itself. In Chris' case, his work will speak for itself. Obviously his work has touched so many and Objectivism has flourished because of it as well as any other individual that has made tremendous contributions to Objectivism. Angie
  4. Roger, That was very well said and so AGREE with it. Smiles, Angie
  5. So much turmoil and so unfortunate and sad. Pardon my ignorance but I haven't read many books that have to do with O'ism. The only books I have read concerning O'ism are Atlas, Virtue of Selfishness, part of We The Living and stopped it unfortunately, and I think one other from Piekoff, basically I have maybe 3 books or so, that's it. I do not know much about Chris or unfortunately the other people that have made such an impact on Objectivism. So what most everyone is talking about goes over my head because I'm not familiar with the parties and what has happened over the years. I am reading bits and pieces here and there to help me understand a little bit better as to what is going on and as to what happened. It's just obviously whatever happened towards Chris was pretty big and obviously disprespectful unfortunately. That's such a shame. It would be so nice if we can all just lead happy, productive, fulfilling lives without being beaten down for it. Wanting to understand more ?? Angie
  6. That is just hilarious, Ciro. I couldn't stop laughing at first and tummy was hurting because I'm part Cherokee Indian and part hillbilly too...I've heard some great jokes but that just takes the cake with the indian/hillbilly joke and unfortunately is true sometimes....I know from experience because I've seen it....LMAO I'm still laughing so hard my stomach is hurting... I've heard some great Polish jokes as well and some are so true. My mother was notorious for living up to those jokes....LMAO Oh, that's just too much. Yeah, I'm a serious mut. Born in Moorseville, Indiana, very small town, 200 people, one road in and out, that's it. So I've seen some serious hillbilly stuff going on over there. Oh, it's just great, brought back so many memories....LMAO Still laughing so hard my tummy hurts. Thanks for the joke....I so needed it. BTW, HEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAWWWW LMAO Angie
  7. LW, you've got some good ones...., that's bad...I'm getting old. I know these songs....LOL, I thought I'd be young forever....dammit, you just gotta rub it in.
  8. Barbara, Saki is gorgeous and I love the name. Of course, Jengo's name comes from Star Wars, you know, Jengo Phett or something or other. My son named him I was hoping to put his picture up to show him off but unfortunately I don't have any pictures on the net. I am hoping later tonight I can get a picture of him posted here. He's so cute to me. Maybe I can find one of him with my son, they are just both too cute !! Jengo very much reminds me of the white persian in the children's movie Cats & Dogs with the exception of 3 small spots on his head. In fact, he's next to me right now snoring of all things. All the pictures on here of our cats are beautiful !! Dragonfly's baby and his markings go wonderfully against the backdrop !! very striking. Hopefully I can get a picture up of my baby as well !! Angie
  9. Hi, Barbara. Oh, please don't think he runs into walls now. We rescued him when he was very young. Very sad story but he is so loving now. When we found him, he had been in a very small cage. We later found out after we brought him home that he was in that cage for almost 3 or 4 months. They never let him run, etc., so he had some depth perception problems obviously and did struggle at first to gain this back but ultimately did. I didn't know the length of time in the cage not until after bringing him home. It's just when I first got him and he exhibited this behavior, I was floored that my cat would do something like this. I've had cats before that had done some really crazy behavior. But by watching them, you were able to tell what was being done by accident such as playing too hard and not watching where they are going and wham, into the wall. But the more I watched him it became very obvious to me that being stuck in a small cage for so long obviously did do damage. So we put him into a room for a few weeks until he could orientate himself better. Having such a huge space to run after being in a small cage, he had a hard time adjusting at first. But after being in the room for a while, he did adjust and his depth perception did come back. He is an absolute joy to be around and he's my baby !! He's not reclusive anymore. He is a total lap cat, very loving. There is a very strong bond between us and I cherish that. He absolutely loves catnip. I don't give it to him often. But when I do, he's just wide eyed and crazy and so frisky and loves to play. But he doesn't run into walls. That was just when we first got him. At first, it was funny because he seemed to be so playful. But became obvious later unfortunately that the trauma of being in a cage for so long did do harm. But he's in wonderful health now. He is the most loving cat I've ever had. It's amazing how well he has sprung back from suffering that trauma. Trust me, I wouldn't have made a joke out of it if my baby hadn't recovered from it. So please don't think that what I said was serious. It was the humor department and I was making a joke out of it and my experience with him at first did throw me and was funny at first; such as what you see on Planet's Funniest Animals and all the strange and hilarious things that animals do. But he's fine now and is an absolute joy to be around. Angie
  10. Hi, LW........LMAO....the visual on that is classic. That's so messed up. I've had many cats so I have seen some pretty wild behavior and that is just too much. My current baby Jengo is a long haired persian that can be very spazzy and he is an absolute joy to be around when he's wide eyed and crazy on catnip. When I first got him, he'd go running through the house and go barreling into the walls, no evasive action at all, no flinching at the last minute, no attempted turns, just head first into the wall, wham. It's like, oh, man, you can't be serious, my cat is all jacked up. Obviously my cat is missing some brain cells, maybe I should lay off the nip. But he's my baby and so much fun to be around when he's wide eyed and crazy. Even though I'm a definite cat lover, I enjoyed the joke. I'm still busting up over that joke. Angie
  11. CNA


    D'oh...I am an idiot....LOL. when I saw that, I was thinking, okay, what the hell happened. I didn't see the face value of it. My mind set is always looking at situations at a deeper level, something that is more complex than the obvious answer. Maybe I should put my glasses on. I'm sure you understand though I think I've been under a rock too long.....LMAO
  12. CNA


    Okay, Kat, I'm so curious to know "what" happened. I've been watching this post since you put it up, maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no clue what it is. I'm in my own little world; rarely watch the news, don't read the newspaper, blah, blah, blah, I've been living under a rock for the past 4 or 5 years....LMAO I've been a hermit, just come out when it is needed LOL Will you tell me "what" happened on that day at that time?
  13. Well said, each their own.
  14. Very good idea, Jody, so much needed right now !! After visiting the biker bar and "seeing" a lot and have definitely drawn my own conclusions regarding certain people, I so appreciate this site, the respect and admiration I have for those that are on this site is tremendous. I'm very relieved that there are very few head-bashers here. Compared to what I've "seen" at the biker bar, it is very peaceful, quiet, serene, respectful, civil.....just everything that is truly appropriate for O'ists to "survive" and "flourish" as to what is appropriate for man. Very Good Job to Kat and Mike for keeping this site a place truly above the rest and I'm so glad I found this site and didn't join some biker bar where there are head bashers galore. Angie =D>
  15. Hi, Roger Thank you for clarifying Tom Lykus for me. I've listened to him in the past as well and I just couldn't get past his attitude towards women, at times my chin would drop at some of the things he would say about us. I sympathize with you due to my own failing marriage so I know what I said is not the case for all. John unfortunately is controlling, possessive, and looking for the typical high maintenance girl that will serve his needs only and to never serve her own. But that is him and I can't change him. He's very much into the traditional marriage whereas I am far from typical. It's just what I know of Tom after listening to him on the radio for quite some time, it just wasn't a fluke once or twice thing. The more I listened to him, it's like, wow, with that attitude, no wonder why. But I was not aware of his more personal side. Out of the times I've listened to him a long time ago, he never went into detail regarding what had happened and why. I'm not down on people being married numerous times. It's just finding the "right" one which you have found in your current wife !! It was just his attitude towards women that threw me for a loop. But thank you for clarifying Tom, very much appreciated. Also, CONGRATULATIONS on your 16th wedding anniversary !! I hope you have a wonderful time !! It sounds so exciting......Woohoo !! //;-)) Big Smiles, Angie
  16. Hi, Rich. I haven't read much of his posts but out of what I've read, they are different. And I have to admit he is unique and smart and they are interesting to read. I don't know about all of his beliefs so I can't say if they coincide with mine or not. I haven't read enough to make that judgment. But for me personally, I will say I don't agree with the head bashing. It's his choice. It doesn't float my boat but for him it does. But when I have read his posts, I'm overlooking that aspect of it (head bashing) and just reading for content and his view of life. So I'm disconnecting that aspect of it, to not let it phase me on how abrasive I've read some of them to be and maybe that is why I haven't been offended yet, plus I don't offend easily. I'm just looking to read about his perspective of life and it is a little out there and different. So don't think I'm following him around, etc. I'm just slowly browsing over there to read about his perspective. I've read a little bit more of it and some I agree with and others I don't agree with. Some makes sense and others are just out there. So please don't think I'm a supporter. I'm just reading, that's all. Mike, I wanted to write a post today but haven't had the time re: what you said about O'ists changing their mind and being loyal to their mind, etc., and I do agree, just as long as they aren't falling into thinking for the group because somebody said it was true. I enjoy watching people using their own minds to draw their own conclusions rather than relying on the group. But as AR would say, you swing to both sides of the pendulum never knowing exactly what is true or not so it can become confusing not knowing what it is the truth. But more later on my thoughts. I agree with what you said though. More later Angie
  17. Paul, I've looked more at his posts on the other site and so far what I've read, he hasn't offended me and he does have an interesting perspective. I'm sure he will offend me in some way at some point or another but I have to shove my foot into my mouth and I figure you would thoroughly enjoy that. He's not the typical head bashers that I've known. And you are correct, he has a very unique perspective of life. And what I've read so far, he makes a lot of sense. It may not coincide with my personal beliefs but I will definitely follow his posts when he comes to this site because it is different. Angie
  18. Hi, Mike. While Mike was over here running amuck, I was over at the site for the last 2 hours or so where he frequents most often. Quite honestly, so far I do not find him to be offensive and I say that very honestly. I did have my gaurd up because I've come across many "head bashers" and their only intent is to inflict pain and destruction. Even though Mike Lee is very blunt, he is also very honest, at least what I can see so far and his perspective is very interesting to read. But one thing I have noticed is his view on women may be a little bit more abrasive than my taste. But that is his view. I will admit, he is HIGHLY intelligent and with his type of personality, you don't run across that often. Angie
  19. Hi, Mike Lee. I knew you were going to come over here. You know, after coming from that site, I feel as if I just came from a biker bar, nothing bad to say in that regard. Compared to my expierences on this site so far, you guys are rough and tumble, very much to the point, in your face over there. You tell it like it is rather than smoothing things over, just very blunt. Honestly, I view that as a good trait because I also can be very blunt and straightfoward. But I'm not into fighting and never have been. Honestly, your posts are not offensive at all. I went in with my gaurd up but that gaurd has been lowered. I haven't read all of them but you truly do have an interesting perspective on things and it's quite interesting to read. Since you do listen to Tom Lykus, I hope your view of women is not the same as his, you know, that women like to be treated like dirt, etc., considering he's been married, what, 3 times so far. To me, that gives me some insight into his marriages and he's not approaching it correctly. But if you do, that's your perogative and that's your belief and I don't have a problem with that. But what I've read over there, you are very straightfoward, to the point, and so far, I haven't found you to be offensive at all. Your perspective is very interesting to read. Angie
  20. Hi, Paul So he is respectful. I have no problems reading his posts as long as they are respectful. When I say pain and torn down, I'm saying that in terms of what his true motives are. For me, it is very difficult to tear me down and effect my self-esteem. I'm sure what he dishes out is a lot less severe than some of the stuff I've been through, have seen, etc. So that is not a problem for me. The problem I do have is if the head basher is only interested in inflicting pain on to people and is disrespectful. Now if his perspective and comments are made in a tactful way, I won't have a problem with him. It's just I've known many head bashers that have the intent of destroying people. But since your telling me he is respectful, I will check out his posts and I'll let you know my take on him, which "might" go both ways. It's just I'm going into it with the idea of how most head bashers are. But I'll keep an open mind. Angie
  21. The best "Head Basher" around, huh? That gives me a lot of insight. LOL My belief is that there are better ways around of having discussions regarding such issues than bashing someone's head in. I'm not sure where you live but where I live there is a head basher on the radio named Tom Likus, who is supposedly the pioneer of relationships and for men to follow his rules of how women are to be treated. He is highly offensive to me. He also talks about other issues outside of women. This is a man that thoroughly enjoys tearing people down and bashing their heads in. He's an older guy, has been through a lot, etc., and he gives his perspective, experiences (I guess his vision) on things which can be highly offensive on how he presents it. He's very very abrasive and extremely harsh in my opinion. I can also be abrasive as most people can and as I'm sure you've seen in that one post I put up. But that abrasiveness was more along the lines of pointing out a head basher's possible motives. I should have made it clear when I posted the first one but unfortunately I didn't. But I later put up other posts saying that the post was only directed to the head bashers and was not addressed to most on this site. And that was my mistake and I should have made that more clear. You know, I don't mind hearing other people's perspectives, experiences, their vision, etc., as long as it is done "respectfully" towards the other person. Honestly, my knowing how these types of people are and it just "might" enlighten me on a few levels, I am hesitant on viewing his statements. The words you use, "best head-bashers" and "the bashing is done with vision" that makes me recoil, big time. For me and the way I see it, the purpose of bashing, there's only one outcome and that is destruction and inflicting pain onto the other person even if it is done with vision. For me, personally I very much shy away from pain and destruction. It's not what I value at all. For me, just that whole thought of "intentionally" inflicting pain onto someone else with or without maliciousness, just doesn't sit well with me. Obviously as you can tell, the whole head-bashing idea is not something I walk into lightly without having my defenses up and questioning their true motives. Is there anyplace else where I can "possibly" be enlightened without someone wanting to bash my head in? Or the questions I should ask you is How does he present it? Is it done respectfully? Or is it done with blatant disrespect? When you walk away from viewing his posts, how do you feel, do you feel good about what he has said or do you feel pain and torn down? I'm just curious and wanting to know before I make a "choice" to view his thoughts. Yes, I'm very much ruled by my mind and I do not say, oh, okay, I'll go in without questioning anything, just blindly walking into a head bashers haven. It's just the whole idea of head basher and this is far from what I value and I recoil from it, big time. Thank you, Paul, for your thoughts and your recommendations. I am hoping you can shed a little more light on the questions above as to how he is, how most people feel when walking away from his posts, etc. Angie
  22. Hi, Paul. I also agree with what you said. I haven't ruled it out with different points of view. And there are a few on here that I do talk with privately that have different points of view than mine, their religious beliefs of all things, etc., and it is intellectually stimulating, their view versus my view. I'm just very picky on who I talk with regarding such issues and how it will benefit me and how it will benefit them. I know these people are not into bashing me over the head or undercutting me. So I haven't ruled it out. It's just I've observed certain people in here that seem to want to invite such bashings and there are certain conversations I would enjoy getting involved with but since I know they "enjoy" the bashings, I would much rather not get involved with it. It's similar to my entertaining the idea of intentionally playing with someone "who enjoys watching someone suffer," and I've known many that are this way. Just that whole idea of even becoming involved with someone that enjoys watching someone suffer makes me sick to my stomach. I don't get off on human suffering at all and is disturbing to witness such people. For me, since it is so revolting to witness, I don't want any part of it. But I agree with what you said. And I don't have a problem listening to other view points and I do follow the conversations on here as well as my own private conversations with those that don't share my same views but they don't bash me over the head and I don't bash them over the head, etc., but the ones I do have a tendency to follow more closely are the ones that help me understand my own values better and they may "show" me a thing or two. Since I haven't browsed the entire site yet, I will check out the posts you recommended. Take care, Angie
  23. After thinking about what I posted, I wanted to clarify something in my post that maybe I didn't convey it right. When I know I can "offer" something to my partner that is pleasurable, it brings me pleasure. The offer of a certain act, for me, is the trade, his pleasure for my pleasure in seeing and knowing that I am able to provide that act which he enjoys. That same act may not be reciprocated at that moment but later on both will benefit in other ways. The overall act of sex is very selfish but the way I am seeing it also, the trader principle is heavily used in all aspects of it. For me, it takes two to tango. I want to please myself but I also want my partner to be happy and satisfied. Who wants a partner that is not happy? I know I don't. For me personally, I want to "share" with my partner my sense of life and my love of it. I want to be happy but I also want the man I am close to, my long term partner to also be happy, to "discover" new things together, etc. When I can "offer" a certain act that he obviously enjoys, it makes me happy that I can provide that to him and vice versa for me. Such a personal subject. But these are just my views of it, my perspective, and my beliefs regarding it. I just wanted to write another post to hopefully convey that idea of mine better just in case it wasn't clear. Angie
  24. Hi, Mike. That was a great excerpt and did give insight. The thing I find interesting with sex is that it very much is the most profound selfish act a person can perform but the trader principle also goes into effect in this situation. She benefits but so does he. You know, sex would really suck the big one if it was performed only for the selfishness of yourself and what you could get out of it only without ever taking into account your partner's pleasure. I mean, what man would want to abstain from the pleasures of a woman performing fellatio. That is a part of the sex act and vice versa for her. It's a trade, your pleasure for mine. The root belief is the same, selfishness, etc. But I think it also has to do with each person's personality and how much they are willing to experiment and try new things. For me, I know in order to keep the relationship going in that respect you have to be playful, willing to experiment and try new things or else it becomes too routine and you expect the same things each time the act comes around. Does that make sense? For me, it's the spice of life to find a new pleasure that is not destructive, that celebrates life, love of it, love of existing, etc., no matter what aspect it is, be it sex, enjoying new food, etc. It's the willingness to try new things to see if it will "add" to your life, to your sense of life, to your values, etc. Sex, it's a two way street. For me and I'm sure it is for most out there, they want to please themselves but they also want to please their partner. You know, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.....trader principle. For me, it's hard to judge it based on one person's experience with them such as in that excerpt and what is described. Each person may have the same value and the root is based on selfishness but I think it depends on the individual person. For me, it is based on selfishness very much but the trader principle comes in on wanting to also please my partner. That's just my perspective of it. I agree with AR very much in regards to sex. But for me, I would also like my partner to be satisfied. The sex act is so private between two people, so profound between two people, they are celebrating life and wanting to experience the pleasures of life, of existing. Plus my knowing that I can offer him something that will be pleasurable brings me pleasure. Does this make sense? I don't know about AR's personal life, especially in that regard. But apparently comments had been made that she was mediocre when it came to bedroom situations. But again, I think everyone is different. For me, we all go in wanting to please ourselves of course, but for me, my partner's happiness also plays into it as does mine which I'm sure most people out there it does. Obviously AR was a very mesmerizing person. And what they shared....obviously they loved each other deeply. Angie
  25. Hi, Paul. I liked your post and I so agree with it. I'm the same way, I don't have a problem listening to someone else's point of view and I invite it because it may give me a new way of "thinking" and then I can draw my own conclusions regarding it. I think my only issue and I've come across this situation a few times on here but in my personal life as well...when you're talking with someone and "sharing" ideas and "sharing values" they bash you over the head for it or they intentionally say something that they know would make you upset. Or they will in a round about way will say something that is undercutting. For me, with these types of people, I've known too many of them in my personal life, it's just best for me to stay away from them. Why would I intentionally stay around them when all they want to do is tear me down? I know I wouldn't stay around them. For me, it doesn't benefit me in any way by sharing ideas or a different perspective of something, if they want to tear me down. Obviously they do not have my best interest in mind, nor do they respect me, nor do they want to exchange the same values. All they want to do is "hurt" me. I also believe in sharing ideas and helping someone else who "shares" the same values to act in their own interest. Which is a reason why I've been putting up those posts to "show" examples of introspection the way it is in AR's book. My benefit and gratification is in the way of knowing I was able to "help" other O'ists that also shares my values and beliefs. I'm hoping that any O'ist interested in it will choose whether or not they want to try it. If they don't, it's no big deal. It's their choice. But for those who do decide to try it, they might enjoy it. I started it when I was really young and it started with introspection on my part and for the most part saw the same things and it was liberating in the way of guilt, fear of what the future brings. You love your life so much. I don't know every aspect of her philosophy and I'm still learning about it myself. For me, my own conclusions and discovering and understanding the world is where it is at, using your own mind to help you understand your environment better and your actions better rather than having someone else tell you what it is and why it is. I enjoy being presented with "new" thinking or a "new" way of looking at something, especially if it helps me understand my own values and actions better as I'm sure some on here I've talked with will know this about me, the mutual exchange of ideas and values. But everyone has their big BUTS. For me, I'll listen to someone else's perspective of it, think about it for myself, draw my own conclusion regarding it, agree with it or not, and then integrate it into my beliefs and I move on. But there still might be an error in knowledge on my part that I may not be aware of at that time. Since being unaware of the error, I don't have the opportunity to correct it. But I've noticed as time goes on and you learn more, those errors are eventually corrected. Well, just as long as you're willing to correct those errors rather than evading it. Does that make sense? But I really liked your post. But if you respond to me, etc., and I don't get back with you for a while, please don't think anything of it. After several weeks of not browsing the site much, I'm trying to get back into it. But unfortunately time has been strained for me with work, my son, and a family tragedy. So if I don't respond for a period of time, I'm not avoiding, etc. It's just I don't have much time. My life is pretty hectic right now. I have a lot of things going on. Today is really my first day of being able to peruse the site again and post a little. Take care, Angie