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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. But will the FBI (and CIA etc.) survive (in the form they are in) this time? Pivoting against Biden so soon after elections seems very much like the ghoul I have described... Will it really depend upon 2024?
  2. Jesus f… I cannot think of a direct movie or literary reference but it’s like this: Ghestappo ghoul yes man mad scientist in the process of killing or torturing a jewish person, puts hands up on liberation forces arrival, on seeing the change in the tide and the identities of his potential overlords he smiles to the Allied commander and proceeds to torture and kill a nearby SS officer boasting that his techniques work equally well on Nazi's and pain and death know no racial boundaries or distinctions… the ghoul will show surprise and incredulity that the new powers that be, want nothing to do with him or his methods.
  3. I know these things are all related... but would it make sense for a more philosophical thread on the Predator Class and Anti-humanism as such? EDIT: Also, I think a new kind of mechanistic atheism i(spurred on by tech and it's cold lifeless wonders) is leading to or enabling a perverse sort of nihilism. I am appalled by ANY public statements expressing anything "positive" related to the deaths of innocent people, or any expression of regret that not more people have died or are dying... etc. It's monstrous, disgusting and evil. Why there is not more "cancelling" of ghouls like that ... or boycotts by the public... I don't know. It's all insanity, hopefully falling on deaf ears... but it is time to SHOUT BACK... and do so EN MASSE.
  4. Nothing groundbreaking, but seeing such a high profile member as Matt Gaetz give a long format interview and say what he does in the way he does, reaching so many people presumably in the so called center, is heartening.
  5. Funeral Canticle (1996) - By John Tavener "Funeral Canticle was written in loving memory of my father. Such was his love of life and people that he constantly surprised us by rallying round when he was thought to be at the point of death. So I wrote this work during the last year of my father's life, in preparation for the interdenominational funeral service that was his wish. My father's funeral was celebrated by Archbishop Gregorios of Thayateira and Great Britain, Archimandrite Father Ephrem and Arch-priest Father Michael Fortunatto, as well as three Pastors from the United Reformed Church, which was the Church of my father's baptism. It was a moving ceremony, with ikons and candles lighting up the church, and, I believe it would have delighted the man who lay in the coffin. Eternal memory - Kenneth." John Tavener I submit that written in 1996 this qualifies as modern...
  6. Will Elon fire staff or better yet release Twitter files across the globe? Imagine what Twitter UK, Twitter Australia, or Twitter Canada have hiding in their little ugly recesses... How about Twitter EU or Twitter France or Germany? what do za bugz say in Switzerland... anyone?
  7. Deal? How do you strike a deal with those who have no scruples dishonouring it when it serves them? I suspect they are not so naive as to peruse any deal… they are waiting to deliver an Ultimatum, “we will vote to thwart you if you don’t do X, we’ve shown you we can and will stand firm.” They are waiting until they’ve had a chance to tell him that face to face… in a so called negotiation. Once point is made… they will proceed. EDIT: heck they might actually hold out for someone else!
  8. We know that creating a laser or a supercomputer or a rocket is a generally uncomplex, localized, predictable endeavor. We also know that the audacity and hubris that comes with those who are willing to positively tinker with the working of the biosphere, human or other DNA, create new manmade life or viruses, with the highly flawed view that they can be and remain in control... are completely mistaken. Nothing could be more complex, non-local and unpredictable (especially if leaked into the environment)... and the potential consequences are both long-term and catastrophic to who knows how many human individuals in the future. There is a reason we traditionally proceeded in any similar area with caution... There is that saying... a little knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance... is true in the sense that as flawed beings sometimes unearned complacency arrives much too soon when in fact we have so much more to learn... and one lesson (possibly learned too late) that we, cannot in reality control everything... and should never hope to. THAT is what I know.
  9. Anyone care to estimate how many of the holdouts are legit and how many are RINOs? If the legit ones cause enough delay, inconvenience, and show enough brinkmanship they will have shown their resolve and house RINOs will know the hardcoire element can't be pushed around. Maybe they are simply awaiting some attempt from the others at compromise/dealing? In other words the message is, if you want to do anything you need us on board? EDIT: watching another vote live now...
  10. We really need a laughing reaction but in lieu I will use a smile.
  11. OK... MAGA is not large enough .. does not have a big enough majority within the Republican party to simply pick their own and rally support. OK 8 was too young... I suppose once all is said and done we can analyze who did what and why... but I am having a tough time deciding who to root for and why...during all this!
  12. So what exactly IS going on here? Jim Jordan and Trump are publicly supporting McCarthy Geatz nominates JJ, and the holdouts (or some of them?) are RINOs pretending to be hardcore MAGA but in with the predator class? Pretend I'm an 8 year old... GO.
  13. I'm not sure I get the use of this vernacular. When Peikoff says "infinite regress"... he means it.. and it's almost always 100 percent apropo. This fallacy of course is different from circular reasoning because for that there is self-reliance i.e. repetition rather than infinite and continual fabrication of reasons required for infinite regress. When Viva Frei and others say "turtles"... I suppose it's like shrugging and saying "who is John Galt?" But in the end, the conceptual claim is not that an infinite regress is implied, only that one has to "dig really deep" to find the truth, no? Real Turtles would really imply there is no truth, yes? Can someone help me out?
  14. You are very welcome! PS The new "termage" I've coined is not Socialization it's Socialist "ization" ... Socialistization!
  15. OK what is going on here? Is McCarthy a swamp creature or not?
  16. The Authoritarians in Canada have it figured out. You do not hack electronic tallies, you don’t rig election tabulators counters or machines (I think votes in Canada are paper and counted by hand) you don’t even fake forge or fraud (yep I’m using it as a verb) individual ballots… these all can be inspected and potentially rectified you gotta look at the weakest point in the system… after decades of Socialistization (yep I’m making up a word there) it’s the soft mushy grey stuff that’s the weakest link. Indoctrination through public schools, fear mongering and belittling of individuality and ideas of freedom, pushing the ideas of commune and social medicare etc. …. you see they directly hack the people into sheeple and get votes for more authoritarianism… the motto of Canada is the opposite of the venerable and noble phrase “Live free or die!”, it’s “Govern me harder daddy”
  17. Musk will really need to rename the reformed platform. The brand is an unworkable mess with too many associations with corruption and evil methinks.
  18. What is a dem alligator? Is that the same as a Swamp RINO? EDIT: Oops he's a real Democrat!
  19. Pasty white elder technocrat cabal wants to take on Brazil as well as America? Poor old f#(kers…
  20. Meanwhile, I could only find one youtube video of his real announcement… Forbes Breaking News … and the title was off point… something about Trump “reacting” to twitter… G damn … 5d chess also includes demonstrating in your face silence of censorship and shadow banning of the very campaign promises/announcement about Free Speech !!
  21. In the spirit of the benevolence of this holiday season I have a gift for you all, it is the form of this recommendation: READ THE GOLDEN AGE TRILOGY BY JOHN C. WRIGHT YOU WILL COME TO LOVE, REMEMBER, AND CHERISH IT AS ONE OF THE BEST WORKS OF FICTION YOU HAVE EVER READ. For me it is easily in the top 5. Do with this gift as you will... but I hope you accept and act on it!
  22. Doxxing should f'n be illegal. It's essentially a threat and incitement to assault at worst and a gross invasion of privacy at best.
  23. and what legitimizes the particular persons of those judges and any and all officials purportedly acting for the people to uphold the Constitution? What gives the judge the standing to tell a citizen he has no standing in the appointment of persons to the government? If citizens have no standing, all "appointed" officials by any procedure, including the judge himself, are illegitimate....