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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. Agreed… horrible, deadly, sickly, organic, harbinger of oblivion… a vile evil negligent and/or arrogant lab mistake… and an equally flawed attempt at a solution. The rubbery plaques are death and villainy… they need not be anything like steel to be important… and horrible.
  2. My experience tells me that they may be mistaken, they may be lying, or they have discovered a wonder material the likes of which we have not ever discovered... flexible like rubber and yet as strong as steel. Think of how many ecoterrorist blades can be foiled, that is, when they try to slash SUV tires made of this stuff...
  3. This will revolutionize materials science, engineering, and manufacturing across a wide range of industries and applications. Once we determine the secret to the structure and make-up of this wonder substance hopefully we can create it outside of human beings.
  4. I think this story as well as the "harder than steel" story about clotting are somewhat... far fetched. Trace amounts of various substances can be bad for you but rarely do even slightly more than trace amounts of anything have the ability to act as a strong pigment. Even if pure poison were black as ink... it would kill long before it would make milk even look even a wee bit grey.
  5. A dictator talking about others who clearly wish to emulate and surpass him in dictatoriness… great.
  6. I think it is clear now more than ever that the work Trump started needs to be finished and completed to its logical conclusion. The US needs to be self reliant, self sufficient, independent in every sense of the word if it is to protect the Constitutional rights of its individual citizens. As the only country which once held the moral promise of true freedom, it MUST become now a hermit State dealing with externals only on the most discerning and beneficial terms. That includes all so called global systems and institutions, all pacts with foreign nations… all of it. The world is full of tyrants, socialists, oligarchs, technocrats, communists, ecoterrorists, misanthropes, thoroughly corrupt bankers…. i.e. rife with authoritarianism and hatred for humanity. Freedom cannot stay in bed with ANY of these. US needs to become primarily a domestic nation which cautiously trades with any non domestic entity… it and its purpose “the people” must come first in order for freedom to survive. First and foremost it needs to separate economically…. by any means necessary.
  7. I’m telling you… if ever there were a backwater “western democracy” poser it would be Canada… and if ever there were a place where vaccines would be mishandled, badly mixed, not refrigerated or i’ll gotten from a bad supplier… it would be the socialist medicare system of that country. Again there is some kind of geographical signal here… and it stinks of socialist nepotism corruption and incompetence.
  8. The left… with its authoritarian flavor has always indulged in a sort of collective cult of personality. It mattered more who the “Great Revolutionary Leader” was, than the kind of life he promised. This appeals to people who tend to want someone to follow, and someone to tell them what to do. So we are now seeing a desperate attack on the person, the literal straw man, instead of a repudiation of the ideas behind his popularity. Will it be successful? The play from the left and the predator class is premised on the idea that the mixed economy populist or more importantly “centrist” or “independent” types are ALSO somewhat of a cult of personality…( at first blush the invocation of the person as the movement would tend to bear our such a premise. )But although the person himself may have tapped into such a mechanism, I think there are large swathes of principled people or at least people with a strong enough sense of life for freedom who see that the person is not someone to follow but a standard bearer of a certain kind of promised life around whom to rally. l can only hope centrists and independents as well as freedom lovers are smart enough to vote based on policy and not personality… and see the strawman attack for what it is.
  9. I would like to know why this appears… only to be happening in a smallish geographical area. I wonder what is at play … the deaths and their locale and their appearance as such … mostly only there. One would expect this to be more global… unless there is some shoddy product or negligent storage or other problem… barring foul play that is.
  10. When I removed some of the siding I saw that the planking was browned and soft in places, there were holes and ants and termites. When I removed some of the planking I saw that the studs were dark, moist and spongy and brittle in places, there were small gaps and the nails were rusted. When I removed some of the studs I saw that the large beams everywhere had turned black riddled with gaps and missing whole sections, the remnant of the wood itself was riddled with all vermin and fell away as moist rancid dust at the lightest touch. I wondered at how the once robust and solid structure smelling so strongly of sap could have come to such a state. For all it appeared a house, a home a foundation from which all our joys could spring it had sat in its own filth and corruption, rotting literally from the inside while we all swept its floors, lovingly painted its shutters, slept in its apparently nurturing embrace. Twas indeed not the house nor the foundation upon which it was built… ‘Twas the wood which was its downfall… it was infected at its heart from the very start.
  11. Michael, surely you need not be so "foggy", what do you suspect is the significance of these tweets? What do they mean to you for you to post them?
  12. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I'll have to check out that Dragonslayers book one day.
  13. How does a person of principle oppose those with no principles? Was John Galt the hero or just the pencil pusher… the Poindexter to the Nordic Warrior Poet of Ragnar Danneskjold? What makes what happened in Venezuela impossible in America?
  14. My suspicion is that you will not get the kind of "detail" or "content" you may be looking for. Under-explored area is an understatement. I mean the title of the talk itself is mechanistic, biological, inhuman. "Reproduction?" Meaaah, what ARE the ethics of the biomechanics of the elbow? meahh... No. Humans have societies, culture, FAMILIES... these are the root and base of humanity, its nurturing soil, in which free individuals flourish, and which they experience and enrich, with rationality of each a flourish and a quality check on the experience of being. Inasmuch as we are more than a plucked chicken, (featherless biped) we are far more than simpliciter "rational animal". A psychologist like Nathaniel Branden was always in a better place to understand this. A psychologist who understands families, cultures, societies, evolutionary biology, and the psyche of humans (far deeper than 2+2=4) would be in an even better place. It seems that the so-called "Objectivist" purist, the sanitation agents and gate keepers of the Objectivist movement (who tend to lean towards over-simplistic academic rationalism) overstate and overextend the philosophy of Objectivism beyond its proper fundamentals, apply supposed corollaries or supposed logically necessary implications of its proponents (and even Rand herself) as though they were the canons of the philosophy proper, (rather than specific instances of their application which they are).. which serves to sterilize the vitality and richness of the life which is the birthright of every human. The effect of these sanitation agents, the gatekeepers of purity, is not to inform the richness of human life with the core metaphysics, ethics, and politics, but to neuter humanity of every individual at its very root. IMHO NOW thank goodness for the likes of MSK.. who tend to define the philosophy as residing within its proper sphere, and to properly distinguish between it and its application/implications. I myself have learned a thing or too from that man. Maybe it's time for someone to write a book about how being a human being participating in a society with culture and a family can benefit from Objectivism (rather than suffer)? any takers? Kelly? Kelly?
  15. The logical error of "community" or "public" health is that its policies are not for any one, they are "statistically" only ever for the group. A public health official (even when a so-called "doctor") will never act in your interest... According to the logic of Public Health, Russian Roulette, with a sufficient number of chambers, eventually becomes "safe", I mean ONLY so many will die....the group will survive.... but for an individual, it will ALWAYS be risky. Too bad if you happen to be that chump with the particular DNA, functioning, structure, habits, or hobbies etc. which makes you particularly vulnerable to DEATH.
  16. Hmmm... has the CCP released the spike factor trigger compounds in Canada as a trial run?... I wonder... seems to be working. [I'm totally joking... ... almost]
  17. Twitter ban this guy yet? Holding breath... hoping not to suffocate.
  18. He's poking Garland big time too... directly and personally such that one feels Bannon is no longer talking to us his audience ... he's goading Garland and we are just the witnesses... I wonder what kind of response or action he is trying to provoke...
  19. Two questions for you, 1. Must FBI agents always have the big guns out when they conduct any and all business? 2. Is executing a warrant for something anything like asking whether a person wants to cooperate with respect to that something? Actually 3 Wheres the horseshit? Edit: Almost exactly the same picture is used in several legacy media outlets’ coverage of the story, including USA today and NYT…
  20. Ha. Well now you need not speak of yourself if you are too humble.. I would be interested in your reaction to my answer re. the silence from O-land, and of course I'm also interested in your ideas on the subject.
  21. IMHO Objectivism usually attracts intelligent but wandering folk... ones who may have been raised religiously whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or Marxist (mixed economy progressive types). Its foundation in rationality is attractive to thinkers and its ethic's non-reliance on mysticism and/or subjectivism is something which appeals to individuals with a stronger sense of self or independence. Oddly enough, even though the normies (non-O'ists .. not necessarily "normal" whatever that might mean) are composed of many people who hold false dichotomies, false idols, and false categorizations/classes and the like, and it seems that O'ists being socially adrift still tend to tribally align according to those false societal structures while playing at being individualistic. The biggest false alignment is with "intelligent people" who are "socially respectable" and do not resort to "extreme" uncivil behavior, verbally or physically. Normies (non-O'ists) in this group ARE the elites (or the intellectuals who are their followers) who look down at hard working people with lower so-called social standing. Through this group the predator class exerts and enjoys its power, and often recruits and keeps people (intelligent or not) loyal (among other methods) by the false straw man "package-deal" of pointing at and lumping of "conservatives" into a single basket of uneducated, ignorant, hick, gun-toting freedom-lovers - thereby associating a strong sense of individualism and rights with so called "deplorables". Many intelligentsia O'land types, already susceptible to leaning toward rationalism and idolatry of intelligence, cannot help but be mildly repulsed by conservative basic freedom loving people, because of their predominantly religious make-up. It so happen that these are are the overwhelming majority of people CHOOSING that they will not be enslaved. Rather than embrace them, pat them on the back and shake their hand and say with a smile of conviction "I know. This struggle is also mine, for my life." they would rather shift from one foot to another reciting Rand quotes, attempt to form some new deductive syllogism, or condescendingly tell the person that although their aims of freedom and individualism are in the main correct, the foundation upon which they base their choice "not to be enslaved" is flawed and their methods of pursuing it, therefore ,invalid... etc.... blah blah blah [Don't get me wrong, there are some O'ists who lionize the rugged individualism of a hard working trustworthy pioneer as a sort of moral epitome... and I count myself among their number, notwithstanding my educational and professional experience.] So are O'ists snobs? Are O'ists just out of touch intellectuals? Are O'ists cowards? Most of the "outside" tribe i.e. intellectuals (NOT ALL) are these things.. and although O'ists try not to fall into those same traps they sometimes do ... IMHO many wind up just "playing" at a philosophy of life, as a sports fan might "support" a local favorite team... and play fantasy football... discussions of the so called trolley "problem", is just that posers playing "fantasy football" A philosopher who studies a philosophy, even one who proclaims one is correct, and THINKS it is rarely the same as a HUMAN BEING who LIVES IN and BY that philosophy, who has is it in his BONES and need not think nor debate with himself any longer... or perhaps never needed to. The silence you note, speaks volumes about the psychology, sense of life... the very FUNDAMENTAL character of those you do not hear... It goes without saying... thank the stars for MSK.