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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. The problems are more with the general public's overestimation of AI and what it can do than with the AI itself, even if programmed neutrally. EDIT: The level of significance or authority attached to any answer, decision, or functioning, i.e. the reliance and trust in it, is the biggest potential problem. First AI does not and cannot actually think. It "learns" from what it is fed whether or not it is correct or is logically consistent. If it is fed 90% flawed material, 9.99999999 % normal relatively accurate material, and then in one paper or book given all the keys to logic and conceptualization ... it will completely ignore the one paper, and "parrot" the patterns from the pathways that have been burned into it from the overwhelmingly flawed stuff. In fact it could not understand the one paper and has not been programmed to do so... AI is amplification of patterns, a glorified parrot... this is not thinking by any stretch. AI will become political and flawed, even more so than humans, based on what it is fed, i.e. who feeds it. Finger pointing will continue and these chatter boxes will just contribute more gibberish into and out of the various echo chambers.
  2. A thought on mass extinction resulting from drastic and rapid climate change.. Adaptation will be most difficult for those species particularly well adapted to the specific current conditions and likely could not change quick enough if there is rapid and drastic change. I think any mass extinction of those well adapted species will be a great opportunity for less well adapted species to shake things up and establish a new creaturearchy… the more everything is brought low the more diversity and the greater chances for the disenfranchised species. Some species should be rooting for us to burn it all down and start over… down with the established evolutionary hierarchy! Only conservatives, traditionalists and those already in power want to keep the status quo! Bring on climate change!
  3. I always have mixed feelings about such resignations. Although it shows the courage and integrity of the individual it also is a harbinger of further corruption of the institution. As good men leave, worse men and yes men fill the vacancies. One can only hope that the institution fails… otherwise we can expect the spectre of a new organized threat to rear it’s disgusting head. Imagine if this were something orchestrated to restore “balance” after the deep state loss of twitter… PV would slowly and surely fill up with lefties, engaged in targeting conservatives under the guise of journalism, taking orders from the Thing. All those leftie twitter employees and leftie twitter addicts of the past may have found a new home.
  4. Um wow. Laughing and cringing so hard at once. Tribalist thinking at its "best" no matter how you slice this.. that's the problem with collectivist- tribalist infighting ... it produces nothing but more collectivism and tribalism. The mind viruses just spread and spread, how the heck do you introduce the mind cure? EDIT: I can imagine a "feminist" making similar tribalist arguments, and citing statistics, to encourage all women to just really stay away from all men... Groupthink really is the Statists' way of dividing and conquering.
  5. Is all the attention on WEF in altmedia and by some politicians a bit of a misdirect? Assuming the Deep State is simply collusion between state and extra-state players to capture power, is not the US govt and US based oligarchy, which have been progressively overseeing international global institutions and corporations the ones behind the push toward global totalitarianism? Do the geeky evil Nazi cultural descendants really hold much of the power behind the Thing?
  6. If only to tear it all down and start from scratch and with no assessment whatsoever of what portions may or may not be true or constitute valuable knowledge in those books...
  7. A Thinker would “check her premises” just as Rand would urge, while a so-called Critical thinker would burn books like the Nazis.
  8. Michael, I just quoted your post from Nov. 27, 2022 using the quote button. Apparently, this is exactly what appears when someone quotes you quoting yourself...
  9. Central distribution is not the only way, certainly not only government owned infrastructure. With agreed to industry standards wireless and cellular communications have not needed to be nationalized. If markets are set free I have every belief alternatives to central management and monopoly (govt) will become available I think electric vehicles one day (prior to technology allowing reasonable recharge times) should have accessible (with appropriate security) battery packs which are standard. A robot refueler ( at a refueling station) would do a diagnostic test on a set (reasonable) number of a vehicles battery packs and any of them are weak and qualifies otherwise as in good condition they is simply swapped with fully charged battery packs. The discharged pack would go into a queue while being recharged…. ownership of these units could be structured as rented from an energy providing consortium or some such…. anyhow we need to be careful of ruling things can only be done one way because we simply don’t think of alternatives which a free market often could provide.
  10. No typo. Category E, doesn't seem like Socialism to me. It's a part of a mixed economy system. As such.. Trump's position is conceptually speaking not so notable. Am I wrong? No Ad Hominem, but didn't Peikoff himself distinguish between Socialism and a mixed economic system?
  11. Healthcare systems can be State run, quasi-state run, or completely private, as a system. A completely "free market system" would still be a system. So I see Trump's words as giving no indication of his reference to Medicare or Social Security as socialism... but I see no real problems with that. There must be a way to address the difference between: A) regulation and complete control of a government offered system in a particular sphere with no freedom to provide or receive the same products/services privately: effectively nationalization of an entire sector B) heavy regulation and control (quasi nationalization) of all goods and services associated with a particular sphere.. making it a state run scheme with essentially state actors, beacure so-called private actors are under the thumb of government C) regulation and complete control of a government offered system in a particular sphere but with relatively unregulated freedom for private providers and consumers to trade - BUT with no tax rebates for those who do not participate in the government system D) regulation and complete control of a government offered system in a particular sphere but with relatively unregulated freedom of private providers and consumers to trade - with tax rebates for those who do not participate in the government system E) mere "redistribution" of wealth for some to gain "access" to certain kinds of products/services entirely provided in a relatively unregulated sphere of the free market. I would place Socialism mostly in categories A-C, (and only perhaps partly in D) but not E. D and E of course are part of a mixed economy system and stem from an emotional tendency toward communitarianism or socialism. Such sentimentality is aimed at so called "redistribution" of some wealth in a free system, without wholly undermining what that wealth or the free system are, i.e. without overbearing and overarching control or the "breaking into obedience" of either (which would occur in category A). From what I understand Medicare or Medicaid and Social Security, as originally conceived, and as correctly construed, fell (and should fall) into category E, and thus is not Socialism, even if it is not free market capitalism... right?
  12. Why the hell are people talking about WW3 anyway? I would be happy with calling it CW2, at least until it becomes hot.
  13. It's as though Seddon is conceiving of an axiom as a law of nature, something intrinsic to the universe... forgetting that it is technically an abstraction, i.e. that which you must take as a given in the exercise. He's somehow forgotten that literally the study of philosophy, must start with "study" as a given... otherwise you cannot start at all. Edit: "Study" necessitates the "studied" and the "studier", consciousness and existence, which together are the bread, and identity is the juicy good stuff in the middle exhibiting and bringing forth all that tasty non-contradiction-ness.
  14. Ok this is my comment You speak of the mixed economy and the historical accident of certain legal regimes and the so-called justifications thereof as some kind of basis for a discussion regarding principle. I do not believe that is a valid position. I cannot disagree that those are the things that are, and that there are purported justifications. I do not believe there is any proper prescriptive justification for any public health system.... nor any public education system, nor any public food system, or public hair cutting system, nor any public sanitation system for that matter! I'd be happy with a justice system, a military, and a police force... and an administration to uphold all in line with a proper constitution protecting individual rights. Why don't I want public sanitation? Well, let's start with what I do want. I want the courts to make sure no one throws shit in my backyard. I also want the courts to make sure no one surrounds my house with shit so that I cannot use and enjoy the property I own. I also want courts to respect my street's owner's rights to not have shit dumped on their property, which would incur them costs, which would incur more costs for me as a user of that street. I'd also want to ensure the rights of shit-shipping companies to deal with my neighbor and provide services so that my yard, my street and my nose are shit free. Now, shit IS, and just as there is no free food to make it, there is no free shit-shipping. Any amount of work or infrastructure, any amount of energy spent to maintain and operate any system is expended by someone. I want courts to ensure no one is enslaved in the shipping of shit, but that traders in a free market provide services. Owners, renters, and service providers are free to move, switch markets raise or lower prices etc. Some central planner, in devising HIS version of what sanitation should be will come up with a system which incurs coercion. That is not what I want. Why don't I want public health? Because we need the sanctity of the personal individual relationship between doctor and the patient, the medical services and the customer, to be free from any other consideration than the health and welfare of that person. Any central planning will inevitably screw that up... someone will be sacrificed for statistics, not that someone will die in some natural organic or accidental way, someone will be killed specifically because of the design of that system, some cog or wheel designed to use up a little human "lubricant". So... for substantially the same reasons I do not want a public anything (except for police, justice system and military)
  15. If this is indicative of the clarity of the ideas you hold in your mind, I regret ever having asked you a question.
  16. Geez, you had me fooled for a bit there! lol I’ve always been more familiar with Braveheart and the use of “clan” in that context than any use of that term in the deep south… at first I had no idea.. man your “what triggers lefties” senses are sharp!
  17. Urging is not coercion, one attempts at persuasion the other is initiation of force. "Acceptance" is more an indication of obedience which is unrelated to principles. If someone has symptoms of leprosy and reasonably should have known they have it then knowingly exposing others to themselves is negligent. Civil torts likely apply here. Spitting leprosy in someone's eye, however, is likely criminal assault, with intent to harm. The previous are a random grab bag of statements... because that is all I got when I asked a few direct questions. "public health" ... what it that?
  18. "The Clansman" Wake alone in the hills With the wind in your face It feels good to be proud And be free and a race that is part of a clan To live on highlands With the air that you breathe So pure and so clean When alone on the hills With the wind in your hair With a longing to feel Just to be free Is it right to believe In the need to be free It's a time when you die And without asking why Can't you see what they do They are grinding us down They are taking our land That belongs to the clans Not alone with a dream Just a want to be free With a need to belong I am a clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom It's a time wrought with fear It's a land wrought with change Ancestors could hear what is happening now They would turn in their graves They would all be ashamed That the land of the free has written in chains And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman And I swear to defend I will fight to the end And I swear that I'll never be taken alive And I know that we'll stand We'll fight for a land And I swear that my bairns Will be born free And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what I want I am the clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom No, no we can't let them take anymore No we can't let them take anymore We're the land of the free No, no we can't let them take anymore No we can't let them take anymore We're the land of the free No, no we can't let them take anymore No we can't let them take anymore No we can't let them take anymore We're the land of the free Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Is it right to believe In the need to be free It's a time when you die And without asking why Can't you see what they do They are grinding us down They are taking our land That belongs to the clans Not alone with a dream Just a want to be free With a need to belong I am a clansman And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman
  19. What is "public health" as distinguished from personal health? On what principled grounds (according to an Objectivist) would one want such a thing (as opposed to personal health)?
  20. An interjection, one I hope, apropo... Predatory Power It is not money. No matter how rich in resources no person exceeds the total wealth of resources and potential productivity of all others. One cannot buy souls from those who do not sell them. It is not strength and sinew. The greatest warrior is a mote of dust if the countless millions set upon him. It is not intelligence or knowledge. The mind of a solitary schemer is impotent without action. How is it little weaklings and paupers with mediocre IQ can and have repeatedly "arisen" to oppress and kill thousands and millions in modern history? Predatory Power is having instilled in each person beliefs about what everyone else will think or do, if that person tries to "disobey"... that they are alone (or in too few numbers) if they are inclined to rebel, that everyone else will stand against them. Start with a small circle, a small group, a small tribe or cult, keep those who tend to obedience and fear, reject the others, expand the circle...fear, division, narrative, ... evasion, rinse and repeat.
  21. Stupid son of a B, he should’ve known that particular ipad meant nothing in this operation… and that trying to destroy it or have any physical encounter with anyone there was potentially in this context deadly not because of anyone of Veritas, but b/c of the slight possibility of spending ANY time behind bars… The last place he wants to be is on a layover stop behind Epstein and MCAffee… stupid sonovaB
  22. But water lilies do not make good impersonations of what cactuses and roses look like to other water lilies... I suppose they could glue little thorns on themselves and tape little swastikas on their petals... that should fool the other lilies.