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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. Please explain what you really mean... misunderstanding is VERY possible when you use terms like "King".
  2. I see here, in contrast to so many others, someone who knows and understands... and much more markedly in contrast, someone who is NOT a coward.
  3. Look lively Peter... stay sharp. Marc said nothing about serving three terms. He is making an astute (albeit in some circles debatable) observation based on essentials. Observe, an election IS an act "BY the people" to choose its government, not the act of conducting a survey by their overlords to keep the peace and keep up appearances. The casting of votes by citizens authorized to do so IS the election and the winner and loser of that are IN those votes, the ACT of VOTING BY THE PEOPLE is the ACT of CHOOSING (i.e. ELECTING). The "facts" (as per Marc) are that the D won two elections, (i.e. the people CHOSE him twice), and is running for a third. It matters not that a number of powerful and influential people were able to fabricate a situation which led half the nation (or maybe less?.. or maybe more) to believe otherwise.
  4. That notablog link gave me a blue screen of death. Be careful about the link. Trying to scan my machine for problems.
  5. Myocardial Injury after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination One in 35
  6. No apologies necessary. I would ask: If based on your perceptual apparatus and including valid general premises, you have heard and seen enough to make a wide integration based on them are you not valid to take it as a working conclusion? Indeed, if there is some evidence (possibly circumstantial) then you have every right to say something is possible... more evidence... then plausible, more then likely, then more likely than not likely..etc., no? The error with those who have swallowed the term "conspiracy theory" as it was fed to them (I can't recall who coined it first but ... it was not unmotivated) is that they focus on the particular subject matter or conclusion of the wide integration from percepts, i.e. WHAT has been concluded from them, and raised that above the percepts and the process... to the point that in and of itself it stands as evidence for or against that conclusion. [The propaganda narrative word twisting machine has succeeded in creating a shield for any group or association of people to use against suspicion of their wrongdoing... "what us conspiring? that just proves you're nuts"] The fallacious argument goes something like this: Sure, perceptual evidence and wide integrations are fine, but if they give rise to a suspicion that people are conspiring actively or passively or acting in concert due to incentive structures (or in any other way) that CONCLUSION itself brings into question the wide body of evidence and your process in bringing it all together. Here they are not saying they have other evidence to rebut your conclusion, they make the bald assertion that any conclusion which theorizes a conspiracy is invalid. Implicitly, hell, explicitly, this requires the bald assertion that people never conspire, which is patently and laughably false. Nothing is closer to "begging the question", rationalizing a preheld unmovable conclusion, dogma, or as you say pure gnosticism, than the idea that BECAUSE you have arrived at a particular kind of conclusion THAT invalidates it.
  7. Hehe you may have made a wee typo with the title of the thread. An "Anti-Human-Trafficking Movie" is a movie which is anti or contra [Human-Trafficking] But an "Anti-Human Trafficking Movie" could be a movie about trafficking which is antihuman!! I do love the content of your post!
  8. Whether you like the orange man or not, the DTP is literally a turning point in history, and that's no mistake.
  9. BDTP - Movies were slowly and tentatively getting "progressive", and globalism and socialism were progressing slowly and tentatively. ADTP - Within a few short years movies have gone batshit crazy... and the world, and practically everything in it (in the public sphere), has gone batshit crazy. DT and the DTP kicked the bees' nest. ... BDTP - Before Donald Trump Presidency ADTP - After Donald Trump Presidency
  10. Some if not most of it may be due to the ever popular envy of billionaires harbored by those who need to blame their unhappiness on others' successes.
  11. Does anyone here have DailyWire+? Just wondering how much more of that video exists.
  12. What IS "Russia"? What IS "Ukraine"? A geographic region? A culture? A society? A people? Each and every person? Certain people in control or under control? Who here is attributing "evil" to that which you identify AS "Ukraine" or "Russia"? Is it a valid attribution given your identifications? Certainly there are individuals in this complicated context whose specific actions are evil, but your statement, whether genuine, rhetorical, Socratic, or Sarcastic, "Russia is evil for invading Ukraine, and correspondingly, Ukraine is evil for being invaded" is irrational, and NOT for the reason you assume or intended.
  13. I think a puzzle piece just snapped in place into why Governments are dumping so much funding into Quantum Computers which are as of yet unproven in terms of their general usefulness…. the arms race is between freedom or domination.
  14. AI will one day be the new Wizard of Oz, and behind the contraption will be the men pulling the levers (although not so well intentioned or good natured as that man from the movie).. it will be the new God (and a new "The Science") making pronouncements for the faithless plebs and the self-respecting "believers in science" to follow. That path, the virtue signalled "right", God-given, absolute and correct set of choices, will be the yellow brick freeway... the key to everything from our new God who will save us from all the multiplying crises. For now, the bricks are being laid by many of our mortal Utopian and Malthusian types.. a mere "road" to join up with the freeway once that begins. I'd like anyone who sees the bricks being laid, perhaps manmade crises, both fictional (false flag), and ecoterrorist based (wildfire arson? bombings?) as well as new virtue signalling or movements etc, (celebrity or corporation based) to feel free to identify them here. As mentioned in other posts, the predator class is really a collection of groups all vying cooperatively and competitively for power. I want to focus on that part which consists of Utopians and Malthusians... tyrants of a socialist, environmentalist bent, who are in it, not for personal gain, but for some Malthusian, Imagined Crisis driven vision, which eschews freedom and individual rights for some hippy kumbaya commune... and are willing to achieve it at any cost... any amount of suffering, starvation and death no matter how much. My First Brick: The WHO its supporters of a certain type, and it's slow morphing into a World Crises Organization: We have seen global power foisted on western nations with crises as the justification, loss of sovereignty which means loss of individual rights in those nations. Soon in addition to pandemic lockdowns and handing over sovereignty to the WHO because "disease"... there will be a kind of World ECO Organization (or straight up World Crises Organization) which will enforce the same kinds of tyranny in the name of dealing with other crises and legitimized by the handing over of sovereignty by nations.... regardless of whether the people in those nations consented or not.
  15. Even some Dems from the past were awakened. PS The Thing has contorted the word “conspiracy” from a word referring to evil coordinated conduct to a smear word labelling the “fool” who would dare suspect such a thing from anyone…. The Thing has also preempted the term “woke” so that we plebs could not use it to identify the real awakening … one to the unspoken coordinated behavioural conspiracy…
  16. Of course! America has no king and needs no king. I find it utterly baffling though, that people can become so arrogant as to think they can act like rulers over others with no consequences... the lessons of history should not be forgotten, especially by would be utopians and aspiring tyrants alike.
  17. How will King Charles react to -not being able to fly -having to build with clay -not being able to buy shipped goods or ship goods?
  18. I cane tell if Steve be smilin' er smirkin'... mane I hate watchin peeps be doin they mind games... spessly without no common-taytuh doin a play-by-play!
  19. It's a play.... the ultimate conspiracy porn... a sword for the alt-media/right to jump on... and die to the ridicule of all. I hope, and pray, we are seeing a head fake... by Tucker, Bannon, and Alex... to make them think the bait has been taken... what the plan is from there ... as you say, we'll see. Trump IS doing the right thing right now.
  20. Not to take anything away from Mr. Jones' thunder, I've been musing about Tucker... Perhaps he is testing Twitter and Musk... and the new CEO. [Edit: and also tried his darndest to get the view numbers through the roof... which he did.]
  21. We don't want no shitcoin. Has anyone made any estimates as to whether or when Bitcoin could be hacked or compromised? How long term is it really ?
  22. Technically speaking there would be no reason why a competitor “money” could not start up, one which works using the same principles and methods as bitcoin. I gather no one has set out to do this yet?
  23. Naw.. Ima double down on my post.. Tucker said: "Revealed" "Clear he was telling the truth" and "actually real" WAY too much naivete or bluster or both.
  24. Not too happy with the way he broached the "aliens" bit... his presentation (whether intended or not) emphasized "aliens" rather than "media suppression". He should put on the Sherlock Holmes hat and ask what should happen in a world with truly free press, one that is meant to inform individuals, and having no other purpose? Surely there would be more stories about this person's claims, pieces looking into his credibility, following up on corroborating or non-corroborating sources, maybe even ridiculing him in fluff pieces, "Sparky gets a doghouse outfitted with solar panels, and in other news man claiming to be whistleblower cries out ... Aliens!" Instead, the tone, or line of reasoning, or emphasis ... panders to the less than admirable parts of all of us, prone to alarmism, prone to non-critical thinking, prone to Disney Epistemology (or QM Epistemology for that matter) if you or Walt Disney can imagine it, it's possible.... i.e. this stuff is possible oh ... BTW AND it is being ignored... suppressed.. on purpose. A clear and proper statement is that this is likely false and not possible, but this guy speaking out IS a story... perhaps a BIG one, even if you think it funny or sad... and the media's role is not to suppress or police information.... a truly free press WOULD NOT suppress and police information.... ergo... currently the legacy media IS NOT an example of free press in a free society.