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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. That other series is quite different... very voluminous, and I can't bring myself to recommend it highly, although it might be worth it to some.
  2. It's more about magnification, frequency, and intensity but still "focus" is a nice general term. Individual "spots" do not correspond to "time" Imagine, we "get" all the radiation that arrives in a "patch", and in that patch is light from all the different distances and from as far back in time (light has a finite speed) as is in there. The frequencies shift towards the lower end of the spectrum during the journey so "focusing" involves frequency. Also similar sized objects are similar no matter where (when) we find them... e.g. a galaxy 8 billion light years away which was the same size as a galaxy 4 billion light years away will appear much smaller... so to see it properly requires more magnification. There is also reduction in intensity of radiation we receive (energy is spreading out in all directions)... so area of collection (and exposure time) are important. So we will only see those objects as far away (as far back in time) as we can "resolve" them, in frequency, focus, and intensity... the rest will be tiny bits of unresolved dark fuzz, possibly in lower frequencies, but its still all there, whether we "see" it or not.
  3. Hi All: I'm posting here because there does not seem to be a spot for general "Book Recommendations" or "Book Reviews" or "Literature"... (and books don't fit in "Movies and Ent." or "Music") I HIGHLY recommend the trilogy of books by John C. Wright about the far future, referred to as the Golden Age trilogy or The Golden Oecumene: The Golden Age The Phoenix Exultant The Golden Transcendence They really read as a single work, but was split up for publishing/sales. The work is as close to a Masterpiece as Sci-Fi gets and fits very nicely with the O'ist sense of life IMHO. I have read it four times in the last fifteen years. It gets better every time. If any of you enjoy Sci-Fi, or far future space opera type literature, with a heavy does of O'ist sentiments, I highly recommend this work, in fact I will say your life would be poorer for not having read it. I STRONGLY suggest you AVOID SPOILERS, and dive in with an open and very fresh mind (his vision can tax the neurons). Most sincerely, SL PS: Please feel free to let me know what you think of the books if you have the chance to read them!
  4. Ok , so is it fair to identify the Deep State with the Globalist foreign Cabal working to infiltrate various Nation States?... or should we be careful to observe them as different Sprawling Things vying to enslave us?
  5. Ok … but I still can’t watch Shapiro Tucker Tim Jordan etc not all the full episodes all the time… I want these guys to do “all you need to know that happened in the last week” kind of shows … seems like there would be demand for that? No?
  6. OK so this is a question, no juicy news or views. For mental health and sense of life reasons and to focus more on my life, family, friends, local community.. I am leaning heavily towards phasing out obsessing DAILY over the state of the World, Freedom, Culture, politics, pandemics, WEF, twitter etc. BUT I would like to be aware of the general trends and be in the know of what is important to keep an eye on, e.g. the economy, inflation world events etc. Current entertainment platforms (such a s Youtube) encourage/reward content creators based on both amount and frequency of posts (if I am not incorrect) and hence are incentivised to do a lot of shows and discussions spanning many many minutes or hours, sometimes without bothering to re-visiting or recap the same content for many days or weeks, and often not in any organized fashion. I'm not considering legacy media as a viable alternative. Is there a timely by-period, say once a week, curated summary of all the stuff I would normally be keeping an eye on in YouTube etc. which is both succinct and relevant, and sums up everything from the past time period (week)? OR Is this just a pipedream, and to stay in the know I have to saturate myself in this... all the time.... sigh... hence I need to choose to be sane or informed...
  7. There is a package deal both the far left and the far right are perpetrating here, it involves the following dogmatic assumptions by both camps: 1. The status and nature of a 10 celled human embryo IS equivalent in the ways that matter to an about to be born within minutes human fetus at 9 months 2. Abortion as conceived as the ceasing the functioning of that human embryo or human fetus is thus ONE KIND of THING 3. You are WITH US or AGAINST US as regards the SINGULAR concept of the "privilege", "perk" or "right" which are commonly known as "abortion rights" Objectively the two things in 1. ARE different kinds of things and require considered rational thought and separate analyses, and so called "aborting" each of the two is NOT doing the same kind of thing, as the doing is as different as the entities involved.
  8. Tara Smith should do a deep analysis of the Constitutional principles at play and provide a reasoned summary. She is one of the few people associated with ARI, with a mind like a steel trap and a sense of Objectivity about everything she says…. contrast her with lol Onkar Ghate.
  9. Is there a correct position on the individual right to life of a single mind which happens to be part of conjoined twins (two separate crania holding separate volitional consciousneses)?
  10. I mean punting such a thing WOULD be disastrous to SCOTUS, Individual Rights and the Constitution.... so they MUST NOT not have done that.
  11. I don't know enough about the fact pattern of the case to know whether it was central to the decision, but surely it must be a question of Law and interpretation of the Constitution, when the absolute right to Life all individuals enjoy actually begins?? I mean IF that question ever comes squarely before them, surely they cannot punt interpretation of the Constitution on that question, to the States?
  12. If I remember correctly, Rand's positions were: An absolute right to life after birth. Violating a doctor's freedom to act for anyone (without harm to anyone) is a violation of the doctor's rights. No special positive "rights" for anyone to get any medical procedure or any funding for anything health related. I cannot recall any specific position on people who are in a coma, or on life support, at varying levels of cognitive function, and whether the level of brain activity is operative in extinguishing rights to life or in defining when a person ceases to be a person for the purposes of determining rights e.g. to life. Edit: I would assume Rand would have accepted the concept of "brain dead", specifically in the medical sense.
  13. Your health is your life. No compromises. Good on you.
  14. The main problem we are seeing now with socialized health care throughout various places in the world, is that doctors, instead of being private entities providing life saving goods and services for individuals (as they should be in a free society), are becoming, in many countries, agents of the State acting for the so called "public good", managing the population like a herd of livestock, and the health and welfare of any individual be damned. Ask your doctor next-time the subject of vaccination for anything in particular comes up whether or not it is necessary and/or better for your own personal individual health to participate than not. If there is any squirming about the answer, walk out and get a new doctor with some conviction, honesty and integrity. When you've walked out too many times or you cant get a doctor (in your particular Slave State), stop going to any doctors. If they are not there for you personally, you should by no means be there for them. The next step is to stop paying taxes for so-called "health care systems", but you would have to be prepared to be martyred for that.
  15. Ok so we are all hearing about the next crisis, apparently because Continuity of Crises is a necessary in the long drawn out attempt at a take over by "The Thing".. and this next "salvo" specifically on the health related front... (when it comes to The Thing, the number and species of fronts are legion) is of course Monkeypox I'm curious about what people think regarding The Thing's culpability i.e. involvement in causation, on which combination of the following: A. It's apparently coincidental (suspicious and/or convenient) and actual spread in numerous pockets of widely varied countries throughout the world B. It's being noticed and widely (albeit sporadically?) reported on in the legacy "State adjacent" media machine C. The serious (and possibly overblown) reaction and alarms raised by various individuals and organizations including the WHO (ostensibly an actual appendage of The Thing), with whispers of tracking and quarantines (and vaccines soon to follow) etc. So what's your answer? e.g. C alone, B and C, all of the above, or none of the above? EDIT: Too soon? Not on anyone's radar yet? Sounds too crazy?
  16. Don’t mean to be a conspiracy theorist, but it seems an awful coincidence all of a sudden child-targeting hepatitis and monkey pox are spreading around the world… or we are being led to believe such is beginning to happen. Whether it’s WEF types or eco bio terrorists engaging in biological terror or just media engaging in fear mongering… it seems awfully suspicious 6 mo. prior to midterms as it is. I really think these Marxist Globalist idiots will not stop until the next “Reign of Terror” plays itself out… all across the world. I hate to say it but we might need it… EDIT: or at least be prepared to show them that that is what they are asking for if they think they can enslave us all.
  17. Could anyone more knowledgeable than me please tell me what you know about the WHO meeting in May and the Biden Administration's position on the powers of foreign bureaucrats? Also, has the Federal Government's signing or participation in any international agreement, ever been challenged under the constitution, insofar as Govt cannot (er should not) directly trample individual rights, it also cannot (er should not) delegate that trampling (or promise to uphold or aid in that trampling) to foreign or global parties. OK so I found this, we can start the discussion with it: Biden Poised to Hand Over U.S. Sovereignty to World Health Organization – Wire America WIREAMERICA.ORG By Peter Breggin, MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, May 7, 2022 | Original article here First read this. Stop the World Health Organization Link to World Council for Health.The WHO is making …
  18. Such an obvious plan… and a very good one. Anyone who says the mob are addicted to getting online stuff for “free” would right, but I think more people have become addicted to the “stuff” than the “free”… especially people addicted to social media. Is three dollars a month too high for an addiction? Not even close. Prices much higher than that have maintained much worse addictions. When it comes to competition between the platforms, whether it’s 1 dollar 5 dollars 4.5 … free.. does not matter…The only issue is who can give the greatest High, free or not that is what the mob is chasing. And what gives a greater high… thumb wrestling or no rules fighting in an octagon? There is no doubt speech will be freer and he will make a ton of money, but can the town square be civil? Why are (sorry were) real spaces mostly civil… can that be brought into a thriving no holds barred twitter? Does it need to enable compartmentalization? Pseudo ownership of virtual private properties… multiple private - public squares? Charging money and encouraging free speech are good first moves but it’s only a start.
  19. ok… so the pendulum swings and dampens … you need to time when to set it going… when to add more pushes … or if you are in tension with an adversary perhaps when to pull to create more tension and just let go… waiting for it to swing back farther…. to your side Now midterms are coming up… but are farther away from when this SCOTUS decision likely would’ve been final and published… now there is the reaction of the lefties and moderates, and then the actions of the far lefties, and then reactions and backlashes… of the center -right … counter actions etc. normies.. a whole host of interacting undulations of perhaps … predictable timing. Timing is complex and it’s everything if you can get it right. In the wake of a relatively new lefty judge and staff for cover (of a leaker), IF the timing were better for republicans could not a conservative staffer, mastermind, been behind it? As a secondary question… ahead of midterms, is this timing, one of an earlier leak as against a later actual decision, something that plays to the advantage of the democrats or the republicans?
  20. I'm starting to rethink this ... no, I have NOT given up on the idea that money must have some sort of inherent value... other than providing a bare means of exchange... but I am revisiting the idea that Bitcoin, because of its particular attributes, provides a certain KIND of exchange, protections, or guarantees over and above bare exchange, against a volatile world full of oligarchs, authoritarians, and technocrats. Using this little thing, if it deflects the modern path to hell.. while facilitating can that extra-transactional benefit not be a sort of intrinsic value? Gold is beautiful because of its sheen to the eye of its owner... perhaps Bitcoin has something of a similar sheen to the mind and spirit of a freedom lover.
  21. This is bigger than Canada it is a move on a global chessboard Also from today... a little more optimistic..
  22. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that Freedom will actually and literally make its last stand in Texas... remember the Alamo indeed.
  23. ***BREAKING NEWS***: Rueters Reports: "The Canadian government, under the Emergencies Act, is nationalizing "We Charity" and "Dominion Voting Systems" into a new arms length institution to be called "We Dominionate Voting", which will replace Elections Canada as the new independent, non-partisan agency responsible for conducting federal elections and referendums in Canada." EDIT: Eddie Rueters is a not-so-well known off-grid backwoods "journalist" whose sole source is the interwebs. All of his reporting is to be taken as opinion piece work, and although he was not indoctrinated at an ivy league journalism program, he does follow the ethical code of modern mainstream media.
  24. I once said: and alas, I have to eat crow and take back my words. I take back by comment about it being "dull and tedious".