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Everything posted by moralist

  1. America is the society of the perpetually emotionally offended. Greg
  2. Bob offers a good example of the politically correct liberal value of taking pride in being crippled. In his case, his mental illness. Liberal Democrats promote this value by teaching it in government schools so as to train students to become bureaucratic employees. Is I see it there is a causal connection for Autism... Liberal government educated intellectuals mindfuck their offspring. Bob's parents did a real job on him. Greg
  3. That's quite a boast coming from a government dependent, Bob. For all you only think you can do, there's one thing you can't do. You can't create. And that's because you can't think outside the box... your brain. That requires self arareness of which you have none. Greg
  4. If people changed their behavior as a result of that reform... yes. Heck, I wouldn't even care if a person was a Satanist as long as they lived by Judeo Christian values. A friend of mine is bad Muslim. He's a good man. Greg
  5. I understand. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” I don't regard Judeo Christian values as posing any threat to me personally or to my loved ones, nor to this nation for that matter. Because America was established with them as its moral foundation. Greg
  6. Excellent video, Jerry. The only long term resolution is for a reformation of Islam. But until then they're an enemy... but not the only one. Their secular liberal politically correct allies are just as dangerous because they enable Islamic terrorism. Greg
  7. But it is compatible with the secular liberal political correctness which nurtures and enables it. Greg
  8. There are Police no-go zones in Muslim populated areas of Europe where they have established Sharia law. And as those populations grow so will Sharia. This is exactly how Islam will assimilate Europe. This is possible because Europe has no moral culture like America has. It's just government dependent secular liberal socialism where the biggest issues are time off and getting benefits. As much as secularists hate religion... the Judeo Christian values of Western civilization are the only thing preventing them from eventually being assimilated by Sharia. Greg
  9. Good point, Jerry. I was thinking of the "bad" Muslims who don't follow the religion to the letter of its evil "law", but they are a minority. Islam needs a reformation like Christianity had. There are still too few Muslims willing to to do it. This is NOT "a few Islamic fascists". Greg
  10. Government education nurtures mental illness... and this fool is actually proud of it. Greg
  11. Those impotent Muslim voices of reason are pitifully too few and just too damned weak. A parallel just struck me... Just as radical Islamic fascists have hijacked Islam... radical secular leftists have hijacked liberalism. The only thing between Western civilization and the Islamic fascists is Judeo Christian values. Abandon those for libertine secularism and there is only European surrender... ...and the Islamic fascists KNOW this. It's their ace in the hole. They KNOW they're stronger than secular libertines because with those useful idiots as their allies they enable the Islamists to be stronger. Greg
  12. Michael, I apologize. I was wrong when I said America has no state religion. The secular political religion of liberal socialism IS the state religion. It is taught in all of the government schools and universities. It is continually evangelized by the media. The nation is positively saturated with it. Using the latest election results as an indicator, that religion is subscribed by by over half the nation. "Separation of church and state" my ass! Greg
  13. Well, personally I can't do anything about the religion of Islam except not to be one. Just as I can't do anything about the secular political religion of liberal socialism except not to be one. But I can create an environment of American Judeo Christian values within my personal sphere of influence... ...and that's all that matters, because that's all I can do. Greg
  14. According to the state sponsored religion of secular liberal socialism, the answer would be yes... ...because both the religion of secular liberal socialism and the religion of Islamic fascism are enemies of Judeo Christian values. Greg
  15. What about a state sponsored secular religion that trains monkeys to become government benefits check cashing parasites? Eh, Bob? Greg
  16. I don't consider freedom of religion "mere" either. England had a state religion. America does not... and the Founding Fathers wanted to make certain none would ever be established. ...but what they never thought would happen is that the secular political religion of liberal socialism would infiltrate the US government.There is no "separation of church and state" there, for secular liberal socialism has become the state religion. It is taught in public schools and government universities and propogandized in the media. And right now half the government and half the population subscribes to its secular political religious beliefs and lives by its secular libertine values. So when secularists go on and on and on about "separation of church and state"... ...they're NEVER talking about THEIR religion! Greg
  17. That's my basic point. There is absolutely NO moral comparison between Christianity today and islam today... ... and yet secular leftists constantly bring it up because they're LIARS.. The reason Europe (with the possible exception of brexiting UK) is crumbling in the face of the Islamic invasion is because it was founded on degenerate secular liberal socialist values. So the majority of Europeans are morally weak and have nothing in their secular libertine government dependent culture with which to resist the immigrant hoards... just as the immigrant hoards are offered nothing better with which to assimilate. In America today... the secular liberal democrats are the Islamic fascists ALLIES. Because the secular religion of leftist socialism is as morally degenerate as Islam. This makes them both antithetical to Judeo Christian values. So there is a reason the Constitution is mocked by secular leftists. It does not belong to their government worshipping political religion. The US Constitution was made only for decent people who govern themselves in accord with Judeo Christian values. It doesn't work for indecent people. So as people degenerate into immoral unproductive government parasites, it has to be violated in order to govern those who fail to govern themselves and who have rendered themselves undeserving of a decent government. Progressivism is a secular leftist political religion with government as its god. It is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic religions on Earth. Both secular leftism and Islam are ENEMIES of American values and American culture. Greg
  18. No... and neither is "separation of church and state"... a overused phrase misattributed to the Constitution by lying secular leftist libertines. The only Constitutional reference to religion was to establish its freedom. The Founding Fathers who lived by Judeo Christian values were wise enough to create a secular government. Greg
  19. Also, Judeo/Christian values are also responsible for the existence of America, for it was founded on them. Greg
  20. Yes... and my Conscience affirms God's wisdom. You're so devoid of morality you'd gas Jews if your government god told you it was legal. That's the danger when valueless secular kapos like you substitute government for god and legality for morality. Greg
  21. ... that only holds true for America hating/Jew hating Islamic fascists. There are no Christian jihadis today. They grew up and reformed their religion, whereas Muslims did not. They stood by meekly and tacitly and didn't lift a finger while they allowed their religion to be hijacked by immoral thugs. So don't give me that crap about "all faiths"... ...because I DON'T buy that liberal democrat LIE that all religions are morally equivalent. Greg
  22. Secular Jews can be especially harmful to others because they're amoral. Greg
  23. More like "studies"... They're the god of do nothing collectivist liberal bureaucrats. Greg
  24. Being proud of mental illness makes you stupid. Greg