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Everything posted by moralist

  1. The purpose of legality is to serve the objective reality of morality which is greater than itself. And without that reference there is only subjective opinion. The purpose of give and take is for for Bob to fully express his view, because he offers a real time example of what happens to a person who was groomed by the secular moral relativistic education system for a lifelong parasitic trained-monkey relationship to his government. And as a secular amoral legalist, Bob is just a tool who will do whatever his government tells him is legal no matter what it is. It's lucky he lives in a nation built on Judeo Christian values, because if he lived in a Sharia culture I have no doubt he'd be a suicide bomber just because Islamic terrorist governments declare it's legal as well as moral. Bob is an example of a useful idiot... which is why it's good for everyone to see him express his view. Greg
  2. Who protects your own family from you? You can't even explain how you know murder is wrong, Bob... and it is that subjective relativistic amoral legalistic secularism without any connection to objective moral reality which makes you a danger to others. Greg
  3. You would murder if your government told you it was legal... ... because without an objective moral standard the only thing that determines your behavior is government laws. You'd gas Jews if your government god told you it was legal. As an amoral secularist whose only god is government, you have NO objective moral criteria. Face it, Bob... you're just a kapo... ...because you still can't tell me HOW you KNOW murder is wrong. Greg
  4. "Reasonable" is only your own subjective opinion, Bob. You still can't give a reason how you know murder is wrong. Hitler didn't wish to be murdered and yet murdered millions. And you'd gas Jews too, as long as your government told you it was legal to do so. Greg
  5. I noticed that too, Tony. Without an objective moral law greater than men, no act is objectively evil. It's all just subjective collective popular cultural opinion... none of whch has any greater weight than any other. There can only be objective moral standards of behavior when there is absolutely nothing any man could ever do do alter them. The subjective laws man creates can only either agree or disagree with the objective reality of those immutable standards. For example, US law agrees because it is based upon Judeo Christian moral standards... while Sharia law disagrees because it is based on something else. But US law did not create the moral standards upon which it is based. It only serves them because they are of a higher order than any man made law. So while man is free to subjectively choose to violate those objective moral standards... ...he can never change them. Greg
  6. That's SO true, Tony! Amoral legalistic secularists are truly scary. State worshippers who placed legality over morality marched Jews into gas chambers and opened valves because their government god declared it was legal to do it. Greg
  7. Unpredictable spontanaety is always an advantage... for the enemy doesn't know what he'll do either. Unlike Obama who told his Islamic fascist allies everything. Greg
  8. I makes me happy to read that, Tony. Even though Trump is certainly no "Muslim Messiah"... he does have the opportunity to make some friends among good people even if it means making more enemies of evil people. But the fact that Trump is actually making real decisions conerning the Middle East makes him appear like a savior compared to eight years of this sissy. Instead of "leading FROM behind" ... should be "leading WITH his behind". Greg
  9. In terms of foreign policy Obama was all talk and no action. He's an morally weak feminized pussy... a liberal male who failed to become a man. Greg
  10. I believe it's because he's coming at Islam from a completely different direction than the ladies. Making America great again is such a beautifully simple statement, isn't it? Donald's forte is simplicity in communicating good ideas, and then acting to realize them. Obama was just a talker... ...whereas Trump is a doer. Greg
  11. Thanks, Jerry. Those brave women are the tip of the spear. The hide of the enemy is thick and the strongest shield protecting them is the secular left. Greg
  12. Nonie makes the most powerful witness because she speaks from her first person experience. Dennis Prager has talked with her on his radio show many times. She is absolutely correct... because the only thing taking a stand against Islamic fascism on behalf of Western civilization is Judeo Christian values. Greg
  13. That descriptor accurately conveys the profane nature of the behavior to which it refers. Greg
  14. That's how you tried to protect yourself from your government mindfucked parents... however you ended up becoming one of them by choosing the secular liberal government education system which indoctrinated you with the liberal value of being proud of being crippled. That pride makes you you want to mindfuck others if given the opportunity. I hope you weren't able to give others any reason to try to protect themselves from you however much you wanted to pass on your condition. Greg
  15. I just now realized something else... Autism is an innate protective defensive response to the threat of secular liberal government education. Whatever doors the mindfuck normally enters are closed to keep it out. Yesterday with the kid I discovered those autistically closed doors were totally open to me because my unconditioned mind posed no threat to him... ...and we had no end of fun! Greg
  16. Yes they are, Brant... ...and one precedes to the other. People who chose to be imprinted by secular liberal government education pass on a lot more than just physical characteristics to their kids. Secular liberal government education produces autism. MORE government education = MORE autism Greg
  17. Well, now you have, Brant. And it comes from outside the box... because I'm outside the box. There are two steps in the process. First, secular liberal government education mindfucks kids to think in a certain way... and not to think in other ways. Then those kids become parents who produce the the just and deserved consequences of being mindfucked by secular liberal government education. Greg
  18. It's perfectly logical to me, Brant... because I escaped becoming one of secular liberal government education's brain damaged products. I positively HATED school... and I have the grades to prove it! It was demeaning to me to be told what to think by government union employee parasites who never created anything useful in their lives. My mind hasn't been conditioned by government education. And because I wasn't imprinted to become an employee, my uncultivated mind is completely free to create and innovate and build. "Galt's Gulch" is a laboratory for my ideas and even though I'm old I'm still constantly coming up with ways to improve the quality of my life by becoming more productive efficient and self sufficient. Everything has a cause. The explosive epidemic of autism is a just and deserved consequence of the exponential proliferation of secular liberal government education. Minds need to be damaged in order to produce products of their government who will serve their government... so that they will in turn spawn more damaged products of the government who will serve their government. Don't forget... the god of secular liberalism IS government bureaucracy uber alles... and this is how their god perpetuates its continued growth. The reward for not worshipping the god of secular liberal government education... freedom from it. Greg
  19. In my opinion, it can. Secular liberal government education imprints students minds to think a certain way and not to think in other ways. This creates employees who will serve the bureaucracy. It also creates weak security seeking parasites who will insure the perpetual growth of the bureaucracy if only to secure a niche in it for themselves. Creativity productivity innovation and the self motivated entrepreneurial spirit are found outside of the secular liberal government education system. Greg
  20. Makes sense to me, Michael. I can believe that government education can do physical damage to a kid's mind. Greg
  21. Yes, in my opinion, Michael. They were highly educated by the government. In my view, the way the government educates kids can literally damage their minds... and it begins with parents who were educated by the government. The goal of government education is to produce compliant obedient bureaucratic employees who all think in exactly the same way as the government employed teachers who taught them... ...because they were also educated by government employed teachers to think in exactly the same way as they were taught by government educated teachers who were also educated by... (on and on...) As I see it... a kid leaves a government university more mentally crippled than they entered. Greg
  22. That's not just my opinion, Brant... "In addition to Baron-Cohen’s research, Karla Van Meter conducted a study at the University of California, Davis and found “clusters” of autism in areas of Southern California born to college-educated parents. Van Meter found that highly educated parents were twice as likely to have children with autism as those parents with lower levels of education." ...but this is. Secularist liberal government education is a mindfuck... and mindfucked parents make mindfucked kids. A dead giveaway Bob was mindfucked is the fact that he's proud of it. That's an important part of the indoctrination process so that it gets passed on. I have autistic relatives and spent this afternoon with an autistic kid (they're mostly boys) so I'm totally familiar with the situation. Greg
  23. In my opinion, yes. People create the kinds of nations in which they live by their own moral values. So they justly share the group karma of what they created. This is what distinguishes America as an exceptional paradise to the dime a dozen Islamic shitholes. Everyone chooses the life they are living right now... everyone. Greg
  24. Of course. I'm not really all that concerned with self inflicted harm within Islam because they chose it. Why they would choose a religion of hatred is a whole other question. I've said before that every evil act is preceded by the angry blame (unjust accusation) of others, and Islam offers a good example of this. Many Muslims blame (unjustly accuse) Jews and Christians for preventing them from living a happy life, and that their only path to happiness is over Jewish and Christian graves. Greg
  25. ...against unbelievers. While many Muslims don't follow the letter of the law of that doctrine, some don't have any problem if others do. It's like a neighbor who appears to be nice and friendly while owning a vicious pitbull. The dog is employed as a means of expressing their own latent hatred (of Jews Americans and Western civilization) so that they appear to be good when in reality they aren't. This is why terrorism continues to fester within Islam. It is being enabled from within Islam... ...with the outside help of politically correct liberal secularists who also hate Jews Americans and Western civilization. Greg