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Everything posted by moralist

  1. Moral context is the only way to view the objective reality of your own life. Everything else is just silly stupid intellectual emotional fantasy. Greg
  2. Tony... there are no "disarmed defenseless victims" in America. There is only a parasitic populace who politically cried out for non-objective law to be their savior... out of their own pathetic need for a "caring and compassionate" government to give them free stuff and to take care of them. Greg
  3. Non objective law exists where the majority of the populace does not live lives worthy of objective law. People demand non objective law because of their NEED for the government to support them financially, to educate them, to employ them, to underwrite their debts, to indemnify them against every conceivable calamity, and to take care of their own body. Do any of you here realize just how degrading that is? The government dependent parasites infesting America don't deserve a decent Constitutional government... ... simply because they aren't decent. There is no group resolution for this situation. There is only a personal resolution... so save yourself. Grow up, become a self motivated responsible adult, give up your parasitic relationship to the government. And only then will it leave you alone to enjoy the freedom you earned by being decent. This is something no one here has even begun to understand... If the government is oppressing you... it's your own God damned fault for needing it.
  4. There's no weak wimpy limpwristed effiminate liberal style victim here. Christ allowed Himself to be killed in order to fulfill the Law. He said, "I will destroy this temple that was made with hands, and in three days I will build another made without hands." ...and that's exactly what He did. There is no longer anything between us and our Conscience. We are now directly connected. Greg
  5. I take that Bible quote as a statement of objective reality, because my working definition of love is "doing what's morally right". You can only do right by others to the same degree as you do right by yourself. It's an equation: love others = love yourself Greg
  6. The altruist-collectivists liberals lay claim to being the most caring and compassionate, because they can only be the most caring and compassionate with other people's money. In America it's very easy to live free of government: DON'T NEED IT Don't need it to guarantee your debts. Don't need it to give you grants. Don't need it to fund you. Don't need it to educate you. Don't need it to employ you. Don't need it to insure you. Don't need it to take care of your health. Do all of these things for yourself and you will live free of government. Because when you genuinely don't need the government, and aren't just an empty poseur... ...the government LEAVES YOU ALONE. Greg
  7. We also have Rattlers up here. It's a fact of life living next to 10K acres of wild Chapparel. Greg
  8. Bob, as a government trained monkey who is now a government pension check cashing parasite, it makes perfect sense that you would know absolutely nothing about being a Capitalist businessman because you never had the personal initiative to do anything on your own. Here, dummy. Read this... if you can. Businesses Don't Pay Taxes, They Collect Them Greg
  9. Why would you believe self governance is a bad thing, Peter? Don't you govern your own behavior? Or does your government need to do it for you? I'm not making an argument for governing yourself because no one else is agruing against it... unless you are. Are you? That'll never happen. I can smell the stench of litigious cruds a mile away, and refuse to do business with them because they don't share my moral values.And that goes for anyone else who doesn't share my moral values... regardless of their litigiousity That's how to always keep yourself safe from the legal system because there are fanged vipers slithering around in that pit. Simply don't have anything to do with people who don't live by decent values. They'll naturally tend to avoid you anyways because they'd rather deal with their own kind, just as you would. Greg
  10. Yes, Brant. It's the Conservative American Capitalist producers versus the European liberal socialist parasites. Individualists versus Collectivists... ...and I already won. Greg
  11. ...because two thirds of the population are parasites. Perfect moral justice. The government people demand is an exact match to the government people are getting. NEMISIS: Government is the inescapable duly authorized moral agent of people's own immoral downfall Greg
  12. Peter, they don't govern me... because I govern myself. They can only govern people who fail to govern themselves. So you see, I'm getting exactly the government I deserve just like everyone else... except the government I personally experience is different from the government others personally experience. Greg
  13. While that certainly holds true for the original design of America... ...have you noticed how those restraints have been continualy lifted from the state? This has to happen because so many people have failed to govern their own behavior. Because of their own personal failure to be decent self governed citizens, they failed to deserve a decent government. So they get an indecent one, because they need a large intrusive bureaucracy to govern their lives for them and to give them free stuff. Government is not the enemy. As a duly appointed authority of moral retribution, it can only respond to the failure of people to govern themselves by giving them exactly what they deserve. Greg
  14. Evil: chopping people's heads off, strapping a bomb to yourself and detonating it in a crowd of shoppers, crushing as many people as you can with a truck, hijacking passenger planes and flying them into buildings, murdering Christians solely because they're not muslims, mutilating female genitals... need I go on? Force (for good): that which destroys evil people... retaliatory, premptive, unilateral... (shrug...) whatever gets the job done Greg
  15. People who do evil understand only ONE thing... ...FORCE. Greg
  16. Hey Tony... just for the sake of a relevant response I'll assume you're talking about moral law rather than legal law. Moral law does nothing to constrain the actions of people who love what is morally right. It can only affirm what they already see fit to do. So in that regard they are totally free to work and play and enjoy their life in Paradise on Earth. Moral law only constrains people who wish to do evil but who fear the consequences of their actions. Moral law has no affect on those who do evil and have no fear of the consequences... ...until those consequences actually happen to them personally when they get exactly what they deserve... ...which they always will. Greg
  17. Luckily the internet is nonlocal... ...and so is God. Greg
  18. You're a real hoot, Wolf! Was Mao "morally good" because he used his noodle and tried to make his way in the world? If making your way in the world is at the expense of others... you're evil. People whose gain can only be derived from the loss of others are living wrong. They are slaves of those whose loss they need to get their own gain. That system I just described is not Capitalism. It's Marxism... where wealth is zero sum and one person can only gain by taking from another... until enough of the ones taken from get angry enough to become the tail which wags the dog. (Jeez... give me a some time to finish postiing.) I used Mao for no idealogical reason other than because Hitler is overused. Evil is evil. Greg
  19. Bob impaired his wits from the get go and chose not to grow out of that crippled state. The proof of this is he's proud of it. To do that requires an abysmal lack of self awareness and a giant dose of self deceiving intellectual fantasy. So you see Bob hasn't escaped what he has become as the just and deserved consequences of his own actions... and neither has anyone else regardless of what they fantasize themselves to be in their darkened intellects. Greg
  20. Neither Bob nor anyone else could ever escape what they have become as the just and deserved consequences of their own actions. Bob fantasizes that he has because he chose to become a creature of intellect devoid of self awareness who chose the condition in which he is living. So naturally he fantasizes that others can also escape the consequences of what their own actions. This moral myopia is what gives people license to do evil. Greg
  21. Not ultimately, Tony. People invoke that phrase because they are unaware of the ramifications of their own actions. So they naturally assume others can escape the objective reality of moral consequences just as they fantasize they can escape their own. No one is above objective reality of the just and deserved consequences of their own actions. People have the power to choose to violate moral law, but they can never escape the consequences of their choices. Nor can anyone alter moral law... for only moral law has the power to alter what they become as the result of what they do. Greg
  22. Wolf, you just made up your own fake description in order to negate it. I never used the term "source of law". What I actually referenced was What the law serves. Men subjectively create law so obviously they are its source. What law is supposed to serve is not my imagination or yours. What the law rightly serves is of a higher order than mere intellect. There are plenty of laws subjectively created by men which don't serve objective moral reality. Those are immoral laws. Sharia is a relevant example of immoral law subjectively created by men. So men subjectively create laws which either agree or disagree with objective moral reality... but no law subjectively created by any man possesses any power to alter objective moral reality. Greg