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Everything posted by ginny

  1. And you're confusing the hell out of us. I'm not sure how many people can picture her brushing a child's hair and playing games with that child. Boggles my mind, but I always have been kind of hard on her. Seems the more you get angry with her, the more I'm starting to like her, sort of. Lots of words have been written about how Rand refused to stop smoke. Most people just think she didn't know the dangers. Interesting that she should have told you not to smoke. Damn, starting to like her her less again.
  2. Carol, I'm doing a set of poutine recipes. There's supposed to be unique. The only uniqueness I've come up with is adding bacon and Worcester sauce. Any suggestions? There's will be all kinds of poutine dishes. I just did corned beef sandwich with poutine. I added the bacon and brought it over 5000 calories.
  3. Cathy, don't let it bother you. Rand had this thing about 'perfect' people. The fact that no one is perfect is irrelevant. It's her bleeping fantasy so there will be perfect people. That's what she means by those that are 'of concern' to her. When the only person left was The Peik, she may have, on her deathbed, arrived at the conclusion that her idea of perfection is in her own mind only, and she herself was far from it in many cases. BTW, if you think that's bad, Peikoff, in one of his lectures, said that he could never fully trust anyone over 18 who was not an Objectivist because at a later age, people's minds are filled with all kinds of crap. Basically, you're just too old, honey. Read the Fountainhead. It's interesting and you'll have lots of questions. BTW - why didn't you start with We The Living? It is SOOOOOOOO much more human. She hadn't gone over the top when she wrote it.
  4. Ratatouille is the devil's own dinner. Right after stuffed green peppers. And look, lady, the damned Dom will eat what I give him and like it. Gotta problem with that? If he's still got the collar on, he can take it up with the Boss later.
  5. Yeah, SC, that's me too. The quote was from Michael M however.
  6. "Crime knows no neighborhood" Are you saying that every neighborhood has some crimes and that the amount of crime varies according to neighborhood?
  7. Think again, Michael. The Greeks had a fish stew. So did every one else. "The most famous fish stew of the Mediterranean is bouillabaisse, and its home is considered to be Marseilles, although it is made in every little port throughout the coastal regions of Provence. The apocryphal story of the origin of bouillabaisse told by the Marseillais is that Venus served bouillabaisse to her husband Vulcan in order to lull him to sleep while she consorted with Mars. Greek food writers have laid claim to inventing the precursor of bouillabaisse. They argue that when the Phocaeans, Greeks from Asia Minor, founded Marseilles in about 600 B.C. they brought with them a fish soup known as kakavia that was the basis to the future bouillabaisse. This can be said to be true only in the most general (and meaningless) sense. In fact, we have no idea whether such a soup was “brought” to the western Mediterranean. In the culinary writings of the ancient Greeks, especially as represented by Athenaeus (A.D. 170-230), there are many mentions of boiled fish, cooked in unspecified ways, as well as one fish stew made with grayfish, herbs, oil, caraway seeds, and salt. The most likely precursor to the Provençal bouillabaisse is likely to be an Italian fish stew "
  8. Dauce, finally someone who prefers bland vanilla to chocolate. That's sisterhood for ya. Black pepper only in emergencies. Salt is the only spice in my cubboard. I adore Indian curry, but have you ever tried to order curried shrimp with absolutely no spices? Man, talk about awkward. Yawn - yes, I know he takes pics. I also know what he does with them. There are pics of him and his pics.
  9. and ... I will feed you some bland Bouillabaisse. Serves you right.
  10. Dauce - my kind of woman - bland. It's not easy being bland. I once once proudly had some people for dinner. Spend three days making Bouillabaisse from scratch - starting with 5 pounds of fish head and bones for homemade broth. Then 20 pounds of lobster shrimp crabs, fish, etc. Cooking my usually way, I left out all the spicy stuff - bell pepper, pepper flakes, fennel, chile pepper, etc. I was so proud of my first Bouillabaisse. Then I watched my guests' faces. Those all-too-forced smiles. Guess they couldn't deal with the lack of spices. Well screw it. I'm an individual who is spicy enough without all that pepper crap. BLANDS UNITE!! James Taggart ate chile peppers - enough said.
  11. Sounds like role playing. Personally, I never cared to be a Dominatrix. I wanted to be an indian princess. Give me a bow and arrow, and I will rule the world. What's a switch? Someone who switches between dom and sub? Jesus, make up your mind.
  12. Yeah, the whole man-worship thing is pretty much submissive. Thanks for the explanation, Dom. I say this with a whisper and bowed head.
  13. Funny you should say that. I've suspected that for years. She was totally obsessed with beauty. Unfortunately, she wasn't that beautiful. So her heroines became her fantasy. It fits with Allan Blumenthal's remark that she wrote her books to figure herself out. All of her fiction points to that. Each of her heroines was pursued by a number of men. The men, of course, didn't have any other women except for her and lived the life of monks. In her fantasy, she got it all.
  14. Rand! Human! Go the corner. And of course you're right.
  15. Uncle Frank was a born gentleman. It came naturally to him. I think Ayn had to work at being a proper lady. Probably the reason all of her heroines were beautiful and well-dressed.
  16. Welcome back. What a time you had! Keep on working through the info and share with us. You might just come to like Ayn Rand. No one's perfect - how about your family not telling you who your famous aunt was! Is your daughter still excited. Do people know you're the niece of a famous writer/philosopher? When you got it, flaunt it. Start bragging. I'm trying to picture the goddess in her mismatched woolen socks. The Brandens (one or both) did write that when at home, she was a mess with safety pins holding her together. Yet in public, she wore designed suits. So many sides to her.
  17. For god's sake's, Robert, do you know anything about Jewish history? Become informed. You'll find that being Jewish has less to do with god that with associating with a group that has perennially been outcast. It's probably ethic, but what other people has had to do this in order to survive? PS - I do not presume to speak for Baal.
  18. ginny

    Galt's Gulch

    Seems like AS wasn't Romantisism after all. It's turning into pure naturalism. Depicting life as is. Scary.
  19. Won't be easy. Too many are not opposed to tyrany - for the sake of safety. Given the choice, the majority will pick safety. The government must protect us from all and every thing.
  20. Rand's theory? Sorry, but my only response can be "fuck Rand's theory."
  21. Wait a minute. Are you saying I can't like AS and Anna K. at the same time?