Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Everything posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. First "icew", now "crewing"... I'm sensing an epidemic. To the spell-checking bunker!
  2. Is it too soon to call for internment camps for Elvis impersonators?
  3. Brad Trun on Rebirth of Reason: Who was the first person to claim he is Brad Trun? Was it Michael E. Marotta, Selene, someone else? I don't remember, but I believe it was Michael. I'm not certain if Serapis Bey is Brad Trun, the writing styles seem too different. Maybe it's all part of his disguise ; ).
  4. A new breed of ice found only in Canada. It is said to be tougher than steel, and it can out-drink an Irishman.
  5. Michael, Skin in the game, huh? Well, his costs are sunk. No turning back now; full steam ahead! Have you ever seen a steam-boat sail off a cliff? I've heard Maher does a good impression.
  6. Fred, If I could, I'd "sanction" this post. Thanks for reiterating the basics. Focusing on the fundamentals makes these issues (and most issues) much clearer.
  7. It is a giant "fuck you" to the Fed, isn't it? A currency independent of the government manipulation makes me long for the days (if they ever come) of spaceships "out-running" government chasers. Events seem to have overtaken pyramining. Those of us who plodded along with bitcoin mining for years using Radeon video cards despite the poor payback due to sub $10 coin value and energy/hardware costs, are now find ourselves sitting on a nice profit due to the latest bitcoin price runup. As I write this the auction value of each bitcoin is around $143. See The bitcoin mining algorithm makes mining more difficult as time goes on, moreover some clever folks have started building ASIC processor machine that mines so fast that it will put us video card miners out of business in a few months. Right now my 3 video cards running 24/7 take about a month to produce one bitcoin, as opposed to days a year ago. For us miners, the big question may be when to cash out. The net value of the 11 million bitcoins already mined is about $1.5B and if we assume that bitcoins must have a total value comparable to the dollar (~$10 trillion) in order to replace the dollar as the world's currency, then each bitcoin's value has to increase by at least 1000x from todays seemingly high value. In my dreams! I regret not getting in on this sooner, though I doubt my dinky XPS 400 could have mined anything even in easier days... Oh well, I still think Bitcoins are awesome. They aren't totally risk-free (what is?), but being free from government manipulation is enough for me. Also, there is a discussion going on, between potential (and actual, I think) "miners", over at RoR. Here's a link:
  8. What's with the use of ad hominems against Rand? Can they not manage a single, honest, informed critique? Or is it they think ad hominem is the best tactic to dismiss Rand? Or is it both? Good publicity, anyway.
  9. This made me cringe. Not because I particularly like Glenn Beck (I'm rather indifferent toward him), but for the reason that anyone and everyone who hates Beck will use this to bolster their case against him (even if their use is fallacious). Right now, I imagine them grinning maliciously, wringing their hands together, at the thought of ad hominining Beck to hell. Michael, I can understand your admiration for him. I, too, recognize his value in the fight for freedom. This is the reason why I can't stand the thought of those mongrels using this against him in the attempt to dismiss him completely.
  10. Not a problem. You probably missed my thread about the NCAA tournament and Florida Gulf Coasts University's providing every freshmen with a copy of Atlas Shrugged. Florida Gulf Coast - A Randian School To Root For In The... A... Thanks! Now the article doesn't seem so "out of the blue".
  11. It just seems like the author shoehorns Rand into a discussion on the success of a school's basketball team. Why Rand? This just strikes me as being odd and I don't fully grasp why.
  12. I've been meaning to ask you about that...Are you still composing? I am! Sorry I haven't uploaded anything. Honestly I haven't spent as much time composing as I'd have liked to these past few years (family issues) but I do have a song in the works which is close to complete. Just need to do some sample collages, vocals and production (maybe a little synth solo). Still, I don't make as much music as I'd like to, but I'll fix it someday. Glad to hear it, and, now that I know the inspiration for "Parasitic-Misanthropic" (and your opinion of the inspiration), the song makes much more sense (and is more meaningful to me). The song itself, especially the venomous vocals, do wonders to fully express your attitude toward her. I don't listen to much techno/industrial music (though I was a big NIN fan in my younger days), so I'm not exactly sure how to judge the song (power-metal is more my forte). But I definitely sense your hatred of her. By the way, the vocals are very androgynous. Are they your own? Thank you very much for your feedback about the song! Yes, the vocals are my own, although they are heavily processed (with more processing used during the chorus than during the verses/bridges). During the chorus, I use a heavy Chorusing effect which tends to make the voice sound more high-pitched than it does during the rest of the song (a Delay effect is used as well). No problem. Ah, why didn't I consider the possibility of vocal effects? Like I said, I'm not too familiar with techno/industrial music, and I'm really showing that lack of experience. Oh well... Anyway, I look forward to more from you.
  13. I've been meaning to ask you about that...Are you still composing? I am! Sorry I haven't uploaded anything. Honestly I haven't spent as much time composing as I'd have liked to these past few years (family issues) but I do have a song in the works which is close to complete. Just need to do some sample collages, vocals and production (maybe a little synth solo). Still, I don't make as much music as I'd like to, but I'll fix it someday. Glad to hear it, and, now that I know the inspiration for "Parasitic-Misanthropic" (and your opinion of the inspiration), the song makes much more sense (and is more meaningful to me). The song itself, especially the venomous vocals, do wonders to fully express your attitude toward her. I don't listen to much techno/industrial music (though I was a big NIN fan in my younger days), so I'm not exactly sure how to judge the song (power-metal is more my forte). But I definitely sense your hatred of her. By the way, the vocals are very androgynous. Are they your own?
  14. I've been meaning to ask you about that...Are you still composing?
  15. Thanks for the reply. Damn, I'm hoping for the latter (it would be even better if it were put off for a decade or two). I'm far from fully prepared at the moment, being a poor college student and all. Fortunately, I don't live in a large city, so if riots began I'll likely be able to hold off the looters. Omaha, on the other hand, will probably look like a war zone.
  16. Quick question: How much time before the economic collapse and WWIII?
  17. Peter, I didn't even recognize that sound as a snare drum, now I can hear it throughout the song. But I don't mind it, it isn't very prominent but when it is, I kind of like it.
  18. Evan, Would you like advice from someone who regularly attends church with his mother? Well, okay then, I'm your man. But first, a little background information on my part. I was born and raised as a Roman Catholic. Though my parents weren't (still aren't) very observant religious types, my mother and I (if not also my father) attended (and still attend) church every Sunday (and we catch most of the Holy Days). They've become more observant over the years in the sense that they (and I) attend church on most (if not all) Sundays. From first grade through eighth grade, I attended a group meeting every Wednesday. These meetings consisted of religious instruction and the like (no place for a growing, inquisitive child in my opinion). As mentioned above, I still attend Sunday masses. I, however, don't fully participate. This isn't due to any rebellion on my part. Rather it is due to the fact that it is very painful for me to stand and walk, so I just sit in the pew. My mother knows of my own beliefs (soft Atheism), but she still drags me along. To be honest, if it weren't for my condition listed above, I wouldn't mind going for the hour every Sunday. I enjoy the music and the wafers. I also use that hour to reflect on certain ideas (and develop an argument or two in favor of freedom). So, my advice to you is to seriously consider George's advice above. Remember, your time on this earth is finite (as wisely stated by Baal). Make the most of it. If you choose to "waste it", "waste it" on activities you like. Also, I agree with Brant (post 17) Michael, If I were ever asked that question, I would respond "no". But not for the reason you stated above. I have many regrets. I regret taking certain actions and I regret not taking certain actions. The reason I wouldn't "do something over again" is that each of my past actions has contributed to making me into the person I am today. If I were to correct one mistake, It could significantly alter my life for better or for worse. I don't know. If I went back in time to study for a spelling test, I could have made it into Harvard in the future. Or I could be dead. Since each action has an ever widening effect, all subsequent actions, people, everything is affected. And nearly all the effects of a single action are impossible to know in advance.
  19. Ah, Selene, thank you for your inquisitive comment. Indeed, what is the point of my posting this piece of music. Well, to put it to you this way... Some of my actions are a lot like a modern art painting (in this case, imagine a canvas with a bunch of scribbles on it). You may look at this painting and wonder what its point is (or you may wonder if there is even a point). You can view (and wonder about) my actions in much the same way. You may even ask yourself if I know what the point is. Truly, I don't know why I act the way I do at times. In fact, I often wonder what the point of my life is and I (subsequently) wonder why I should go on living. But enough of that...I posted this piece of music because I wanted to. I thought it was lovely so I posted it. I'm not necessarily here to make a point (or to give a reason); I'm here to enjoy life.