Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Everything posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. Not to worry, Daunce. You just unintentionally intercepted jts's night-time radio feed. Let me know if you ever encounter a fellow who goes by the name "Archangel". He fell off the grid a few years ago, and I haven't heard from him since. He may communicate via encrypted radio broadcast (just speculation on my part). I had no idea encrypted messages were broadcast on unlisted radio frequencies (though I don't know why I never suspected this...). receiver.... 15 2 1 13 1 7 18 1 14 20 19 20 18 5 14 7 20 8
  2. The fellow who created the light bulb joke obviously had repressed memories and a psycho-sexually aggressive mentality. Note how the light bulb's base resembles that of a penis and the socket resembles a vagina, anus, mouth, etc. The joke is obviously suggestive of an orgy where the man requires penetration assistance because he too suffers from repressed memories and a psycho-sexually aggressive mentality. The penis, in the joke, is merely a penis while the vagina, in the joke, is merely an electrical socket. 2 deep Freud you.
  3. Beck can certainly monologue. I didn't think this was one of his best, but it was still good and the lesson was great. He does often cry during his monologues. It reminds me of a skit where John Stewart (I believe) impersonates Beck during one of his monologues. In the skit, Stewart mocks Beck, implies he is a crazy conspiracy theorist, and ridicules his behavior (mock crying and such). I like Beck. I think his tears are an indication of what extent he cares about ideas. He is dramatic and passionate. He says what he means and means what he says (as the cliche goes). I prefer him immensely to the pompous, sneering John Stewart and his kind. Hmm, are the prominent personalities on the Right (Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, Savage, Beck) of a more serious stripe than the prominent personalities on the Left (Colbert, Stewart, Leno, Kimmel)? If so, why is this? Is it (sincerity) simply the result of differing philosophies? Does the Right take ideas more seriously than the Left?
  4. Definitely it is in the south, if you ask me. But you're Canadian. I'm sure you consider North Dakota to be in the south.
  5. Is Nebraska considered to be "in the South"? Guess it depends on who you ask...
  6. Interesting stuff, I just finished watching the first video. I have a few concerns, but I'll wait before listing them (I want to think them through). But, like I said, interesting stuff. I'll watch the rest later.
  7. Are you telling me I get to order drinks at the bar AND spite Obama?! The hits just keep on comin'. Thanks Michael. Does success and joy inspire interesting stories? Hopefully, or else I have a problem.
  8. Thanks Stephen, hopefully many more sunrises (and happier days). It's difficult to tell, in advance, when it's your time to go. Really? I was taught that "lie" should be used for people, and "lay" for objects. Oh well... And more creations to come. Yes, I am very familiar with "Harrison Bergeron", and I do see how some parallels could be drawn between the two stories.
  9. Try being a Meyer-Briggs INTJ. Less than two percent of the population are. Ba'al Chatzaf I was once ranked INTJ. Can't say I agree with the assessment. I find it difficult to make assessments of myself. I often look to the normative rather than the descriptive when assessing certain qualities.
  10. My typical conversation about Ayn Rand: Me: Have you heard of Ayn Rand? Person: Who is that? Having no knowledge about a subject is better than having incorrect "knowledge" about it.
  11. Michael, I'm sorry if I'm frustrating you. I don't understand what went wrong in our communication. I'm trying to figure it out; I think I'm slowly getting it. I misunderstood your interpretation (I thought you made a mistake). And I misunderstood your post #7.
  12. Do you mean "can't"? Kyle, The American experiment was in whether man can govern himself, i.e., without a king, without appointment from the Divine, etc. The very fact that you ask this question shows how far the educational system dropped the ball on this. But you will find this discussed often in religious places where they prize the Constitution. The Tea Party and those who circle around it have been popularizing this notion. It's the antidote to big government, too. Obama, The Knucklehead Supreme (at least in that video), now wants it to be the justification of big government. That's Orwell-land. Doublethink. One of my favorite quotes from the Founding Fathers is in Thomas Paine's Common Sense: Try to square that with what Obama is talking about. It doesn't. Hell, he even complains about negative rights being the foundation of the Constitution and upheld by the Supreme Court. Here's an exact quote from 2001 (my bold): I don't believe his disapproval of that has shifted, either. He toned it down a bit once he started running for President and after he was elected, but that's all. If the American experiment is whether man can rule himself. and if you take Paine's word for it, you get "whether man can rule his own wickedness." Obama doesn't want you to be good. It's OK for you to be bad. That gives him the moral justification to say he has to rule over you, using "We The People," as his spoken reason, but raw power as his true intent. (When I say Obama, I mean those who think like him, too.) Michael Michael, I believe you misunderstood me. I wasn't saying that man can't govern himself (this isn't my belief or position). I was correcting your interpretation of Obama's argument since it didn't square with the rest of your interpretation. Your interpretation was as follows: I corrected the second word (by changing can to can't) since it didn't make sense given the rest of your interpretation of Obama's argument. Nice monologue, though. And the educational system still isn't in possession of the ball. I was in church the other day and I could swear the priest was channeling Obama. I was waiting for him to say: "we're all in this together". LOL. This isn't to say you are wrong in the above quote. Most religious folk do have a firm respect for liberty, at least, in my experience.
  13. Do you mean "can't"? This is one of my primary worries. Flip-flopping between parties to see which is better at running "the economy" (I'm really channeling Fred right today...). I'm hopeful, however, that more and more Americans are grasping the fact that government (our current one) is the problem, not any particular party. We want this. We want that. Mr. President who do you mean by "we". Certainly, you do not mean me. Barry the diviner. Preferably, six feet under.
  14. The title says it all... Who is this guy trying to fool? His once unfailing charisma is quickly eroding at this point. The layers are being pulled back, and the truth is becoming clearer and clearer with every word he speaks. The curtains have fallen from the rings to reveal a plotting, would-be, king. Also, could this guy be more condescending? Telling people what to do as if they wouldn't know what to do if not for his guidance. Is this the mind-set of a benevolent-dictator? Is Obama benevolent? Sure, just ask his boot. Y'know the boot pressed firmly on a few million throats. (I'm starting to think I should have placed this in the "Rants" section...)
  15. Truely, it never does... View with caution... Spooky stuff ahead.
  16. It may not just be (or be at all) your past experiences with mysticism. Many people, mystics and non-mystics alike, have fears of the dark and the things that go bump in the night. I think it's something hardwired into the brain which was likely quite useful for survival in olden times. Those who fear the dark are less likely to be eaten by creatures that lurk in the dark.
  17. This is a treasure. She was succint and clear, especially given her poor health.
  18. Forever in pursuit of a society of peers.

  19. Admittedly, I had some sympathy for Mr. Thompson. For Obama, I have none.
  20. I once heard, from Lindsay Perigo (I believe), that George Reisman (author of Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics) is an excommunicated Objectivist. According to Wikipedia, he still identifies as an Objectivist but had a falling out with senior members of the ARI. I'm too tired,at the moment, to do more research on the subject. I thought this contribution might get the ball rolling.