Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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About Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  • Birthday 05/22/1992

Profile Information

  • Interests
    reading, writing, politics, power-fantasies, economics, comedy, history, humanity, computers, video games, fits of rage, fitness, debate, delusions of grandeur, ideas, music, voice-acting, and human psychology.
  • Location
    Bellevue, NE
  • Gender

Previous Fields

  • Full Name
    Kyle Jacob Bodrowski
  • Looking or Not Looking
    not looking
  • Favorite Music, Artworks, Movies, Shows, etc.
    Music: Angra, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian, Rachmanioff, Almah, Rhapsody of Fire, Luca Turilli, Alestorm,...
  • Articles
    The Puppy ParableThe Plowman - A Parable
  • Description
    I am me.

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  1. Thanks Jules, Unfortunately, it didn't do much for me. I have trouble appreciating the more modern rock bands. Maybe I'm just showing my age. I once read that the younger you are, the less receptive you are to new music. Perhaps the first signs of that are coming about. Of course, this doesn't mean I don't like any new rock songs. Here's one that I recently heard on the radio. And, just for old times sake, here's something old. A little something new; a little something old. That's how I take life. Also, I'm posting the music video, since I know just how much Brant loves a good music video (as opposed to a still frame shot of whatever). There's some fantastic cinematography in this one. Even more amazing when you consider the year in which the video was made.
  2. The goal is never equality. The goal is control, by any means necessary. That cannot be stated enough. In this case, the means of control is the guilt brought about by some intangible, unverifiable monstrosity known as "privilege". To go one step further, the ultimate goal, depending on the person, is either power or free stuff. From experience, free stuff, whether that is money or respect or pity, is the most common goal.
  3. He's a fairly angry fellow, but he does have a good amount of fun making music and music videos.
  4. Finding the uncensored cut of this video is like pulling teeth.
  5. I was never a fan of Bowie, but I can appreciate his influence on the music industry. He's nothing short of an icon. One of the giants. Sad to see him go. Though he died at 68, he lived enough life to fill 1000 years. I especially enjoyed his collaborations with Trent Reznor.
  6. No, they would be fucked. But, the question is, who would be doing the fucking?
  7. Sheesh, I don't think I've yet posted a single Megadeth song. Shame, shame. How about a classic or two?
  8. Posted this in my thread. I think it deserves a quick repost. Rooster Ain't found a way to kill me yet Eyes Burn with stinging sweat Seems every path leads me to nowhere Wife and kids household pet Army green was no safe bet The bullets scream at me from somewhere Here they come to snuff the rooster Yeah here come the rooster, yeah [2x] You know he ain't gonna die No, no, no, ya know he ain't gonna die Walkin' tall machine gun man They spit on me in my home land Gloria sent me pictures of my boy Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death My buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath Oh god please won't you help me make it through Here they come to snuff the rooster Yeah here come the rooster, yeah You know he ain't gonna die No, no, no ya know he ain't gonna die A bit of background, the "rooster" in the song is Jerry Cantrell's [Alice in Chain's guitarist's] father who served in Vietnam. His nickname was "rooster" during the war. He is seen in the video with his son, both reflect on the war and the time they spent together.
  9. I've never used RedHat, though, I'll likely give it a shot one day. As for switching to Windows, you could always dual-boot. No need to choose one OS over the other. I have multiple OSs installed on my desktop PC. Virtual machines, too, are an option, though, I find that virtual machines don't often make the best use of existing hardware. It's a shame there aren't more rendering and design programs for the Linux distros, that may change in the future. You've been on board with the FSM? What have you done for the movement ... Sorry to be late with this, and I apologize if I overstated my case. All I meant was that I have known about Stallman and the OSF for many years, and, like you, have told people what it is, and is not. "Free" does not (necessarily) mean "no pay." For myself, I have the GPG public key crypto on my computer and I sent them $25 for it. My wife is the real computerist here and she runs Kali Linux on her test network. We both have Wireshark, and we took a class in it a couple of years ago. She also has Metasploit, BeEF, and a few others. I do not know which she has sent in money for. I am pretty sure that she has not posted any of her own updates, patches, etc. I am a lot freer with my money than she is with hers. On the Galt's Gulch board, one of the regulars touted Axanar, a new Star Trek fan movie now in production. I watched their trailer, Prelude to Axanar, and then I sent them $100. (Of course, I was a contributor to AS3. My daughter and I got a line credit at the end.) I just joined the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers for $30. I could go on. The point is that if I use "free" software, I pay for it. But, no, I do not modify it, post it to GitHub, or anything like that. I am a technical writer, not a devops person. And I also knew about Richard Stallman from the old WELL: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link. I was active there, in the 80s and 90s, but their being taken over by Salon left me completely alienated. Whereas before, at least some semblance of libertarianism was evident, since Salon, the mainstream there pretty much never met a government program they did not like. I must confess, though, that I feel special for having heard about Barack Obama in 2006. I even voted for him in 2008, though not in 2012, of course. Neat. I've never donated money, but I've bought GNU/Linux merchandise in the past. I love buying GNU/Linux-related stickers. I just can't get enough of those stickers. They raise a few eyebrows and they're great conversation starters. I'm a fan of the Debian distro family and I've been playing with Kali quite a lot lately to familiarize myself with some common pentesting tools. Just today, I unearthed an old Dell Latitude D620 laptop from my hardware crypt. Its default operating system in Windows XP, however, I can live boot Kali on it whenever I feel like putting in a bit of learning. In fact, the laptop runs Kali better than it runs XP, which I found surprising. Yep, it's getting a sticker.
  10. Control is the goal, and guilt is the means to that goal. The article is nothing more than your daily dose of stupid shit. Unfortunately, a number of people will take it seriously.