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Everything posted by Danneskjold

  1. Glad to help in whatever way possible. I think I speak for us all when I say I'm you're here.
  2. No, I don't, because I find it unacceptable. How can you find something unable to accept, yet do it, therefore accepting it?
  3. Danneskjold


    Breaking down that word was just for fun.
  4. The extent to which I care about the majority of the news is the extent to which I can be entertained by it. That being said, I get my news from Stephen Colbert.
  5. It's because people lie. If they actually found it unacceptable they wouldn't do it.
  6. Danneskjold


    First is the definition of the suffix "able". Second one I lost concentration and gave a definition of festive. Here's the definition of "enjoy"
  7. Who said a thing in the world about crawling into a corner and curling up. I hate failure, but I'm not weak. I forge through it, and I continue to strive towards perfection. Dragonfly, At some point, there has to be a best. However, you jump from perfection to a world championship. That's is a bad comparison. In any case, why would perfection be impossible? What is stopping a human being from acheiving it?From the Nathaniel Branden quote, I couldn't have any self-esteem if I didn't strive for perfection. It's not in me to not try my hardest at everything I care about. Judith, I feel great about my acheivements. I feel horrible when someone patronizes me. I don't want it. Michael, I can congratulate the winner, shake his hand, look him in the eye, and respect him. My problem isn't with the winner, my problem is with my shoddy performance.
  8. Yes, telling the book with the exact edition, page, and paragraph that the quote is in, in hopes of someone else supplying it because I have lent out my book to a friend, is not contributing a thing.
  9. Danneskjold


    Whether or not it is enjoyable to you, it is enjoyable. en·joy·a·ble Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[en-joi-uh-buhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –adjective giving or capable of giving joy or pleasure: a very enjoyable film. (From Dictionary.com)
  10. Well, I cite him and my uncle on stuff about Global Warming (my dad wrote an article in a magazine a while back, my uncle makes satellites that collect atmosphere data).
  11. Danneskjold


    Doesn't matter to whom. They are enjoyable to someone, therefore they are enjoyable. Keep nitpicking, makes everyone like you better.
  12. I'm thinking you guys don't exactly get what I'm talking about. The nature of what I do and what I want to do requires competition. Sports are competitive things, they require that I compete. Not competing is not an option. I love what I do. I don't care who beat me, or how. If they beat me, I wasn't perfect. I strive for perfection. The fact that they beat me does not make me dislike them, I can't dislike someone for being better than me, if they are better than me that's my fault. Playing for a prize is only granting authority to the people who respect the nature of a competition, and therefore is respecting only the nature of competition itself. The nature of a competition is that the person who did better will come out on top. When the party giving out medals ceases to respect the nature of competition, I cease to respect the prize. I am not railing against second place, I'm railing against putting the person in second place up on a pedestal which, for me, serves to make me more acutely aware of every thing I did wrong. Second place is failure, treating it like a victory is just patronizing. I do have two gold medals on my shelf. I don't count either of them. Why? Because they were gold medals from when I played a minimal role (9-10 all-stars in baseball, 7th grade travelling basketball). I didn't play well enough to deserve those (possible exception being the 9-10 all-stars but the coach's sons all got to play), there were a million kids who deserved those in front of me. It's not about the gold, it's about perfection. However, if you are perfect you'll get the gold. Treating second place like a victory is making it something that it's not.
  13. Danneskjold


    Great thing about the word manifest. Break it into syllables. Man-I-fest. It's like Objectivism in a word. It's got man (the highest being) I (the person that someone is trying to please [not I as in me writing this, I as in the person saying who they are trying to please]) and fest (first four letters to festival, which are very enjoyable).
  14. That really just comes from athleticism. I tried racketball for the first time not so long ago (last summer) and it didn't take much at all to get the hang of it. I could already hit the ball and make it go where I wanted it to go. Control of a person's physical being isn't that hard.
  15. Personally? 200 situps and 100 pushups a night, whatever time I can book in a weight room during the day. I forecasted for one Advanced Athletic Training per semester next year (think PE except way harder). Then there's baseball practice (or football depending on time of year). Then on the weekends I go to the fitness club for fun, rock climbing is a great way to exercise both arms and legs, although I don't have the body for it (probably 60% of my heigh comes from my upper body) and racketball is really fun as well.
  16. Every bookstore in mine and the adjacent few cities is sold out of We the Living. No joke. That's what happens when x amount of kids in eighteen history classes decide to read the book (six in mine, making it the most selected book in my class).
  17. Might as well throw in a bunch of other quotes on this thread, huh? Well, one of my personal favorites is in the 2nd paragraph of the 2nd page of the Centennial edition of The Fountainhead. Unfortunately, I lent out my copy to a friend. It talked about Roark's thoughts on the earth around him.
  18. If they do it then they don't find it unacceptable.
  19. Give every statistic mentioned there a 10-20% boost due to shame and you'll get about the right number. I think a larger percentage of my teachers smoke pot than thought it wasn't linked to those things. The kids seem to wear the social disorder thing as a badge of honor.
  20. Just realize how ridiculous it was to say off-hand that my dad told me Rand wasn't at her best at the end of her life. My dad read Judgment Day which is how he says he came to that conclusion. I'm going to read it after I finish several other reading projects.