Chris Grieb

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Everything posted by Chris Grieb

  1. Michael; What a fine answer on this question. At the time of the split I can remember people who supported Miss Rand making a effort to deny that Nataniel Branden had contributed anything to Objectivism. Some of these same individuals would not even use Branden's name in discussion of some of the concepts he had discovered. This continues in fact that the CD you used does not have any of the writing of the Brandens or other individuals who have left the Objectivist orbit. What one must say about these epsiods is that it is sad. Something I remember about Miss Rand's attack on the recordings is that the last paragragh had a quote from Nathanie Branden.
  2. I received a funding raising letter from Yaron Brook about efforts to get Atlas Shrugged read by high schoolers. He reported that ARI has already distributed more than 500,000 copies of the novel. They hope to distribute more than 2,500, 000 copies over the next five years. Teachers in high school are putting Atlas on reading lists. When I was checking on the library distribution of PARC I noted on the day I checked that seventeen copies of Atlas were checked out of the Fairfax County Library. ARI is to be saluted for their efforts to get Ayn Rand read by high schoolers. Young people need to read Atlas as an atidote for today's culuture. Three cheers for ARI
  3. Why did my mind go to a certain Objectivist leader after reading the last paragraph of the last post.
  4. I stop looking SoloPassion shortly after they started and after looking at the posts about the sales of PARC I don't think I'm going to give my self the pleasure any more. What a bunch of nasty people! What evasion! Michael; Thanks for the link for the education.
  5. I'm impressed and I'm glad you're alright. As they ended on Hill Street Blues "Be careful out there"
  6. Michael; Thank very much for the explanation. I will read the article. Where you at the appearance at the bookstore? I might have gone if I had known people were going to it. Thanks again.
  7. I thought the Follow the Leader was very funny. I also recall a post from Bill Perry saying that he did not believe that Lindsay was a drunk. I must say that they only time I met the man he (Lindsay) he was drinking.
  8. Kat;Thank you for your diligence. Only twice In the brief time I've been posting on this and other sites have I not used my real name. If you disagree with me I want to know. I also think when I finally get to met you you'll know my real name. I may get to around to supplying a photo.
  9. I like to add one more thing to this discussion about the sales of PARC. Library distribution: The DC area has several jusrsidictions that have independant libraries. Libraries buy books that there is demand for. In the DC only two jursidictions have brought PARC. The DC library copy appears to not have been checked out. Fairfax County has purchased seven copies none of which have been checked out. I checked Arlington and Montgomery County and they had not purchased PARC. Libraries do not give out information about circulation of books. Libraries do report the books they have purchased. The above info suggests that PARC has only been read by only a small group of people.
  10. Michael; Your report is very interesting. Amazon has figures for all the books they sell. Does Amazon's figures agree with your figures. Does anyone have any idea what the mailing list size is for ARI or TOC?
  11. In the ARI book "The Abolition of Antitrust" edited by Gary Hull, there is chapter called The False Profits of Antitrust by Richard Salsman which has the following sentence"The latest Austrian effort,by a student of Mises, farthur sabotages sound profit theory by insisting that profit is determined by the personal consumption of capitalists". The footnote for this reference is to George Reisman's book Capitailism which does not have a page reference for the above view. George Reisman is now described as a student of Von Mises and of course there is no reference to his associatiion with Ayn Rand and Objectivism.
  12. Over thirty years I had passages read to me from a first edition of We the Living, I thought at the time that the passages in the rerelease were Miss Rand states that there are only minor changes due to her not knowing English were incorrect.
  13. While there is no reference in Essays on Ayn Rand's We the Living I suspect Ron Merrill may have been responsible for the extenisive coverage of the Nietchz's influence. Ron is of course not acknowledged. What a surprise that.
  14. I too liked the Ideas of Ayn Rand. It was a very interesting look at Ayn Rand. I would agree with the other commenters. I have heard he died some years ago. Thank you for reminding me of this excellent work.
  15. Barbara Branden was not only elegant she also was at the common room every evening. I like to have her energy at my age.
  16. What you say is all too true. I have one suggestion to Barbara Branden. Have someone prepare an annoted issue of PAR. Deposit it with Objectivist History Project for the use of scholars.
  17. A quick reading of the article suggests some of the problems with Szasz's work. I have had two encounters with Dr. Szasz and I must say he is an extremly inpressive individual. I must also say that I think some of his views are wrong.
  18. I'm sorry to say I don't the answer to your question. I do know the Armageddon comics were awful.
  19. Michael; You are probably right. I hope Ditko didn't have anything with Armagaddon comics which are a horrid combination of the characters engaging in explict sex after declaiming long speechs which are rip-offs of Ayn Rand.
  20. Rich & Robert; Good for both of you! It is a very small issue that covers only a very small part of a three hundred plus page book.
  21. Miss Rand always thought that when Objectivist ideas began to appear in comic strips that her philosophy would have reached the general public. Steve Ditko is the first of a great many to follow.
  22. I had not looked the documents in the Reisman- ARI break-up until the last few days. I think there is a proving of my thesis that Reisman and Kelley had become too important and had to be cut down. I also think they show Michael Kelly's comments about calling people evil are very true. I must also add that my memories of George & Edith make them less than the most benovelant people who ever lived.
  23. Michael; Thank you for your comments about the overuse of the word "evil" in Objectivism. You are exactly right and expressed thoughts I could not express myself.
  24. I have wondered at the possibility that Miss Rand offered more than one explanation for her pen name.
  25. Robert; Francisco is one of the two people who have attended every summer conference as a student. Carol Diehl is the other. David Saum of Virginia has attended 15.