Chris Grieb

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Everything posted by Chris Grieb

  1. I agree with all the comments above. Let me also add that when in the early days the idea was of Objectivists teaching at universities and colleges. Harry Binswanger I think in an issue of IREC Review talked about asingle university becoming the center. The example he used was Oxford for the Logical Posivists. This was a regular university. Not something like the Graduate Center.
  2. Robert; The quote from Nozick is brillant. Thank You. I agree with Michael about the E-meters. Murray Rothbard once argued that Objectivist psychoteraphy was the equilivant of an E-meter.
  3. The Truman Show was a good film. My only problem is I find Jim Carrey annoyed.
  4. I remember reading them when they came out and I want to look at them again. Thank you Roger. Roger could you ask Dr. Hospers for his list of great movies. I don't think he ever published it but I saw one over thirty years ago.
  5. I have just gotten my issue of New Individualist and I too thought it was excellent. I was very glad to see the review of Think. Thank you Ed!
  6. Robert; When Leonard in Denver in 1964 and 65. While he was teaching at the University of Denver wasn't he suspended from Miss Rand's presence. While his lectures when offered on tape I don't believe Leonard actually taught any courses in NYC. Leonard has never to my knowledge ever addressed this issue. If he has tell me the source.
  7. Roger; Is the show on DVD. I remember it and I enjoyed Barbra then. Thanks! I'll look for it.
  8. This piece is needed today. One thing that seems to have changed is that some right-wingers are not even supporters of capitalism. Pat Buchanan talks about Chrysler being a natural rescouce and protective tariffs.
  9. Roger; Good comment! In the Objectivist shortly after the split it was reported the Omnious Paralells would be out within a year. It took 13 years before it appeared. I must say that I don't remember much new material from Peikoff's course he gave in 1968. Peikoff has stopped lecturing and will only write but one wonders if it might be too late.
  10. Seeker; Having Keating only engaged to Domonique was probably due to the Hayes Office. The director was a naturalist. Gary Cooper was Miss Rand's choice for Roark but Miss Rand realized that he was not the actor for the role. I hope some day someone is able to look at the various verisions of the script and memos about the movie.
  11. There are a couple of Frank's paintings shown in PAR. NBI sold a couple of other although NBI did not sell 'Man also Rises' , the painting on the cover of the Fountainhead. There was never a coffee table book. I think there are some reproductions in the Sures book. I think the only show Frank had were shows with Joan Blumenthal and shows at his art school.
  12. A friend of mine who worked with Mary Ann Sures has told me that Mary Ann seemed to have a job as Frank's bodyguard. She told me that Miss Rand had come down with Nathaniel and Frank for a NBI opening in DC. Mr O'Connor came down after the lecture had started. My friend went over to engage him in conversation and was shooed away by Mary Ann.
  13. The man next to Carol Diehl was Robert Bidinotto. The baby and mother were Violet and Laura Murray. Violet has not yet said "Exisistence exsists".
  14. Robert; This event occured when Miss Rand was still alive. I'm sure she didn't want to answer questions on a host of topics.
  15. Peri; I remember you from notablog. I to was disgusted by the campagn against Chris S. Enjoy! Yours Chris G.
  16. In the early 1970ths Reason did an Ayn Rand issue. This issue had a picture of Miss Rand on the cover. Reason was subsquently called by Miss Rand's attorney tearthening to take Reason to court. The person who they had called said he had no choice take them to court but he had one question. The question was when can I come and take Miss Rand's deposition. The lawyer said he get back to them. There was no case of Reason vs. Ayn Rand. The bluff was called. I suspect that in some cases had people remember that someone and someone being sued both must answer questions of their attornyes.
  17. Kat; Well said! You have it exactly right. Peikoff was the last man standing or cringing. Thanks again for Objectivist Living.
  18. My understanding is that is Peikoff's position. I think it was Branden's position when he was at NBI. Someone want to disagree?
  19. /Glenn Ford was I think a vastly under appreciated actor. Frequently his co-star got all the praise. Hollywood never acknowledged him. He received niether a Life Acheivement Oscar or the AFI Life Achievement Award. Yet he held his own in a host of movies Trial and Fate is the Hunter have already been mentioned. But he also did Blackboard Jungle, 3:10 to Yuma, and of course his most famous role in Glida. I hope he gets praise with his death.
  20. I remembering an essay where Ayn Rand explictly endorsed Austian Economics. Even some of the Lew Rockwall crowd say that Miss Rand got Mises to a vaster larger audience.
  21. Saul; I had the feeling it was a mistaken statement of Reisman's postion. I thought it was an effort to suggest he was not really an Objectivist.
  22. One of my favorite Glenn Ford movies is Trial. It is an eloquent attack on racism and communism. It has a great Communist rally. It has a great performance by Juomo Hendez a very fine black actor. It is rarely shown but if you get the chance see it.
  23. I remember being told that the reason for withholding permission to use the articles was so Branden would not respond to "To Whom It May Concern". I suspect that Miss Rand was afraid that Branden would reveal thier affair. People of course guessed that the affair was the reason for the split.
  24. David Brown looked at the rest of Valliant's publisher's list. Would it be possible to contact any of them and find out if money had to exchanged to get their books published. Have there been any reviews of PARC outside of Objectivist sites? I have heard that Lindsay's trip to Orange County was subsided. Does anyone know if this true?