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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. Where did you find it on DVD?! I still have my copy from the library (I owe at least $5 on it), but I don't want to drive downtown. Overall, the film wasn't very good, but was worth a watch in my opinion. It's something I would sit down and watch if I were bored. Patricia Neal had some really great moments (none that I can recall at the moment), but her staring off into nothingness really got on my nerves. And I agree, Cooper was good as Roark, but too old. Alsoooo, I didn't think the man who played Henry Cameron was very good.
  2. BAMF


    Thank you, Michael. Rich, I feel your pain. Even though I love Eminem, I fortunately do not have his pictures plastered all over my walls. What a drag that would be! "Ehhhh..." is really the only way I can describe my feelings for Kid Rock, though I must admit, I do like his Devil Without a Cause album (and the rapping midget, Joe C!).
  3. BAMF


    Michael, Sorry about the Av. I didn't really think about the attacks from the "orthodoxy" (even though I see them everywhere!). Of course, as you assumed, it is a childish joke (and it's Skeletor, by the way). You can just leave it off and keep my Av space blank. I'd prefer not to put a picture up. You can call me Kori from now on. Is a name change possible? Again, sorry 'bout the Av! P.S. "<3" is just a sideways heart
  4. BAMF


    Michael, Thank you for the link! That was a great article. I liked that Sciabarra included quotes from kids. It seems that oftentimes adults rush to protest before they even ask us kids our opinion on whatever the issue is. We are not always as stupid and weak-minded as they think. Actually, I don't have a picture. I <3 my avatar, but I didn't read the rules. Is it allowed?
  5. BAMF


    ^ROFLcopter! Just for shits and giggles I like to hear different people's opinions on him. It's odd to encounter someone who doesn't really give a shit. Thumbs up for not thinking he's teh sAtAn.
  6. BAMF


    This is kind of out of the blue, but I was just thinking that I've never heard an opinion on Eminem from an Objectivist. What do you all think of him? Demon or not?
  7. BAMF

    Rush - Working Man

    *boasts* I can play Freewill on bass. My favorites are Anthem, Temples of Syrinx, La Villa Strangiato, and The Trees. What are all of yours'?
  8. BAMF

    Rush - Working Man

    What, no other Rush fans? Great song!
  9. Thanks again, Michael. And thanks to you as well, Reidy. I didn't know that it was their job...I guess I just thought they put books on shelves. *blush*
  10. That is actually one of the only 3 studies I could find. I have tried Google, but maybe if I keep digging I can find something else. It's just very tedious...I think I've found something and then I look deeper and it's no good. Maybe something will turn up with another search engine. Thanks!
  11. Very cool that you got to see those. A couple of years ago, there was a huge tornado in the KC area right in my neighborhood. Me and my dad were standing in the doorway looking at it about a block away. It's amazing. It's odd, I used to be so scared of they would come out of the blue and kill everyone. Haha.
  12. Thanks so much! I will definitely check it out.
  13. Wow! Those are some photos! Do you live somewhere near KC, Missouri? We just had a tornado a few days ago...
  14. Hello! I am currently attempting to complete a year-long class, at the end of which I have to give a 30 min. presentation. The topic of my presentation is going to be the impact of violent music on adolescents (psychologically, biologically, etc). For some reason, I can't seem to find many primary sources (scholarly journals, studies, etc.) on this topic. I have searched my school's databases (Ebsco, Proquest), but only found 3 good sources. Just wondering if any of you have any ideas as to where I should look for primary sources (even secondary would be nice). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  15. I have a few audio files: Interview w/ Rand (I think a radio interview) Speech on Big Business What is Capitalism? speech Philosophy: Who Needs It? at Ford Hall Forum ...I think there are some other ones. I will upload them if it's okay.