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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. My friend saw it and also thought it was one of the best movies of the year. (By the way, your sig reminds me of something I heard Bill Maher say. Who is Crash Davis?) I just saw the movie School Ties in my english class and, although it was excellent, it really pissed me off. It seems that all good movies have that effect on me. Anyone else seen this? I also saw Sarah Silverman's: Jesus Is Magic (which is a stand-up routine mixed with little musical pieces) and I laughed so hard I thought my skin was going to come off. This woman is not for anyone who is easily offended...I've never heard anyone actually crack a joke about MLK. Sheesh. A new show that I have been watching is 30 Rock. I love Alec Baldwin...
  2. It's just a little "making of" The Fountainhead. It briefly discusses Rand's writing of the book and the casting choices. It's approximately...oh...I think 25 minutes or so. It also has a theatrical trailer, which I haven't watched yet (though I'm sure it's amazing *rolls eyes*) It's definitely worth the money to have it on DVD. When I brought it home, my dad said that he wanted to watch it. I suggested that he read the book first and he ever so maturely said, "It would take me a lot of dumps to get through that big ass book." *cries*
  3. Oh, he's not worse. He's a harmless teddy bear. Really. Now THAT's what I call a contrast. The mind boggles. Yes, it is. :devil: Don't judge a book by its cover though. Through all the make-up and crazy antics, Marilyn Manson is a very intelligent man.
  4. That's a good idea, Kat! Unfortunately, in this house, we have an angel on the top of ours. Actually, if I remember right, the top of our tree is too weak to hold anything.
  5. I just got my copy! Woot! ^I couldn't find Love Letters anywhere.
  6. I just think the picture is hilarious really (her face actually looks good with that sweater ) . The dialogue is retarded.
  7. Yeeeeessssss! Thanks for delivering the news! I've had a copy of it on VHS from the library for a LONG time now and I'm pretty sure they're ready to turn me over to collections.
  8. BAH! :devil:
  9. If I was Ronald Reagan, I would have written in my will that I didn't want some stupid, drawn-out funeral procession that would be aired on TV. For Christ's sake... :sick: If I could be anyone I would be Thomas Jefferson or Marilyn Manson.
  10. Heh, no comment here, my mother's wandering around :whistle: And if any of you guys happen to have friends who are interested in Objectivism or are Objectivists themselves, please do invite them. Sometimes it seems like this joint needs more of a teenage perspective on things. LOL. Nobody here said anything. *eyes around suspiciously* :baby: I hear you. NOBODY I know is interested in Objectivism or Ayn Rand. Most people think I'm an asshole.
  11. LOL, Victor. You can still be a teenager. Dannesjkold, I suppose I would take pride in young age, but the older I get, the closer I get to moving away from home (and that's just straight exciting).
  12. Yeah! Who's the oldest? :devil: I'm Kori, 17. I'm guessing it's just the three of us.
  13. I probably would have been doing it at that time anyway. I think it's a great idea...maybe people would lighten up and quit being such a-holes. LMFAO, Victor.
  14. What is the "boy on the bicycle" scene from? I agree that the death of the Wet Nurse was one of the most beautiful of her writings, as well as Dagny's scene with Cherryl Taggart. Funny, my Brit lit teacher said it was "too preachy," so I suggested he read Atlas.
  15. BAMF


    You and Angie are cute as all hell. I don't think you were a pussy. It would be hard to leave some place you have so many ties to. Fortunately all of my ties are crappy, so I'm getting the hell out of Missouri after college. *goes to hide in the mountains* :hairy: Thank you, Barbara! That's really hilarious. The heckler got pwnt! It's nice to meet you, by the way! I read some of The Passion of Ayn Rand for a report I did on Rand and I thought it was excellent. Unfortunately I was strapped for time, so I did not get to finish it all. I will have to pick it up again soon, I thought the writing was beautiful.
  16. BAMF


    I live in Kansas City, which is the best city to be in if you're unfortunate enough to live in Missouri. I've only been to Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Kansas (*dies*), and Illinois (but that doesn't count 'cause I was only in the airport). I can't wait to be able to travel. How come you didn't move to America immediately after you turned 18 if you loved it so much?
  17. BAMF


    I would love to see your Salvador Dali on the $100 bill. I love places that aren't sunny, but I hate the freezing cold. I would love to live somewhere where it rains all the time. Or maybe San Francisco or San Diego. They seem to have nice temperatures. New York would also be excellent, but I haven't been, so I guess I really shouldn't say that. I might go there on a senior trip this year!
  18. BAMF


    You should definitely move here. If you're American in spirit, you must eat a lot of Micky Dees and watch retarded amounts of "reality" TV. j/k Maybe you can organize a group to redesign American money. I'll be in. Which state would you move to? Jeez, the more I say "America" the more it reminds me of people that spell it like "Amerikkka." *shudderpukes* When did she say that/who did she say it to? Kind of reminds me of a Chris Rock bit where he says the only real Americans are immigrants and veterans. :twitch:
  19. I was actually going to do a report studying theocracy in America. Apparently it's not relevant though. *pouts* Interesting poll, although it's hard for me to believe. Maybe because I'm in Missouri.
  20. I'm excited, but now I have to go to school and cannot take a good gander! Darn the luck... :cry:
  21. BAMF


    Yeah, but is your money GREEN and AMERICAN? I didn't think so... Those really are pretty cool designs. I especially like the picture of the boy w/ binoculars on the 10 bucks. *reminisces about Looney Toons and Nickelodeon*