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Everything posted by BAMF

  1. BAMF


    It's funny that you and Angie would call me "girly girl." I'm anything but that. LOL. Oh Boy! [video removed by youtube] Placebo's "Nancy Boy" [video removed by youtube] Oh, and Angie. What if someone prefers to wear black (not necessarily ALL black), but their favorite colors are orange, yellow, and purple? (I'm too white to wear orange! LMAO)
  2. Well, I'm glad you've dismissed those thoughts. It's so strange to even think about it, but you know something's up when it crosses your mind.
  3. BAMF

    Rush tattoos

    Oh dammit! God, I can't fool with this right now. I'll fix it soon.
  4. Whoa, bro! Yes, I think it is if the thought of suicide has crossed your mind. I don't really have any advice for you though. What are the goals you are setting for yourself? Damn, all I can really say is keep on keepin' on and wait for the many great pieces of advice I know you will receive from the OLers.
  5. BAMF

    Rush tattoos

    Don't really know if this belongs in the music section or in the art section! Wowsa! This guy better hope that one of the members of Rush doesn't kill his dog or something. He'll have to have his skin removed.
  6. Break out the stretchy pants, Roger. I also share Barbara's irritation with all the food warnings. Once, on a preview for the news, they said, "Are apples bad for you? Find out at 10." Uhh...yeah.
  7. Hahaha. Screw football, I'm playing Guitar Hero!
  8. I plan on walking away from the kitchen table to play video games. Does that count? Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, Chris (and of course everybody else!).
  9. BAMF


    Of course it's not my wedding! *barfola* He's interesting, I guess. It's just the whole idea of going to a wedding that's boring to me. Kind of like, "Eh...whatever." It's my sister's wedding. LMAO at your initial confusion. I'm excited to hear your questions. You're a sneaky one, Angie! I agree. But then maybe all the guys will know and they will study. Ah, I remember now! That really does sound like a good foot in the door. I wish him the best.
  10. BAMF


    Hey, you should write a paper called "Portrait of a young female punk..." No really, I'm kidding. No, that essay is damn interesting in learning how to hone a radar to uncover bullshit artists-- or someone's philosophy should you decide to enter a relationship with someone--romantic, friendship, business--and not just within the scope of your parent's political views. You want to know this person well, and what they say can give them away as to what there values are. It's good to know where people are 'coming from.' There is a wider application to your life here. It's a really interesting chapter in Philosophy: Who needs it. By the way, Angie practiced it on me when first getting to know me. She would ask key questions that might have me answering in a certain way that would give her a clue as to what type of man I am. She is one smart lady. I passed the test! Every paper I write has "female punk" written all over it, Victor. Hah. I have Philosophy: Who Needs It, so I'll have to check that one out. I do try and pick up on things people say and it definitely does tell you something about a person. I also try to think carefully about what I am saying, because I sometimes don't think before I speak (or I say things to semi-strangers that they would only understand if they really knew me) and I think that gives people a false impression of me. I sure would like to know what Angie's questions were, I need them! I'm glad you passed the test. You and Angie are a cute couple. *sighs* I suppose it's bedtime again. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. *snores*
  11. BAMF


    LOL. ;) I don't know if I care enough about my parents' political views. Maybe I should, but I really don't. People might say I'm a brat, but I have hardly any respect for either of them.
  12. BAMF


    I really don't know. My parents don't talk too much about politics. I don't know that my mom even has any actual opinions on anything. My dad...hmm...I think he hates communism, but I don't know how he feels about anything else.
  13. BAMF


    Oh, I know. That's why it's good. My dad thinks that the speaker is on the side of the maples. BAH! I wish I could see them live. They are truly amazing musicians!
  14. I'm still pigging out. You only live once.
  15. BAMF


    Mo' good stuff. The Trees is awesome. I can play it on guitar! *gloats* I also love Summertime, even though I actually hate the summertime. Who'da thunk it? I've seen people with pants on that say "Bootylicious" across the ass. I kind of want ones that say "fun hole" or something grotesque like that. LMAO. Bjork is a badass. Here's a clip of her not taking any shit.
  16. BAMF


    Good stuff, Angie! I always loved Will Smith. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air used to be my favorite show. And you beat me to posting SexyBack! I was going to post it earlier, but forgot. I can't help but want to dance to that song. Have you heard the rest of his album FutureSex/LoveSounds? I think it's pretty cool.
  17. BAMF


    LOL. Yeah, I thought Angie was from Cali, but couldn't quite remember. I really would like to check out San Fran and San Diego. I don't know if all the sun is for me though. Hehehehe. Em and Elton John perform Stan at the Grammys [video removed by youtube] Eminem "Like Toy Soldiers" (Best sample of all time, haha) [video removed by youtube] Falco "Rock Me, Amadeus" (brings back memories) [video removed by youtube] The Cranberries "Zombie" [video removed by youtube] D12 "My Band" (d12 is Eminem's "band" LMAO) [video removed by youtube] Here's one for Angie Tupac and Dr. Dre "California Love" LMAO at this Tupac "Dear Mama" [video removed by youtube] Old school fun hip-hop Will Smith "Parents Just Don't Understand" [video removed by youtube]
  18. I see. I'm glad it will be first person. That makes it much better, in my opinion.
  19. BAMF


    Oh hell yeah, he's "the male strip tease artist with clothes on"! Shake it, Elvis! RAWR! :shocked: :turned: Speaking of me loving Elvis here's The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations [video removed by youtube]
  20. BAMF


    Ohhhh yeah! This is my song. Not a video, but check ch-ch-che-check it out! Teenagers by My Chemical Romance [video removed by youtube]
  21. BAMF


    Straight up coolness. Of course I like Elvis and Joplin! They got soul, brotha! *is aching for more Elvis* *goes to iTunes*
  22. BAMF


    Janis Joplin (She's got fuckin' soul, man)
  23. BAMF


    Damn, I forgot how much ass Elvis kicks! Thanks, Victor. I need to go get some Elvis, man. :heart: This is all good stuff you guys. Angie, I kind of remember Joss Stone (or maybe Melissa Etheridge, can't remember) doing a tribute to Janis Joplin. I'll have to find it. And keep the Rush coming. They are freakin' amazing! I was also diggin' that Ashley Parker Angel song "Crazy Beautiful." Wasn't he in a group a long time ago? And Jesus, Mark, what a speaker! I'm jealous!
  24. I forgot to ask. Is it going to be told first person when you put in in Icons and Idols? 'Cause I found a few "hims" in it. Just wondering if you changed it to post here.