Capitalism Rocks

John Tate

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With all due respect to the sentiment expressed, profit is produced by people engaging in productive activities. Profit is a benefit to the producer and it is also a benefit to the end user because it means the producer will be able to go on making stuff the end users wants to buy.

Profit cannot be put ahead of people, since it is what people do.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I can't believe you take the stupid picture that seriously.

I have Asbergers Syndrom. I take everything literally and seriously. Believe it.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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A person really with that would know how to spell it.

With or without the "P" an Old Aspie I am. Professionally diagnosed. I even have an MRI showing some of the anomalies.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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A person really with that would know how to spell it.

And a person without it would learn not to be rude and to have elemental respect for one who is more senior than he is.


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Capitalism does rock and so do Aspies.

I saw the title of the thread and was expecting something new and cool from the Schoolhouse rocks people. Oh well.

Anyway, its nice that some people still believe in capitalism.


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You know, this whole capitalism vs. socialism is based on a misconception. The real argument is individual capitalism vs. social capitalism. Every modern society needs to have a functioning capitalism unless it wants to use bartering. The real difference in the 2 approaches is that one group believes that individuals should be able to become as wealthy as they wish with little or no responsibility to the system in which they function and the other group believes that the welfare of the people should come first. Of course all the different countries operate somewhere in the middle with some being more individual oriented, like the US, and others being more group oriented, like China. Neither system in it's extreme form will work.

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You know, this whole capitalism vs. socialism is based on a misconception. The real argument is individual capitalism vs. social capitalism. Every modern society needs to have a functioning capitalism unless it wants to use bartering. The real difference in the 2 approaches is that one group believes that individuals should be able to become as wealthy as they wish with little or no responsibility to the system in which they function and the other group believes that the welfare of the people should come first. Of course all the different countries operate somewhere in the middle with some being more individual oriented, like the US, and others being more group oriented, like China. Neither system in it's extreme form will work.

"Social capitalism" is fascism. Leave your gun at home and you'll get some clarity.


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A person really with that would know how to spell it.

And a person without it would learn not to be rude and to have elemental respect for one who is more senior than he is.


A) I don't pay attention to age.

B) Elemental respect for seniors? When a child is born in a world not wrecked by those who delivered it to him, that child will be the first to require an elemental respect for seniors.

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Lose the self pity tape. "When a child is born in a world not wrecked by those who delivered it to him..." Wa Wa - does the devastated child need to be held and protected?

First of all the logic does not hold and did you ever think that the folks "...who delivered it to him..." had folks that delivered it to them? So I guess your pitiful whine is best reserved for that common mother that allegedly spawned us all - so send your complaints to central Africa.

And you still owe anyone older than you respect, stop acting like a spoiled little punk .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh well I'll respect my elders: Obama. Is that what you fucking want? The fact is the "elders" thing is pointless. Someone can be older but that doesn't decide if they are a rotter or not.

I'd actually prefer elders like Baal around me.

By saying "respect your elders" you are also saying "I am a child." If 21 years of experience is going to have flaws 50 doesn't sue me. What I can do about it takes fifty years.


If I put profit before people I can sell a more expensive item for an individual (who cant get it elsewhere) rather than a cheaper item for the masses.

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