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This "individual" has always pissed me off.

A guest on MSNBC’s “The Ed Show” Wednesday told guest host Michael Eric Dyson that after activists deal with police brutality, they need to deal with “the oppressive force” of capitalism. (VIDEO: MSNBC Guest: ‘Foundation Of This Country Is Racism’ )

DYSON: The problem extends beyond police departments. What is the next institution that needs to be isolated and challenged?

ly “HIP HOP ACTIVIST” ROSA CLEMENTE: The economy. Capitalism! I think that’s the institution all over this country, it is really what is the oppressive force. And the police are actually in my opinion– and we have a lot of theory that proves this– are that force that are keeping us as particularly working class people from achieving this idea of, you know, economic justice. Economic justice is not devoid from racial justice, just like it’s not devoid of gender justice. … Also in the classroom here at California State University Los Angeles in the Pan-African Department, my students are having those conversations. These are working class students, going to school full time working two jobs and continualbeing harassed by the police at many different levels. So I think what these young people are talking about, is now, as we are talking about policing, how are we talking again about the system, particularly the economic system that really from birth determines how we’re going to be looked on? DYSON: Absolutely.

The agenda marches on!


Under the cover of liberalism it's just Marxism and that goes back over a hundred years and includes "progressives."


lots of useful "liberal" idiots are in the mix, of course, and they are the most numerous as that's the nature of idiocy for idiocy is easy even for otherwise smart people using compartmentalism as the cowards hide their envy and fear of envy under self-righteous rubric of not being wrong about anything important

  • 1 month later...

In light of Sons of Liberty, what would Sam Adams have said about this insanity:

In an interview with NPR, Watkins details how he goes about enforcing the draconian statute:

"You can see all the oranges and coffee grounds," he says, raising one lid.” All that makes great compost. You can put that in your compost bin and buy it back next year in a bag and put it in your garden."

The ultimate goal of the law is to boost composting while reducing greenhouse gasses:

Food waste is both an economic and environmental burden. Transporting the waste, especially for distances as far as Seattle does, is costly. So too is allowing it to sit out in the open, where it produces methane, one of the most harmful greenhouses gases, as it rots. The second largest component of landfills in the United States is organic waste, and landfills are the single largest source of methane gas.

The EPA has already begun a campaign to achieve laws similar to Seattle’s.

The outstanding question remains: what purview is it of government to act as people’s trash nanny?

Seattle to Fine Residents for Throwing Food in the Garbage!!!!

How about go fuck yourself.



Composting doesn't produce methane?

If they fine you for food in your garbage just bag it apart and drive down some public street dumping it as you go. Better yet, use a trash barrel in a public park. Best: go to City Hall and put it in their trash cans and let them go fine themselves.


son of liberty, not garbage fascists


Composting doesn't produce methane?

If they fine you for food in your garbage just bag it apart and drive down some public street dumping it as you go. Better yet, use a trash barrel in a public park. Best: go to City Hall and put it in their trash cans and let them go fine themselves.

The state of the art Garbage Fascism is practiced in the Japanese community Kamikatsu. Household waste must be separated into 34 categories, according to the Guardian.

In my municipality, you are encouraged to separate out recyclables from garbage. You are also provided with a bin to collect all food scraps including meat and bones. These organic items are used in the production of top-soil via an advanced industrial process. We can also send bags of garden refuse along to the composting centres.

You mention methane. Methane is a product of decaying organic refuse compacted so that most air is removed from the stack. In contrast to compost, only anaerobic bacteria can break down the compressed refuse stack. This results in methane production.

On the other hand, compost is made via aerobic bacteria -- the business of composting depends on oxygen, simply put.

So, no, composting does not produce methane as does a landfill or a modern-style dump. If your local dump is like the one up here, methane is extracted and burned for energy (or incineration) from the decaying matter compressed in the landfill.

Composting organic crap actually makes something useful. I think this is a wisely conserved part of agricultural tradition, and a necessary part of present technology of garbage disposal/reuse/recyclage/follow-on products. Thar's gold in them hills of crap.

-- of course, Seattlites might take your suggestion and some of them dump their household crap in the public road.



According to the EPA:

Methane (CH4) is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted in the United States from human activities. In 2012, CH4 accounted for about 9% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Methane is emitted by natural sources such as wetlands, as well as human activities such as leakage from natural gas systems and the raising of livestock. Natural processes in soil and chemical reactions in the atmosphere help remove CH4 from the atmosphere. Methane's lifetime in the atmosphere is much shorter than carbon dioxide (CO2), but CH4 is more efficient at trapping radiation than CO2. Pound for pound, the comparative impact of CH4 on climate change is over 20 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period.

The distinction that you were making about Methane emissions was just in reference to compacting?


Posted (edited)


According to the EPA: [from "Overview of Greenhouse Gases:]

Methane (CH4) is the second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted in the United States from human activities. In 2012, CH4 accounted for about 9% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Methane is emitted by natural sources such as wetlands, as well as human activities such as leakage from natural gas systems and the raising of livestock. Natural processes in soil and chemical reactions in the atmosphere help remove CH4 from the atmosphere. Methane's lifetime in the atmosphere is much shorter than carbon dioxide (CO2), but CH4 is more efficient at trapping radiation than CO2. Pound for pound, the comparative impact of CH4 on climate change is over 20 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period.

The distinction that you were making about Methane emissions was just in reference to compacting?

I am not sure I understand your question. Do you grok the difference between anaerobic and aerobic 'decay' of organic material?

I tried to let Brant know that composting takes advantage of aerobic bacteria to break down organic material, and that the difference between the two processes is the presence of oxygen (simply, maybe simplistically put). Thus landfills 'grow' methane, composting does not.

It can be argued (and is argued) that reducing methane emissions from decomposing landfill organics makes sense -- in a mitigation strategy. In my bailiwick, composting and recycling are also argued on economic grounds (it saves money by requiring less landfill operation costs, it generates money from the products of sophisticated refuse-processing).

Now, one can also argue that the EPA should be dissolved, along with any other purported fascist control structure over human beings and their free activities. And one can argue that there is no problem (of Greenhouse Gases) to solve; there is no appreciable or worrying warming caused by GHGs, and so on. Those aren't my arguments, but there you go.

We will always be dealing with our human shit and crap and refuse. A useful Objectivish argument can be made for the optimal conditions -- unfettered capitalism -- for properly valuing and exploiting garbage before we bury it.

Even fettered capitalism can provide value-estimating and knock-on products from garbage. I note a very rich Chinese woman, Zhang Yin the "Cardboard Queen." She managed to out-capitalize Oprah, and become a billionaire. Her entrepreneurship was built of American paper waste -- she buys it from you guys, ships it home, and re-makes it. Ka-ching!


Adam and Brant, have a gander at the EPA's Food Recovery Hierarchy. Composting is a less-favored behavioral requirement of their firecracker-red food policy ...


Edited by william.scherk

I thought that was the distinction that you were pointing out.

Methane is produced in a number of processes other than the compost/landfill point you were making.

Buckminster Fuller developed the Dymaxian toilet in the 1930's.

Dymaxion Bathroom

Worried by the poor sanitation, inefficiency, and high cost of bathrooms, Bucky came up with a solution in 1936.

The four, stamped sheet metal or molded plastic sections are each light enough to be carried by two workers. They'll fit up tight staircases and through narrow doors, allowing retrofitting in existing structures. All the appliances, pipes, and wires are built-in, limiting on-site construction to mere hook-up.

With the sections bolted together, the interior has no germ-harboring nooks, crannies, grout cracks or anything that can rot. Large-radius corners make germicidal swabbing easy and complete. Downdraft ventilation draws fumes and steam to the undersink vent. Both sink and (deep) bath-shower are arranged to ease the care of children and seniors. The mirror doesn't steam up, the sink doesn't splatter, and the toilet paper stays dry.

Dymaxion Bathrooms are to be equipped with "Fog Gun" hot water vapor showers that use only a cup of water to clean hygienically without soap. Remarking that "Nature had designed humans to separate urine and excrement. Both are valuable chemistry, and should be collected for further use," Bucky specified a waterless "Packaging Toilet" that deftly shrink-wrapped the stuff for pickup for later composting. (Ordinary toilets use approximately 2000 gallons of pure drinking water per year to flush - and waste - one human's "exhaust" that, if dried out, would scarcely fill two 5-gallon pails.)



Fraid so. Perhaps it's all about 'The Legacy'.

Nixon and China, now Obama with Cuba and Iran. Does he have a clue what he's meddling with on Iran? He must.


Steve Forbes doesn't mince words:

"Another factor Obama and his appeasement-minded minions willfully ignore is the existential threat Iran poses to Israel. Given the size of the Jewish state, it has no room for error. A nuclear-armed Iran will put Israeli leaders in a dangerous, hair-trigger situation. Israel is a crucial US ally, strategically and morally. It is the only durable democracy in the Mideast. With only 8 million people, Israel has surpassed the European Union, with a population of over 400 million, in high technology, rivaling Silicon Valley. It was born from the ashes of the Holocaust. The destruction of Israel would mean, ultimately, the end of Western civilization; the moral rot that would permit such an event would be just about impossible to surmount."


Fraid so. Perhaps it's all about 'The Legacy'.

Nixon and China, now Obama with Cuba and Iran. Does he have a clue what he's meddling with on Iran? He must.

Did Dagny's brother have a clue?

My belief is that he is simply disconnected with reality, at least in terms of world's gestalt.

Second, I feel that he hates this country and it's success on the world stage.

Finally, my perception is that he is a narcissist that is having a psychotic break with everything he thought was true and like other fascists/marxists he just crushes anything in his way when he can.

"What you do today will echo down the corridors of history."

He has 722 days to do tremendous damage to our country.



772 days @ 16 hrs per day will result in 12,352 hrs he will be awake & in the assault mode.

With his trusty pen and telephone, and even on the golf course, this p.o.s will initiate plenty of damage via directives, executive actions, vetoes, speeches, etc.


  • 2 weeks later...

Now if we had a functioning libertarian party, or Objective party, we would have a high profile press release wherein the party would be at the Federal Court filing a Federal law suit on behalf of all teenagers and the right of economic associations free of repressive government regulations that serve no purpose other than to raise revenue which is wasted.

New Jersey Police Crack Down on Teens for Illegal Snow Shoveling


When a major snowstorm hit the east coast two weeks ago, two entrepreneurial teens in New Jersey were ready.

Until they ran directly into a real force of nature: government nannies.

Matt Molinari and Eric Schnepf, both 18-year-olds from Bound Brook, N.J., were going door-to-door in their neighborhood Jan. 27, handing out homemade flyers that offered snow-shoveling services. School had already been canceled for the next day, when a winter storm was expected to bury their portion of the Garden State under several inches of cold white powder.

But their offer of a free exchange of services for cash caught the attention of the local police force.


Jeezus. When I was a kid I used to earn pretty good money shoveling steps and walks for the elderly. On a snow day I could earn as much as ten dollars. That was when gold was $35 an ounce. At current prices that would come out to $250 and by inflation measures that would be $150. Not bad for a snot nose kid, eh?

Ba'al Chatzaf


Saddest part of this Bound Brook story is it's history.

Site of a Revolutionary War battle where 4,000 British troops routed our rebels.

Largest percentage of Costa Rican residents in US at 14 + % of towns population.

Also, has a Republican mayor!

As of 2015, the Mayor of Bound Brook is Republican Robert P. Fazen, who was elected in November 2014 to fill seat that had been vacated by Carey Pilato with a term ending December 31, 2015; Pilato left office in December 2013 and Mark Hasting filled the seat on an interim basis until the November 2014 general election.[41][42] Members of the Borough Council are Lisa Bogart (D, 2015), Peter Lazarro (D, 2016), Philip Fiadino (D, 2017), Abel Gomez (D, 2017), Vinnie Petti (D, 2015) and Beverly Pranzatelli (D, 2016).[43][44][45][46][47][48]

Apparently, nothing fazes Mayor Fazen and his fascists civil servants who, in the business office, are more interested in their pound of lard business permits to keep the swine eating from the public trough, than celebrating a free business atmosphere for entrepreneurial efforts.

Great job Mr. Republican!!



In 1980 ish on one particular snowy day I shovelled driveways for $3.00 each. I was gone from 9am until 11pm. I made over 200 bucks. Pretty darned fine for an 11 year old kid.


In 1980 ish on one particular snowy day I shovelled driveways for $3.00 each. I was gone from 9am until 11pm. I made over 200 bucks. Pretty darned fine for an 11 year old kid.

Tips included?

Still 60-70 driveways, good work!


Jeezus. When I was a kid I used to earn pretty good money shoveling steps and walks for the elderly. On a snow day I could earn as much as ten dollars. That was when gold was $35 an ounce. At current prices that would come out to $250 and by inflation measures that would be $150. Not bad for a snot nose kid, eh?

Ba'al Chatzaf

Same for me while living in Brooklyn as a kid. And in the summer we washed cars. I believe gas was .28 a gallon, .15 for a slice of pizza and a nickel for a glass of Coke. Life was good.

Today, kids need business licenses to sell lemonade, and that's assuming they even want to earn money.


  • 2 months later...

I would like to hear folks evaluation of this Nationwide Insurance commercial about Mindy being invisible...





It got too stupid for me at the end, not that it wasn't stupid from the beginning. There seems to be some implicit PC in there plus anti-male.


this kind of crap actually is condescending to females

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