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Everything posted by atlashead

  1. it'll happen one day that a person will be found to have a disease that will spread infectiously if they live/die
  2. I added another thing: perpetual tapping. Tap your body perpetually
  3. John Galt's morality has 3 facets: morality, ethics, & the body. Morality is education "your education or your life"; you cannot take actions that will not enslave a person now or in the future without COMPLETE knowledge. This means you do not destroy the life giving values of this world. Ethics means you are to be self-sustaining. While not destroying value, you must CREATE value. You can not control a person in any way shape or form. The body's morality is that a person who exercises' resting food usage is LOWER than if they didn't do cardiovascular exercise. This is morality. This is my objectivist thesis.
  4. (The Great Reset) People who aren't self made are liable for destroying value. If you can't use it to the highest ability-you are not to touch it. This is the proper form of government. We have thousands of years behind us of extortion by force & fraud. This brings about things like Donald Trump being a billionaire. Government & voting is immoral. Taxation is immoral. Subsidizing education is immoral. But if someone doesn't have a full education they have no capacity to be anything but a destroyer. Judge a (wo)man in the harshest way. If (s)he is perfect, share. I believe in universal education-I believe everyone is innocent & duly capable at birth (Even if they're crippled). I believe every being has a right to their freedom, body, & property. That is why we need the great reset. We should put all our currency in a crypt and never touch it until we have a use for it. Private property is a right, but shouldn't a John Galt in the face of a Francisco be allowed to seized Francisco's property-for John Galts know better? John Galts know more knowledge-they are more Aristoelian, more Pliny the Elder (two who had all the knowledge available at the time?) If people are going to vote, it is our right to see HOW they vote-but in a representative democracy all voting is immoral.
  5. Free will exists. Someone should get a mental health worker involuntarily committed.
  6. Executing all the guards. Howard Roark would give John Galt anything.
  7. There are 7 billion leeches in the world, and only so many prime movers/ideal/perfect people. When you sacrifice your health to the masses, or your means of production to them, you are committing an immoral act in concrete, but an amoral act in means. It DOESN'T HURT the prime mover to be virtually COMPLETELY SELFISH, in fact-it helps them. When Hank Rearden gives up his metal, who did he hurt? Himself and all the prime movers. They would have made bullets, guns, knives, and barbed/razor wire with it. In the cases of emergency it's most important to have a powerful BODY, that means working out. At the same time, if you work in a physics lab, and you depend on your arms, it's important that you're not too sore. We live in a world of animals-if you don't work you don't eat, but you have to have the chemical energy to DO work.
  8. I must say there's no guilt in having heterosexual anal/oral sex using a condom while the woman's on birth control with spermicide in her vagina. I'm sorry if I guilted anyone out of this. The only thing you have to sell out is mass opinion. It is the mass' opinion that you should save pieces of yourself for your "love". It is my opinion, if you're in pain and a heterosexual: anal/oral sex using a condom while the woman's on birth control with spermicide in her vagina. awhw, the wonders of technology
  10. That to falter at all is to condone this.
  11. This has nothing to do with thinking. When you've seen a man bear his soul, you understand what a sell-out is; thus, any person who has ever sold out's soul is that.
  12. To me, these titles don't make sense. They seem unintegrated. What's the significance of the order? edit: Think I discovered it. Peter Keating has no philosophy. Ellsworth Toohey gives him his philosophy. Gail Wynand has no philosophy, Howard Roark gives him his. Gail Wynand & Ellsworth Toohey share basically the same philosophy and their sections are touching.
  13. go ahead and let Scotty beam you up. You will probably find you have time traveled and you didn't even know.
  14. this is unknowable, as science tells what resources, if any, become most valuable
  15. actually, when I go to bars I usually write.
  16. shaking around a towel on a ruler =walking (kinematics)
  17. Touch a point on your body, then remove a slice of skin from that place, and touch where the skin was. You now know that the quantum is an impossibility, that n=np & n=/np (that this question's irrelevant). Then listen to two sounds, or look at two objects etc.. Since a=a, and there is no proof of other dimensions, & the idea of god begs the question "who is god?". Sorry, I left out the transitions in case some dumbass stumbles upon this site.
  18. I've spent my life trying to not clog the motor of my mind-and thus not my emotions. Imagine for a second your mind gave you the choice: "True" or "False" to a question of, ultimately, love-that you knew you had to choose true to not sell your soul, that false was the coward way out. And you chose true, because you're an egotist, but it turned out that love was probably wrong. That everything you believed about this concept was untrue. It's not past the point of no-return, but that point is nearly here, so maybe I shouldn't be making this post, I'm just wondering, if you've always done the virtuous thing, and directed your mind in the selfish but moral direction, could your emotions be wrong? I believe free will exists, and that existence, like all things non-concrete, lies on a logical proof, yes of my own creation. I have struggled my whole life to be what I am, but maybe my emotions just weren't good enough...
  19. I'm just wondering how he managed to stay alive that long. Was there ever a time or place when the prime mover wasn't covered in leeches?
  20. I'm actually not going to do it, but THANK YOU!xoxo
  21. I was 20 and on probation. I was on the verge of killing myself, just so sick of everything. I wasn't supposed to leave the state of WI, but I called my dad and he gave me 400$ and I got in my truck and went to Illinois. This was in the days before the smart phone, so if you're going to do this, bring one. I stayed at NIU's hotel and they have a bowling alley and arcade in the basement. I walked around the campus and went to a majors fair and got to think about what I wanted to pursue. I barely talked to anyone. I got in my car and drove aimlessly, ended up on a highway surrounded by lush foliage that lead to a small town called Clinton, Iowa. It seemingly had a steel mill or something. I got there as the sky was purple before the dawn, and went into a grocery store. It struck me that this store was different: in the bakery section were pastries that were very colorful and each different. I realized that art is dependent on industry, that the richer we are, the more art we can create, and thus the more happiness we can achieve. Anybody on the brink of suicide, or who just needs a pick-me-up should go on a trip like this, to see nature & realize that all of man's greatest achievements are interconnected & interdependent. The root of money really is the root of all good.
  22. I hope americans read this by the time I must choose, but I am interested in taking a sequence of two chemistry classes at a government school. If anyone says they don't approve, I won't do it. If I'd had an inheritance that was enough to get me into school I would go private, but I have little $. It is, in fact, a subject that goes peripherally into my specialization. I need to know by Wednesday Pacific time.