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Everything posted by Cathy

  1. I would if I could Ginny, but my kids do it for me
  2. So we return to...We the people of the United States....awesome story! I'm going to post it on facebook
  3. Phew...well, at least we know the bull whip marks will heal with time. However, ...well...not sure about that branding iron you insisted on using... ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
  4. you must know his secret. I thought he was a girl from his profile pic and know more than I do ; )
  5. I put this on facebook to My humble thanks. I am just getting started. The more I read about the "Affordable" [which it is not], and the "Care," which it does not provide and it does "Act." Frighteningly, how it acts is to: 1) remove 16 to 17% of the economy, directly in to the coffers of the Federal statist system; 2) segregate, by class, the American individual citizen into: a) those that will die [due the 'death panel,' that this abomination encysts into the statutes of the no longer Constitutional Republic]; and b) those that will "live," as serfs, or, slaves, to produce income to support the "system" that operates to sustain itself, and to supress the rest of the citizens, until they "graduate" to be absorbed; I will expand on this later. A... Its scary!
  6. Carol: I will waive consecutive translation because you are Canadian. However, what the fuck are you talking about? A... LOL!
  7. LOL...I love this site! Sometimes I call my sister and read the little funnies you all say and we laugh and laugh. You all make my day!!!! ~Cathy~ Funny? I don't need no stinkin' funny! --Brant you really don't know where you are Brant, I know this, you all have helped me through some pretty tough issues, and none of you know how much I appreciate that. I have my uncles print you sent me hanging where I can see it everyday...I truly, truly appreciate that! I no longer have a black void, that I never knew I had, until all of you filled it with the knowledge of what I was missing all a long. I don't know if you can understand this, because in ways I don't either. But all of you have filled up my heart and soul and literally has made me a whole person. Its like someone with amnesia, going through years without remember who they are or who they could be without knowing where they came from. and all along not knowing they were missing that. I do know where I am...right where God wanted me to be ; ) ~Cathy~ and I love all the humor...just love it! : )
  8. LOL...I love this site! Sometimes I call my sister and read the little funnies you all say and we laugh and laugh. You all make my day!!!! ~Cathy~
  9. Depends on if they've got (enough) women. No women, no fighting. --Brant what would be the point? LOL!
  10. I use to have very good insurance and never thought a thing about it until we lost it. I am a diabetic and need medicine for the rest of my life and couldn't afford it after our business went under. There is a St Ann's clinic here that I get all my medical needs taken care of free. Never in a million years did I think I would have to stand in line at 7 a.m. for the clinic doors to open at 9 a.m. to wait hours to see a doctor, but there I was, and not to proud to do it either. I always say, if I ever get any money, I will help St Ann's...and I mean it. You would think I would be grateful for any health care, and I would have been if I had a choice, not by being force get it and fined if I don't. I know this health care will be for the good of the haves and not the have not's, why change history now? Not only am I worried I wont be able to afford it, but places like St Ann's will not be available once this comes into effect. I am worried hospitals will turn away the sick and injured if they don't have the Obama care (only because we are forced to have it) and that would make a for sure way the government can enforce it. you are right Michael, it is hard to starve in America, and if someone was hungry, family, churches and friends would give food...but whose going to be the doctor, or hospital if your dying? I don't know all the in's and out's of Obama care yet, and I am sure there are some hidden factors to the plan that isn't to our benefit. And whose to say what the government thinks is affordable to what most Americans think is affordable. I love all this inputs, because when I read about it on the internet, it all ends up being French to me...and I cant read French! ~Cathy~
  11. This is GREAT! I posted just have to wait lol!
  12. Hold up...let me get my dictionary Now the last sentence is more like me Abusive: An Abusive Ad Hominem occurs when an attack on the character or other irrelevant personal qualities of the opposition—such as appearance—is offered as evidence against their position. Such attacks are often effective distractions ("red herrings"), because the opponents feel it necessary to defend themselves, thus being distracted from the topic of the debate. exactly! Thank you Selene,,,this is Brad!
  13. Hold up...let me get my dictionary Now the last sentence is more like me
  14. Cathy, Don't worry. He knows it. Why do you think he only looks down his nose and snarks at you? Ayn Rand is taken seriously in high places throughout the world. Her influence with intelligent people of action literally stops jerks with an authoritarian bent from taking over for once and for all. Your friend knows it. He's not stupid. Believe me, he knows it. Ayn Rand mucks up his inner control freak. And that really pisses him off. Michael Your right Michael! I quoted Paul Ryan first and he wasn't that like that with him. Soon as I brought Ayn Rand up, he got really nasty. Yep, he does know. ~Cathy~
  15. Hi Brant! I have facebook because I have children out of state. this way they can talk to me and send me pictures. I woke up this morning with a headache from all this. Now Conny is starting on me about it ugh! I wish my dad would have let Aunt Alice inform us of some of her philosophies...maybe I would be better prepared. I just think our government should work for us, but it seems we work for them. Then you get someone like Brad on there who wants to insult me and my friends, even Aunt Alice and Paul Ryan, and all he's doing is skirting around the issues. Bullying us, instead of proving his point. I am not in his league to win the debate, I don't like arguing (I will if I have to)but I am not good at it. I got extremely upset when he called Aunt Alice a pathetic piece of shit. I am still upset about it. Everything she went through right from the beginning when she came here, learning, struggling, and hatred...she is more than I ever thought she was. When he called her that...I felt this over whelming need to protect her...not Aunt Alice, but Ayn Rand! Can you believe it! I think the two are coming together for me. BTW I have a cane corso named Zorro ~Cathy~ If someone attacks Ayn Rand the person it's a logical fallacy. That should be pointed out, not that her or her views are being misrepresented. That would be mud-wrestling and sanction. --Brant then you disengage Your a nice man Brant, and I like you lots! But damn, do I ever have a hard time knowing what your saying without a dictionary! You could win an argument with me very easily Because I'm nice I don't generally try to win arguments. I've discovered there is no such thing respecting the person you are arguing with. But sometimes it's too much fun and I can't help myself! --Brant Clarice: the world is a much more interesting place with you in it--and I expect the same consideration in return Silence of the lambs...that movie scared me to death! It really takes so much out of me to argue...I just never thought I would get that angry over that! I wanted to say the F word and everything...but didn't. it took everything I had just to type and try and stay as calm as I did. Your to funny Brant! I've missed you all! ~Cathy~
  16. Wasn't it introduce sometime in 09? I maybe wrong (nothing new) but was summited into law until Obama passed it with his overview of it? Why did Obama sneak behind close doors with out republicans there to sign it. Or am I reading to much research and am getting confused (nothing new there to) ~Cathy~
  17. Hi Brant! I have facebook because I have children out of state. this way they can talk to me and send me pictures. I woke up this morning with a headache from all this. Now Conny is starting on me about it ugh! I wish my dad would have let Aunt Alice inform us of some of her philosophies...maybe I would be better prepared. I just think our government should work for us, but it seems we work for them. Then you get someone like Brad on there who wants to insult me and my friends, even Aunt Alice and Paul Ryan, and all he's doing is skirting around the issues. Bullying us, instead of proving his point. I am not in his league to win the debate, I don't like arguing (I will if I have to)but I am not good at it. I got extremely upset when he called Aunt Alice a pathetic piece of shit. I am still upset about it. Everything she went through right from the beginning when she came here, learning, struggling, and hatred...she is more than I ever thought she was. When he called her that...I felt this over whelming need to protect her...not Aunt Alice, but Ayn Rand! Can you believe it! I think the two are coming together for me. BTW I have a cane corso named Zorro ~Cathy~ If someone attacks Ayn Rand the person it's a logical fallacy. That should be pointed out, not that her or her views are being misrepresented. That would be mud-wrestling and sanction. --Brant then you disengage Your a nice man Brant, and I like you lots! But damn, do I ever have a hard time knowing what your saying without a dictionary! You could win an argument with me very easily
  18. Hi Brant! I have facebook because I have children out of state. this way they can talk to me and send me pictures. I woke up this morning with a headache from all this. Now Conny is starting on me about it ugh! I wish my dad would have let Aunt Alice inform us of some of her philosophies...maybe I would be better prepared. I just think our government should work for us, but it seems we work for them. Then you get someone like Brad on there who wants to insult me and my friends, even Aunt Alice and Paul Ryan, and all he's doing is skirting around the issues. Bullying us, instead of proving his point. I am not in his league to win the debate, I don't like arguing (I will if I have to)but I am not good at it. I got extremely upset when he called Aunt Alice a pathetic piece of shit. I am still upset about it. Everything she went through right from the beginning when she came here, learning, struggling, and hatred...she is more than I ever thought she was. When he called her that...I felt this over whelming need to protect her...not Aunt Alice, but Ayn Rand! Can you believe it! I think the two are coming together for me. BTW I have a cane corso named Zorro ~Cathy~
  19. I wish she was here to tell him off
  20. I should have told him I only drink Kool-Aid.
  21. Brad Cahill Okay - fair enough to say you see what they want you to see. Where in all this discourse have you agreed to research both sides of an argument - and yet, it is I who is ignorant... whatever... 6 hours ago · Like.. Cathy O'Connor Dupler BTW, I do the research, but because the research I have done isn't the way you perceive the running of our government doesn't mean ur way is the only way or the right way. I wanted Obama the first term. I couldn't believe he got a second term. Why don't you view both sides? Our government was not intended to over ride the constitution, or force us to pay for things the government thinks is best for us, that's communism! When that happens, when we are forced, it means its only the best for the government. Why cant u see that. When we give the government power to force us to pay for something we didn't vote in or ask for, that is giving the government free rein over us, they now control our money more so than ever. Next it will be something else until they have all control. 6 hours ago · Like.. Ronnie Campbell And if the healthcare is so great...which it isnt..why isnt the president,congress and senate on it??? why because it's a disaster and it's only gona get worse..why are you being fined if its suppose to be free insurance...hmmmmm..because this president is a liar..and if something isnt done he can come in and take complete control..why did he do the vote in secret behind closed doors with no republicians present?!?!?!?! 3 hours ago · Like.. Brad Cahill wow - your friends are more misinformed than you Cathy - stunning! you must be a hoot to have a beer or two with...
  22. Brad Cahill What college would teach her, except as extremism? I would love to know where you got the fact her book sells 2nd to the Bible. and as to my intellect - to each his/her own... 7 hours ago · Like Cathy O'Connor Dupler She must know something u don't...she predicted the out come of our government years before it happened. Look her up Brad before u spew ignorance about her out of ur pathetic. Or better yet...READ!!!! for starters, read Atlas Shrugged, true its a huge book, but I have faith that maybe u will be able to comprehend it 7 hours ago · Edited · Like Brad Cahill I have read it Cathy - and it is shite, and the Koch brothers and other creators of the Tea Party use her paranoid class-ism to create the type of fear mongering you have been spewing here. As your friend Sandra pointed out - the post is bullshit designed to inflame the likes of you who do not bother to look deeper than Fox News. But you cannot be changed, because not once have you admitted to researching before commenting - so they have your soul. My kids used to like strawberry kiwi Kool-Aid - give it a go. 7 hours ago · Like Cathy O'Connor Dupler I do like Kool-Aid Brad...its been around for years! It has never changed and our country buys it up. Our country should have listened to her "paranoid class-ism" years ago, but its to late...its here now. Small minded people have a way of belittling others to make them feel not as intellectually capable of knowing or making them believe that don't see or hear the truth of what is really happening, even when it is right in their face. I see everyday what is happening in this country, and why it is happening. I am not ignorant Brad, no matter how many times u call me that. I work and pay taxes just like u do, and if u like what our contry has become...than really...u are the ignorant one!