Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Posts posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. Hmm, interesting question.

    I think part of the reason why artists (namely rappers) are allowed a free pass is that it's expected, and even encouraged, that they act flamboyantly and flaunt their money. It's part of the nature of their (the rapper's) game. The rap industry is focused on money, fast times, beautiful women, drugs, and sweet cars. On a similar note, businessmen are expected to be formal and reserved, which is how most business, of the suit and tie variety, is conducted.

    In short, the public expects the players in the game to reflect the nature of the game itself. When this DOESN'T happen (i.e. if a businessman shows up with well proportioned women on either arm and a sweet car), then controversy ensues. Additionally, dog bites man isn't interesting news. Man bites dog, however, is interesting and newsworthy.

    I'm sure there is more to this, but this is just my five cents in five minutes.

  2. Obviously you've been anti-lifing in private.

    Oh, you know me. ;)

    FML I can't remember if I posted this one Kyle, hope ya like it!

    A pretty classic Metal Ballad, the lead singer "Blackie Lawless" Is actually Lucy Lawless's brother. (Zena Warrior Princess). Yeah yeah I know, ya can't help who your family is!

    I don't remember you posting that, though, I've likely reposted some of my own "anti-life" stuff.

    Here's my personal favorite W.A.S.P. song. I can relate with it well.

  3. Have to watch the claws, though. A cat once clawed me in the face and one of the claws got stuck. Is it any wonder why some people hate the bastards?

    What did you do to piss off the cat? How old were you?

    Evidently, holding a cat that has been held many times before is reason for a claw in the face.

  4. I've never really gotten into playing Minecraft. I tried the demo version which allows for one hour of play and I didn't make it past the 5-minute mark before closing the game. I bet if I put more time into it I would like it.

    On another note, I love that Minecraft's gameplay encourages critical, analytic thought and creativity. The creation of redstone circuits is a great logic builder for the player, especially younger plays who comprise most of Minecraft's player-base.

  5. They eat each other, as prescribed by the rules of the game.

    Brilliant observation, Kyle.

    The snake eats its own tail...

    ...just as it deserves.


    Don't expect any more for at least a year. Just ask Brant, he knows.

    On a more serious note, I love fucking with the people who subscribe to this bullshit. Truly, it's amazing, once you know the type of game a person plays, you can throw a serious monkey wrench into their schemes. Better yet, if you can play their game tactfully enough, they'll do all the heavy lifting for you.

    For example, I once ran across a rather unpleasant social justice warrior at a bar. It was my fault, really, I knew of the bar's clientele yet I still chose to have a drink there. Anyway, after I made a rather off-color joke about people of color (as the social justice warrior called them), the SJW (social justice warrior) called me out. I was given a tongue-lashing about my white-male-cisgender-ablebodied-lower-middle-class privilege, complete with references to widely referenced articles and frenzied hand motions. Thankfully, I am occasionally quick on my feet. I replied that I wasn't really White, but Black. She kind of panicked here but, to her credit, she remained relatively calm. Her reply was that I obviously wasn't Black. My reply was that her white privilege blinded her from the fact that I was Black. Never before have I seen someone's eyes grow so wide. I can't really say what she realized at that moment, but I could take a few guesses.

    You know, she was caught between a rock and a hard-place. She could either submit to my assertions or she could throw off those absurd ideas that lead to that moment. I had hoped she would do the latter, but, nope, she chose to cling to the narrative. She submitted, unfortunately.

    I often wonder what kind of force is needed to rid someone of bad ideas. I think a gentler approach would have been more effective, but I'm hardly versed in the gentler approach. I'm an asshole to assholes. I can't quite be nice to an asshole. Personal failings and all that.

    That same night, I witnessed a phenomenon that is still vivid in my memory. I watched a slam-poet do her thing. She had the entire bar, without her prompting, leave their bar stools and sit as close as they could to the stage. Now that's what I call power and influence! Really, all she did was speak to her audience's experience and values. Though I didn't agree with much of what she said as it was the typical male-bashing, female-praising, anti-white, anti-capitalist agenda, but I can't deny the hold she had on her audience. Like I said, what power!

    In a previous post, I called this tactic "playing the narrative" though I don't doubt her belief was genuine.

    Interestingly enough, a man by the name of Terry "Fucking" Parker pointed her technique out to me. He called it "feeding the fish". Never underestimate the wisdom of a drunken, dart-playing, middle-aged man. Funnily enough, I have a lot of drunken, middle-aged, male friends. I like older people and often associate with them at regular intervals.

  6. Damn Kyle you've got some catchin up to do!

    Slipknot managed to evolve into something rather different, while still good. Though, it also appears that they are reaching back toward their older sound in some of their newer songs. Marilyn Manson, on the other hand, seems to have lost it all together. Manson's music has become rather bland and I can't quite put my finger on it. I hate to say that he's trying too hard, as I've always hated that excuse for I feel that it is a cop-out for a failure to pick out the real reason. But I do think that he's "trying too hard" to recapture his old sound. A man can never revert back to his old self and he shouldn't waste a second trying. Even when Slipknot makes the attempt to recapture their old sound, they do manage to recapture it, though in modified form. Manson should take a serious look at their approach.

    /end rant that came out of nowhere and hardly went anywhere.

  7. Kyle Rush has always been a fav of mine, made me smile when I saw my kid listening to them when he was 15!

    PS how have you been man? It's good to see ya!

    I've been well. I've been working a lot, and attending university, so I don't have much time to post on the forums these days.

    It's good to see you too, Jules.

  8. Sounds kinda like Vanessa Mae. she was very popular when I was a teenager.

    I don't now what to think about these interpretations. I'm surely happy people are playing history's greatest composer in new instruments. In the case of Glenn Gould playing Bach in the piano (which did not exist in the time of Bach) resulted in a, if not greater, comparable work of art.

    the sheer technique that playing vivaldi on an electric guitar demands should raise the bar for other electric guitar music.

    It takes a...unique kind of personality to appreciate heavy metal-styled guitar playing. It appears that playing classical pieces on modern instruments bridges the gap for classical music lovers.

    As for technique, while the Four Seasons interpretation on guitar is technical, there are easily more technical songs found in the Heavy Metal genre (specifically in the Melodic Metal genre). Children of Bodom regularly raises the bar for electric guitar music, especially in the realm of technical precision and variation.