Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Posts posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. How to find a purpose in life? Now there's a question that I've struggled with for most of my life. Or, rather, in my case, I was looking for my passion. I was looking for what I wanted to do with my life. I think I've wanted to do just about everything at one point or another in my life. The trick is to keep wanting to do it. That's the hard part. Here's the formula that I went through. I'd find something I really liked, I'd declare it my passion, I'd spend a lot of time doing it, and, finally, I'd get tired of it and discard it. The passion just fades with time.

    I was laboring under a misconception about "passion". I thought a passion was something you'd always love and never grow tired of. Once I grew tired of my current passion, I'd reason that, since I'm tired of it, it wasn't really my true passion. And then I'd move on to the next thing.

    I really think I've struck gold with my current understanding of passion. My current endeavors involve exploring my passion for programming. Now, there are times when I get tired of programming or bored with it (I've stopped programming for months at a time). And I stop for a while and do something else, but I always come back to it. A passion or a purpose is something you'll get sick of, but you'll eventually feel the desire to return to it.

    I've also sought advice on the subject of passion. One of the best pieces of advice I have received is that passions are not only found, they are developed. Throw enough punches at a punching bag or write enough lines of code, and you'll build your love for your passion/purpose/whatever you want to call it.

    Give yourself a purpose, pursue it passionately, and see where it goes. You may not love it every minute of the day, but you'll always return to it.

  2. A spin on a classic.

    I first heard the linked joke told by a professor in a networking class. It's frightening how accurate it is. It humorously displays the mental-gap between the technicians and the businessmen. No wonder those folks who can bridge this divide get paid a healthy sum.

  3. Interesting idea, really, an Objectivist-oriented marketplace? Most forums have some kind of marketplace, though, I never imagined one would be set-up here. I could offer a code debugging/consulting service, though. I can't see that going over well here. I'm curious Michael, what made you decide to add this forum? I saw that other thread by kb123 (that username seems familiar), but it seems odd that you would add a forum because of one person. Was it heavily requested or do you have other plans in the works?


    Perhaps Michael will allow an exception.

    Send pics now.

  4. Fred was one of those guys I felt was going to live forever, typing away with a can of beer next to his keyboard.

    He had dry wit that could re-frame any phenomenon and make it understandable to anyone. While I often passed over posts from others, I never passed-up the chance to read Fred's. Each of his post's left an imprint upon my mind and it didn't hurt that he could make me laugh, too.


    He was a drinker, so that may have contributed. (Assuming he did die from one of your listed causes).

    Postscript: It's eerie how close Fred resembles my father. My father is also a drinker. I started to read Fred's book, but I never got through it. I'll pick it up again.

  5. Man that's freaky, my wife's birthday is also the 22nd. Happy belated birthday Kyle!

    Little does Jules know that I'm actually his wife posting under a pseudonym. It's how I keep track of his online shenanigans.

    Thanks for the Happy Birthday, though. :^)

  6. Generally, I am not a fan of this kind of art, but what this guy does in the video looked like a lot of fun and the finished piece didn't turn out bad. Art can be judged in many ways and by many standards, but I like what I like according to my own standards. And I like this.

    Also, I probably should have posted this in the Objectivist Living Room.

  7. .

    Thanks! I liked the song.

    On the "anti-life" music thread?

    Some people don't know where the fuck they are, but they complain when the truck runs them over.


    legal driver

    let's look at it this way: 364 days a year of NO happy birthdays! (go get depressed for that's your future, Kyle, for another fuckin' year)

    So, Happy Birthday Kyle! (Mr. Evil)

    don't worry; Christmas is coming

    grunt, grump, dump

    nobody I ever heard of was born on May 22--how gouche

    I can ruin anything--just a wonderful hobby I can't monetize

    Stephen was first in line--for all the good it did him (thanks, Stephen [can I call you "Steve"?], but I've taken over--you see, you've got no East Coast Advantage [ECA]--there is no such thing unless you live in New York City [your benevolence cannnot compete with the Power of the Dark Side (PDS [do not confuse with PBS])])

    May as well be on the "anti-life" thread. It's my primary contribution to this Rand-forsaken website. If a person is partially what they think and believe, then this thread is, in large portion, me. For better or for worse. I am me. I'll change, but I'll always be me, no matter what shape that me may take. Past mes won't be the same as future mes. Now I've gone off on a tangent. My life is one big cautionary tale against head-banging. Everything has its price and I'm still paying because I'm still playing. If you want to play, you've gotta pay, as the expression goes. I can't stop the ride even if I wanted to, but the ride will come to a full-stop one day, so why would I want to stop the ride if, one day, it will inexorably stop? If you don't understand this, don't feel bad; I don't fully understand it either.

    Well, with this in mind, I'll add more coal to the firebox.

    Thanks for the Happy Birthdays. And I'm not evil (depending on the context), but my avatar certainly does give the impression. Poor LaVey, having to be associated with me.

  8. Uh, Kyle. It's a "song"? Songs aren't "anti-life." Hence all the yelling, not singing. (I do like some good yelling.)

    --John Brant

    Excuse the categorical mistake. I don't know how to classify my noise-thingies properly. I just know that they make noise and I like the noise.

    Also, I may not have slept last night, but I could have sworn your name was Brant Gaede. I was thinking about changing my name too. I want something a little more marketable.

  9. AI's have already passed a Turing Test. They passed it in the sense that the humans couldn't consistently distinguish human from machine. As to whether the AI's demonstrated intelligent human behavior is another question. Key word being intelligent, as humans often aren't intelligent in the strict sense of the word. However, it is enough to say that the machine's questions and answers were somewhat indistinguishable from that of a human's, thus, they passed the Turing Test.

  10. Well, I was going to say that I like "Don't Fear the Reaper" (which is anti-life because it seems to be about death, maybe suicide), but that's pretty tame compared to Marilyn Manson.

    Smoke 'em if you got 'em. I don't think "Don't Fear the Reaper" has been posted yet, so post it if you like. I've likely double posted songs, but, oh well. A little redundancy never hurt anyone. And whether Marilyn Manson is tame is a matter of perspective. I'm sure they'll be blasting Marilyn Manson in Walmart one of these years.

    By the way, your name seems familiar. I'll be keeping an eye on you.

  11. Are women necessary?

    Interesting question, but it's missing something. If someone is going to ask that question, they will want to add "to what" at the end of it. Are women necessary - to what? Or for what? Now that is a question far easier to answer. Then again, I guess "Are women necessary" is far more grabbing than my alternative.

    I ask if the movie will enhance the fear of some women that guys are more into the porn stars on their phones than the girls on their arms.

    Are women afraid that they will be replaced by sex robots? It seems that women will need to up their relationship value lest they be beaten out of the market by a toaster.

    Also, the word "misogynist" is the new "racist". It hardly means anything anymore and is simply used for intimidation purposes.

    The movie seems interesting. At first glance, it reminds me of Ghost in the Shell, but only in the sense that it too has robots.

  12. Now that was some serious quality control. I hope we didn't just lose a potentially valuable member to a simple misunderstanding. I'm willing to bet he made an honest mistake (an assumption, in this case) based on an incomplete set of evidence. If he was visiting the site via mobile device, he probably couldn't view the site's stats page.


    I don't believe he was "faking" anything, if, by "faking", you mean the intentional misrepresentation of information. This was just an issue of simple ignorance, not malevolence.

    Michael, I'm afraid your hostility toward trolls is being carried over to, and directed toward, folks who don't really deserve it.

    It's too soon to determine palebirch's character. Like all characters, it would be revealed in time. His character could have gone either way, good or bad. Now, we may never know which way it would have gone.

    Please come back birdy

  13. Heh, this forum is dead, but only in the relative sense of the word. Before I joined Rebirth of Reason and this forum, I belonged to other, far more populated, forums. In comparison to those forums, this forum is empty. However, the quality on this forum is far higher than that of those other forums I once belonged to.

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you aren't a hit-and-run poster.