Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Everything posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. Cthulhu and I wish you a Happy Birthday!
  2. I can't say if any of them look promising. I think Litecoin is the most promising, though, it isn't inexpensive any more. I haven't studied any eCurrencies outside of Bitcoin and Litecoin. I don't know how they are stored or how they are mined. A guy on a forum I frequent was attempting to set up his own eCurrency with its own mining clients, servers, and algorithms. The eCurrency was called Bloocoin. I downloaded the client miner, but the servers kept crashing. I think the entire project was discontinued. Currently, there is an eCurrency called Worldcoin which is quickly rising. Unfortunately, you need to buy Bitcoins and use those Bitcoins to purchase Worldcoins. The transaction rates are pretty bad though. Whatever you do, good luck. It may not be a bad investment to drop $10.00 on any eCurrency. Though, it isn't possible for me to see the future of any of these eCurrencies.
  3. There are plenty of alternative currencies that are around $0.001 per coin.
  4. There is a thread on OL on it... The Zeitgeist MovementBeat my thread by a few months, but a real-live movement member posted on my thread. It made for some interesting posts. Now that's how you one-up the competition.
  5. There was a very long discussion about The Zeitgeist Movement on RoR, a few years back. Here's the link One of my friends was really into it. I don't know if he's still into it, to this day, though.
  6. Michael should consider renting-out advertisement space on this site. Otherwise, advertisers are just going to use the forum itself to advertise their products and services, and he isn't getting paid when they do.
  7. Good god... If there was ever a thread that made my mouth water, it is this one. Though, there were some close seconds on RoR. Courtesy of Ms. Iannolo.
  8. I don't think any band's politics align with my own. This doesn't matter to me, though, since I listen for the music, not the politics. Political differences isn't reason enough for me to discard the music I like. Keep your volume low. It will blast you, otherwise.
  9. I had no idea where to post this video. It made me laugh my ass off, so I decided to post it here, under humor.
  10. That's bonkers! I've don't eat much garlic, and I hardly make anything from scratch, but I'll have to use this technique when making anything with garlic. I am a fan of Italian cuisine, well, I am whenever someone else makes it.
  11. I haven't read Binswanger's article, so I don't know if he is guilty of the following acts I have observed. Is it just me or does it seem that many liberty-minded folk tend to defend the so-called 1% (the top earners) in their entirety? Surely not everyone in the top-earners bracket is praiseworthy just as not everyone in the top-earners bracket is contemptible. On one side, I see some liberty-minded folk wholly praise the top earners while, on the other side, I see others (think Occupy Wallstreet) wholly damn the top earners. I just sit in the background, smack my head, and say: wholly shit. A more nuanced approach is needed.
  12. Michael, That song reminded me of three other songs. The opening beat reminded me of the below song. I'm not certain how Chumbawamba's song reminded me of these next two, but it did nevertheless. Most of the time, I can never find the music I like on any music racks at any store. That's the reason I rely on Youtube for all my music needs. I have a number of CDs though. I also have an IPod variant, though I never download music and I've never uploaded already purchased music to it. Interestingly enough, I was going to upload a lecture given by Joseph Rowlands onto it, but I never got around to it.
  13. Some, or most, of you may not know what "furries" are. For those who don't know, I offer this explanation: A furry is a member of a "subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics." (from Wikipedia) I advise against Googling the word "Furry". And now to the story: After hearing some Fox News commentary, about a man in a fursuit, coming from the other room; I decided to see what all the commotion was about. On the television, Bill O'Reilly was expressing incredulity at a video clip of a man in a fursuit riding a scooter. This reminded me of my brief encounters with various furries on the Internet and a thought flickered across my mind: Are there furry Objectivists? Being a fan of the laws of probability, I answered my own question with a "probably". So, after a quick online search, I came across this posting (don't worry; the linked page doesn't contain any pornographic images). The original poster doesn't follow Objectivism (It's kind of a blend of philosophies) and many of you will likely have many objections to both his own philosophy and his understanding of Obejectivism. It's quite a bit of reading. I've only read some of it and it is a wild ride. If you like wild rides, you may or may not enjoy this. Additionally, I have no idea if the people posting on the linked page are serious. Are they serious? The Laws of Probability say "probably". There are likely more furries out there who follow something closer to Objectivism. Do I need to, again, consult the Laws of Probability?
  14. Too good to not share. Keep your volumes low, again. Do I even need to keep saying this?
  15. Depends on who you're with. No one ever wants to sing the guitar parts: dundun-dundundun dundun-dundundun dundun-dundundun.
  16. The heroes are posting on the forums. Yes, we are all keyboard commandos. Sometimes when I log in, I make sure to play the National Anthem. All good warriors begin their lives with pens in their hands. In my case, substitute "keyboard" for "pen". And I prefer Metallica's Fight Fire with Fire to the National Anthem.
  17. Even if a crash isn't averted, SFL, YAL, and all the supporters will have provided a new generation of liberty loving people. Not a bad way to start over. Donovan mentioned SFL to me once; I've never looked into the organization, but I do hear great things about them occasionally. Not from the mainstream media, of course.
  18. a Polack, that offended me. Who's ass do I need to kiss in order to have you taken out back and shot? Where's my Al Sharpton? Kyle: Lol, don't lose your sense of humor. My lady is half Polish and half Japanese. I can see that you can laugh at yourself which is important. Being an outspoken Randian, Italian, Goldwater operative at a left wing, predominantly Jewish Queens College taught me to be able to laugh at myself. A... Not to worry, the magical online tranny keeps me sharp and in good humor. Any one who knows me knows I often make off-color jokes. Half the fun is determining who takes offense; the other half is picking my teeth up off the floor. I have to take a risk every once in a while.
  19. a Polack, that offended me. Who's ass do I need to kiss in order to have you taken out back and shot? Where's my Al Sharpton?
  20. This guy has a number of videos and all the ones I've seen were hilarious.