Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

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Posts posted by Kyle Jacob Biodrowski

  1. On 9/24/2016 at 9:58 AM, Jules Troy said:

    Oh Kyle?????

    You might want to crank this one up. ?

    Thanks Jules, 

    Unfortunately, it didn't do much for me. I have trouble appreciating the more modern rock bands. Maybe I'm just showing my age. I once read that the younger you are, the less receptive you are to new music. Perhaps the first signs of that are coming about. 

    Of course, this doesn't mean I don't like any new rock songs. Here's one that I recently heard on the radio. 


    And, just for old times sake, here's something old. A little something new; a little something old. That's how I take life. Also, I'm posting the music video, since I know just how much Brant loves a good music video (as opposed to a still frame shot of whatever). There's some fantastic cinematography in this one. Even more amazing when you consider the year in which the video was made. 


  2. The goal is never equality. The goal is control, by any means necessary.

    That cannot be stated enough. 

    In this case, the means of control is the guilt brought about by some intangible, unverifiable monstrosity known as "privilege". 

    To go one step further, the ultimate goal, depending on the person, is either power or free stuff. From experience, free stuff, whether that is money or respect or pity, is the most common goal. 

  3. I was never a fan of Bowie, but I can appreciate his influence on the music industry. He's nothing short of an icon. One of the giants. Sad to see him go. Though he died at 68, he lived enough life to fill 1000 years.

    I especially enjoyed his collaborations with Trent Reznor.


  4. Posted this in my thread. I think it deserves a quick repost.


    Ain't found a way to kill me yet

    Eyes Burn with stinging sweat

    Seems every path leads me to nowhere

    Wife and kids household pet

    Army green was no safe bet

    The bullets scream at me from somewhere

    Here they come to snuff the rooster

    Yeah here come the rooster, yeah [2x]

    You know he ain't gonna die

    No, no, no, ya know he ain't gonna die

    Walkin' tall machine gun man

    They spit on me in my home land

    Gloria sent me pictures of my boy

    Got my pills 'gainst mosquito death

    My buddy's breathin' his dyin' breath

    Oh god please won't you help me make it through

    Here they come to snuff the rooster

    Yeah here come the rooster, yeah

    You know he ain't gonna die

    No, no, no ya know he ain't gonna die

    A bit of background, the "rooster" in the song is Jerry Cantrell's [Alice in Chain's guitarist's] father who served in Vietnam. His nickname was "rooster" during the war. He is seen in the video with his son, both reflect on the war and the time they spent together.

  5. My first OS was Redhat 6.1, then I tried Caldara.

    I used to use GIMP a lot and had a version of Blender for 3d modeling.

    Buttttt all the programs I wanted to use where windows or MAC based and winwine was too clunky so I went the windows way. I really loved how easy it was to make linux secure though as well as how resource friendly/smooth running it is.

    I've never used RedHat, though, I'll likely give it a shot one day. As for switching to Windows, you could always dual-boot. No need to choose one OS over the other. I have multiple OSs installed on my desktop PC. Virtual machines, too, are an option, though, I find that virtual machines don't often make the best use of existing hardware. It's a shame there aren't more rendering and design programs for the Linux distros, that may change in the future.

    Thanks! I have been on board with this for decades. ...

    You've been on board with the FSM? What have you done for the movement ...

    Sorry to be late with this, and I apologize if I overstated my case. All I meant was that I have known about Stallman and the OSF for many years, and, like you, have told people what it is, and is not. "Free" does not (necessarily) mean "no pay."

    For myself, I have the GPG public key crypto on my computer and I sent them $25 for it. My wife is the real computerist here and she runs Kali Linux on her test network. We both have Wireshark, and we took a class in it a couple of years ago. She also has Metasploit, BeEF, and a few others. I do not know which she has sent in money for. I am pretty sure that she has not posted any of her own updates, patches, etc.

    I am a lot freer with my money than she is with hers. On the Galt's Gulch board, one of the regulars touted Axanar, a new Star Trek fan movie now in production. I watched their trailer, Prelude to Axanar, and then I sent them $100. (Of course, I was a contributor to AS3. My daughter and I got a line credit at the end.) I just joined the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers for $30. I could go on. The point is that if I use "free" software, I pay for it. But, no, I do not modify it, post it to GitHub, or anything like that. I am a technical writer, not a devops person.

    And I also knew about Richard Stallman from the old WELL: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link. I was active there, in the 80s and 90s, but their being taken over by Salon left me completely alienated. Whereas before, at least some semblance of libertarianism was evident, since Salon, the mainstream there pretty much never met a government program they did not like. I must confess, though, that I feel special for having heard about Barack Obama in 2006. I even voted for him in 2008, though not in 2012, of course.

    Neat. I've never donated money, but I've bought GNU/Linux merchandise in the past. I love buying GNU/Linux-related stickers. I just can't get enough of those stickers. They raise a few eyebrows and they're great conversation starters.

    I'm a fan of the Debian distro family and I've been playing with Kali quite a lot lately to familiarize myself with some common pentesting tools. Just today, I unearthed an old Dell Latitude D620 laptop from my hardware crypt. Its default operating system in Windows XP, however, I can live boot Kali on it whenever I feel like putting in a bit of learning. In fact, the laptop runs Kali better than it runs XP, which I found surprising. Yep, it's getting a sticker.

  6. Free software: there is no such thing. Everything costs something. There are no exceptions. Once this is acknowledged rational discussion can proceed.


    see that bar of gold lying in the road?--it costs something to stop and pick it up and maybe more than you can imagine (it also costs you something to ignore it and go on your way--why?--because everything costs something, if only brain space)

    When Stallman uses the word "free", he isn't talking about price or even cost. He's talking about freedom. To Stallman, a piece of software is conducive to freedom when it is:

    1. Able to be run by the user in any way the user sees fit.

    2. Modifiable by the user (being able to view the source code is a prerequisite to this)

    3. Able to freely distribute copies of the software.

    4. Able to freely distribute modified copies of the software.

    When the user of the software can view a piece of software's source code, he can verify whether the software is violating any portion of the user's privacy.

    When a piece of software meets all of the above requirements, it is considered "free".

    In the video, Stallman makes the point that monetarily free software isn't necessarily free (as in freedom) and paid-for software isn't necessarily unfree (as in freedom).

    LibreOffice is a free, open source suite of spreadsheets, etc. It's free to you in the sense that you can use it w/o paying anyone.

    This isn't how Stallman uses the word "free". See above explanation.


    A person can't just modify a piece of software and peak at your assets. They would need to modify it, distribute it, and have Fidelity users download and run it. Just don't download software from any site other than Fidelity, which goes without saying.

  7. Thanks! I have been on board with this for decades. Your summary is better than I could have done - and written better than Richard Stallman speaks it, though, of course, he is always compelling.

    You are right, that Objectivists dislike the FSM for all the wrong reasons. Most misunderstand the word "free". Beyond that, they believe that you have a right to control the licensing of your work. I agree. You also have the right to be a Fundamentalist Christian. Your "right" is not the topic here. Your self-interest is.

    (I decoded your ASCII sigline when I first noticed it a few months back. Have you seen my Fortune Cookie?)

    You've been on board with the FSM? What have you done for the movement, if you don't mind me asking. I'm looking for ideas on how I can contribute, though, they do have an entire webpage dedicated to how people can help the movement. In the past, I've bought stuff from their store and I've helped debug C code in free software, though, my help was minimal since I only have a modest understanding of the C language.

    Perhaps the biggest way a person could help the FSM is to get the word out. So few people know of operating systems outside of Windows and OS X, and even fewer people know of the FSM. My GNU shirt has raised a few eyebrows from curious people. When they ask, I do my best to explain what GNU is and what the FSM is, but I ain't so good with the verbal communication. After the conversation is finished, most people walk away with the idea that there is more out there than Windows and OS X; it's a start.

    I'm not sure if I've seen your Fortune Cookie, but if it's anything like other fortune cookies, I've probably seen it.

  8. Stallman is a major ideologue who doesn't let practicality into his perspective. He's against Uber because he knows that the information collected them will be used to invade privacy.

    Nothing necessarily wrong with being an ideologue. Nothing necessarily right with being practical. If being practical means forfeiting your information to some company, what does being practical serve? Transportation, of course. But there's always a trade-off. Stallman has chosen to sacrifice convenience for security, whereas Uber clients would do the inverse. It's his choice and I can't say he made an imprudent choice.

  9. Read this before watching the video:

    For clarity, Stallman uses "Free" to mean freedom, not free stuff. As Stallman says, think freedom, not free beer. When he's talking about monetarily free software, he says "gratis". He explains this in a later part of the video.

    I could have sworn OL had a technology section, perhaps I just imagined it. This video is a bit long, so watch it at your own leisure.

    Anyway, I wanted to share this here and, perhaps, gain a bit more insight on Stallman's attitude toward free software vs. proprietary software. Stallman makes the claim that people either rule their software or their software rules them, the two models of software use that are conducive to this are, respectively, free software and proprietary software. Free software allows people to rule the software while proprietary leaves the user open to being ruled by the software's creator.

    He also addresses a misconception people have about Free Software Movement. Many people think the movement is against paid-for products. Stallman points out that paid-for software isn't necessarily "unfree" and monetarily free software isn't necessarily free (per the Free Software Movement's definition). WinRAR is monetarily free, however, it isn't considered to be free software since it isn't modifiable by the user.

    Stallman lists the requirements a piece of software must meet before being considered free (as per the FSMs definition).

    To be considered free, the software must be:

    1. Able to be run by the user in any way the user wishes.

    2. Modifiable by the user.

    3. Able to be copied and distributed at the user's discretion (given away or sold).

    4. Able to be modified and distributed at the user's discretion (given away or sold).

    If a program meets all of the above, even if it is a paid-for program, it is considered to be free. Stallman claims that if the program meets the above criteria, the user has complete control over the software and it is considered to be free.

    In the age of electronic spies, it would seem that free software is the way to go if a person wants to protect his privacy. Stallman also makes the point that the owners of the software can easily insert malicious code into their programs, without the user knowing. He goes on to claim that if everyone has access to the source-code of a software, it would make the software more secure and safe. Since no single person has knowledge over all programming languages, assembly languages especially, it requires a collective effort in order to examine the software and ensure it has no malicious code.

    He uses malware to mean code that spies on the user, tracks user data, and, generally, invades a user's privacy.

    He slams Microsoft, and other companies, for violating all of the above rules, for spying on its users, and for censoring its users.

    I won't spell out every detail of the video in this post because I want people to take some time to watch it. He's a rather endearing and interesting character.

    In related videos, Stallman explains the history behind the FSM and the open-source movement. These are two separate movements with two separate goals and ideologies, though people often confuse them. The goal of the FSM is freedom from prying eyes and government force whereas the goal of the open-source movement is code quality.

    Many Objectivist's would see the FSM as a threat to private property, specifically intellectual property, given the third criterion. However, I don't quite see it that way. Free software, even paid-for software, may be freely distributed or sold by the user. So, it would seem the creator doesn't really have any protection against his software being bought then resold without getting his due share. I don't really see any way around this. Stallman has addressed this in other videos where audience members asked him how they could make a living selling free software. Stallman informed them that they could offer software/tech support, crowdfund, take donations or, jokingly (hopefully), starve. He told them that anything is preferable to creating proprietary software, for the reasons mentioned above.

    The reason I don't see the FSM as a threat to private property is that the movement isn't legislating any laws banning the creation and selling of proprietary software. They are offering an alternative to using proprietary software, in the name of freedom.

    All things considered, Stallman's ideas seem Objectivist-friendly. It seems like a movement I can get behind.

    By the way, I'm using WIndows, but I've considered jumping ship. In the past, I've experimented with various GNU/Linux distros. My favorite distros falling under Debian flavors. Contrary to popular belief, GNU/Linux distros are not difficult to use, depending largely on the distribution. GNU/Linux Mint is a popular flavor for people who want a user-friendly, full-fledged operating system with a great deal of hardware support.

    Edit: In 2013, jts made an excellent post clarifying some "misconceptions" about GNU, Linux, Stallman, and his work. Here's the link to the post. Anyone who wants a bit more info about the GNU/Linux relationship should read it.

  10. Reminds me of the average thread on Objectivist Living.


    That song keeps popping up on my car's radio. I like it more than I thought I would.

    Here's a hidden gem which evaded my grasp for many years. Better late than never.

    Spider One is nearing his 50s and he can still scream like a monster.