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Everything posted by Marc

  1. Thanks for providing the useful context of scale, Marc. It begs the question: Why have the Muslims (or the rest of the world for that matter) been in a constant hissyfit for so long over just one teeny tiny little country? Hmmm?... Greg Hahhaha , I know !!!!! Too much religion and not enough lovers of Ayn Rand
  2. ok , ok , ok just one more video . Just over 1 minute but very good to watch :
  3. One last point I wish add . Hopefully our banned friend is reading still at an internet cafe , lurking to see what happened to this thread . In that case , this is for you : The Arab assaults and aggressions against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968, and 1973 had nothing to do with 'Palestinians'. The Palestinian terror campaign would itself be easy to suppress today and eradicate if the Middle East conflict were really a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel would simply obliterate the terrorists and expel their supporters to Syria, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Those nations have already stated they will NOT receive 'Palestinians'. The Middle East war continues because it is really an Arab-Israeli war, not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is also an Islamic religious jihad against the Jews. “Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.” SOURCE: Arab-Israeli Fatalities Rank 49th By Gunnar Heinsohn and Daniel Pipes, FrontPageMagazine
  4. I do apologize for my scattered thoughts but I did not want to quote 20 posts here , so I am just writing what comes to mind after reading the whole 6 pages of this great discussion . For anyone who does not really understand the area or population , this is for you . Israel land area: 8,000 sq miles. Arab land area: 5,120,000 sq miles. Israeli total population is 7,116,200, ALL people who live in Israel, BUT 1,413,500 or 20% are Arabs (Muslim & Druze). Israel is surrounded by 270 million Arab Muslims.
  5. People have visions of Jews , 5'7" and 120 lbs walking in a straight line into an oven . We all saw the pictures of the living skeletons in said camps that our now banned friend claims is similar to Gaza . In Israel now , there are 6'3" Jewish soldiers , Jewish bullets , Jewish F18s and Jewish nuclear bombs . The world does not like Jews who fight back . Some people think that Jewish blood is cheap and that 30 dead Jews on a bus in Tel Aviv , needs to be met with "restraint" . Well , Jews fight back , Israel will always fight back and very sad to me , they actually do show restraint to be pragmatic , even Netanyahu in my view is a very weak leader but he has a lot to deal with as the political situation in the Knesset is ridiculous as he needs to deal with the orthodox , the left , the right , the Arabs , the Russians so Israeli leaders become soft . Ariel Sharon had it right , " not one inch " , was his mantra until he too gave in . I do agree with MSKs ban on our bigoted friend because in my view she went to far . I would though love to ask her if she ever went to an Arab country to research womens rights , or what they do to young girls so they do not experience pleasure from sex . Then I would ask her to actually ask Arab Israelis about their life in Israel proper , as opposed to Arabs in anyone of the 22 Arab States . In Israel at the top of the country , there is a spot called " The Good Fence " . Christian Lebanese come into Israel daily to work . No issues . They go back and forth . Many more Christians are killed by Arabs every year than Jews killed by Arabs , but we do not read about this on page one . Why ? The Arabs need to be respected . They are very straight forward about their mandate . If Israel consisted of 1 Synagogue on 100 sq feet in Tel Aviv , if this was our Nation , the Arabs would still fight us . Because they consider Israel to be their land . While Arafat stood on the White House lawn shaking hands with that specific Israeli dove , his people and later him were chanting in Arabic their true goal . Piece by peace .
  6. Jews will never herd people into concentration camps. Not ever. I would bet my life on it. I would even bet the lives of Palestinians on it. If the Israeli government wanted to "rid rid of the problem" they would have done it right after the six day way or the 1973 war. Allowing Gaza to exist as an autonomous entity was a very big mistake on the part of the Israelis and the Hamas Rocketeers have been making them pay for that mistake for decades. Ba'al Chatzaf. Not only will Israel never do that as you state , but they did not need to wait for the 73 war if they wanted to sir . As you well know ( but just to inform some good folks here ) Jews in pre Israel in the 40s bought land legally at up to 10 times the value of said land while neighbouring Arab States would simply kill or kick out Jews while stealing their land . Jews also allowed Arabs in Israel to become citizens , vote and even have numerous Arabs holding seats in the Knesset . If our friend who was banned simply stood anywhere in Judea and Samaria and spouted anything pro woman's rights , or anything bad about the current administration she would not be banned from a site like MSK did , she would be banned from living . This is the difference .
  7. I was having dinner with Barbara , Nathaniel , Leigh , my daughter Kira , and I believe a few more people 2 years ago . There was a very smart young man from Harvard . His parents went to MIT . They studied glaciers and global warming . Barbara and the young man ( I apologize that I forgot his name ) were fighting ( it was heated ) about global warming , capitalism and other issues . One issue was a voluntary fire department in a town and who would fund it and work there , etc . Barbara destroyed this young man . He was livid , standing up and screaming . Nathaniel got a bit upset and told him to calm down in his house . It was a great night . Watching Barbara rationally tear this kids beliefs apart one by one in the most calm , rational , precise , respectful way was a delight to have witnessed . My daughter Kira-16 at the time told Barbara when we drove her home that night that she was the most intelligent person she had ever met . That was true , and ditto for me .
  8. James Peron ,
  9. James Peronposted toBarbara Branden about an hour ago One of the great figures in modern libertarianism has died today: Barbara Branden. Barbara, 84, was born in Winnipeg, Canada.
  10. It is confirmed , before I posted I emailed an assistant of hers who confirmed what I had been emailed from someone
  11. I just saw her last month . She was getting better she was telling me . She was sent home from the hospital today , and died 4 hours ago .
  12. Very sorry to write this . I really did love you Barbara . Marc
  13. Grrrrrr , you gotta always talk about my Flyers !!!!!!! And we fired our coach today after 3 games ???????
  14. I don't want to and will not speak for Barbara about why she does participate on Objectivist sites here or elsewhere . I am not aware of when she last posted here or on Facebook either , sorry . I think that she works a lot during the day , on different projects of hers.
  15. Now they are raising 200k on Indigogo, a Crowdfunding site .
  16. I have seen Barbara recently and she is still the person whom I would like to be most like at her age. I am 51 and she runs circles around me intellectually . She is brilliant . More importantly than brilliant , she is one of the nicest , most genuine people I have ever met in my life .
  17. Happy , happy birthday Barbara , Have a wonderful day , Marc
  18. Ellen , Thanks so much ! You amaze me in how you are able to gather so much information ! I am thinking of appointing you my head of archiving ! Thanks again,
  19. And this years auction in Chicago which is on Thursday : The following items will be auctioned at the Atlas Shrugged Revolution dinner on May 9, 2013. Click on the images to enlarge. The FountainheadTrue first edition, first state (red covers), with “First Edition” printed on the copyright page. In original first-state dust jacket (which has listings for other books on the back panel), and which is in exceptional condition. The rear panel of the dust jacket has an almost unnoticeable closed tear that has been expertly repaired. Rare in this condition.
  20. I saw this from last years ARI auction in Chicago: The following items will be auctioned at the Atlas Shrugged Revolution on May 3, 2012. Click on the images to enlarge. The FountainheadTrue first edition, first state (red covers), with “First Edition” printed on the copyright page. In original first-state dust jacket (which has listings for other books on the back panel), and which is in exceptional condition. The rear panel of the dust jacket has an almost unnoticeable closed tear that has been expertly repaired. Rare in this condition. The owner of the book will donate 80 percent of the auction proceeds to the Institute. Opening Bid: $7,000 Winning Bid: $13,000
  21. See the video in the article... A... Hilarious, as was Wyshinski's commentary.I guess this settles the question of training abstaining once and for all. Congrats on the first win ! Good luck tonight ! May Rask play tonight like every Flyers goalie ( except Bernie , Pelle , and Hextall ) ever .
  22. Wow ! How great are you !!!!!!!! Thanks ,