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Everything posted by dennislmay

  1. Correct. Freedom demands the people must have the right to bear arms. Dennis
  2. I said no such thing - there is a Constitution where the federal governments role is limited and the rest is reserved to the states and the people. The federal government is in gross violation of the basis of law. Until the basis of law is restored the states need to do what they can to restore minimal government. Dennis The Constitution died in 1865. The only way minimal power is going to be restored is by blood and blast. Ba'al Chatzaf Likely true, but one always hopes another way will be found. Blood and blast often leads to authoritarianism as bad or worse than what was in place before. Too many variables leading to an unknown outcome. Dennis
  3. And, you are, of course, prepared to provide the six ways that it was "debunked?" Yes, sure, I will do it while you are whittling the sticks and collecting the firewood - priorities, Adam!Of course she can't debunk - not a priority. Dennis
  4. Same problem other places in the Crown.
  5. Updates - Feds targeting veterans. *UPDATE: The Missouri Senate filed remonstrance (h/t Adam): This is a Senate Remonstrance against the Governor for the release by the Department of Revenue and the Department of Public Safety of personal protected information which has been publicly admitted by the departments. *UPDATE 2: A senate hearing is underway right now led by Sen. Kurt Schaefer, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. Moments ago while under oath a SSA agent just admitted that any veteran drawing social security disability and who had a CCW would have been a target . Dennis
  6. We seem to have some of each - bless their hearts :-) Easier to just roll over and be killed in Canada. Dennis Ah, SunTV.They are doing somersaults right now, to beg for government subsidies for anti-government, rugged individualists such as this.I suspect the bean counters in Canadian media have discovered that if you don't play ball with the government they will destroy you. Kind of like how for years Fox News was banned in Canada. They should not accept any government money but perhaps the investors don't wish to fight the government. Governments tend to have bottomless purses to destroy whom they please - and use guns if they don't get their way. I only know of the Fox News example where the government interfered with the press - I'm sure Canadians know of other examples and hence the attempt to be on the inside. Dennis
  7. We seem to have some of each - bless their hearts :-) Easier to just roll over and be killed in Canada. Dennis
  8. We seem to have some of each - bless their hearts :-)
  9. I said no such thing - there is a Constitution where the federal governments role is limited and the rest is reserved to the states and the people. The federal government is in gross violation of the basis of law. Until the basis of law is restored the states need to do what they can to restore minimal government. Dennis
  10. One of my friends is currently mining gold in Arizona. Small mines have existed all along. Dennis
  11. BREAKING: Docs Show Napolitano Thanked Missouri Governor For Breaking State Law Missouri Governor Jay Nixon repeatedly denied knowing anything about Missouri illegally sharing its citizens private CCW information with the federal government, even after his own head of Missouri Highway Patrol contradicted him in a public hearing. Now we’ve learned that Nixon not only knew about the violation of Missouri law, but he was thanked in a letter by Janet Napolitano: **** Another Progressive - another violated law. Dennis
  12. Alabama lawmakers vote to ignore new federal gun control laws Won't get done this term - need to stay on it. Dennis
  13. U.N. Maps Show U.S. High in Gun Ownership, Low in Homicides
  14. I am advocating limited government. The people and the states need to make that happen - the federal government is out of control. Dennis If limited government is not restored soon authoritarian rule is inevitable in the short run as financial collapse occurs. Dennis
  15. I am advocating limited government. The people and the states need to make that happen - the federal government is out of control. Dennis
  16. That is where it becomes interesting. There are 118 companies that will do no business with government entities [state and local] that restrict the rights of the people in regards to the 2nd Amendment. Those are producer boycotts. Can producers boycott those who will not purchase using legal gold/silver approved by the state? There is no "debt" until the producer agrees to sell. Arizona already exempted payments to government so I see no legal reason why producers can't refuse private business not done in gold/silver. The federal government abandoned the Constitution when it created the Federal Reserve. States should do all they can to correct that error. Dennis
  17. Arizona is returning to its gold rush roots with a bill that would make precious metals legal currency. The GOP-led Senate gave final approval Tuesday to the bill that could make Arizona the second state in the nation to recognize gold and silver as legal tender. If signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer, the measure would take effect in 2014. Utah became the first state to allow gold or silver payments in 2011. ***** There are many views held by Mike Church [siriusXM radio host] that I don't agree with but he seems to be a leader on issues of state rights. The eventual dissolution of the USA into regional powers and some individual states seems likely given the failure of the federal government in so many areas of governance - not the least of which is the failure to obey the Constitution. Church noted the other day that the civilian populace arming up has no precedent in US history since the election of Lincoln in 1860. Either the government is coming after our guns and/or the government has become a potential enemy. In any case the situation has many parallels to those that lead to Civil War I. The Progressives won't allow their power to be diminished so they are likely to prefer Civil War over putting the federal government back in its place under the Constitution. It is likely too late for the states to reassert themselves under the 10th Amendment. Dennis
  18. OK Mr Late for Dinner,Let's go to Brant's house next Halloween in our liberal-progressive-morphing-into-fascist costumes. I am not visually gifted, maybe Jonathan or WSS could help us out with the costume design. Mine has to be blue and white though. It's what all the Progressives are wearing this season. D
  19. Stephen: I couldn't agree more from a sense of life perspective. There is a line in the movie The Count of Monte Cristo where the protagonist tells his friend, after years of plotting his revenge, "don't deprive me of my hate." That is the sense I have sometimes from Dennis: he doesn't want anybody to deprive of him of his sense that an American Chateau d'If is just around the corner. I have my sense of life - as life could be - and my sense of life - as it is likely to be - given the current situation. I feel held back every single day - opportunity denied at every corner by big government sucking the oxygen out what could be, leaving just enough to get by, never enough to get ahead unless you're corrupt and connected. I view 6-8% real growth every single year decade after decade as the low end of expectations. What we have now is a crime. Dennis
  20. As late as my teenage years I got the creeps walking by graveyards. As a boy I could hardly stand to watch those cheap si-fi black and white 1950s' horror films like Them. Even at 15 or 16 The Creature from the Black Lagoon kept sending me out to the theater lobby. But after military service and Vietnam it was all gone. This may have happened anyway just by growing up some more, of course, but if you can jump out of a helicopter at 800'-1200' above ground you can sleep in a cemetery. --Brant From the time I was 15 till about 23 I would wake up the drop of a pin, car doors a half mile away, any noise of any kind. My brother came to live with me and we got pet cats. Cats make all the noises of the night so I had to have white noise to block that out [fans]. Later when I went to work in a machine shop metal drops from a shear and every other kind of noise got me to the point that I nearly cannot flinch or be disturbed by any kind of noise in the daytime no matter how loud or how close. At night I have adjusted to about normal as to what will wake me up. As far as fear of the creepy - I never had that. From the time I was born I was exposed to butchering of animals and weird animals [big snapping and soft-shell turtles], every kind of farm animal, and all the preserved animals at the biology lab my dad worked at. I was impressed by the original "A Nightmare on Elm Street" when Freddy scraped both walls as he walked down an ally. When a movie or anything can get me to shiver they have done well. 1:21 in this non-scary preview. Dennis
  21. Yet Jihadists from both groups travel to fight in each other's conflicts side by side. Dennis
  22. In that kind of analysis all chemical explosive bombs requiring a pressure vessel are hyped up pipe bombs. Dennis
  23. You might want to get out your grade school rules of addition and subtraction on that one and an 1800's high school textbook on the Constitution to understand the enumerated powers. Dennis
  24. Michael It is obvious to me they had training and or were provided extremely detailed instructions. More likely neither was involved in actually constructing the bombs. Was the 3rd person the Saudi student? Likely we will never know if that was the case since the administration has hidden that avenue of research. It is more likely more than 3 people were involved since they were more successful than previous similar attacks involving more people and experienced bomb makers. Experts have been saying since last week these were sophisticated bombs. Remember they had a number of other bombs of differing designs and other weapons as well - where did all that mysteriously appear from. The two lone brothers scenario seems logically weak and political in nature. Possible but unlikely - neither brother had the background or training to do sophisticated bomb design unless the one brother got the information in Russia and was a much better student than long term professional bomb makers who none-the-less fail regularly. Dennis
  25. The time it takes to root out deep corruption makes the issue much more problematic than it appears on the surface. For 25+ years the state of Missouri would not touch local police corruption, the Feds were called in a number of times on the same issue - same result. It wasn't until one of the local cops embezzled federal money that the little empire began to unravel. Contrast that with what happened a few years ago next to my workplace. Someone had made a homemade pipe bomb and apparently lost it or threw it out - in any case it was laying in a ditch next to the shop. Someone walking on the road saw it and called the cops. Boom SWAT and bomb disposal from Kansas City was there not one minute later than it took to drive. No time for local corruption but someone's big firecracker woke up the state. The deep corruption issue exists throughout all of society and government at all levels. It varies considerably from place to place but exists everywhere. Fixing the fiscal crisis involves fixing deep corruption and there seems to be no interest in tackling that problem. Insider trading in the congress was fixed for a few months before being undone again - as soon as the spotlight was off they went right back to business as usual. John Kerry was one of the worst offenders on the insider trading issue - now he has been promoted. I can imagine several scenarios where the US could survive and thrive in the short term but all would require unlikely political events to take place. The majority of the public simply isn't well informed enough or engaged to make a difference. They will not be sufficiently upset or motivated to make real change until things really hurt by which time it is probably too late to fix things by rational means. Hence the state rolls in to enforce a fix at the point of a gun. Dennis