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Everything posted by dennislmay

  1. That is the lie the administration put forward - 6 congressmen have seen the deportation paperwork and say it is a lie - the name is of the injured Saudi student who was there at the bombing who is from the Jihadist family in Saudi Arabia and has big time family connections. Dennis
  2. In general I agree, once Beck left I found myself watching Fox News much less. Now that O'Reilly has entirely lost his mind I won't ever watch him again. The shine of newness and independence has left Fox News - in a given entire day of news there isn't more than 10-15 minutes of good discussion or news. I used to look forward to Charles Krauthammer but he has not been remarkable for some time - I guess I got to know him better. I pretty much down to talk radio, The Blaze, and bits and pieces from all other sources generally originating from the Internet. Dennis
  3. I don't believe the issue is grandstanding. One of the biggest issues which could lead to the collapse of our way of life is the failure of the independence of the news networks. As Beck mentioned again today the Islamic front group CAIR has a powerful presence in every major news network and in much of the US government. Beck is putting out a signal to test who is no longer independent among those news reporters and leaders of news organizations he has trusted in the past. If Fox News has failed as a news organization that is news - the regular news networks have already been known to fail generally with a small number of independent non-Progressive reporters left. I suspect Becks wants to hire any good ones left and cross off the list the rest. Beck said a few days ago The Blaze would fold if he died tomorrow and he doesn't want it to fall into the wrong hands in any case. He is wanting to expand and the only way to do that would seem to be gathering up the handful of legitimate reporters left. At some point the news part of his network has to grow to survive, At some point we have to have another news source besides Fox News if they are compromised or the nation will fold. Here's the 3rd grade math news - you can't borrow/print 40%-46% every month to fund the federal government for any length of time before the scheme collapses. That is the only news really worth talking about and still the major networks really don't talk about it. Dennis
  4. True - setting deadlines and shouting "I've got a big news secret!" Trumps journalism every time.Not a secret to the other networks - he already told them. Not a secret to the administration - it is their documents. Not a secret to the more than 10 whistleblowers who came forwards. The news media and their support/covering for the administration is the news. Beck has been known to give breaking news to competitors since his days at CNN and Fox News - just to make sure the news actually gets out. Anyone who has followed him for any length of time has heard about this. Bill O'Reilly was given first dibs on a big story Beck was going to break years ago because it wasn't about him it was about getting the story out. The producers of their respective shows about had heart attacks over it. Beck is going to allow real journalists the chance to break the story he already has. If they fail they are not real journalists. I suspect he might then hire them when they are fired from their Progressive news organizations. Dennis
  5. As Beck has said numerous times [even today] - News is not a money making proposition. His entertainment work is supporting his news work. The legacy news networks have old reruns supporting them [CBS News supported by re-runs of I love Lucy for decades] PBS has government money and money from endowment tax shelters [a government creation] and corporate tax write-offs [government favor], the rest is fund raisers. NBC had General Electric, MSNBC had Microsoft, Comcast is now NBC making money in entertainment, ABC has Disney, CNN has sister entertainment stations, BBC [Governments including US government]. In other words all the broadcast news networks are supported either by government or entertainment/advertisement. The Blaze is supported by entertainment, subscriptions, and advertisement. Dennis
  6. Makes me wonder if the Saudi student will go into witness protection unavailable to congress and/or be removed from the country before Monday so again no congressional oversight will be possible. It sounds like several congressmen, their staffs, and several law enforcement people have stuck their necks out on this one. Wonder if there will be a purge just like there was after Libya in the CIA and the military [plus all survivors hidden]. Dennis
  7. Interesting news day Monday - Beck has given the administration and other news organizations till Monday then he is going to spill the beans on the Saudi student. Beck has certainly set a high bar on expectations on this one. He has said this is either #1 or #2 news story of recent times - probably #1 depending on what becomes of it. Six congressmen have confirmed the story but no one else in the news has picked it up yet even though Beck has been telling the management of other news outlets. If Fox News is refusing the story that could mean Fox News has gone Progressive - I guess we will know by Monday. Dennis
  8. Funny you would reference a socialist movie. Our own people don't work due to socialist intervention. 113 is a good sustainable retirement age for government retirement Ponzi Schemes. One factory I visited in Canada [Toronto] seemed to have lots of good workers - all Asian. Other factories I am familiar with but have not visited in French Canada had serious productivity issues - only about 30% the productivity of similar American factories manned by Americans, Americans and Mexicans/Guatemalans, or Americans and Asians. Apparently you need more Asians to move to French Canada to pick up the slack. Dennis OK, I'm sold. Along with family I will round up all the Asians I can find and bring them along. My role will be of the strategic and inspirational variety.Please leave any wannabe socialists at home, then they will learn socialism is for the people, not the socialists. Which as explained before means the leadership of socialism have no intention of living as the people will have to live under socialism. Dennis
  9. Funny you would reference a socialist movie. Our own people don't work due to socialist intervention. 113 is a good sustainable retirement age for government retirement Ponzi Schemes. One factory I visited in Canada [Toronto] seemed to have lots of good workers - all Asian. Other factories I am familiar with but have not visited in French Canada had serious productivity issues - only about 30% the productivity of similar American factories manned by Americans, Americans and Mexicans/Guatemalans, or Americans and Asians. Apparently you need more Asians to move to French Canada to pick up the slack. Dennis
  10. They are Muslim Jihadists - they say so on their own QTY 22 YouTube videos as discussed on Beck's radio show. Dennis
  11. It isn't small government people you have to worry about, it is big government authoritarians taking over then cleaning out the true believer socialists - like happens every time authoritarians come to power when socialist reform was the pretense. Dennis Well, our big government pretends not to be socialist, so I guess I will survive until the next purge. When they go bad relocate to rural Canada or rural US - Canada has plenty of rural to be sure. Dennis Thanks for the invite Dennis! Should the need arise I and my 41 cousins and our families will be delighted to meet you and discover beauiful Missour!I guess it depends on whether the US or Canada goes completely authoritarian first who will want to go where. Unfortunately Canada has plenty of land but doesn't have the infrastructure to absorb very many fleeing Americans. The US on the other hand could absorb all of Canada's population just in the rural areas of farm states that have been losing population for decades. The GDP of Canada is just about what the US borrows every year so hopefully our Canadian imported workers can help with that. Dennis
  12. It isn't small government people you have to worry about, it is big government authoritarians taking over then cleaning out the true believer socialists - like happens every time authoritarians come to power when socialist reform was the pretense. Dennis Well, our big government pretends not to be socialist, so I guess I will survive until the next purge.When they go bad relocate to rural Canada or rural US - Canada has plenty of rural to be sure. Dennis
  13. It isn't small government people you have to worry about, it is big government authoritarians taking over then cleaning out the true believer socialists - like happens every time authoritarians come to power when socialist reform was the pretense. Dennis
  14. I heard someone say this morning that they came over on refugee status. That was very common in the time frame mentioned. There are thousands of similar Islamic refugees relocated to Wisconsin and other pockets here and there due to warfare in Eastern Europe and Asia - even Southeast Asia. Dennis
  15. Bill O’Reilly is no damn good. I pretty much stopped watching him a year and a half ago because of his complete grade-school-level ignorance of basic economics. I just happened to see this clip last night flipping channels. He seems to bend over backwards in refusing to understand what Obama is - something Beck has called him to task on many times. Now not only is he OK with trashing the Constitution he would do so in a manner leading directly to dictatorship. He has no business having a TV program any longer. In a sadder note Beck revealed about a week ago that Rupert Murdoch supports the Progressive takeover of education in the US - otherwise known as Common Core. Is Fox News about to become irrelevant - just another Progressive news source like the rest? Will The Blaze be the last valid broadcast news source left? In a related story AP News has introduced a number of PC policies concerning which phrases are allowed to be used when discussing Islamic terrorists - all meant to sugar coat the subject and misinform the public. Dennis
  16. The brothers posted 22 Youtube videos calling for Jihad in the Boston area but apparently Federal PC policy kept that from being considered when looking for suspects or preventing the issue to begin with. Dennis
  17. Radicalized Muslims - Beck reporting the radical Muslim Cleric they followed is Australian. An expert on Beck's program believes they are part of a larger cell and did in fact have training based on their behavior on videos. They also seem to have resources and success much greater than others who were in large complex well funded cells. Beck is giving the rest of the media till Monday to report on what they have been given by The Blaze as far as the documented cover-up and lies Janet Napolitano and other government officials told Congress yesterday. If the rest of the media fails in their most basic reporting duties he is going to let it all out exposing the administration and the media for again lying to the American people and covering up for the administration. Dennis
  18. Which is it? The Reichstag Fire or the T-Party Frameup? And where is the evidence that will stand up in court? Libya, Mexican and Syria gun running. Dennis
  19. It is indeed difficult to argue fine legal points when the basis for law has been almost entirely destroyed. Stare decisis has no constitutional validity. Dennis
  20. Military members refusing unlawful orders had standing but were ignored. Dennis
  21. Very stupid of her to lie about the deportation stuff since it was already in several hands. She will just lie to cover the other lies. This whole thing will have to watched like no other event in recent history. You know the Obama administration cannot be trusted to tell the truth on any level. We already know they are willing to bring out administration officials at all levels to straight out lie if they think the media will go along with it [Libya]. They will thrown anyone under the bus they have to [military and CIA in relation to Libya]. I hope there is someone out there with good photos and videos ready to expose lies if the administration attempts to go that way. The media was building up a Tea Party terrorist connection from day one with no evidence what-so-ever. If that becomes the FBI narrative at some point as well, everything they say will have to be compared to everything out there on the web to determine who is lying - and we may still never know. Obama has broken the public trust so how can his administration ever be trusted on anything ever again when the question suits his political goals and he can control the information? Dennis
  22. You are correct in your analysis of the actual meaning of "Natural Born Citizen". I read a great deal about it - a year and a half ago but didn't discuss it here. You are also correct concerning the Supreme Court. Andrew Wilkow discusses the topic fairly often on his radio show. The Supreme Court has no more say on the constitutionality of law than does the Executive, the Legislative, the States or the people. If it did there would be no equal branches of government, nor Federalism, nor we the people. Dennis
  23. Why not indeed? What little time I looked at other photos - not from the FBI - they showed very detailed ties directly to the blown up backpack. The videos and still photos the FBI have put out there aren't very good even though everyone keeps acting like they are. I would like to see the video they claim to have of one of the suspects placing the backpack. It isn't like the good ole days when it was assumed the government wouldn't just manufacture a story to support a narrative. They got caught doing that in Libya just last fall. If the FBI allows itself to be used on this one the conspiracy theories will never end. Dennis
  24. It is already known her word is good for nothing and she will tell any lie the administration wishes - [border security and administration arms trafficking to narco-terrorists]. If the Saudi is allowed to leave Obama will have pulled off another criminal conspiracy without the puppet media saying a word. Beck has been doing an hour by hour count of the Progressive media refusing to cover the Saudi story. Dennis