Libertarian Muslim

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Everything posted by Libertarian Muslim

  1. You assume too much. Hamas aren't some dictatorship that leeches off of their people, they were elected because of the good they do in the community especially in social programs. So what were Hamas supposed to do? Let the aid in and say 'Thank you Israel for being so generous granting us what is a human right now that you're in the media spotlight'. It sets a precedence which has been tried before, Israel can turn that aid tap off any time when they aren't in the international spotlight like they've done since 2006 and it's only really being made an issue now after the attack on the flotilla. Do you beg for what are your inalienable rights from those who've usurped them from you Michael? If you don't then why do you expect the Palestinians to do the same.. They're human beings with the right to dignity.. Accepting that aid would have been giving up a long term gain for something so temporary that it would have lasted a very short time.
  2. What do you mean why does Gaza have a military? What nation does not? Brant as you're obviously far too lazy to go and research things yourself when they don't conform to your preconceived ideas please find look at the following articles regarding the health issues in Gaza caused by the blockade.
  3. The blockade is causing starvation and malnutrition in Gaza and is an attack on the civilian population, not the military of Gaza. It is illegal.
  4. Thank you Michael, although I did kind of like those smileys but they do nothing for formatting lol. The Flotilla didn't deny Israel those rights at all, in fact in every instance in the past where people tried to give the Israelis that chance the Israelis took over the boat and took it in to Ashdod. Israel had no intention of inspecting the goods and instead was threatening the ship with force for trying to deliver the goods, not asking to inspect. Israel is obligated by international law to provide a list of goods that are to be forbidden to bring in to ensure that none do but thus far has not done so and instead blocks almost everything from being brought in. The blockade is illegal because it is used to starve and force the population out rather than to prevent war. If anything it only empowers Hamas more.
  5. Adonis, In other words, let the Gazans suffer when it's politically convenient for Hamas? Boy, those Hamas people are all right. Some concern for their people they show. With rulers like that, who needs enemies? Here we disagree. Michael Michael, The people of Gaza are suffering not because of Hamas, but because of Israel's blockade.. Hamas' refusal to take goods from Israel was because of the fact that Israel would turn it into a PR stunt to make themselves look good for delivering a portion of what was taken when ultimately there is no legal basis for a blockade that prevents essentials from going in. It's about the legitimacy of the blockade..
  6. A blockade in itself is to prevent arms from going through to the country, not to prevent humanitarian goods going through. Israel changed the blockade to include almost everything including concrete, which is desperately needed to rebuild Gaza. Israel is obligated to provide a list of all goods banned and to allow those which are not banned from going in. The fact is that Israel is breaking international law by committing its actions. From the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, 12 June 1994 :
  7. Boarding the ship and taking it over in the first place was piracy, it was in international waters. But moving into the future. If there are no international observers Israel may commit piracy by not allowing items that are not weapons to get into Gaza and instead taking the ships into their own ports. That is state piracy.
  8. If there is a philosophical objection to Israel setting a border and not allowing humanitarian aid to get through to Gaza, then surely there must be the same objection to Hamas setting a border with the same result. I'm just sayin'... Michael The issue is that Israel has consistently blocked the importation of things like concrete from being brought into Gaza despite the fact that it's needed to rebuild the area after it's decimation in Israel's aggression in 2008. The reason Hamas won't allow Israel to bring it in after that incident is because it would set a precedent which has previously shown not to work. That is, relying on the 'kindness' of the Israelis to allow such important goods in, it shouldn't have to go through Israel, it should be able to go directly into Palestinian ports. If people are worried about weapons going through then set up a system of inspections to search for such weapons upon reaching Israeli waters or even in international waters and have international observers there too to ensure that Israel isn't committing piracy. If the vessel is found not to be carrying weapons then they should be let through to Gaza. That didn't happen recently, it was the Israelis threatening the flotilla that if they don't turn away from heading towards Gaza that they'll be met with force to prevent them from reaching it. The people refused so the Israelis attacked.
  9. I've given the proof again and again yet you still say the same thing.. Which indicates to me that you're either terribly daft or you deliberately lie.. Again, watch this interview where Khalid Meshaal, head of Hamas says that they're willing to go along with the Arab Peace Initiative and then retract your comments.
  10. Oh please, the whole West's example is that of a arsonists who sets bushfires and then cuts cuts of the water supply and then blames people for not being able to keep the flames from engulfing their homes. Have you ever been to Southern Lebanon or even South Beirut? I have.. The only police and courts there are that of the Lebanese government, not Hezbollah and Hezbollah is recognized by the Lebanese government as the national resistance against Israeli occupation of Lebanese land and not as a militia. They are incredibly popular even amongst Christians and Sunnis, particularly after the 2006 war when they defeated the Israeli mlitary. Israel is the occupier. You're a liar. I've stated this many times and I know for a fact that you've seen the proof of where Hamas has stated that they'd be willing to recognize Israel's right to exist as a part of a peace process along the 1967 borders which is the Arab Peace Initiative.. Iran has the second strongest military and political power in that region. No, of course you don't want to discuss the US.. Because the US has blood on its hands that it can't wash off.. It's just like Saddam Hussein's trial.. They wanted him tried for something they had no real hand in and then executed as quickly as possible so he wouldn't spill the beans about exactly how close his relationship to the US government was. Israel has the capability to turn Lebanon into dust, that's correct.. But that doesn't mean they are able to win such wars, simply because killing everyone doesn't necessarily mean you'd win. No, they don't want peace because peace requires a just solution, not one sided.. The Arab Peace Initiative is a fair deal and they won't agree to it.
  11. Yes, because news commentators know how Iran's president feels. No he's not desperate, Iran has been under sanctions from the US for the last 31 years and has become self sufficient, the next round of sanctions still wouldn't have been very damaging at all as the previous one only really targeted mostly offensive capable weaponry rather than defensive. Also, why do you think I'm not in favour of a 100% peaceful outcome? Of course I want a peaceful outcome, there's no benefit to anyone if war occurs. No, not at all. Iran have both made the mistake previously of completely halting research and development when made promises and signing deals which don't get fulfilled by other countries, leaving them at a loss for that period of time. It would also be stupid to hand over 100% of your hard earned resources when there's no guarantee you'll get it back.
  12. They're sending 120 Tonnes to Turkey and only getting 120 high grade back. Also, I hope they're not sending all of it to Turkey because that'd be stupid.
  13. Iran in deal to end nuclear dispute TEHRAN May 18, 2010 IRAN has agreed to send 1.2 tonnes of its uranium to Turkey for enrichment to resolve the international row over its nuclear program, a development that could undermine UN efforts to impose new sanctions on the Iranians. Foreign ministers from Iran, Turkey and Brazil signed an agreement yesterday to ship Iran's low enriched uranium to Turkey to exchange with nuclear fuel for a Tehran reactor, an Iranian official said. The ministers signed the agreement after talks between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Under the agreement ''Turkey will be the place to keep Iran's 3.5 per cent [low enriched] uranium'', Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said. He said Iran would officially notify the International Atomic Energy Agency of the agreement ''within a week''. ''The IAEA should inform the Vienna group [uS, France and Russia] of this proposal,'' he said of world powers that have wanted Iran since last October to accept a UN-backed deal to ship its enriched uranium abroad. Under the initial deal, Iran would have been required to send its uranium stockpile to Russia to be further enriched and then sent to France to make nuclear fuel for a research reactor in Tehran. Iran had so far stalled on the deal. ''If the Vienna group accepts the agreement [made on Monday], there will be an exchange of 1200 kilograms of Iran's 3.5 per cent enriched uranium with 120 kilograms of 20 per cent enriched fuel,'' Mr Mehmanparast said. ''The uranium stockpile in Turkey will be under Iran's and the IAEA's supervision. We hope the other party accepts this proposal.'' If world powers agree, Iran would ship its uranium to Turkey ''during a period of one month'', the spokesman said. AFP
  14. What a load of nonsense.. Absolute rubbish.. 1. The US Supports the MAJORITY of the dictatorships in the Middle East including by preventing their governments by being overthrown by their people. 2. The problems in Pakistan and Iraq are due to US intervention in those nations leading back to the 1970s.. The US government holds responsibility for the continuing violence in these countries. 3. Hezbollah isn't a regime, it's not in power and whatever representatives it does have in parliament were democratically elected by the people. They aren't trying to make an 'Islamic State' they are simply working to liberate Southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation and get back the thousands of Lebanese prisoners (majority civilian) that were taken by the Israelis since 1982. 4. Hamas has agreed to the Arab League's stance on the Arab Peace Initiative and are happy for it to be implemented and thus are willing to recognize Israel within the framework of the 1967 borders. Iran respects Hamas' decision, unlike the US. Hezbollah also accepts that proposal because it means Israel will leave Southern Lebanon. 5. There's no proof that Iran has developed or intends to develop nuclear weapons. In fact they just signed a deal with Turkey and Brazil to do nuclear fuel swapping. The reason why they pulled out of the other deals is because they have been tricked into the past in giving up technology etc and have always been promised things but then the US and other nations pull out of the deal.. Iran trusts Turkey a lot more than it trusts the US or Russia. 6. You are right about one thing, the governments that aren't supported by the US like Syria and Iran are tyrannical.. But how does the US help the situation? It gives them more popularity by behaving in a manner that indicates that the wish of the US Govt is to destabilize their nations and create havoc, even attacking and invading.. Instead of supporting democracy as it should and leading through example.. Democracy doesn't interest the US Government when it comes to the Middle East because they have no intention of giving the best possible life to people living there as freedom to those people means less US influence in the region.. 7. You think that Israel won't lose its military dominance? That's a foolish way to think.. The Crusader State lasted more than 100 years before we retook it.. Things change, Hezbollah's defeat of the Israeli military in the 2006 war gave a confidence back to the Arab world that Israel can be defeated in battle, and Hezbollah isn't even really an army.. They are a resistance group.. The only thing that Israel could do to stop confidence from building would be to attack an Arab state, probably Hezbollah again which they've already indicated a wish to do.. But that would be a huge gamble.. Hezbollah is better armed and supported now than it has ever been.. If Israel loses twice then it'll only make Hezbollah more popular.. The only way Israel could win is by using far more force than it did in 2006 which was already huge and mostly directed against civilians.. I saw whole neighborhoods in South Beirut were demolished by the Israelis.. But this would only make them look bad in the world stage.. Israel's only option now is to take peace talks with the Arabs seriously and try and negotiate and agree to a solution.. If not then it will bring its own demise.. Who wants to kill Jews? Iran? They have a whole population of Jews in their own country they could kill if they really wanted to.. But they don't.. Hezbollah and Hamas? No, they want to liberate occupied lands from Zionists.. But for them they'd much prefer to come to some negotiated settlement to avoid future casualties..
  15. Concentration camps? Gulags? Sounds like the Japanese internment, Guantanamo Bay and the secret prisons in Eastern Europe that the CIA runs. There's a series of rogue regimes right there for you since WW2 that are still continuing today.. Perhaps those who live in glass houses... What makes you so sure that Iran is hiding something? You know, if Iran really had the intention to build and use weapons of mass destruction, you'd see a history of use by Iran.. However all history proves is that when Saddams forces were using chemical weapons supplied by their US and European masters on Iranian cities, the Iranians still refused to use such weapons on Iraq in retaliation. You have no historical basis for your claims that Iran would use such weapons.. But I guess the right to be presumed innocent before being proven guilty has no merit when it comes to people outside of the US right? That everyone has to answer to you? Pfftt..
  16. It's not only conceivable, it's the truth.. At this stage there is no war against the Ummah, especially by the USA.. You see that is what the extremists try and make impressionable youth believe, that there is a war on Islam and that they have to defend Islam from such attacks.. There is no such war, Muslims find greater freedom to practice their religion, peace and harmony in most occasions in places like the USA in comparison to other places in the Muslim world. This whole clash of civilizations idea is silly.. The fact is that there are more than 1.5 billion of us and we're most certainly not cowards, if we all perceived that there was a physical war against our religion then we'd fight.. Sure there may be some countries that are war with Islam ideologically, fearing extremism and an Islamization of Europe but they do so out of fear of what their future holds.. But that can all be resolved, it just takes time and patience, especially on the part of the Muslims who should remember back through history and remember the 11 years that the Muslims were patient through greater hardships cast out from their own homes for their choice in religion.. That was far worse than anything Muslims in such European countries and the US have had to endure.. It's just unfortunate that most Muslims are uneducated.. They don't ask, what would the Prophet, peace be upon him would do? Instead they act on emotion and stupidity.. I worry about my ummah..
  17. Yellow cake to be precise.. But seriously.. Yes, Ahmedinejad is to an extent misunderstood, Mugniyeh has not been proven responsible for the attacks on the AMIA Cultural center and Natanz is for peaceful nuclear use only.. There is no proof of otherwise.
  18. There's been no real evidence put forth that Hezbollah or Iran was responsible for that horrible attack in Argentina.. Therefore your comments are just speculation..
  19. Is that so? And what evidence do you have of that? Or can you read his mind and tell what his intentions are? The only doubt that comes about their legitimacy comes when people are told they can't do research or ask questions.. That brings a whole lot of doubt about credibility.
  20. No, if you're a scientist that wants to go study it now by looking through all the evidence including visiting sites and viewing documentation they are selective regarding who they'll let look.. And why does he want to know? Who cares why? It's science.. If no one has anything to hide, let him research. Nevertheless, the Holocaust has a direct impact on the Middle East and also the rest of the world, however unfortunate the Japanese biowar in China, it's effects were not as global reaching as the Holocaust...
  21. I'm not in doubt about it.. I'm sure it happened.. However, I believe that someone wants to be able to research it and ask questions, then they most certainly should be able to do so unhindered. It's science and to close the doors on this one subject, while no other subject is closed sounds fishy to me.. People trying to stop me from asking questions make me suspicious whether they are telling the truth or not.. Isn't that what being objective is about? It's a part of science and research that one has to stick to.. Why do you have a problem with it?
  22. Word games? Are you serious? There's a huge difference between saying that he'd Wipe Israel off of the map and that due to Israels own policies they'd disappear from the pages of time.. One is a threat, the other is a prediction.. Also, as far as I'm aware, he's never denied the holocaust, only requested that the science could be looked into more as any science should be.. It's a huge claim that has had a huge impact on the last 50-60 years of international politics including in his region, should he just accept it happened just because a majority of people said it did? Is that being very objective? What is the big problem with allowing it to be looked into further scientifically.. Surely, as it occurred, there would be no harm and nothing to hide to stop people from being able to research into it more.. So what's the problem with it?
  23. No he didn't, there's no such phrase in Farsi.. This has been looked into before, he said that like the Soviet Union, Israel would disappear from the pages of time.. It was referring to the internal policies of Israel and how they're self destructive and would eventually result in it's own demise, meaning that there would be no need to attack Israel at all.. The Soviet Union was never wiped off of the map..
  24. Although this is an extreme wing in Iran, the general reaction to it shows how complicated matters with Iran really are. Even if a full-scale invasion of Iran by one country were within the realm of likelihood, I see a whole gamut of unintended consequences, many of which are impossible to predict with precision other than to say they all would be nasty for all concerned. News like this, and similar news on the contrary views, comes out every day now. The situation over there is anything but stable and predictable. Michael Yeah, he won't get into power that can be assured.. The Iranian people wouldn't vote for him and his followers are very small in numbers. Iranians have no interest in a 'Greater Iran' and still remember the Iran-Iraq war.. They'll fight to stop an invading or attacking army, but never to invade another country.. His ideas are ridiculous.. James, what genocidal threats are they? Also, there's no proof that Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons..
  25. I also still don't get how it's eminent?