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Everything posted by 9thdoctor

  1. Back in the early '90s when I ran a campus club we had a member who would bring in tapes he had made of Limbaugh quoting and expounding on Rand during his radio show. So Limbaugh has been an admirer for many years. Though he'd always work in a disapproving comment about atheism.
  2. If you haven't read it already, Robert Caro's Means of Ascent belongs high on your reading list. It covers how LBJ stole his election to the Senate. It's deja vu all over again.
  3. Gillum lost, and so did Nelson. Though it was pretty close in both cases.
  4. Wow, that was awesome. I had to look up "cishet". Now if we could make a whole series like this, perhaps featuring all the characters from The Village People. I particularly want to see a Texan, in full cowboy regalia, ideally his monologue will be about the rape of the environment, mixing in outlandish sexual double entendres amidst the pseudo-academic gobbledygook. This will give an idea of how it might sound:
  5. It's being reported that there's been an arrest. Press conference at 2:30 eastern. https://www.foxnews.com/us/suspect-arrested-in-florida-in-connection-with-suspicious-packages-sent-to-democrats
  6. When we find out whether these bombs really were dangerous it might tip the scales. A false flag would (more likely I think) coincide with dud bombs. Not trying to hurt anyone. And confident that it won't become known that they were duds until after election day. So the recipients look like heroes, who've been risking their lives for standing up to Trump. How could this episode ever be a win for Republicans? If someone got killed? That would be even worse for Republicans, like the JFK assassination. OTOH, if we're dealing with an irrational actor, and it only takes one of them, plenty available on the left and the right...hence my 50/50 probability estimate.
  7. FWIW, I hadn't read the posts on the prior page when I chimed in. If only they could prove collusion!
  8. My immediate thought was: false flag operation. Call it a 50/50 probability. I'll abandon that if someone actually gets hurt.
  9. Nothing like you'll find in Thomas Sowell's or John Allison's books on the topic. There's a chapter on the 2000's (amusingly, it's Chapter 11), and it narrates what happened, but it's not like Sowell's documentation of: Carter passed this law, Janet Reno announced she'd be enforcing it in a new way on this date, GWB expanded on it further, etc. and so on. Greenspan's book goes all the way back to 1776, so it's not just a recent history. A good chunk of the book is given over to explaining techniques for estimating economic statistics for the pre-Civil War period. And oddly, though he discusses Fed Chairmen from Mellon to Volcker, he never discusses his own time at the Fed. Meaning, he doesn't make himself a character in the story.
  10. I just finished the book, and no, there's not much negativity directed at Trump. The closest thing to a take-down quote: "Donald Trump is the closest thing that America has produced to a Latin American style populist". No comparisons to Hitler, Stalin, or Cthulhu. The book was worthwhile. It's an economic history of the U.S., with a fair number of interesting and unfamiliar anecdotes/figures to keep the engagement level high enough. I think if I'd read it back in High School I'd be gushing over it for its insight etc. He appeared on Fox last week, and looks/sounds pretty good for his age (92). I can't figure out how to embed the video. https://www.foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/trump-was-right-to-cut-taxes-but-fed-criticism-is-awkward-alan-greenspan
  11. Comedy writers everywhere are straining against their deadlines today to produce memorable material that evokes the idea that she's used to pornstars who are hung like horses, so intercourse between her the Donald was like tossing a hot dog (or a mushroom) down a hallway.
  12. Easy. It's The Straight Story meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. What could go wrong?
  13. Who are they? Name three. I can't think of one. I'm sure some people judged her the lesser evil, but "advocates"? I propose the name "Nullset".
  14. I think he kicked her phone out of her hand. Which is still battery, and probably calls for a stint behind bars even if he's a first-time offender. But it's not as bad as a kick in the face.
  15. Looks like this is the same story as this: http://reason.com/blog/2018/10/03/dog-rape-hoax-papers-pluckrose-lindsay This part has me in stitches: Wilson spent 100 hours in three dog parks, where she made note of a whole bunch of times when one dog humped another. When the humping was male-on-male, owners intervened in the overwhelming number of cases. But when the humping was male-on-female, owners were far less likely to stop it. This, the study suggests, might say something about the owners' internalized homophobia and their willingness to overlook female victims of sexual assault.
  16. At first I thought that was Steve Bannon. Sure enough, it's already been done.
  17. And here I was starting to think they'd named Little Donny disease after him.
  18. Ho-hum. Try getting this image out of your head:
  19. Distinctive? It bends to the left, the right, unusual color scheme, unique vasculature, circumcised (or not), big, small... Predictions?
  20. "Half-ass", "not bad", c'mon, throw me a pork chop! Under the heading of division of labor, we need someone to concoct the relevant techno-babble. Volunteers?
  21. I got a kick out of this. Maybe there should be a Hillary Humor thread.
  22. It's going to be like the Reichstag fire. The Senate will vote emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor. Getting back to our collaborative thrillah, how about we have a CIA analyst, temporarily let's call him Jack Ryan, uncover a plot to use previously unknown technology/techniques to seed bigger badder hurricanes off the west African coast. Tie in the bad Islamic fundamentalist stuff going on in Mali. That's pretty close to Western Sahara, which is pretty anarchic right now. Western Sahara is (I imagine) where the tech would actually be implemented. Who's ultimately behind it? Who has the means to develop such advanced technology? The Russians, naturally. And how does it get uncovered? I say let's tie in the Cubans, since they're in the line of fire just as much as anyone else, and they have better ties to the Russians. Part of the technology ties into the "sonic attacks" that occurred in Havana. So probably that's where the plot starts, chronologically speaking. Ryan ends up going to Morocco ("But I'm only an analyst!") to advise on the take-down operation, which is planned to only involve drones, but no, something goes awry and Ryan ends up in a dramatic firefight, with only his good-guy Moroccan (read: Muslim) counterpart there as backup, barely making it out with a few broken ribs, while his hairdo remains intact. Back in Casablanca he tells his new man Friday that this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Fade to black.
  23. Schwartz and Binswanger too. I'm starting to like ARI people. Yaron Brook did a great job in this interview: Current weather conditions in hell: Heavy snow.