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Everything posted by 9thdoctor

  1. Kneel before Zod! Everything? No, they haven't yet tied in the Freemasons, the Elders of Zion, or most vitally, the Knights Templar. It's "a fundamental axiom: The Templars have something to do with everything." See Foucault's Pendulum, chapter 65.
  2. Is your fiction debut about ready to go? Scott Adams did a show on this topic today: Nothing to do with Rand of course.
  3. Now that both 1st and 2nd in line are tainted, the occupant of 3rd place, the Speaker of the House, who is a Republican, is being thrust into the spotlight. His name is Kirk Cox, and he came to office after beating John Dicks. This remake of Sophie's Choice is going to be a slasher movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk_Cox
  4. http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/07/alexandria-ocasio-cortezs-green-new-deal "The Green New Deal reads like word vomit from a 13-year-old child asked to scribble out their bold new thoughts for a radically different America than we have today," Blair said in a email to Reason. "This includes the phasing out of American air travel." Funny how this matches the setup for the first of the Atlas Shrugged films. So that trains would be important again and they could stick to Rand's plot.
  5. NPR loves her. Check out the Green New Deal! https://www.npr.org/2019/02/07/691997301/rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-releases-green-new-deal-outline "10-year national mobilizations" sounds rather like 5 Year Plan, eh? Ironically, the stated goals are pretty much the opposite. The results wouldn't be.
  6. 9thdoctor


    Hell yeah! Can I order that as a bumper sticker?!?!
  7. "Why should I be “spirited and warm” for this embarrassment of a #SOTU? Tonight was an unsettling night for our country. The president failed to offer any plan, any vision at all, for our future. We’re flying without a pilot. And I‘m not here to comfort anyone about that fact," she wrote. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/u-s-rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-responds-to-criticism-she-wasnt-warm-and-spirited-during-trump-address More like he's flying in an opposite direction of where she wants to go. But at least no one yelled out "you lie"; the worst I saw were smirks and eye rolls from Kamala Harris. What was with all the women in white? I kept thinking it's the Wilkie Collins brigade. Rather anachronistic I know.
  8. While we're doing music humor and bringing up bad memories for you, there's a channel on YouTube that's all about combining wildly different songs and old time music videos with hilarious results. The first one is selected to keep those bad memories flowing, plus the dancing might be something Soapyish. The second one is rather more clever, musically speaking. The whole thing calls to mind Charles Ives. Like the end of the 2nd Symphony, when Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean gets mashed up with Camptown Races. There are a bunch more of these, some great, some just ok. Worth checking out.
  9. Recall that Rand wanted to see a hybrid of ballet and tap dancing. The trouble being that different shoes are needed (I think). How about having Soapy tap dance? And make sure the arresting officer looks like Kant. Then you'll have a shot at getting it premiered at OCON.
  10. Which direction would that have been? Not sold on extended atonality? Find it too hard to extract the ear-worm of Stravinsky's uber-catchy adaptation of The Owl and the Pussycat? Nothing tops the "beautiful Pussy" part for getting unintended laughs from a college recital audience.
  11. The Lt. Gov. now has a rape accusation hanging over him. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/washpost-pushes-back-against-justin-fairfax-statement-on-sexual-assault-allegation http://reason.com/blog/2019/02/04/justin-fairfax-virginia-sexual-misconduc This leaves the SJW crowd with something like a Sophie's Choice in reverse. We believe accusers, right? With the sole exception of a Clinton accuser. They were hoping to groom this fellow as the next Obama. He was going to be able to skirt Virginia's term limits by serving most of Northam's term, then running for reelection. After that, next stop, White House in 2024. Or 2028, if whoever beats Trump in 2020 is a two-termer. Probably a partial Senate term to fill the gap in that case.
  12. Evidently I didn't weigh in on the Charlottesville imbrogio when it happened. If I did I can't find it. But I did post about the David Duke episode: FWIW, I dislike Trump less now than I did then.
  13. But remember that the Trayvon Martin case, where the audio was manipulated by actual domestic media companies (NBC, mainly) to make the shooter out to be racist, was thrown out. In this case (Covington) the misleading editing was done outside the country. Good chance some of these targets will settle ahead of time, however. Which ought to make the kid's lawyers some money.
  14. Back when the Charlottesville imbroglio happened, Trump said there were good people on both sides. The principle of charity should have you interpret him to mean that there were good people on both sides of the statue question. Not that there are good people among the white supremacists who hijacked the event. Media attack dogs have been repeating the other interpretation ever since. The same with the David Duke stumble during the campaign, which he attributed to a faulty earpiece (though it easily could have been a matter of drawing a blank on the name, like Aleppo). This attack dog mentality just makes noise; maybe it affects votes, though I doubt by much. Let’s compare to another recent case: Kamala Harris gave a speech where she called for all private health insurance companies to be put out of business. Then the next day she supposedly changed her mind. I don’t buy it. She’s going to wear that albatross forever. No way she misspoke the first time.
  15. It's that whole "do unto others" policy in practice. It works often enough. Note that this guy went to jail for doing to kinds of things you keep insisting Northam supports: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Gosnell You didn't see Democrats lining up to defend the guy. In fact, they were just as condemnatory as everyone else.
  16. That's exactly the kind of hypothetical I thought of when I tried to interpret what Northam said using the principle of charity. There's no way there's ever a "discussion" about taking a meat cleaver to a new-born. Slaughter? No doctor guided by the "do no harm" principle could do that. Taking them off a respirator, in cases where they're going to die soon anyway, is a whole other matter.
  17. Let me give you a hypothetical. Let's say there's a healthy mother and fetus, 8 months along, and then there's a car accident. The airbag and/or seatbelt cause an injury to the fetus, damaging its spinal cord. The doctors determine that there's a 95% chance there'll be a miscarriage, any time in the next month. It'll be life threatening to the mother. Yet there's a 5% chance the baby will be born alive, but will be a quadriplegic, will need a respirator, have a life expectancy of 1 week even with all the best medical attention available, etc. Go ahead and allow a vanishingly small chance for a miracle. Would you object to the mother making the choice to induce labor (or do a C-section, more likely) and then not putting the baby on the respirator? On her doctor's advice? I imagine even the Catholic church would be ok with this, and would send a priest to do a baptism. Should the state be involved?
  18. About the abortion part, he has to be talking about cases where the baby isn't viable. Almost everyone is ok with late term abortions when the mother's survival is at risk, given that the baby is not going to make it. They induce labor, and the baby sometimes lives for a while. Imagine a case where the doctor could use every means at his/her disposal to then prolong its life, and that will stretch it out to a week at best. As opposed to doing nothing, and it dies within hours. A traumatizing choice. I don't like the government sticking its nose in such a decision. What makes it unclear is the language of the bill, particularly where it refers to the mother's mental health. That makes me think of this scene from Rosemary's Baby. Imagine if Rosemary, here evidently insane, asks the doctor for an abortion. In the movie he calls up her other doctor, they sedate her, and soon the son of Satan is born, but that's another story altogether.
  19. Northam could turn this into a big win. Victory from the jaws of defeat. I don’t think Northam has it in him to pull it off, but just imagine if he could liken himself to St. Paul as the former persecutor who became an apostle. He knows both sides, he’s been there. As late as age 25. I’m thinking of a speech Obama gave about race back in early 2008 (prompted by obnoxious videos of his pastor Rev Wright), back before he’d even sealed the nomination. He turned that into a big win. But 10 seconds listening to Northam speak and you know he’s no Obama. OTOH, this is rather nice payback coming after the Kavanaugh episode, eh? The yearbook part.
  20. Here's a new one. The Little Ice Age was caused by genocide of Native Americans. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/01/world/european-colonization-climate-change-trnd/index.html You can't beat that combo. It sounds like something that would come out of a focus group composed exclusively of left-wing college student activists. Do I dismiss it instantly? That's some serious confirmation bias you have there, Doctor (Doctor who?). In my defense, note that it's a CNN story.
  21. 9thdoctor


    If only this worked as well as Hitchens's version:
  22. 9thdoctor


    Your mind-reading skills are clearly Jedi level. If only you'd distill your know-how into a correspondence course. No wonder I haven't been able to get this tune out of my head. Only I've found myself substituting "Newbsie" for "Baby".
  23. Lillian Rearden and Ivy Starnes seem like the obvious choices. But, just 'cos I like the name so much, I'm guessing Lee Hunsacker.
  24. 9thdoctor


    Aww, so now he's flounced! If you've ever wondered what it would have looked like had Peikoff engaged in public debates, here you have it. Why so invested in demonizing Kant? How about picking on Rousseau for a change?