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Everything posted by anonrobt

  1. So it seems - and the prize is the Obfuscation Finger Award...
  2. Yes indeed, good fortune to ye in your gallery and sales - it does seem, in places anyway, that art does still have a good hold on wants, so hope it remains such in your area...
  3. Well, at least he didn't claim 'Spockian'...
  4. Why California, particularly Santa Monica? Thought New York City was 'the' place to be?
  5. The saying goes like "you can't step into the same river twice". Your missed the point: To make this more explicit; If you can't step in the river twice you can't step into it once. The concept of the Mississippi river already involves the idea of water flow (1.6 million gallons per second usually) so if you obliterate the concept of 'river' by stating that you can't step into the 'same' river twice you can't step into it at all. The concept of river is a flow of water down a more or less fixed path. If you were any more concrete bound, you'd be at the bottom of the river...
  6. I don't think this is any clearer. If I imagine a tree it is a mental image that exists in my brain, is it not? I could be imagining a tree like a pine tree but you could be imagining an oak tree, right? If I said imagine an oak tree specifically then we probably would have more similar mental images. It seems to me that 'concept' must be restricted to meaning a mental image. The image is visualizing the concept, is it not, not being the concept itself? That is why the images are different, yet the concept remains the same...
  7. intellectual warrior, Bob is very competent at shooting himself in the foot and not even knowing it. .............. Diabetics have that problem...
  8. HOOrah! War is the greatest human accomplishment, be it just or unjust. Where would we be without Julius Ceasar? Or Alexander the Great. Or King Leonidas? Or Themistocles? Wars and warriors have made civilization possible. Peaceful folk will just sit under their vines and do nothing in particular. Peaceful folk are mostly inert. A Good War puts backbone into the men of a nation. Our own Civil War produced Oliver Wendel Holmes. It also made Walt Whitman a great poet. War makes men manly. Look at the Swiss. Five hundred years of brotherhood and democracy and what have they produced? The coo coo clock, bankers and chocolate bars. (based on The Third Man ). What is best? To crush the enemy, drive him before you and hear the lamentations of his women. That is good. (from Conan the Barbarian). Ba'al Chatzaf What to expect but barbarian comments from a barbarian lover...
  9. That was the delicious irony she had, saying it was about reason, not being anti-religious - yet the book was so full of allusions as you've noted, as many from Judaic as Christianistic mythologies... in a way, am surprised a book on just this factor has never been written - there is enough for a good volume...
  10. Oh, Vaclav Klaus is a VERY interesting person, to be sure... admire him much ...
  11. Perhaps he's having a Schwarzenegger moment...
  12. What do you expect of a work of fiction? No, Rand did not deal with the entertainment in Galt's Gulch; nor did she say what books Midas Mulligan read or whether Ragnar attended the opera; nor did she show Rearden shopping for clothes, or Dagny having her hair done, or Galt attending a movie; she did not present her views on breast feeding or the science of linguistics or the possibility of life on other planets. Atlas is a philosophical novel; it is not a manual of detailed instructions for the living of every aspect of one's daily life. I have never understood why so many people require of Ayn Rand what they would not dream of requiring of other writers. I don't know what Macbeth did for entertainment, or the Ancient Mariner, or Saint Joan, but I can't say that I consider that a problem. Barbara Well said.
  13. There are several books dealing with Sophie Scholl and the White Rose listed in Amazon, along with the DVD of the movie - which is supposedly the source for the movie, as none listed say as title, Sophie Scholl, Her Final Days?
  14. But - being he his own country, in another country, then wouldn't he be in effect a diplomat of himself, and thereby have diplomatic immunity? ;-)
  15. Yet there's still stuff like this coming out from the 'science' community -
  16. Administering the drug starting a sex change would be a good idea. Turn these bastards into women then turn them loose among their own people. Just see what happens. Ba'al Chatzaf Ahh - the justice of Allah...
  17. One of my favorite books was by Mildred Savage - IN VIVO, about an independent drug company in the late 40's, in the early days of antibiotic research... always thought it one of the better ones for showing the difficulties in getting viable drugs...
  18. Interestingly, a number of folk thought this would be the case with Bush, to keeping on beyond the two terms...
  19. Robert, LOL... That's about as perfect a fit as I have seen. There is another fit with some really creepy parallels: Warren G. Harding. Although President Harding was a Republican, he is like a conservative mirror of President Obama. Just the details change. Here are some quotes from the Wikipedia article on Harding with my snarky comments in italics and brackets. I could go on and on. Obviously there were many differences, but this is way too many parallels for comfort. They are... er... ominous parallels... Joking aside, this is actually weird.. Michael Interesting, to be sure...
  20. Actually, buying books like that would be better investment in these times than stocks, etc........
  21. They can't - that would be putting themselves out of business...
  22. The Declaration is the moral document - but it has no legal force... The Constitution is the legal document, and there is nothing of gods within it, and only the first amendment to speaking of religion.