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Everything posted by Backlighting

  1. Backlighting

    ARI auction
  2. Philip, It was mixed in with the best sellers. This was the large soft-cover edition.
  3. While browsing the book table at Costco today I saw a stack of AS among the current best sellers they carry. Amazing, after 50 years, it's being featured. Now if we could only get more of them in the hands of our politicians and college students, capitalism & individual rights might have a chance.
  4. This is the media manufactured "intellectual", without his teleprompter. lol Obama Geography "I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." "Eau Claire [Wisconsin] is a big important state." "We only have a certain number [Arabic translators] of them and if they are all in Iraq, then it's harder for us to use them in Afghanistan," Obama said. (Afghanistan is not an Arabic-speaking country.) "t was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." (Confusing German for "Austrian", a language which does not exist.) Obama History "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong. " (He sees dead people?) "I had a uncle who was one of the, who was part of the first American troops to go into Auschwitz and liberate the concentration camps...." (Stalin's army liberated Auschwitz, and he should use "an" before a word which begins with a vowel, a grammatical error he makes often .) "I'm always worried about using the word 'victory,' because, you know, it invokes this notion of Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur...." (Hirohito never attended the surrender ceremony and you don't "sign a surrender".) Obama Economics "... profit and earnings ratio." (The correct term is the Price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. Profit and earnings ratio is nonsensical.) "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system," Obama said in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers. [emphasis added] "Paying for what you spend is basic common sense." Obama Spoken Language "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know. . .there's a reaction in her that don't go away and it comes out in the wrong way." While he argued that American children should learn to speak Spanish , he referred to the Cinco de Mayo celebration as "Cinco de Cuatro" (Five of Four)
  5. Perhaps Fox will give Yaron his own show in the near future.
  6. Yaron on Glenn Beck today. He's been getting a lot of air time there recently. Glenn obviously likes him.
  7. Just a sincere thanks to you both for your work in developing a fine site.
  9. Who has the partial screenplay written by Rand? Seems like a third of the writing is already done.
  10. N.Y. Post article re: AS movie
  11. AS movie update:
  12. Couldn't A.R.I. fund a decent part of bringing AS to the screen? Shouldn't they want to, considering they allegedly exist to promote Rand's ideas?
  13. It should be about 105 degrees. Bring your bathing suit. For a really great buffet stop in at Red Rock Casino & Resort, located in the NW section of town. Get there before 3P.M. Mon-Sat. and the cost is just 10.95.
  14. Michael Jackson was an incredible talent. As a role model, however, he was quite a sleaze. His resume included: Refused to pay many debts he acquired, and was sued. As a grown man he said it was "enchanting" to have young boys in his bed for a sleep over. His addiction to drugs. His numerous surgeries to alter his appearance, which only made him look more grotesque. Sorry, but all this adoration of him in the media for anything other than an entertainer is misplaced. Wacko Jacko he was. R.I.P.
  15. I've always been an upbeat person. That's changed somewhat. Not a day goes by that I don't read or hear about this new Administration's aggressive and sweeping assault on individual rights; it's power grab to control more and more of our lives and our economy. I find it quite depressing. It's gotten to the point that I will immediately change the T.V. or radio channel if Obama is speaking. Surely most, if not all, on this Board must be outraged by the current events. How do you deal with it and stay upbeat?
  16., which is owned by ebay, is a good place to get books at reduced prices.
  17. Time to remember and salute those men and women who lost their lives while serving in our military throughout our nations history.
  18. By Daniel Greenfield Friday, May 22, 2009 The patterns of a failed state are all too familiar from the Soviet Union, and every "Democratic People's Republic" from Cuba to North Korea . The government controls everything and the people control nothing. The largest employer is the government and its vast bureaucracy, while free enterprise is criminalized. The government constantly announces new initiatives, plans and policies, which do nothing but breed more poverty and misery. An ever watchful government is constantly obsessed with domestic unrest, certain that if they can suppress opposition views, no one will notice how badly everyone but the government officials and the criminals live. And now it's all coming to America. Want to buy a pickup truck? Pretty soon you might not be able to. You will however be able to buy lightweight cars jointly owned by the government and the worker's union that will peel open if you sneeze on them. (If nothing else, Obama will be remembered for turning the American auto industry into the Yugo and the Lada.) Because the government knows best. Always. And who needs small businesses anyway? Unless you qualify for Small Business affirmative action quotas, which entitles you to cut in line when bidding on government contracts, you have no business running a small business anyway. But don't worry, you will be able to buy a small assortment of overpriced products from the remaining industries, underfunded by government loans and grants, with prices artificially inflated by cap and trade and all the other fun taxes. Forget the old kind of big business. The new kind of big business doesn't actually make money, instead it's subsidized by the government, which it has to be because it's so heavily taxed and the prices passed down to consumers are so awful, that there's no way for it to turn an actual profit. And of course forget about product quality. When your union owns the company, no one cares about product quality. Naturally the government will step in to regulate excessive prices to protect the citizenry, artificially lowering the prices for some staples, and applying more "sin taxes" to anything the government doesn't like, including fattening foods and owning an antiquated gas guzzler. This is a formula for creating shortages, as Chavez has most recently demonstrated for us. And shortages mean a crisis... and we wouldn't want to waste one of those. "Efficiency" is the new poverty In the Obama Administration, "efficiency" is the new poverty, implementing controls and regulations that leave people with less than ever before. In the name of environmental efficiency, the American people are to be deprived of transportation, deprived of jobs, deprived of income and deprived of freedom. The disastrous failures of FDR and Carter's attempts at implementing price controls highlight what is to come. But to social liberals, an economic downturn has always been a perfect storm of an opportunity to seize control of the free market in order to fund the construction of their socialist infrastructure. Now the environment has provided a "moral structure" to enforce political change, and to proceed with the impoverishment of America. The environment is of course a perfect justification for just about anything, since any worsening of the human condition serves to "benefit the environment", right down all the way to genocide, or its more euphemistic cousin, Zero Population Growth. Efficiency has come to be a euphemism for deprivation, and community, for a welfare state. And the more the government does, the more it controls, and the more it controls, the more it imposes its dictates. National health care will mean a government that feels more entitled than ever to dictate every detail of how you live your life, right down to the food you can eat. Environmentalism however goes beyond even that, providing carte blanche for government control and oversight over every human activity, in the name of a mythical global crisis that doesn't actually exist. Want to take a plane trip? If the environmentalists have their way, you'd better have a good "approved" reason for it. Vacation? Family reunion? You know you're limited to one of those a year. Better not try a second flight. You won't want your selfishness to destroy the environment, now do you? And with a government bureaucracy busy regulating everything, there will be more jobs for the regulators, and less jobs for the regulated. And the welfare state that was predicted in the 70's, in which everyone would be either collecting welfare, or dispensing welfare, will have come to pass. The cheerful comeback of the same policies Carter pushed of course can only bring poverty and misery, turning America into a failed state. Rationing in the name of the environment, government control in the name of economic stabilization and equality, have already done serious damage to the American economy. More control will squash it entirely, moving us on the socialist express to economic oblivion. And of course the worse things get, the tighter government control becomes in order to "compensate" and "stabilize" some more, like a drunk driver who keeps hitting the gas, under the intoxicated impression that if he just keeps going faster, the world will stop turning around him. And he won't stop, until he crashes and crashes hard. The more the government controls, the less productive the American economy becomes. And since expanding government bureaucracy is a parasite that consumes wealth without producing it, the economics of the situation can only trend downward. Thus government gains power at the expense of Americans. The government bureaucrat rises. The ordinary American sinks down. Power shifts permanently from the citizens to the system. And the best way to make that power shift permanent is to eliminate any possibilities for independence from government control. Transforming America into a failed state means putting the final nail in the coffin of American freedom. We can either have an economy based on individual liberty or one based on centralized government control. We've struggled through with a hybrid fusion of the two for a while now, but a hybrid system will tug one way or another.The current crisis has been exploited to draw us into the socialist quagmire. And the American economy is sinking in.
  19. Welcome Eliot. In addition to reading Rand's works, may I suggest you view her interviews on youtube. I particularly like:
  20. Happy Birthday Barbara! A toast to you.
  21. Perhaps someone with a legal backround can clarify the issue and answer my question. Here is some information which seems ambiguous to me but may provide insight for another.
  22. My nephew, who is an ardent AR fan, wants to produce bumper stickers with AR quotes on them. He will be selling them for profit. Can he do this legally, or is this copyright infringement? Thank you in advance!
  23. I don't care for any of the paintings by him that I've seen. I think his work is mediocre, at best.