The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin

George H. Smith

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I will not enjoy seeing Zimmerman grow prosperous over the corpse of Martin, but he is stuck now as the martyr and poster boy for Guns=Liberty and will have to make a living somehow.

The "poster boy for Guns=Liberty" is the Minuteman statue in Concord, Massachusetts.


It was. Now it is George Zimmerman. The Intellectual Heir, as it were.

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This video just came up on Real Clear Politics. (See here.)

Being Hannity, I thought it would be about promoting conservatism at root, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Lots of people with very strong opposing opinions managed to sit down and have a civil discussion with each other about a piping hot topic, except for a couple of quick minor altercations (the worst was at the end).

I know how this discussion would have played out among the people I grew up with. It would not have been pretty.

On an issue where prejudices and fear and hatred run this deep, the very fact that these people could sit in the same room with each other and actually listen to other people they despise and still maintain a civil demeanor, made me feel proud.

Not only did they keep it civil, Hannity kept harping back to reason by constantly asking them to differentiate between factual evidence and theory. This was Hannity at his best. He pressed people hard on reason and almost all of his guests agreed on the same facts, even when they did it begrudgingly. Of course, they were all over the place on their differing theories.

I'm impressed. I see common ground growing in America--growing with reason as the governing principle.


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I think we all like Carol very much, but she knows less about American culture--especially as it relates to dastardly "guns!"-- than she thinks.

I think the recurring reports on American television about the Royal Baby Watch tell us everything about American culture that anyone needs to know. 8-)Ghs

The media seems poised to retry the Zimmerman case either by means of a civil rights suit, or promoting a repeal of "stand your ground" laws. And with those endless CNN close ups of Obama, head down, pursing his lips together, I think it's as good as done. But once the royal baby is born, every hiccup and diaper change will make headlines for weeks. Lets enjoy the break.

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A great case study of contrasting moralities. One that's 'out there' in the town square, held by the public at large wanting to rid us of nasty inclinations such as racial profiling - moralize, condemn and ban. 'We' know what you're thinking, and won't stand for it.. Law and collective morality should fulfill the same purpose, and are the same thing, yeah? Imposed on you, like justice in the old tribal times.

Or one that's personally owned, a self-morality which can ("ought" to) volitionally change any lingering racial prejudice for the sake of one's rationality - and primarily for that reason.

This trial's outcome has been under contention over here, with the predictable reactions.

Honestly, you'd think (fearful and sometimes justifiable) racial profiling is as bad as, if not worse than a man's quite senseless death.

Hats off to the jurors for keeping their heads (when all about them etc).

(Um - not a good metaphor!)

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Here is a further look at the underbelly of propaganda surrounding this case.

Bill Whittle talks about some factual things that are hard to answer--except with a story where facts don't matter.


Whittle is at the top of his form there.

By the way, did you know that Whittle is a pilot? I keep telling folks that pilots by and large are among the best of us.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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And then on MSNBC a new low: Didn't think they could sink any lower? They prove you wrong. This is an apparent call to violence including racial quotas for murder (see the MSNBC clip included in this Reagan Coalition page.


One of their commentators, Michael Eric Dyson (Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University), launches off in a hate-filled invective that seems to be advocating the killing of whites to equal the killing of blacks. Or is he advocating that black teen deaths be no more than white teen deaths? It is hard to tell, because he verges on incoherence.

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Here is the truth that race hustlers deny...


and this is from 40 years ago...


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I thought the pic was much older, then I saw the bell-bottom pants. I was once good friends with a guy my age who still wore them 20 yrs out of style for he had gotten a bunch in the early 1970s. I never liked them, but back then it was next to impossible not to buy them.


never thought of the naked option

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Here is the truth that race hustlers deny...

Adam: what truth are you talking about? I sincerely am not sure what you are referring to.

The truth that until children are taught to hate, they get along fine.

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Here is the truth that race hustlers deny...

Adam: what truth are you talking about? I sincerely am not sure what you are referring to.

The truth that until children are taught to hate, they get along fine.

Adam, too true:

Goes to show, children have a better grasp of metaphysics than their parents.

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Here is the truth that race hustlers deny...

Adam: what truth are you talking about? I sincerely am not sure what you are referring to.

The truth that until children are taught to hate, they get along fine.

Adam, too true:

Goes to show, children have a better grasp of metaphysics than their parents.

Yes, indeed. Frustrates the hell out of me.

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The killer is now on the loose and rampaging in wild-eyed, mouth-frothing blood-lust:

Zimmerman Helps Save Family Of Four From Overturned Vehicle
July 22, 2013
CBS Tampa Bay

George Zimmerman helped save the lives of a family of four that were involved in a single-car accident.

According to a Seminole County Sheriff’s Office report, the family was driving in a Ford Explorer SUV when it went off the road and rolled over in Sanford last week.

A responding deputy reported that when he arrived Zimmerman and another man helped the two parents and two children out of the vehicle.

The report states that Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after making contact with the responding deputy.

No one in the car was injured.

I wonder if the family was white.

And if there had been a black teenage male...

(All right... all right... I know... that was smartass... :) )


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Ayn Rand on gun control:

"I do not know how the issue is to be resolved how to protect yourself without giving you the privilege to kill another at whim"

- from Ayn Rand Answers

Then who is to protect you and what is to stop them from killing others at whim?

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Ayn Rand on gun control:

"I do not know how the issue is to be resolved how to protect yourself without giving you the privilege to kill another at whim"

- from Ayn Rand Answers

Then who is to protect you and what is to stop them from killing others at whim?

Ayn was wrong on a number of issues and this was one of them.

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But I'm not.

You're not Ayn? I got that.

As to gun control, you are not only wrong, but you are clueless as to the fact that gun control has never and will never work.

I refer you to the Sullivan Act [] in New York City, which is recognized as one of the strictest, if not the strictest in the nation.

It has never worked. This weekend alone, there were an explosion of shootings.


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Here is the truth that race hustlers deny...

Adam: what truth are you talking about? I sincerely am not sure what you are referring to.

The truth that until children are taught to hate, they get along fine.

Adam, too true:

Goes to show, children have a better grasp of metaphysics than their parents.

I had a childhood in a Mexican-American neighborhood in Tucson. We all got along fine until suddenly our friends stopped talking to us and excluded us--all before the age of ten. In high school they formed a solid and impenetrable clique. In adulthood it seems to have swung back the other way. It's hard to say for it's mostly business or relationships that came through my step-father who was a Spanish professor at the University of Arizona.


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I had the honor or violating the Sullivan Law in 1973 with a .357 magnum in a briefcase. Going to New Jersey from the Port Authority I also had the honor of violating its law or laws in a somewhat similar fashion, for the third time (become a fourth in 1995.) That last time I was leaving New Jersey because of its stupid laws and high taxes. The gun was legal in my home but not in my car.

I once knew a NYC cop who visited Tucson and came back in wonder: Some people were carrying handguns, a felony here!

I also had a slight acquaintance with a NYC detective who was highly regarded and productive to being the subject of a big article in the NY Times 30 years ago while he was still a patrolman--he also appeared in a slight role in A Bronx Tale as a detective with Robert de Niro. "What," I asked Mitch, "is the one thing you are most proud of" (being a NYC policeman)? "I'll tell you what," he said, "I was doing a search in an apartment and I was in a closet and this guy walks by with two pistols uplifted in his hands. When he passed me by I gunned him down."


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Ayn Rand on gun control:

"I do not know how the issue is to be resolved how to protect yourself without giving you the privilege to kill another at whim"

- from Ayn Rand Answers

Then who is to protect you and what is to stop them from killing others at whim?

Ayn was wrong on a number of issues and this was one of them.

While I don't trust Rand material edited after her death, she was seemingly clueless on this subject (self defense). If you are in a society then the collective gets the guns, but if you are at war with it you can have and use them (see AS).


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Gee, I hope he killed him. No heroics otherwise.

The brutal fact of the matter is he had to shoot or be killed himself--and shoot him in the back. You don't say "Stick 'em up!" or "I've got you covered!" or "Freeze!"


but not heroic

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Ayn Rand on gun control:

"I do not know how the issue is to be resolved how to protect yourself without giving you the privilege to kill another at whim"

- from Ayn Rand Answers

Then who is to protect you and what is to stop them from killing others at whim?

Ayn was wrong on a number of issues and this was one of them.

While I don't trust Rand material edited after her death, she was seemingly clueless on this subject (self defense). If you are in a society then the collective gets the guns, but if you are at war with it you can have and use them (see AS).


I think gender had something to do with it. Women are far more likely to be more gun averse than men. This is also why the gun control issue wholly belongs to liberalism, as it is a feminized ideology for emasculated males. Although in AS, Ayn Rand's reason prevailed when she demonstrated how a gun was used as a necessary tool for good people to prevail.

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