Message added by william.scherk

For a ground-floor view of the phenomena of QAnon ... including the gestation of 'Watkins-Q-kun':



Credence and interest in the QAnon phenomena  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Which choice best represents your interest in the QAnon phenomenon

    • Uninterested
    • Interested, but skeptical
    • I already know what I know
    • None of your business. I don't declare my interests
    • "Don't bother to examine a folly ... "
    • I'd be interested in an objective analysis of the phenomena
    • I will explain everything in a guest post here, if given the opportunity

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  • Poll closed on 12/02/2018 at 02:32 AM

I'd like to open a field of discussion for the QAnon phenomena.  Here is where I will post in already existing material presented at OL by members.  I'll take direction from comments and from poll answers. 

  • What is Q / QAnon?
  • Why should anyone on OL pay attention?
  • Is skepticism justified?
  • What are the main questions readers have in mind to guide discussion?

No special rules or guidelines for this thread; the OL guidelines are good enough and will apply here. .  Please keep personal abuse to a minimum. Creative insults are kosher, but if they aren't on topic, why post them?


Our forum leader opened discussion on the phenomena back in January of this year.  My key-word search-term was "QAnon,"  not "Q," so the search results will not necessarily return all incidence of discussion touching on the phenomena.

On 1/3/2018 at 4:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[...] If you really want to go down a Rabbit Hole where anti-deep state magic happens for real, look into "QAnon."

I will post a thing about him later, probably in a new thread or on the Conspiracy Theory thread. He's been spot on accurate predicting a lot of recent happenings right before they happen. More recently he's been doing some twittering and he seems to like hamming it up a bit, so here are a few teasers:


And this:



And this:



And this:





More coming...



Recommended Comments

It is wise to capture chunks of your opponent’s successful operation, in this case the Trump team’s successful Q operation. You prop up a puppet who says all the right things to capture a large audience of patriots, you inflate the puppet’s number of followers while suppressing real patriots on the social media you control so that by all appearances your puppet is a bona fide member of the movement. This way you possess a lever of chaos and division for when the shit really hits the fan — you have the puppets come out strongly against Trump. Big, shocking last minute reversals are coming, don’t be shocked.

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Anon6 reposts many of the people I read.

None of the people I read repost An6.

I don’t see any substance being offered, anything to avoid missing out on.

Safe to block, I would say.

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10 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Pre-newbies, newbies, crypto-newbies, and post-truth newbies adjust their opinions ...

Slither slither ...


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2 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Pre-newbies, newbies, crypto-newbies, and post-truth newbies adjust their opinions ...


But The William Newbie didn't adjust any opinion, and neither did anyone who has read The William Newbie's efforts to persuade.


(As opposed to, say, people throughout the entire country adjusting their opinions about the Democratic Party thanks to the efforts of President Trump. He does it right. You don't.)

Ellen said, "Slither, slither," but all I see is you bumbling around in the dark with persuasion techniques. I fear The Slither is still in front of you after you move up a level or two in knowledge and skill. To be fair to Ellen and you, let's just say. persuasion-wise, you tried to slither...



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41 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Ellen said, "Slither, slither," but all I see is you bumbling around in the dark with persuasion techniques. I fear The Slither is still in front of you after you move up a level or two in knowledge and skill. To be fair to Ellen and you, let's just say. persuasion-wise, you tried to slither.

I wasn't referring to what William is or isn't doing "with persuasion techniques."

I'm talking about his avoiding acknowledging forthrightly that he's been corrected in whom he takes to be genuine Q people.  His standard method of sliding around an issue with the backbone of a snake, not that of a human who stands erect and approaches something directly.


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19 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I'm talking about his avoiding acknowledging forthrightly that he's been corrected in whom he takes to be genuine Q people.


Believe it or not, that is part of what he does as persuasion.



Who knows what's in his head for real? But I believe he's not doing this arbitrarily or out of shame or even to avoid owning up. I think he honestly believes this approach will influence readers. (Maybe in a Toohey manner... :) )

But I see his technique has not persuaded you very much, has it?



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1 hour ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I wasn't referring to what William is or isn't doing "with persuasion techniques."

I'm talking about his avoiding acknowledging forthrightly that he's been corrected in whom he takes to be genuine Q people.  His standard method of sliding around an issue with the backbone of a snake, not that of a human who stands erect and approaches something directly.


He is not here to discuss anything, acknowledge anything or contribute positively. He is here to spit on his intellectual and political foes, moon them and try to show them up in his demented simpleton way, at their place, as long as he is tolerated. That’s all.

Like a bum weekly showering in the bathroom sink at the 7-11, I guess he will keep doing it so long as the manager continues to find it cute.

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I want to expand on a point in my last post. This is my view at this point in time.

I don't think William is concerned whether Ellen, Jon, Jonathan, etc., are right or wrong. From his perspective, it's a given that they will disagree with him, so I don't think he even considers what they have to say substance-wise. 

This is typical of religious people being told that God doesn't exist. Except in leftie-land, the religious dogmas come from leftie ideology, not formal religion.

Arguments with opposing folks to the faithful are not rational discussions. Nor are they intended to be, especially to a fundamentalist leftie. They are opportunities to signal to people out in the audience who are vulnerable to their approach, and opportunities to demonstrate heroism to the faithful. (Remember Carol gushing about William being her shining knight, how he completes her, or something like that? :) This is how it works. He stands up to enemies in the name of the dogma and the sacred tribe. That's what provides the thrill. The substance has nothing to do with it.)

But I think William is intelligent and there is something in him that wants more. Sometimes his eyes tell him one thing and his dogma tells him another and that bothers the shit out of him at 3:00 AM when he suddenly wakes up from a dream.

So he tries this and that to make sense of it. One of the things I think he tries is persuasion. I say this based on knowing a lot about the different techniques. But he's horrible at it.


What's more, I think that's frustrating to him to no end. He can't get converts. Why? Oh why, oh why? He's tenacious, though, and keeps trying (while trying to continue in his role as Slayer of Intellectual Scorpions and Benefactor of the Chosen, or course. After all, can't disappoint the groupies... :) )

On a personal level, I believe there's a person down underneath all that bullshit. That's who I try to reach. I sometimes see a hole open up in the pile and eyes blinking down there...


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Billy's mistake was that he went and done got religion. His M.O. had always been stinging snark, but in the past he limited himself to attacking Others' silly beliefs, while not revealing any that he held himself. Billy's at his best when tackling a fucked up mess, like, say, Pigero and clan for their kookball ideas. Take shots at their stupid shit, and you're untouchable because they have nothing to shoot back at if you haven't given them anything.

But now Billy has fucked up by exposing himself. He has revealed some of his silly beliefs. He has invested his reputation in a few whacky notions that he can't support, and he doesn't know how to handle receiving exactly what he's always enjoyed dishing out.



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Senator Schumer’s badassery update:

“The Intelligence agencies have, five, ways from Sunday of getting back at Trump.”


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Thousands of ways. But they can't fit them all into the amount of time that's available. 


you go for the arm, we'll get the leg--save the head for later

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They have had three years and they only needed to make one way fit. Maybe they cannot after all, maybe he has them all over a barrel and they simply can’t. Or maybe they can and they also understand it wouldn’t change the trajectory anyway, which of course it would not as Trump is only a part of a very large mostly unseen team. As all the geniuses have assured us, he is stupid, far too stupid to have gotten this far on his own, therefore he is just the face of a large team and eliminating him would achieve precisely nothing.

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22 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Believe it or not, that [William's slithery avoidance] is part of what he does as persuasion.

I don't believe it.  I think it's what he does out of cowardice.


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I agree. And it’s not irrational — he correctly understands he loses when he opens his mouth, much more often than not. That’s why he makes sure he is difficult to to quite exactly quote. He knows he is peddling falsities. Think about it. Put yourself in that role, no matter how hard to imagine. How would you have to behave?

Versus when you happen to have the truth with you so you can mostly just sit back and report the news the mainstream is ignoring and your theses prove themselves out daily.

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4 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I think it's what he does out of cowardice.


Maybe there's a little of that.

But I have difficulty aligning the idea of cowardice to what I have seen over many moons--William not backing down against very strong hostility, going back to the Perigo days. I don't recall ever seeing him back down out of fear. He may have, but I haven't seen it. On the contrary, I've seen him thrown off sites several times because he didn't back down. (He can be quite a gossip, too. :) )

From what I have seen, his "slithering" (btw - I really like that description :) ) is always substance related, not fear related. He postures for audiences--even if the only audience is himself at times, and rarely signals directly to the person or persons he is interacting with, i.e., groveling or whimpering or things like that. Even on the positive side, he doesn't laugh with others, not even when he is amused at the same things and in the same manner they are.

William is always on stage and audience-directed. The person he talks to is a prop. So winning and losing arguments is not about fact. It's about perception of hierarchy by the audience. Better to win or tear down with a lie than admit defeat with the truth, or, at least, one has to look like a martyr no matter what the case. 

Why doesn't he provide the science related stuff (repeatable results, consistent predictions, falsifiability, etc.) Jonathan constantly asks for? Based on your words, you see him cowering because he knows it doesn't exist.

I agree he knows it doesn't exist (otherwise, he would have served it up with fine gesture), but I see him fudging to buy time because any day now, just like with the Rapture and the Second Coming, the science will magically spring into existence and his tribe will breathe a big sigh of relief. Until then, he has to keep the faith and gain converts--hopefully enough converts to enact laws that will force everyone to obey... Otherwise, the evil, greedy, and/or blind people like us will destroy the planet for all future generations...

The very survival of humanity is at stake, woman! The whole goddam planet!


That's what I see--mostly faith of a religious nature, quirky and whatever, but still faith... added to a striking incompetence at getting new converts. :)


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We definitely have divergences in the respective ways we see William

You say that you've not seen him backing down.  But he never stood up in the first place!  As Jonathsn pointed out above, he hasn't - characteristically - revealed what he believed until some recent topics.  (I added the "characteristically" because I think that there have been some earlier exceptions, but not ones of such significance he risked being creamed like on current issues where he's revealed beliefs.)

With the climate issue and Jonathan's questions, it's true that what Jonathan is asking for can't be had.  No such studies exist.  But as I've said before, I think that William is too poor at scientific thinking to understand the questions.  He's maybe realizing by now how way over his competence level he is on the topic.

Where we agree is in thinking that he badly craves an audience.  I wonder if you've noticed - see his most recent status entry - that he's setting up his Twitter account so as to embed threads from OL.  I think he's making bids for attention from elsewhere.


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4 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

We definitely have divergences in the respective ways we see William


And that's the way it should be.

To me this is independent thinking at its proper and correct.

Notice that we are talking to each other, disagreeing and giving our honest reasons and views. We are not using each other as a prop to put on a show for an audience, nor demanding compliance of the other on pain of [fill in the blank].

So I'm fine with our differences in perspective and conclusions about William.

But it sure comes with a temptation.

Shall I be catty?

Shall I?

OK, I shall.

He's not worth agreeing over, anyway.

:evil:  :)


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4 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I think that William is too poor at scientific thinking to understand the questions.  He's maybe realizing by now how way over his competence level he is on the topic.

Yeah, well, did you see those weather-controlling super-villains that he fantasizes you believe in for reals? Yeah, you believe in that shit, for real, in his fantasy. He whipped up some fat sass and you got two servings, Ellen. We could all feel you burn.

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It's all quite simple. "Climate Change" is the core left religious belief that the liberals use to signal each other of the brotherhood. Express the slightest doubt and you risk banishment. Real science is irrelevant--WTF is that? And "that" isn't even a question.


he's a bear baiter

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