Eye for an Eye


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There a bit on CNN.com about a muslim woman who spurned a marriage proposal. The spurned suitor got a tad miffed and threw acid in her eyes, blinding and disfiguring her for life.

A Iranian court has decided that the man should suffer the same punishment - acid in his eyes.

Does it make me a terrible person if I hope they carry out this sentence? I'm usually not vengeful, but I guess I wouldn't shed a tear for a guy like that.


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There a bit on CNN.com about a muslim woman who spurned a marriage proposal. The spurned suitor got a tad miffed and threw acid in her eyes, blinding and disfiguring her for life.

A Iranian court has decided that the man should suffer the same punishment - acid in his eyes.

Does it make me a terrible person if I hope they carry out this sentence? I'm usually not vengeful, but I guess I wouldn't shed a tear for a guy like that.


It sounds like a normal impulse stirred by indignation and loathing. But be rational. Will that restore the poor woman's vision? Better the man should be required to pay for what rehabilitation can be obtained. After which he should have his dick chopped off.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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I heard on IMUS this morning that apes tear the testicles off enemy intruder males also.

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It's not hard to find examples of people acting like animals, it's harder to find people acting like humans. What does disfiguring a person accomplish other than giving you a feeling that "justice has been done" or something like that? Violence breeds violence and this is just another example.

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General; Maybe we don't want him breeding with anyone which is why we want to do a chop.

I heard about a statement from a man who was an executioner that he didn't know if the death penalty was a deterrent but none of the people he executioned had ever killed another person.

Edited by Chris Grieb
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General; Maybe we don't want him breeding with anyone which is why we want to do a chop.

I heard about a statement from a man who was an executioner that he didn't know if the death penalty was a deterrent but none of the people he executioned had ever killed another person.

Yes, it's true, the dead person will never kill anyone but what if he was actually innocent? Or do you believe our justice system is infallible? We may as well just drop the pretense of civilization and go back to our tribal roots.

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There a bit on CNN.com about a muslim woman who spurned a marriage proposal. The spurned suitor got a tad miffed and threw acid in her eyes, blinding and disfiguring her for life.

A Iranian court has decided that the man should suffer the same punishment - acid in his eyes.

Does it make me a terrible person if I hope they carry out this sentence? I'm usually not vengeful, but I guess I wouldn't shed a tear for a guy like that.


No, it doesn't 'make you a terrible person' but it shows you still have some work to do. Don't get sucked into the whole revenge thing.

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I often look to Sylvestor Stallone movies for guidance about how humans should behave.


I do, too, but for real. In his choice of characters (except for anomalies like Cop Land), I love the way he gives bullies back what they dish out. I love the way he doesn't give up. I love the way he treats weaker ones who need a strong hand to get up (but knows a parasite and slob when he sees one).

I love his sense of justice and value.

I literally try to be like that.


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No, it doesn't 'make you a terrible person' but it shows you still have some work to do. Don't get sucked into the whole revenge thing.

Ok, General. A woman's life has been ruined and she lives in pain. What's the proper punishment? (I honestly don't know.) Ginny

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Ahh Ginny and the General has a nice ring to it.

What and how would Judge Naragansett have run a Contract Objectivist Valley Equality Trial Court [COVET]?

How would he have ruled on this case.


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You go straight to the high authority, don't you? Don't know about the judge, but Ragnar did advocate "an eye for an eye." That is something I've had trouble with. But really, doesn't it sometimes make sense to give back to a bad guy what he dishes out? A nice object lesson, as if were. Look, in this particular instance, Iran is full of men mistreating women and getting away with it. If this guy were made to pay to the full extent of the law, might it not make someone else think before going on some "honor" killing or "honor" torture spree?

The more I think about it, I say, "get him and get him good where it hurts. Bring on the acid."

Taking a deep breath ... did I really say that?


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Eye-for-eye, strictly speaking that the punishment must be proportional to the wrong done.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Ok, General. A woman's life has been ruined and she lives in pain. What's the proper punishment? (I honestly don't know.) Ginny

I don't know all the answers but I know from history what doesn't work. Have you ever heard of 'healing circles'?


I think we need to work towards this kind of model in our legal systems. What message do we send our children when we sanction the same violence that the victim received?

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"...we sanction the same violence that the victim received." Hmmm, is that an accurate statement?

Are we "sanctioning" the "same" violence? Or, is violence in and of itself evil, wrong or immoral?

Or, is violence's effect or usage dependent upon the intention, initiation and purpose of the initiator of the violence?


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Dear General, come on. Someone tosses acid in your eyes, blinds and disfigures you for life, and you sit around in a circle. Now that I can totally disagree with. I hope you have a Plan B.


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I coach and am heavily involved with young folks as young as 6 at the Chess Club and I am always open with them and they are with me.

All that bully bullshit does not work and they feel at greater risk because they know that the bully will not either respect the system or the person being bullied.

I resolved this one real early because in Kindergarten in Long Island City NY, a bully threatened me and I remember his name to this day, Dye Jones. I was really upset and I told my father who simply told me that it would be good for me to directly confront him and if I had to fight, do the best that I could, but do not give in to him.

My father was a wise man because he said and "I'll walk you to school tomorrow."

Simple put I walked up to him and said no, he moved towards me and I punched with real force and knocked him down.

That ended the bully problem.

I have not seen any other solution to that issue in the last 57 years. I am pretty sure that Japan won't fuck with us again.


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I think we need to work towards this kind of model in our legal systems. What message do we send our children when we sanction the same violence that the victim received?

It sends a clear message: if thine enemy smite thee on thy cheek then decapitate him and pee down his neck. This is guaranteed to send a clear message to any other cheek smiters that may be in the neighborhood.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Another real lesson and example, one of my Offices of Neighborhood Government was in Crown Heights in Brooklyn. Significant segments were war zones that the police, do to many factors, were unable to control drug dealers in certain zones.

So essentially, I used my hooks to employ the elements of the Nation of Islam who essentially walked up the individual and explained that they needed to leave this neighborhood permanently or else they would have both their knees and shoulders broken for starters and they one or two local home boys happened to be being escorted by the Nation's folks to a soft ball game so they just happened to have their bats with them.

The only problem with the image is that is was January so it must have been the Winter leagues, but the individuals decided to relocated to warmer climes one of them did not and we never saw him again either.

It is really that simple.

My daughter is 19 and going to a little Ivy in the Midwest on a full, full scholarship, I think they even iron her blouses, and she has been properly trained with a handgun and will use it to protect her own body, family and friends.


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