Radicals for Happiness


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Here were the August posts at Radicals for Happiness, of which Peters and BBC4 were most popular:

* Simpsons "Citizen Kang" 1996

* Betraying Spinoza

* Ilya Repin "Pictures at an Exhibition"

* Ultraman Lives!

* Strange Maps

* BBC Radio 4 "In Our Time" with Melvyn Bragg

* William-Adolphe Bouguereau

* My Soul is a Pack of Coyotes

* "Hate Can Be a Very Exciting Emotion"

* Barbara Stanwyck 1907-1990 the "Ball of Fire"

* Citizen of the Galaxy

* 25 Journeys with Christopher Hitchens

* Enjoy Ralph Peters "In Depth" on Book TV

* "Volver" 2006 Pedro Almodovar

* iGoogle: Mistranslating the World One Phrase at a ...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bondage, Puppies, Flamenco, here are some of the newest posts at Radicals for Happiness.

Passion, Drama, Suspense, a forgotten fling, a length of cord and trhe outrage of feminists on three continents: Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down

A story of unrequited love, a style of dance that combines the grace of ballet and the energy of tap...is it Rand's lost novel To Lorne Dieterling? No, its The Flower of My Secret, the story of a passionate writer looking for just a little bit more out of life, and one night, at a dance recital where Miles Davis and Pedro Almodovar intersect, she finds it.


When Puppies Play

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It really is a joy seeing you do this.


Michael, I assume you must have liked the clip from Almodovar's film.

Do the Brazillians or Portuguese have a similar dance form?

Do you recommend any Portuguese language directors?

Can you yourself get Spanish movies w/o the subtitles? I can follow Italian with its mixed up vowels, but not Portuguese with its drunken sounding consonants.

Almodovar is easy to follow anyway since he is so dramatic - not talky or obscure. I can get about half the Portuguese I hear, but the parts I can't understand literally sound Polish with the sh and zh sounds and the nasal vowels. Indeed, "I don't speak Polish" would be written "yanhimião popolhscu" if it were transliterated into Portuguese orthography.

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Michael, did you see the last post? Anyone who would like to contribute to the website is welcome. I will also edit and illustrate your post if you want. Send me an email here if you're interested. I expect my first outside contributors soon.

The latest from Radicals for Happiness:

Immortal? No. Eternal? That's up to You.

Doctor Who "Scream of the Shalka"

Patsy Cline on the 2008 Election


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I'll put something together soon for you. Unfortunately the best Brazilian audio-visual productions are in TV, not cinema. For many years (after the Carmen Miranda era) the government subsidized Brazilian movie-making and, in collusion with Hollywood, er... stimulus... to top government officials (through the efforts of one tireless backroom friend-of-Brasilia wheeler-dealer from Hollywood named Harry Stone), they practically wrecked the industry.

The idea was to make Brazilian productions that were so awful that the public would go see American ones. It worked, too. The government (through Embrafilme) paid good money to Brazilian filmmakers and encouraged them to make any kind of film they desired. There was no regard for the public since the filmmakers would get their money one way or another through loans that were backed by the negatives to their films.

In other words, a filmmaker filed an application at Embrafilme for a loan and pledged his film as collateral. Then he took half the money and bought personal real estate and spent the other half on what Brazilians disparagingly call "author-films." This term means that the producer-director was also the screenwriter. Then he pranced about pretending he was a big-shot Hollywood director until he released his production to the theaters. (Law provided for a minimum space for new releases, but this was for show to cover over the government's con game.) Nobody would go because the film would not make any sense (and what little did make sense was just terrible), left-wing critics would rave about a daring new film-making language, and the director would haul the negative over to Embrafilme and say, "I can't pay for the loan. Nobody came. Take this." Then the film would sit on the shelves forever more while he would apply for a new loan for a new film.

Producing such a turkey did not disqualify him from being eligible, either. On the contrary, a small group formed around Embrafilme producing one butt-ugly film after another. These dudes—and only these dudes after a while—were able to get financing. Corruptions settled in and these dudes became prolific turkey farmers.

There was a golden era before all this where a Brazilian-American private venture named Vera Cruz made some decent romantic films. They tried to turn tales from Brazil's Northeast badlands into the equivalent of the American Western and they did some very good work.

Here is a fair overview of the industry from Wikipedia: Cinema of Brazil.

Of course, there are some exceptions to the low quality of Brazilian films. Bruno Barreto ended up with Spielberg's ex-wife (Amy Irving) and now makes films here in the USA. At least his films have always had a recognizable storyline from the very beginning of his career.

Brazilian films are much better industry-wise at comedy and children's films by famous Brazilian TV stars (Xuxa, Os Trapalhões, etc.), but these are short-run successes to a very targeted audience and they do not export well. In the early years, there was a Brazilian version of the kind of slapstick work The Three Stooges did, Oscarito.

Probably the best formula Brazil ever came up with for movies was called the pornochanchada. This was a genre in the 70's of lightly erotic comedies, often with a strong dramatic element. The critics called it sexploitation, but it was strictly soft-core. Actually, the critics killed it through excessive sneering and now these same critics usually lament the golden days when Brazilians actually went to see some Brazilian movies. If you want to have an idea of what this kind of this kind of movie is, the last pornochanchada I saw was an American production, although it is not classified as pornochanchada: Striptease with Demi Moore. All the essential elements are there. If you change the background to Brazil and replace the American actors and actresses with Brazilian ones, you can leave the rest identical and it would be a first-rate pornochanchada.

I will try to remember something good from down there, something specific, but it's a tough order.

btw - Did you check out Quigley Down Under?


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Thanks for the informative response. Sounds like they ran their movie industry the way we want to run our banks.

Quigley will have to wait until my boyfriend is in the mood to rent it from netflix, but it is on the list, and you can post about it on R4H if you like, send me an email.

Here are the latest posts at Radicals for Happiness:

Mike Erickson on Callista Pappas at the Crossfit


The Klezmer Roots of "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"

Women with Guns: Johnny Guitar and Women on the Verge of a Nervoius Breakdown


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Ted; Johny Guitar is childhood movie I saw and never forgot.

It should be mentioned that the woman who was the verge of a nervous breakdown was not the Joan Crawford character, Vienna, but the Mercedes McCambridge character. I think Mercedes became Hollywood's crazy lady.

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PS Michael, Quigley is not available on Netflix


It is available on your computer if you have broadband. Free.

Here and here if the first doesn't work too well.

I don't know what arrangement these sites have with Hollywood, but they are too common and too big for them to be entirely bootleg. The domain to OVGuide, where these sites advertise and are advertised (among a truckload of others), is registered right smack in the middle of Beverly Hills. Do a Whois check and you can see for yourself.


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PS Michael, Quigley is not available on Netflix


It is available on your computer if you have broadband. Free.

Here and here if the first doesn't work too well.

I don't know what arrangement these sites have with Hollywood, but they are too common and too big for them to be entirely bootleg. The domain to OVGuide, where these sites advertise and are advertised (among a truckload of others), is registered right smack in the middle of Beverly Hills. Do a Whois check and you can see for yourself.


I have tried such sites before and they cause crashes. Don't know if it's because I have a Mac, but do have jee four with OSX and broadband

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G4 is overkill for streaming video.

I presume your broadband is hefty.

The crash might come from not enough RAM (which would be weird on a G4) or a firewall kicking in. Or maybe the Mac doesn't like the ads that pop up on these kinds of sites. They tend to be intrusive, but they are not malware (at least I have not encountered malware the few times I used OVGuide).

Since the film is cut up into segments, I don't see too much of a problem with size. The first link looks a hell of a lot better than the second (it appears to be hosted in Italy). The second is God knows where.


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Here is a bonus post, The Fate of Aino, Finnish Maiden


Here are three more posts at Radicals for Happiness:

Tuchman The Guns of August

"Yaadein" a Bollywood Treat

John Collier "The Essence of Femininity"

If you'd like to contribute (I well do editting and add images if you like) please email me for an invitation.


Here is a bonus post, The Fate of Aino, Finnish Maiden

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I would like to be beautiful I love beauty, I do, I love it when I see it in others. Happiness, like Marilyn Monroe's contagious mirth.

External appearance is superficial.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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External beauty is beautiful.

Sure it's on the surface, but what's wrong with surface? We all have one.


Emphasis on external physical beauty is a futility. If we live long enough we will shrivel and become ugly. If being beautiful is important then so is dying young. Ideas are much more important than looks.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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External beauty is beautiful.

Sure it's on the surface, but what's wrong with surface? We all have one.


Emphasis on external physical beauty is a futility. If we live long enough we will shrivel and become ugly. If being beautiful is important then so is dying young. Ideas are much more important than looks.

I'm holding up pretty good, in spite of the hair thing. Is it true that it all will go to hell on my 70th birthday?


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