Where do you get your news from?


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I often peruse use most of the ones you mentioned, but I also suggest Lucianne for a more pro-reason news roundup (almost with an ARI orientation, but not quite). There is also commentary.

On the dark side, for balance, I get emails with lists of daily articles from LewRockwell, and I sometimes go to J. Orlin Grabbe and Jeff Rense. Many interesting things pop up there (amongst a lot of discardible news items).

Note: A new message appeared on Grabbe's site when I looked at it just now: "I will not be updating my home page anymore until I can afford the time."


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National Enquirer, Us Magazine, Oprah, The Little Green Men Whose Broadcasts My Tinfoil Hat is Inadequate to Jam Transmission of, My Dog (who told me to kill a bunch of blonde chicks), People en Espanol, usw ;)

Edited by Robert Jones
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From where do I get my news?

I have not watched TV in decades. When I lived Stateside I listened to radio a lot, and my favorite Classical music station there first offered the surprisingly excellent (but now defunct) Christian Science Monitor News service and then replaced it with the BBC radio news. Now I hear Radio Thailand News (an Australian-affiliated agency, I believe).

For print news, I try to go into the city and get a copy of *The Economist* each week (in my mind it is the best English language weekly news magazine of all). *The Bangkok Post* and *The Nation* are the two English language dailies published here in Thailand, but I rarely buy them, instead visiting their websites occasionally for local news (e.g., are the latest developments here under martial law going to upset my plans for rambling about?).

On the internet, my first choice is BBC World News online (as well as sometimes looking in on Reuters and AP sites). As an expatriate, it is refreshing to escape excessive US news (and as the election season gears up, I consider this a godsend). My friends on the A2 e-list point me to interesting news stuff that I would otherwise miss, and so do you folks here, which is much appreciated. I read much of ScienceDaily.Com every day. I get regular Stratfor e-briefings, which offer pragmatic geo-political appraisals of events from fresh perspectives that are informed by history, economics, military science, and by intelligence and security analysts.

In the main, I am a historian, so I really do not see much happening in today’s world that is new in the overall view of things. As I keep one eye on history and the other on the present, I see this outlook vindicated every day. This still does not keep me from being a news-junky. This ever-unfolding story of humanity is fascinating.

-Ross Barlow.

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Mainly on the 'net - Fox, BBC, Washington Times, The Australian, (UK) Times Online, Global Security, & Strategy Page for starters. Also several blogs incl. Little Green Footballs and and Michelle Malkin. I also follow Jerry Pournelle's Chaos Manor, which is not really a news source but usually includes many interesting news links. I don't watch much TV news. For local info there's usually an abandoned copy of the Cleveland Plain Dealer lying around somewhere at work.

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I find a lot of value in "The Week Magazine" I recommend everyone check it out, its intelligent and engaging, cheap to subscribe to, also makes a very concerted effort to be non-partisan. http://www.theweekmagazine.com/

Each issue (it's sent out every other week) includes a briefing which is usually a very intelligent round up of a hot issue, features local and global news stories, edtiorials from foriegn newspapers as well, the "only in America" section is usually entertaining for libertarians / objectivists. Hot political issues includes round ups of the positions of liberal and conservative editorials from major news papers. They also pop in a section on the market, liesure and culture, and usually include a fascinating excerpt from book at the end. Pick one up next time you are in a book store.

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So, where does everyone get their news from? I get mine primarily from the drudgereport, littlegreenfootballs, instapundit, Michelle Malkin, and Daniel Pipes.

I do not consider any those as 'news sources'. They are all commentors on news. I prefer to get my news from a more direct source, ie newspapers/tv. I usually check out cnn.com and one of my local paper's websites daily, read the weekend editions of another paper.

I will check out similiar sources to above, but more for a perspective of what's going on.

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