Newly Composed Music!


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Check out some clips of music I just wrote and recorded for my friend's short film! (Still haven't seen the blasted movie!!! ARRRGH!)

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Holy smoke! What a great start to your career!

What's the context? What's the film about, and what's its projected circulation?

How did you manage to write the music without seeing the film? I was under the impression that film music had to be written tightly to the fraction of a second with the film already completed.

Needless to say, I'm impressed. :)


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Holy smoke! What a great start to your career!

What's the context? What's the film about, and what's its projected circulation?

How did you manage to write the music without seeing the film? I was under the impression that film music had to be written tightly to the fraction of a second with the film already completed.

Needless to say, I'm impressed. :)


It's a short film (short as in 10 minutes) by an NYU film student - as of now the circulation is just to his class, family, and the people who helped to make it, but there's a possibility he'll submit it to a festival or something. It's basically about a young boy, Marty, who's overshadowed by his older baseball-star brother, and struggles to assert his own individuality. I'll get a link up here when he manages to get it in the proper format - the cinematography is really beautiful and professional-looking.

Oh, and, I meant that I hadn't seen the completed version. It was a rush project - I was writing the music as he was filming, but he did manage to get a rough cut to me so that I could time accurately. However, his final cut came at the very last minute, so I was up the morning before the recording session, writing new music!!

And, yeah, I'm super excited about this and some other short-music I'm working on. Not only is it such a thrill to be able to apply your skills in the areas you prefer, but I hope that some relationships I'm establishing will carry over for when (yes, WHEN!! not if) we all go pro. :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, ENonemaker.

I'm constantly in admiration of all creative artists and performers as well. I coach young people in sports which is a joy in itself - but that's the nearest I get to the really clever people!!

Are you familiar with works of Ludovico Einaudi?

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