Most Merry Message - Kat and Michael

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Most Merry Message - Kat and Michael

From Michael: Folks, it's official. Kat and I have finally shacked up. We now live together in Evanston and set up our shindig yesterday. We are both grinning like fools and I am happier than I have ever been. After all this time, we know people were curious and rooting for us. Well, it's possible, folks, even with a lot of baggage with no handles to carry around. We are doing it. (Marriage is the next goal.)

From Kat: purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Michael & Kat

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Chicago must be a big change from Florida! My grandparents lived there and both my parents went to Northwestern. When the weather gets nicer and you get settled in, be sure to go see all of the wonderful museums. I especially like the Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry. Good luck to you both!


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Very good news indeed. So the only distance will be from the living room to the kitchen--or any other room-- instead of across the country. Try to remember, no emails back and forth, you can now simply speak to each other, it’ll take getting some use to. :)

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Huge smile on my face now !! Oh, I can hardly wait for me and Victor to finally get together, someday soon. Mike I hope you are prepared from the change of seasons. :brr: LOL But oh, my god, still all so worth it for you both !! Congrats you guys. It is wonderful to see you guys finally together. :hug:

This is going to be one very very special Christmas and New Year for you both. Now that you are really finally together and for your first Christmas living together definitely don't forget the big kiss under the mistletoe !! post-91-1166722797.gif


P.S. Now that you are finally together, when is the big wedding day !?!? Wooohoooo !!!

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Michael & Kat,

I didn't realize how important building the nucleus of my own family was to my happiness until I had already done it. Now it is the centre of my world. Congratulations on bringing your nucleus together. I told Shauna about your good news and the gush of her smile said it all. Enjoy the holidays together and make some special memories.

Shauna & I wish you all the best,


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My warmest congratulations to you both!!! :)

I'm really happy that you've found each other - all the best for the future. At last you can enjoy each other in person and not just on the telephone or over cyberspace.

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Michael, you and Kat know how happy I am for you both. I've been vicariously anticipating this day. I've seen the two of you together, and I know how much you give each other and how well you complement each other. May your love bring you joy for the holidays and for all of your lives!


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Right Freeking ONNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now there's some holiday kung fu!



You're in trouble because now you're both in driving distance from Cleveland.

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Michael and Kat,

This news has truly made my holidays even more joyful. I have been rooting for the two of you since I got to know you. I was so ecstatic that I just shared the news with Lydia, and she too was hands-clasped happy. I wish you both the kind of Christmas that only this love you have for each other can bring.

Michael-Florida to Chicago?!? You are whipped my friend! Isn't it great ;)

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Good news, Michael and Kat -- togetherness is a bliss and a boon. Long may you two bloom.


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Congratulations guys!!! This will be a very Merry Christmas for you two indeed!

Michael: From Brazil to Florida to the Chicago area. You're certainly moving from a warmer to a colder climate but I know the warmth of your relationship will more than make up for it and make ever day a summer's day!

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Michael and Kat,

It’s clearer now than ever before that what you have together is very strong--and now you are together day after day! Man, how sweet is that! Angie and I are green with happy, but we are very close behind. You see, we really are second-handers and we want to copy this "living together" thing you have. :turned:


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From glancing at the title of this thread I assumed it was X-mas related, and since my honey-lamb and I are blissfully a-christmasical this, and most, years, I didn't read the body of your post!

But back to the topic at hand: Yay and hurray and huzzah and splendid indeed! Congratulations! That is just the happiest news! I'm so happy you and Kat can wake up to each other every damn day of your lives now (if you so choose--what a great choice to have available to an heroic individual)!

I'm really happy for you.

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