Peace with Iran through Worldwide Orgasms

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This is such a knucklehead venture that I put it in Humor, but I think it is serious.


It will happen on Friday, December 22, 2006. The idea is to create a mass orgasmic energy surge worldwide to stop the impending war with Iran (but targeting the erotic peace blast to all countries with Weapons of Mass Destruction). Here is a quote.

WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction.

WHEN? Winter Solstice Day - Friday, December 22nd, at the time of your choosing, in the place of your choosing and with as much privacy as you choose.

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy ( a Synchronized Global Orgasm. There are two more US fleets heading for the Persian Gulf with anti-submarine equipment that can only be for use against Iran, so the time to change Earth's energy is NOW!

Our minds influence Matter and Energy fields, so by concentrating any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention will reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.

Orgasm is something just about everyone can do and enjoy. And you can orgasm by yourself or with someone else. You don't even have to tell anyone you're going to do it!

The article further gives a note about the "science" used.

Here is the organizer's website: Global Orgasm. You can even sign up for an e-mail newsletter. On the site, it claims that the science is based on a network of worldwide Random Event Generators (REGs) run from Princeton University.

I remember the Hippie days when people fought cannons with flowers (flower power and all that stuff), then there was Lennon singing about peace and posing nude with Yoko Ono, but these people... er... they really go... ahem... I mean...


Ahmadinejad and Khamenei!

You guys better shape up and stop the terrorism crap!

We are coming in hoards to get you and sex you all to death!

(wiping tears streaming down...)


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This is such a knucklehead venture that I put it in Humor, but I think it is serious.


It will happen on Friday, December 22, 2006. The idea is to create a mass orgasmic energy surge worldwide to stop the impending war with Iran (but targeting the erotic peace blast to all countries with Weapons of Mass Destruction). Here is a quote.

WHO? All Men and Women, you and everyone you know.

WHERE? Everywhere in the world, but especially in countries with weapons of mass destruction.

WHEN? Winter Solstice Day - Friday, December 22nd, at the time of your choosing, in the place of your choosing and with as much privacy as you choose.

WHY? To effect positive change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy ( a Synchronized Global Orgasm. There are two more US fleets heading for the Persian Gulf with anti-submarine equipment that can only be for use against Iran, so the time to change Earth's energy is NOW!

Our minds influence Matter and Energy fields, so by concentrating any thoughts during and after orgasm on peace and partnership, the combination of high orgasmic energy combined with mindful intention will reduce global levels of violence, hatred and fear.

Orgasm is something just about everyone can do and enjoy. And you can orgasm by yourself or with someone else. You don't even have to tell anyone you're going to do it!

The article further gives a note about the "science" used.

Here is the organizer's website: Global Orgasm. You can even sign up for an e-mail newsletter. On the site, it claims that the science is based on a network of worldwide Random Event Generators (REGs) run from Princeton University.

I remember the Hippie days when people fought cannons with flowers (flower power and all that stuff), then there was Lennon singing about peace and posing nude with Yoko Ono, but these people... er... they really go... ahem... I mean...


Ahmadinejad and Khamenei!

You guys better shape up and stop the terrorism crap!

We are coming in hoards to get you and sex you all to death!

(wiping tears streaming down...)


I doubt a massive worldwide orgasm will change anything, but who doesn't enjoy orgasms? Heck, I'll join the movement just for ME and MY pleasure!

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WOW, I'm so totally game on this one. Count me in one time, two a few times. LMAO But hey, wait a minute, it says any place, any time so that really doesn't mean it is all at once. It would be more powerful and more effective and more meaningful if it is done in one huge shock wave, don't ya'll think? I demand simultaneous.....LMAO

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It's so annoying when I have to add extra sessions to my already heavy work schedule. I think she might be out of town, but if not, I'm in.

It's already cold here-- 26 degrees this morning. I have to shift the whole Zen Love Nest into hibernation mode...


Sometimes you gotta suck it up and Take One For The Team<tm>

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Orgasms never disappoint. You never have one and think “Eeeek, what the hell was that?” I’m all in favor of a multitude of people looking like Curly from The Three Stooges when he needed the cheese.

Edited by Victor Pross
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I've heard it come up (no pun, nope) in discussions and there's a piece of me that almost believes it...

These violent young Islamic males, you know? If only we could pull off a psychops mission on them...

I think they'd back off if we could just saturate them with enough hot women and maybe some good liquor on top of it.

Maybe we could slow them down with a large porno airdrop...

It's true though, the handlers definitely are aware of and effectively harnessing male sexual frustration.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ah, what a brilliant plan! We shall end terrorism by attacking the enemy with "Weapons of Masturbation"!

All said in levity, of course. ;)

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