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"We are all locked down by regulations imposed and not by COVID19/CORONA. Strands of DNA/RNA cannot instruct a lockdown.

"When will reporters and individuals realize that COVID19/CORONA does not kill many people, and definitely cannot ‘kill’ businesses and our fragile economy as so widely reported?

"Far more people, many businesses and the economy are ‘killed’ by the scaremongering measures taken and extreme regulations imposed.

"The reported representative global mortality from this disease everywhere actually seems to be really low, similar to seasonal flu and the majority of deaths occur on older patients with co-morbidities.

"Most of the draconian interventions do not appear to acknowledge such information and are with limited regard for the many millions of suffering individuals in this catastrophe.

"Is it not time to return the focus and reconsider the actual impact of the original problem rather than stubbornly indulging in the tragic fiasco created by the consequences of many of the imposed measures?

"Is it not time to reconsider quarantine for people at risk rather than the healthy population at the cost of jeopardizing the future of our children and the survival of the wider society?

"See for WHO latest comments on the Swedish model.

Susan Vosloo"

Image may contain: 1 person, close-up


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(You have to ask, rhetorically: whose life is it, anyway?) Encouraging that everywhere there are minds which are free and aware like Dr. Vosloo. What stuns me still, is how quickly masses of people submitted to the blanket measures 'advised' by the WHO and enforced by various governments, those many who self-righteously turn on fellow citizens for not submitting as easily. Not to say that one doesn't take personal precautions depending on one's risk factors and/or protect others close to one. Not to say that a few govt's have not been reluctant to impose and ready to lift the authoritarian edicts. They are evidently the free-er ones. To the billions of other people who are healthy, are they and their lives and livelihoods -  life, itself, the human necessity for "self-generated, self-directed action" - to be sacrificed for the few? They have already, many will not recover their life as it was.

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So was it that Plan A didn't work ? Take away the freedoms and livelihoods of the  low, mid and  mid-class( the 'deplorables') to foment insurrection? Only instead they used civil disobedience to force a return to civility and normalcy.  So they resorted to inciting the rabble, exploiting the networks that infest the cultural left?

Did they miscalculate ? Did they think the deplorables would join ?

It's more than heartening to see the people in Minneapolis return to the riot scene the next day armed with brooms and shovels , I hope they keep returning and I hope they come back armed and ready to take out the Bolsheviks.


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Sorry, I can’t get it to show.

It is a satirical Family Circle.

Little one is on his ass smarting from a hit and mother is demanding explanation from the older little one who seems to have just hit his little brother.

”He said “the new normal,” so I knocked him on his little commie ass!”


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1 hour ago, Jon Letendre said:


1 hour ago, Jon Letendre said:

Sorry, I can’t get it to show.

It is a satirical Family Circle.

Little one is on his ass smarting from a hit and mother is demanding explanation from the older little one who seems to have just hit his little brother.

”He said “the new normal,” so I knocked him on his little commie ass!”




I did a screenshot.





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8 hours ago, tmj said:

So was it that Plan A didn't work ? Take away the freedoms and livelihoods of the  low, mid and  mid-class( the 'deplorables') to foment insurrection? Only instead they used civil disobedience to force a return to civility and normalcy.  So they resorted to inciting the rabble, exploiting the networks that infest the cultural left?

Did they miscalculate ? Did they think the deplorables would join ?


There's another possibility.

The riots might be Stage 2 with the coronavirus being Stage 1.

And in that case, I wonder what the other stages are going to be until November.


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On 3/17/2020 at 2:01 PM, Peter said:

I wonder if elevation has anything to do with West Virginia reporting zero cases? Does elevation have something to do with it? Nope. Colorado has 160 cases. And “Rocky Mountain High” or smoking Maryjane has nothing to do with immunity but it may make you more susceptible. WV is sparsely populated too.

People from West Virginia don't travel much, and people don't go there.

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13 hours ago, algernonsidney said:

People from West Virginia don't travel much, and people don't go there.

My Maryland county Worcester, is up to 230 cases which is still low. Next door Sussex county in Delaware has 20 times that number. Isolation can be a life saver even if it is state wide. I saw an ad to visit or live on an island with zero cases but I didn't click on it. I imagine you must be tested before you can go there.     

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On 3/3/2020 at 3:41 PM, Peter said:

Currently the DOW is at 25,907 at 3:39

The DOW at 1:21 pm Friday, June 5, 2020: at 27,234.33, up 955 or so,  may be around the pre-coronavirus highs if I remember correctly.

edit.  I was wrong. From “The Balance:” “The highest closing record is 29,551.42 set on Feb. 12, 2020.So we still have a ways to go to get to the highs before the coronavirus turned us into hermits.

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Things here in Maryland are opening up which is putting more people at risk, but one local lady on the news send the coronavirus is deadly but so is not eating. Are we about to have the second wave? Peter.  

From The Miami Herald.  Florida reports highest single-day total of coronavirus cases By Michelle Marchante, Miami Herald  7 hrs ago MIAMI — Florida’s Department of Health on Thursday morning confirmed 1,698 additional cases of COVID-19, the highest reported in a single day since the pandemic began. The state now has a total of 69,069 confirmed cases.

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2 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:


This one was tough because I did not want it to be fake news.

The warning bells went off in my head because this thing spread like wildfire all over the Internet, but hardly anywhere was the name of the politician given, the name of the hospital given, where the information about 5,000 infected and 200 dead from COVID-19 came from, or anything else detail-wise.

So I dug into it and here is what I found.

The politician, Filipe Poubel, is part of the government of the State of Rio de Janeiro. He is a lower house congressman with the title of Deputado (translated as House Representative, or Deputy, or Member of the Lower House of the State Congress).

The city where the hospital is at is São Gonçalo, the second largest city in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the largest being the City of Rio de Janeiro. In fact São Gonçalo is near the City of Rio de Janeiro.

The hospital is called a "hospital de campanha," which I take to mean some kind of State Government campaign to build emergency hospitals to combat the coronavirus. A government-funded institute, IABAS, was overseeing this particular hospital (and others), but because of constant delays and investigations, a scandal erupted and caused the State Secretary of Health Edmar Santos to be fired and Executive Sub-Secretary of Health Gabriel Neves to be arrested and put in jail. IABAS was relieved of the construction of the hospitals and they were turned over to the State Health Foundation.

According to the following article of a couple of days ago (use Google Translate if you want to read it), Hospital de campanha de São Gonçalo será entregue na próxima quinta-feira, garante Secretaria de Saúde, the emergency hospital will be opened today. 

There is an ongoing campaign to impeach the Governor of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel. From what I scanned, I gather this scandal is an important part of it.

Here is Deputado Filipe Poubel's Facebook entry with strings of raw footage stuck together that the viral video in your link was taken from. The raw footage is about an hour and the viral video is about two minutes. The date of the Facebook entry is May 27, 2020.

The reason Poubel stormed onto the work site of the hospital was to show its pathetic state of construction after the inauguration date had been postponed so many times.

I don't know where the idea came from that 5,000 infected and 200 dead from COVID-19 were treated at this hospital since it had not yet opened.

If there were no patients reported, the social media blitz of the viral video is based on fake news. If there were (and knowing what I know of Brazil, there very well might be), this information was probably filled out on some official paperwork where the State Secretary of Health got busted.

If I were to bet, I would bet the report of patients is true, but exaggerated in some manner for greater impact of the current social media blitz.

That's what I have been able to cobble together.

At the very least, there is a there there.




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Worth remembering.
Why were elderly COVID-19[2] positive patients forced [pushed] into nursing homes [known hot zones] if ample capacity existed to support locally?
Can you logically explain why select [D] gov(s) made decisions re: elderly push into hot zones which [knowingly] contradicted federal guidelines and as well as general common sense [think annual influenza death rate(s) re: age group 65+]?
Evil surrounds us.
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Quick pep talk:

Remember when I said that toilet paper becomes king during societal disruptions and two weeks later all the stores ran out of toilet paper?

You need to think hard about ways of expanding your stay-home ability. There is great likelihood of trouble in the coming year, but at least through Trump's January re-swearing.

Don't try to predict the trouble, just focus on being able to stay inside, not going out into public, for longer than you can now.

It's Sunday. Medication refill needed this week? Get it tomorrow, and don't get so close again. (Skip doses to build the pad if they won't advance you the next one, and never waste a day obtaining the next one upon eligibility, if they are dicks like that.)

Be weeks away from the next thing that will push you outside, instead of hours or days.

Can you make light at night if electricity goes out?

Can you preserve and prepare the food you have after electricity goes out?

How many cases of water do you have for after the water stops running?

What can you do about people coming through your door with bad intentions?

You do not want to be outside with masses of desperate and angry people, so extend your stay-in-ability now.

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On 2/28/2020 at 11:48 AM, Jon Letendre said:

I have read people’s accounts of being holed up for months to a year and a half during Serbia/Bosnia in the nineties. One lady says that the money of monies, the thing with which you could directly trade to obtain anything else available, was ... toilet paper. Not booze or cigarettes or any drug or food. If you had toilet paper, you were King. She also said everyone stayed inside especially at night, because you got shot if you went outside. So clean alcohol and passable gauze was the other gold, she said, because so many were dealing with gunshot wounds the whole time. I think that enough food was getting in where she was because she didn’t talk about it as a crisis in a long account of her strongest memories.

What I appreciate in these firsthand accounts of crises throughout history is that we tell each other a lot of fantasies about what we are, I think. The truth comes out during a crisis. Truths about us that are hard to discover academically or with a study in a lab.

Buy cases of water now.

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The WHO has outdone itself in corruption.  They recently started a trial of the drug hydroxychloroquine, intentionally giving patients a near lethal dose so as to – obviously – make the drug look dangerous.  Meryl Nass and others saw what they were doing and exposed it.  Only then did WHO stop the trial.  The following articles are by Dr. Meryl Nass.

Even worse than 'Recovery,' potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine study in patients near death

WHO and UK trials use potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine dose--according to WHO consultant

1.  In the UK Recovery trial, and in WHO Solidarity trials, HCQ is used in a non-therapeutic, toxic and potentially lethal dose.

2.  HCQ is furthermore being given, in clinical trials, too late in the disease course to determine its value against SARS-CoV-2.

3.  Collection of limited safety data in the Solidarity trials serves to protect trial investigators and sponsors from disclosures of expected adverse drug effects, including death.

4.  It appears that WHO has tried to hide information on the hydroxychloroquine doses used in its Solidarity trial.  Fortunately, the information is discoverable from registries of its national trials.

5.  The conclusions to be drawn ...

... a)  WHO and other national health agencies, universities and charities have conducted large clinical trials that were designed so hydroxychloroquine would fail to show benefit in the treatment of Covid-19, perhaps to advantage much more expensive competitors and vaccines in development, which have been heavily supported by Solidarity and Recovery trial sponsors and WHO sponsors.

... b)  In so doing, these agencies and charities have de facto conspired to increase the number of deaths in these trials.

... c)   In so doing, they have conspired to deprive billions of people from potentially benefiting from a safe and inexpensive drug, when used properly, during a major pandemic.  This might contribute to prolongation of the pandemic, massive economic losses and many increased cases and deaths.

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more




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4 hours ago, Mark said:

The WHO has outdone itself in corruption.  They recently started a trial of the drug hydroxychloroquine, intentionally giving patients a near lethal dose so as to – obviously – make the drug look dangerous.  Meryl Nass and others saw what they were doing and exposed it.  Only then did WHO stop the trial.  The following articles are by Dr. Meryl Nass.

Even worse than 'Recovery,' potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine study in patients near death

WHO and UK trials use potentially lethal hydroxychloroquine dose--according to WHO consultant

1.  In the UK Recovery trial, and in WHO Solidarity trials, HCQ is used in a non-therapeutic, toxic and potentially lethal dose.

2.  HCQ is furthermore being given, in clinical trials, too late in the disease course to determine its value against SARS-CoV-2.

3.  Collection of limited safety data in the Solidarity trials serves to protect trial investigators and sponsors from disclosures of expected adverse drug effects, including death.

4.  It appears that WHO has tried to hide information on the hydroxychloroquine doses used in its Solidarity trial.  Fortunately, the information is discoverable from registries of its national trials.

5.  The conclusions to be drawn ...

... a)  WHO and other national health agencies, universities and charities have conducted large clinical trials that were designed so hydroxychloroquine would fail to show benefit in the treatment of Covid-19, perhaps to advantage much more expensive competitors and vaccines in development, which have been heavily supported by Solidarity and Recovery trial sponsors and WHO sponsors.

... b)  In so doing, these agencies and charities have de facto conspired to increase the number of deaths in these trials.

... c)   In so doing, they have conspired to deprive billions of people from potentially benefiting from a safe and inexpensive drug, when used properly, during a major pandemic.  This might contribute to prolongation of the pandemic, massive economic losses and many increased cases and deaths.

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more





Shortly the effectiveness of guillotines will be tested on everyone involved.

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What lie would they not tell?

Who would they not hurt? ... to continue their hate against Trump?

Previous Ambassador and Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell asks if thousands of Americans are dead only because we still tolerate a media hellbent on deception.



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