Obama Trying to Bomb the US???


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The President of the United States has directed the US Military to drop a nuclear bomb on its own country! He fired four top military officials because they failed to obey his order to drop a nuclear bomb on Charleston, SC! Jesus is coming back and he is pissed!!!

I was asked in another thread if I support Obama. I replied that it would be more accurate to say that I prefer Obama to any of the candidates fielded by the GOP, and I could also say that, by extension, I prefer the left to the right.

Part of the reason I have that preference is that I have never seen bullshit of this magnitude coming from the left. I'm of the opinion that bullshit of this magnitude is not only destructive but sinister.

I think I would be branded a troll if I were to do something as simple as simply provide a daily run-down of the bullshit I see each day. There really is that much of it.

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Anyone can start a website and write anything they want on it. Their writings don't represent anyone except themselves.

I don't know where you dig up this fringe stuff. You really have to go out searching for it or subscribe to some sort of progressive mailing list to even be aware of its existence.

Nobody but a few lunatics believes this crap. It really is that simple. If you can't find any examples on progressive/socialist/marxist websites, it's because you aren't looking.

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Gimme a break.

This "Tea Party Command Center" is a Ning social media site--sort of like a glorified Facebook Fan Page. Instead of "fans," there are "members."

This particular site has 61 whole "members." And it looks like the principal posters are from West Virginia.

Argument from stereotype anyone?

This is pure propaganda, both by the "Tea Party Command Center" and by Kacy, who is trying to fool people into thinking this is mainstream Tea Party.

What's offensive is not the propaganda, but that it is piss-poor propaganda (on both sides).

All of you yahoos can do better than that.



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Several presidents, from Roosevelt on, presided over nuclear bomb detonations in the US. What's the big deal?

FDR died before the first A-bomb was ever exploded (the Trinity test).

FDR did green light the Manhattan Project.

Ba'al Chatzaf

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Gimme a break.

This "Tea Party Command Center" is a Ning social media site--sort of like a glorified Facebook Fan Page. Instead of "fans," there are "members."

This particular site has 61 whole "members." And it looks like the principal posters are from West Virginia.

Argument from stereotype anyone?

This is pure propaganda, both by the "Tea Party Command Center" and by Kacy, who is trying to fool people into thinking this is mainstream Tea Party.

What's offensive is not the propaganda, but that it is piss-poor propaganda (on both sides).

All of you yahoos can do better than that.




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Let's spread some gravy on this Tea Party kneejerk that is widespread among the left:

by Jason Howerton
Oct. 31, 2013

From the article:

When a Tea Party “congressman” representing Georgia’s “15th district” made a joke at the expense of Germans, CNN’s Christine Amanpour was quick to call him out.

“Maybe if we kept a better eye on them in 1939, WWII wouldn’t have happened,” Rep. “Steve Smith” tweeted after Amanpour announced her interview with the German Foreign Minister.

“Seriously?” Amanpour replied in disgust, retweeting his message.

The only problem is, there is no Rep. Steve Smith nor is there a 15th congressional district in Georgia. Someone apparently created the fake/parody “Tea Party Patriot” account to mess with people like Amanpour, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and others.

After Amanpour brought attention to the fake congressman’s classless remark, others on Twitter have also attacked Rep. Smith.




(Images of the tweets at the link.)

It's just not that hard to punk people, even seasoned journalists like Amanpour, when they think with their bias instead of their rational brain.


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