The Unabashed Pragmatic

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Everything posted by The Unabashed Pragmatic

  1. Here is one of the ways we get one of man's best friends: I scavenge copper out of radios, discarded tv sets, old copper wires and pipes, etc. I love silver, too. But copper is more accessible, not so bloody expensive. I have two one ounce coins I carry around and rub together just because it feels good. One is a d'Anconia Copper bullion round, the other is a silver bullion round with Ol' Hickory and his famous, "By Eternal God, I will route you out!" etched onto it.
  2. Human nature won't change. Human nature cannot be changed. Nature itself, the nature of the universe, cannot be changed. Messing about with human genes will not change nature or the nature of life itself. Messing about with human genes will guarantee the powerful even more power and will ruin many lives, but it will not change nature or the nature of life. All of this nonsense will eventually crash and burn. Why? Because the maniacs have hold of it and will ruin it just like they ruin everything else they touch. They will not put the technology, the science to any good use, just as they did with the Industrial Revolution when they used all the new technology to arm other maniacs with the deadliest machinery mankind had ever seen and start two world wars in a row, endless wars all over the world ever since, and a world wide banking and fake money fiasco that is only leading us to our inevitable ruin. Power is not real. Power is a dream. Power is an illusion. Power is simply submission to an authority. Power is simply the fearful, the ignorant, the stupid submitting to the latest fool who believes in himself, in his power, in his might. He has nothing but the obedience of other fools who believe his nonsense. He has nothing. They have nothing. It is a facade. His fools, his fearful, stupid fools, prop his dumb ass up in every way and try to wish him into a god. But it never works and it all comes crashing down, time and time again, throughout our sordid, stupid past. Power is not real. Power is an illusion. It does not exist. The American Founders understood this only too well. They fought a war over it and freed themselves, recreating themselves with the "Bill of Rights", and by breaking down governance into many compartments, states, counties, etc., and giving the individual the right to choose whatever he likes. Little did they realize no government has any such authority in the first place and cannot give these properties to anyone nor take them away. Nature has given these properties to the individual--and that's that. I can choose whatever I like anyway. And there's not a thing they can do about that, save do violence on me. But while the Founders had the right idea, some of them, they screwed the whole experiment up from the beginning by ratifying the Constitution, which Patrick Henry refused to sign, and for good reason. He smelled a rat. I say, he smelled more than just one rat, to be sure. And here we are in this mess. Samuel Adams got it right, too. Too bad no one listened to these guys. Power is a story in a book. The main character is God, who has real power, the kind of power the fools and maniacs really want, which is to wish whatever they like into existence, like the gods in their old stories. They can wish all they like, change all the genes they like, start all the wars they like, fool others all they like--but they will never get what they like. Because it does not exist. And because it cannot be created. Power is nonsense. "AI". Lol. They don't call it "artificial" for nothing. Men are animals, whether or not they like it. Man is the greatest survivor, the most cunning, ruthless, intelligent survivor of them all... so far. And the only reason he still walks the earth is because of his willingness to survive, to fight the enemies of human life, and to perpetuate himself. That is the very nature of life. That does not change. That cannot be changed. "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." Rand Of course. See to it that your claws and your wits are as sharp as you can make them. It's all you have. It's all you're ever going to have. It's the only power.
  3. Ok. Here's another faction that determines behavior across entire populations: fear. "The spectacle of fearsome acts", etc.
  4. To me, the whole thing is ridiculously simple. I am the driver. By 'I', I mean the intent, the ego, the individual. I drive myself to whatever I wish. And I can obey the commands of a dictator and put that power, that energy to his use, if I choose. But I must choose it, must consent. That is the only thing we have power over, and that power is limited and for a limited time, as is our power over our body. Isabel Paterson demonstrated and expounded on this beautifully in her book, "The God of the Machine."
  5. Ideologies are not agents, true. They are the tools. And when the followers, the sheep swallow the ideology whole and without question, they become the tools. They run on it. Like Marines who are drilled with the ideology of "Kill! Kill! Kill!", they become tools of the State and do its bidding without question, turning the ideology, the idea, into reality, into kinetic force. The leaders simply point them in the direction they wish them to go... until the followers realize they are being used, and that they are tools, and wipe their hard drives clean and break off from the leader(s). Power is an illusion. It is is not real. The only power one has is the control he has over himself. Power is in the hands of those who give consent, sanction, are willing; and to the leader, so long as he is obeyed. Everyone disobey the emperor and he stands naked before all. And a dismal looking thing he really is, after all.
  6. I don't want to leave. That's the problem. I love this forum and a few others. But I spend too much time on them and don't wanna let go. I need to spend less time on them is all. My problem. My bad. "You can check out any time you like--but you can never leave!" The Eagles
  7. Yes. Agreed. And Dawkins is a Statist, too. But Dennet makes a perfect argument and analogy in that a bad ideology infects the brain and drives the individual toward whatever the leader is laying down. People often say our brains are like computers. This is drivel. It's the other way around. Computers are like our brains, though a cheap imitation at best. Ideology is the software people upload onto their hard drive and RAM, the brain, and the software runs along. The software is written by the writer to command the computer what to do. It's the same analogy. And when your software us a bug... well, you can guess the outcome. Choose your software wisely.
  8. I want my account deleted. How to get that job done?
  9. Dunno why, but the YouTube link I've pasted in just won't work.
  10. Power comes from the ability to deceive. Religious leaders are probably most infamous for using deception to make people believe in them and follow them. Though anyone can do this if they put their mind and time and energy into it. Politicians do it, dictators, etc. Think of the power grabs and money grabs taking place because of Covid, Global Warming, and other such scams. They are literally changing the world. Power is the ability to harness minds and make them do what you want. Daniel Dennet has a great analogy of this: He likens the phenomenon of power to a type of parasitic bug that gets inside of a cow and takes control of it, making it do what the bug wants. Awesome speech!
  11. Agreed. The cops were trying to be reasonable with Floyd and not go out of their way to do violence. Chauvin's carelessness is reprehensible, and so, too, were the officers standing by. Long before Floyd stopped moving and grumbling they should have checked his condition and rendered aid. They were so ignorant they didn't even realize he was no longer moving or even breathing--and still pressing down on his neck. It didn't even occur to Chauvin that he was pressing down on an unconscious person, let alone a dead one. In a similar situation many years ago, I was working security one night in Las Vegas and got a call about suspicious activity in one of the parking lots. I was clean on the other side of the property and started making my way over. By the time I arrived, someone had already called the cops and there were six of them surrounding a familiar SUV in the parking lot. Someone had seen the man sitting in his car acting strangely and called the cops. The man had locked himself in the vehicle and refused to open up for the cops. He wasn't violent, but goofy, looking drunk and sluggish, putting a potato chip bag over his head and jeering at the cops, laughing, unconcerned, staring at his dash board and other nonsense. The cops were screaming, "Open the fuckin' door!" and starting to get excited, the testosterone was exploding into gang violence. Guns were drawn. One of them walked over to a cruiser and opened the trunk to fetch a battering ram to smash out a window. The cops just didn't take the time to realize this guy was unaffected by their presence and oblivious to anyone or anything going on around him. Their ignorance was astonishing. It was too easy to see. Then I realized who the guy was and intervened. "Wait, guys, wait! I know this guy. He's a regular here and he's diabetic. He's probably hypoglycemic right now." I sent one of our security to the cafe to fetch a large orange juice with five sugars in it. The cops looked at me doubtfully, shooting glances at each other, but thankfully they stopped hopping around like kangaroos and let me go on. They kept their eyes on him and their guns out and kept the vehicle surrounded. I stepped beside the driver's door and talked to him through the window, smiling, "Hey, bro', open the door for me, will ya? I gotta get something out of the car I forgot in there. It'll only take a second." My play worked. "Uh, oh, yeah, sure, man, here ya go." At that he reached over and popped the lock. The cops shoved me aside and opened the door, pulling the man out of the car and face down on the asphalt, cuffing him. He did not put up a fight. The poor fella looked more confused than anything else. Finally our security arrived with the orange juice and sugar. We sat him up straight and I asked if he was diabetic. He nodded his head, "Yeah, I got it pretty bad. I did something really bad, didn't I?" He was still nonsensical. I asked him if he wanted to drink. He did. We managed to get him to slam the entire glass of OJ and sugar and he started to come around but was nowhere near fully functioning. I summoned an ambulance to our location. The cops finally calmed down and put their guns away. The ambulance arrived quickly and took over, putting glucose packets into him. Still he wasn't coming around fully, but wanted to get up and walk around. A good sign. I convinced the cops to remove the cuffs and we got him to his feet. We walked around the parking lot with him, but he was still out of it. Finally, they gave him glucose intravenously and that did the trick. He came to and looked around. Suddenly fully aware of himself and his surroundings he asked, "What happened?" We explained to him what just occurred. He started to cry and apologized. We explained there was nothing for him to apologize for. He said he had come to the casino to get the famous Wednesday night chicken dinner and the last thing he remembered was arriving and parking his car. I told him he had come to the right place and dinner was on the house tonight. He agreed and went inside to sit a while and eat. I got him a booth and had his dinner served so he didn't have to wait on the usual long line. Had I not known this guy and stepped in he probably would have been killed. In a similar situation, Las Vegas Metro pulled a guy out of his car on the Strip and thumped on him badly for no reason other than they knew they could all get away with it. Which they did. But their victim sued and it cost the taxpayer 14.5 million dollars. Be careful out there. Cops are not trained to care and don't care one bit for your well being. The proof is in the training. You do what you train. Period. In their minds, in their training, everyone is suspect and a cockroach. Everyone. If I were a praying man, I would encourage everyone to pray hard that you never get arrested or have a bad run in with a cop.
  12. Floyd's death may have been prevented if Officer Chauvin and other officers would have checked Floyd's condition from time to time. They did nothing instead. The death was not intentional, but an obvious lack of regard for Floyd's well being was amply demonstrated by all concerned. Cops know better. They just don't care. They are backed by the courts in even the most heinous situations. And they are under no obligation whatsoever to protect anyone. They are there for one reason: to enforce the law. Officer Chauvon did just that. Hooray. Hope it was worth it, guys. But none of this would be any concern to anyone had Floyd been a White man. More than double the number of White persons have been murdered by cops than black in the last 365 days. And no one cries or riots for this outrage. No one cares. And the riots, allegedly kicked off because of what happened to Floyd, were going to happen anyway. And there's more to come. Lots more. Brace yourselves. Prepare. More violence. More riots. More deaths. Forced innoculations. Economic free fall. Mandatory lockdowns--for whatever excuse they dish out. Get out of the big cities if you can. Not a good place when the proverbial turd hits the fan. Here in South Dakota, we were the least locked down and the least affected by Covid nonsense. Go figure.
  13. MPLS Police & City Council Complete Surrender To Communists, Urge Citizens To Do Same
  14. MPLS Police & City Council Complete Surrender To Communists, Urge Citizens To Do Same
  15. What she said. I'm with her. When Walmart still had their mandatory mask rule a week or so ago, I walked right through the mask enforcer at the entrance. I wore no mask. I just ignored her. Thry can ram their masks and all other Covid stupidity.
  16. Well, wouldn't don't ya know it? Big Dope gets immunity:
  17. I don't know jack about Jack Reacher. I just do science and research into the matter and keep what works and throw away what doesn't work. Truth be told, I've talked my way and others out of by far and away more violence than I've ever been in. But you have to have the mindset and the violence for when the talking stops and the kinetic force dispensation begins.
  18. Trump can pound sand. I will still use the chokehold. I'm not a cop. I was a bouncer and security in strips clubs and casinos for twenty years and used them effectively. Chokeholds and submission holds are an effective way to stop them in their tracks. In security and cop work, we are encouraged and taught not to strike, but to stun and make the individual submit--or resort to deadly force immediately if there are no other options. On the lateral neck, or side of the neck if you prefer, there is the Carotid Artery, the Vagus Nerve, the Jugular Vein and the Phrenic Nerve all in the same area and alignment. At the front of the neck there is the Trachea. At the back of the neck there is the Accessory Nerve. A whack to the back of the neck, snapping the head back powerfully and cleanly will pinch the Accessory Nerve and shut off the signal to the brain and shut him off or stun him hard for a while. He will not get up and fight you and you can escape or subdue him long before he recovers. A whack to the front of the neck, to the Trachea, is deadly if accomplished with enough force. Avoid this if killing the individual(s) is not your goal. The Trachea has approximately the consistency of copper tubing. If crushed, you can't take it back and your victim will die. He will suffocate. Applying enough pressure, and it doesn't take much, to the sides of the neck, to the four vessels and nerves described above will safely render him unconscious and buy you time to subdue or escape. This is why chokeholds are so popular with security and cops. They work. And they are harmless. In almost every case, unless the victim has some abnormality or injury to begin with, the victim comes away with a 100% recovery rate. But if the hold is held too long, complications up to and including death can result. The chokehold is a constricting hold. Yes, like a snake, like a boa constrictor, for example. The myth us that a constrictor suffocates his victim, squeezes the breath out of him. He does not. What he does is squeeze his victim so hard it stops the flow of blood through the arteries completely, and the nerves, too are arrested, causing the victim to go unconscious and finally into cardiac arrest. It is the same principle with the chokehold. If held too long, your victim will die or become permanently maimed. If held just right, your victim will fall out and buy you time to escape and/or call for help. How do you know when to stop? Simple. When your victim's body goes limp. It's that easy. You have won. Let go of his neck now. He will not get up and harm you and you will live another day. Now, depending on your situation, either flee before he comes to, though it will be a while, or call the police to have him arrested. And be certain to request medical attention for your victim. It will help you out a great deal in the courts, should it come to that. The chokehold is useless to small, weak people. Likely they will never even get to a chokehold on a bigger, stronger attacker unless they are adequately trained. Smaller people are better off striking, eye-gouging, genital crushing, popping eardrums, etc., and other nasty, dirty, wonderful little tricks. Weapons are great protection also, but if you don't carry them and don't train with them--don't be stupid and rely on a weapon. Get a really great flashlight. I mean a really great one that is always charged and always works and you always know where it is and can get to it quickly. Practice with it. A strong light in your victim's eyes stops them long enough for you to attack them or escape freely. Why do you think cops carry them all the time and use them constantly? I prefer the flashlight and pistol or revolver combo in my home, and I carry a pistol literally everywhere I go and practice with it a lot. The best thing to do overall is to simply learn anatomy and practice targeting human anatomy and strike points. Reliance on techniques and forms is a fool's game. Rely on your knowledge of the human anatomy and targeting to ensure you can attack at will whatever situation you find yourself in. With not too much training you can keep loved ones and yourself safe.
  19. More food food for thought on the sordid matter... And speak of the devil, the legendary BPS speaks out on #CancelWhitePeople culture and nails it beautifully. Go BPS!:
  20. Never thought this day would come. Watch James Corbett lay it all out on Margaret Sanger, Leftist lies and hypocrisy, Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates and the Gates Family and more. Stunning. Reality is always more stunning than any fiction.
  21. I love crypto. Been in it for about four years. Made good money in it. And it's just a whole lotta fun. Litecoin is one of my favs. I love the Brave Browser, too, so I bought lots of BAT. I am fascinated by blockchain technology in general. Powerful good stuff.
  22. Fauci is 100% skank. Jordan should be Speaker of the House. What a riot that would be.