The Unabashed Pragmatic

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Everything posted by The Unabashed Pragmatic

  1. You're talking about followers, the herd, the dolts. I never mentioned they were dolts. I don't run with the herd. I'm a Sigma. And I don't vote. And especially for Marxists and Drumpfs. For those who consider voting an "achievement", I've got a bridge I wanna sell ya. Achieve that, please. Cash only. We're supposed to be rugged individualists. We're headed in the opposite direction. Can't you see that?
  2. Well, we're good to go then. A Marxist and tyrannical dictator in the Black House again. Neato. We're really making progress. Or, to hear the pundits tell it, the Marxists, in having nominated, Jo & the Ho have handed another election to Drumpf and his Drumpfkins. Where's Ol' Hickory when ya need him? They don't make men like hi... er... um... I meant, they don't make men anymore. We're doomed. And it's just as well. When Vlad comes over to annex Alaska, I'll go be a Russkie then. Fun! Wholesome! On the other hand, if Drumpf would wise up and stop catering to his Jooz and the xenophobic terrorist State of Israhell, he would see that his and our best interests lie not in being friends with terrorists, but in being friends with Vlad. The world would tremble at our feet then. It's a nice thought anyway. For those who still believe, may your chains set lightly upon you and all that jazz. G'day, mates!
  3. I see you love Trump. He's a riot, all right, but I didn't and will not vote for him. He's not Andrew Jackson enough for me. I'm voting for Vlad' Putin. He's my guy. 'Make America Russia Again'. And I'm still trying to figure out how this Kamala Harris thing is going to work out. My understanding of it is she wasn't born in the United States. How can she be president? According to the laws, she can't. So how is it she gets to be VP? I'm confused. Or maybe people just don't give a rat's behind about the laws anymore. That's right. Because when all the so-called "leaders" are breaking the law--there is no law anymore, but just a struggle to survive. That's where we're at now. Anyway, Brother Nathanael has the scoop on Kamel Hairz, for anyone who might be interested: And now you say this is a competition. I never saw it that way. That's news to me. But you're right about Susie B and this topic. It has no value anymore. What's done is done. A dead woman walks free... er... um... so to speak, while the living, the innocent who desperately need vindication and their freedom continue to suffer needlessly. "Make Trump President Again". OK, they will.
  4. I wouldn't venture to guess what he's contemplating. It wouldn't do any good. Rather it does me good to know what's going on around me as best I can. It's obvious why he's doing it. You've said it yourself. Trump has an impeccable sense of a great many things. But he's the president, not a private citizen. So what's important is what his skills can do for us. And I still don't give a rip about a dead, coffined woman, voting, women's rights (why aren't we concerned with men's rights, too?) and all the rest of this nonsense. It's stupid. My goal was to make that clear. I can see it hasn't worked. Furthermore, no one appears to be bringing anything new to this topic.
  5. Sure, it wasn't one of Trump's campaign promises, and he didn't wake up a couple of days ago and say, "Y'know, that Susan B Anthony sure got a raw deal, and it's always a really really risky political move to pardon anyone living, sooooo..." Of course, it's staged, someone thought this stunt up as a really big virtue signal and showtime for my Trumpy. Nothing wrong with that, and it does fit the Trump style. He is quite the showman after all. I was just trying to point out the fact that the country is sliding into the drink and there might be better ways to spend our pardons and our time, for the time being anyway. If he scores a hit pardoning Susan B Anthony, just think what a big hit he could score pardoning, Assange, Snowden and Flynn all on the same day! Homerun!
  6. Repeat threads because the first one was edited after I accidentally hit back-page. I thought I was in edit mode. When I hit submit it posted again above the first one. The second one is the edited (punctiation) one. I've no argument with anything you've said here. And I stand firm on my original arguments.
  7. Trump announces recently a very important person to be pardoned, naturally getting everyone charged and excited and guessing who it might be. As it turns out, it was someone important, all right... Nope, it wasn't Edward Snowden, Julian Assange or Michael Flynn, none of the heroes or whistleblowers who risked their lives, their sacred honor and literally everything they had in the fight to save our republic and freedom from annihilation, nope, they're not worthy of a pardon, says Trump. But guess who is? Yep, you got it, it's Susan B Anthony! Long, stunned silence. Susan B Anthony? Who's that? Oh, right, that's that chick who voted illegally some thirteen or fourteen decades ago. Well, Trump could be right, and Susan B Anthony could well deserve a pardon, for all I know, but, given our current dire situation, methinks Susan B Anthony could have waited for her pardon until after the Wall is built and our southern border sealed, after Obamacare is dismantled and burned on our scrap heap, after birthright citizenship is executive ordered into our history, after the country is fully opened after the Covid-19 scam and outright lie and Fauci, Gates, Soros, and associates arrested and locked down without bail and awaiting trial, after the CIA and FBI are stormed by US Marines and shut down and abolished and everyone involved arrested and thrown in a military prison and all their records made public, after American patriots Julian Assange, Michael Flynn and Edward Snowden's rights are fully restored and they are free to do as they like, after Bill and Hillary Clinton are arrested and thrown in prison without bail and awaiting trial, after our immigration is completely shut down and all illegal aliens are thrown out of the country with no chance of citizenship ever. Yep, after all that is done, Susan B Anthony can get her pardon. Much more important things to do, Mr. President, than panhandle female voters before your election. Susan B Anthony, if you can hear me, congratulations, girl. Though you deserve credit for many items, your stupid "right to vote" should never have come without your conscription into military service, like all the boys get, whether or not they like it. Why should you be able to vote our boys into wars we don't need to fight or out of wars we need to fight--on your whim--on your "vote"? Better idea, let's put an end to "voting" altogether and arrest anyone who tries to stage an election and give them a life sentence without the possibility of parole. After all, look where voting has got us. The results are self-evident. G'd day, Mr. President, Susan B Anthony.' The Unabashed Pragmatic tips his hat and bows out of the White House Ladies Luncheon after crashing it to deliver an important message.
  8. The question of power:
  10. Well, yeah, but I'd do Alex Kingston even if she weren't LARPing for pounds in front of the director.
  11. Either you prefer the strong, silent type or you would advise one not to loudly announce his plans before he carries them out, lest his enemies take advantage of his position. Can't tell which. I know my neighbors, but they don't know me from the wind. Teetotaler here. Man up on a wall, quietly observing. I'm a loner by choice. I keep people at least six feet away from me since long before Dr. Fauci mandated it. It amazes me how much I shout and how nobody appears to listen. But they always make eye contact, smile and nod as they pass me by on the way to the gun store. They know I'm not the one they need to worry about and guys like me, when they're needed--are needed badly. There are only three kinds of people in this world: wolves, sheepdogs and sheep. My father was a wolf, my mother a sheepdog. So I'm a sweet guy with no regard for rules of engagement. I've learned to strike a balance between the good, the bad and the ugly. We all have it.
  12. Dunno about that. I never paid any attention to the director. The beautiful Alex Kingston got me surging, vibrating and tingling. What a magnificent creature. Those lips! OMG! But, for all I know, when she's not LARPing for pounds she very well could be a BLM activist. Don't tell me! I don't want to know.
  13. Here's a great moving picture on power. Live free or die! Kill all the dictators or die tryin'! The great idea behind America to begin with was to arm all the people, even the children, especially the children, and teach them that tyrants are about, have always been about, and the only way to deal with any of them is to set about them with arms and deal with them accordingly. Play football and other fun games with their heads. Who needs a standing army when you've got a few good men and women with guts hanging around? "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." Patrick Henry Sorry, Folks, but there simply is no other way to your power. The only way to preserve human life and Liberty is to attack the enemies of human life and Liberty. Patrick Henry and Sam Adam's got it right the first time around. Rand got it even righter. She said what Henry and Adam's said, then added the ice cream on the cake: the Strike. Shrug. Do not help them get to where they rule you before you throw them all in the garbage. Revolt. STRIKE! Rebel! Disobey. Keep your ploughshares and your swords! Teach a kid to shoot.
  14. Thanks. Yer awesome. With all due respect to Trump, I love the way he's kicking the crap out of China and not letting them catch their breath. That's just plain fun to watch. The Beijingers will now loot and subjugate the Hong Kongers for all they're worth. That will help Beijing a little. But with Trump now putting the squeeze on Hong Kong, too, Bejing will keep looking for ways to kick US off the world throne and rot what's left of our brains with lead paint products, cheap, exploding dumbphone batteries and fentanyl. Man, I loved Hong Kong. What an exciting place. I used to go there often when I lived in Asia. I would camp out near the airport, and take the bus to Tung Chung, sit in the coffee shops, write and watch the world go by. Goodbye, Old Friend. Gotta run! Governor Noem's calling!
  15. Here I've found more of Ivanka & Kushner's fiscal pla... er... um... I meant, Donald J. Drumpf's fiscal plan for Amerika in 2020 and 2021 and beyond. Summarized right here: I know, Drumpf is playing 4, 268D chess with the Deep State and other enemies of mankind, waiting for his second term... when he's really gonna take off the gloves. Oh, yes, and QAnon is calling the shots from behind the scenes, saying the things Trump can't say out loud and keeping us informed like real insiders. Lulzerskates. Groovy. Meantime I'm stocking up on .22, .223, food, copper, medical supplies, and still working lots of overtime up here in Governor Noem's beautiful South Dakota. I've written her a nice letter as of late, begging her to secede from the Union. Got high hopes for that request. I"ve asked her to name our new republic up here in the northland, "Little Siberia" That ought to keep you homeless riff-raffers outta here.
  16. It's amazing they even allow Tucker to stay on air. It is difficult to have to say to our children and grandchildren that we have failed them. All we can do anymore is wait and see what happens. And prepare.
  17. Money is the root of good. The so-called "currency" "regulated by government" is not in fact money, nor is it regulated by government, but issued and regulated by a company owned by privateers. We have no idea who they are. Call it what you like. "Evil" is appropriate, among other things. Article one section eight of the USA Constitution describes one of government's most important duties: to coin the money and regulate the value thereof. And in doing so this business should be 100% transparent to the people at all times. Nor should it be so that the people must be made to use only government issued coin in their affairs, but free to do what they like, trade however they like, and especially in their own local currencies, and protected by their government while they're doing it. Of course this isn't going to happen, but at least we have the plan. We could work up the savvy and take our chance yet. Ya never know. Gold is gold, silver is silver, copper is copper, platinum is platinum, and so on down the chart of valuable elements. They have no substitutes. There are no substitutes for value. Liberty nor chances are given. They are taken. The only good in the world is you and others like you doing good things. That is value. That is money. That is the root of all good.
  18. Yes! A great scene! I've wanted one of those bracelets ever since I read that! Francisco's speech on money really got to me, too. I was nine years old when I asked my dad about money for the first time. I did not understand it, where it came from, how it worked. I just knew that I was much better off with it than without it and the more of it I could lay my hand to the better everything in the world could be for me. Dad didn't have a rational explanation for any of it, no clear understanding of money himself. He left me more confused than I was before. But I could see his point about the bills being "printed up", as he explained it. Obviously they were printed. I asked why people didn't just print up their own money and be done with it. They wouldn't even have to work anymore. Dad said that would be "counterfeiting". Counterfeiting? Really? What makes this money not counterfeiting? Dad just laughed at me, trying to hide what he did not know to begin with. I was burning to understand more. I asked a lot of people about this before giving up. I thought I was just too stupid to understand it. It wasn't until I read Rand's speech on money over twenty years later that I began to grasp that our entire money scheme was a fraud and that is why I could not understand it all that time. I had been looking for the integrity, the foundation, the value in our so-called "money" (it isn't money--it's simply debt, fraud, a scam, a shakedown) -- where there is no value. Rand helped me understand the missing link. And the money is just the beginning. The fraud permeates nearly every aspect of our lives and it is what has ruined what could have been a true evolution for mankind and set us off in the opposite direction.
  19. Not a bad price. Still a buyer's market. Some say silver will skyrocket to over FRN350.00+ when we crash. When I moved to NV in 2001, I was buying silver at four bucks per Troy ounce. Yeah.
  20. My wife loves brass. She just loves the way it looks. Little does she know her little collection is quite the investment. I just smile as she gets tickled pink and buys yet another. I like the idea of having my own little cottage industry a going, profitable concern. I make my own soaps. I could sell them. One of the copper, brass, and bronze items I've made is a one ounce Mjolnir with a curved handle. It's sanded smooth, down to at least 400 grit, so it can be rubbed and fondled, used as a bacteria, virus killing tool to promote health. A while back I started getting a little cold and put my bronze Mjolnir up my nose a few times and held it there. It killed whatever went up there and started tingling and festering away and I felt better in less than an hour and never got a cold. It is exactly one ounce of bronze metal, so it could be used as a trade item or store of value. I'd even engraved, "Who is John Galt?" on the front of it, to be used as a conversation piece. That got sanded off however. As I said earlier, my engraving skills aren't there yet. Need more practice. Another item is a blanket pin. Made by hand with simple tools, the survivalists go nuts over these things and pay around fifteen bucks for one. Super easy to make. I'm going to pound out a few leather + copper bracelets, too. See how that goes. This stirling idea is intriguing. I will keep my eyes open. I do anyway. Every garage sale and thrift store I walk into gets scoured for copper anything at all, high carbon steel cutlery, and generally things I can use and refurb for sales. More and more people need to do stuff like this and keep it alive. Things are going to get rough. And even if they don't, this is just too much fun! Useful metal is value, is money.
  21. I sure don't want to go into anything new. Hard goods are where it's at. I am growing more into them and expanding on what I have already.
  22. I like the site. Interesting pieces on there: Makes me want a lama bracelet! Never gave sterling much thought 'til now. Hmmm... Silver used to be the working man's metal--or--the poor man's gold. Now, it's for the rich. I'm reduced to scavenging copper. And that's just all right by me.
  23. Sweet. Good score. I never find them anymore either. Plenty of good pennies, plenty of nickels, but if I want silver I have to buy it. My favorite are one ounce rounds and ten ounce bars, bullion only. The only numismatics I buy are the occasional silver Krugerrand and some Morgans, and only if the price is really right. Those are numismatics worth having around. People love them and pay top dollar for them without hesitation. Aside from that, an ounce of silver is an ounce of silver, nothing more nothing less.
  24. The copper must be raw, too. Some copper products are lacquered, which nullifies copper's bacteria/virus killing properties. Brass and bronze, which are mostly copper, have the same effect on bacterial/viral nastiness. Musicians who toot brass horns all the time get by far and away less cold, flu, etc. People who work in brass, bronze and copper, too. Warriors in the bronze age sharpened their swords and used the shavings to dress wounds. The metal kept them from deadly infections. They didn't know why this worked, but it did so they used it.
  25. Same here on the pennies and the nickels. I'm always checking my change. I check all quarters and dimes, too. 1964 and previous quarters and dimes are the goods. Made of 40 to 90 percent (I think) silver. After '64 they're junk. I change them for FRN at the bank and pay the light bill. My silver bullion collection started in 1984. I bought a bottle of Pepsi from a machine and ten cents was my change. When the dime fell down into the coin return I could see immediately from the glint off it that something was special about it. It was a '64 dime. I felt like the luckiest man in the world. I had always wanted to start a silver collection anyway, so that was my inspiration to start. I still have that dime. They are getting harder and harder to find however. When I lived in Vegas, some of the casinos separated their junk silver coin from the rest of the coin. Customers could walk up to the cage and buy as much as they had on hand or as much as they could at face value! I was in heaven! They don't do this anymore. Vegas had phased out almost all coin machines by now. I did not know all this about the shell casings, etc. I will have to look into that. Amazing. My grocery store has a sign at the customer service counter now: "We are no longer giving out quarters". Boo hoo! This digital currency thing is going to suck for us! They have been wanting to get rid of cash for a long time now. They are finally doing it. And speaking of the anti-bacterial properties, I love that ring! I want one! I recently bought a Dremel tool and snagged up some two, three, and four ounce cooper drop rounds from work. They fall to the floor when they are cut from newly made parts. They are pure copper. I also get bronze and brass. The management doesn't care if we snag those little items. So I bring them home and have at them with my Dremel and create jewelry and coasters and whatever I can think of. I have gone copper crazy. I have mastered the cutting, sanding and cleaning of the red metal, but my engraving leaves a lot to be desired. Workin' on it. I am also re-taking up carving letters and some characters, etc., into wood and stone. I'm glad for the bicycle sickness. I wish more of my friends had it. Too many of them have the beer, TV and sitting on your ass and doing nothing sickness. Gag me. How incredibly boring.