The Unabashed Pragmatic

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Everything posted by The Unabashed Pragmatic

  1. Kenosha, Cheeseland is feeling the pain again. Wait'll they acquit Chauvin. It'll be hell on earth. Prepare. Arm yourselves. The loons are starting to make way into the 'burbs now. Rand predicted the jungles crawling back into our cities. She got it all right. All of it.
  2. I think Styx is right on this one. More riots to come to MPLS (AND elsewhere, he failed to mention) when Chauvin is acquitted.
  3. Who do you listen to? Apply your own "Objectivist principles" to the situation. I'd love to hear them. If I want to know something about Syria, perhaps a Syrian might explain things a little better than you and/or a fat guy who wears a tinfoil hat and calls himself "Conspiracy Bullshit" and explains all in less than 240 characters. But, for all I know, yourself very well could be the best informed fact-droid going. Enlighten us, please. Anyway, you must be right. Erdogan is no threat. What wuz we thinkin'?! Open up the floodgates and let them pour in... again. What're we worried about? Stupid! Who isn't an "enemy of the United States"? Let's see... can't think of anybody... oh, wait! Israel is our unbreakable bondage... whoops!, er... um... I meant, friend. I'd pretend to be your friend, too if you gave me forty billion plus of stolen taxpayer loot every year for... for... what? I have no idea. Not to mention the money doesn't have to be repaid, not one penny. That's about it. Can't think of anyone else right now who might be our... I mean, your friend.
  4. Read it and weep... or get mad and do something about it. Start by telling your children they are not racist no matter what anybody says, and that we are not a race at all, but a species. We are not a color or a culture, but a species. Next, remove your children from the public school system and educate them properly. Rebel, revolt, disobey, throw off your slave chains--or die. Your choice.
  5. The only thing Jerry fails to mention in this video is the fact that what is being done to us, to our economy--to our world--with all the masks and lockdowns and other lies, tyranny and sheer nonsense is the fact that all of it is being done on purpose. It is an attack, a power grab, a lie, psyops, an act of war. Sure, some of, if not most of our elected tyrants actually believe what they are being told about Covid-19 and only mean well when they spout their lies and nonsense. Others know it is a lie or don't know it is a lie and could care less either way but agree with our rulers that the animals, that's you and I, need obey their edicts and whims even if it means our own destruction. You are a slave on a plantation. Nothing more. It's that simple. Welcome to the plantation.
  6. Just when you thought ISIS was over... Erdogan's ISIS Mercenaries In Lybia Syria Girl always has it down cold and with clear, rational perspective. Syria Girl, if I can't have you--I don't want nobody, Baby!
  7. We're goin' fer broke. Wear a mask or you're headed for the hoosegow, says Utah Gov. I hope our lovely SD Gov. Has more sense than the rest. So far, so good. I'm still waiting for a response on my letter to her requesting secession. Ya never know. Might get lucky. I've been lucky before.
  8. Nonsense. Masks have no value whatsoever. The case for masks is the case for tyranny. The masks are there to dehumanize the population, to enslave, to draw humanity away from one another, to separate, to erase live, real interaction. It has nothing to do with dis-ease, save for the fact that as far as your rulers are concerned--YOU are the dis-ease they mean to control. The masks, in conjunction with your electronic slave tracking device, i.e., your dumbphone, set us on a new way of communication, forcing us onto the control grid more than ever before. Did you read all the reports of how slavephone use skyrocketed when the Covid sham kicked in a few months ago? That's just what they were looking for. They got it. And you got the bill. Now, get back inside, you are under house arrest, peasant slave! Do as you are told--OR ELSE! And don't forget to keep your slavephone on at all times and use Google for EVERYTHING! Yours, Truly, Always And Forevermore, Big Brother
  9. More applicable info to share in this thread from the Corbett Report:
  10. Thanks. I haven't paid attention to our SD Governor Noem's stance on the mandatory vaccine, but to hear people around East River tell it, more are against it than for it. They're buying ammo and MRE instead of masks and lining up to get jabbed with a needle. West River is even more adamantly against mandatory vaccinations. The big corporations set to serve up the vaccinations have already been granted immunity from any responsibility from sickness and death caused by their vaccines. I find that odd. If the vaccine is so healthy, so nutritious, so life-saving... why do they need immunity? Immunity from what? Lol. We know what. I'm not taking any vaccination. I hope the Russkies beat us to it and their vaccine works and is clean. Embarrass our tyrants again, please, Mr. Putin, please! We love you and those intensely patriotic Rus! Come on over! Take Alaska back! Make America Russia again! And speaking of MRE, Styx has found a good one over in Vikingland. Looks like a good one!
  11. Now, here's my Trumpy at his best! His true genius! The Showman, the entertainer, the troll, the Tweeter extraordinaire!
  12. I've watched "Shadowgate" twice this morning. Nothing new as far as the technology or the spying and data collection and use. We've known for years this is is being done. But interesting perspective on the players involved. If what Millie's saying is true, it's a revelation. An interesting final moment in our history and how the United States was brought down and done in. What you can do to protect yourself for now: get rid of your dumbphone. It is key to their success. The first time I used a personal computer was in the mid-1990s. My friend sat me down in his home and dialed up on his 56k modem and started showing me around. I was a naive, "Libertarian" minded individual back then and had concerns about government encroachment on our privacy, our information, medical and other vital records, etc. I was sitting there looking on for about an hour when it struck me full in the face, "This is how they're going to do it! This is how they're going to get ALL of our information! They won't have to steal it or court order it or do much at all really. All they have to do is get everyone online, on one of these personal computers (dumbphones didn't exist then) and everyone will happily pop all their information into it and... et voila! We have EVERYTHING!" I was 100 % on the mark. And here we are. Soon no one will be able to survive or navigate the modern world without a dumbphone (or whatever the latest required technology will be), and a good social credit score online will be required to participate, but for the moment we still have some choices. So, get rid of your dumbphone. You can still choose whether or not you have one, and they are spying on literally everything you say and do--so get rid of your dumbphone... OK, so you're not going to get rid of your dumbphone. I knew it. So here's some of the next best thing... Get a VPN if you don't have one. Free VPN are garbage and do not work. You are still being spied on. Get a paid VPN. I use NordVPN. It's a great one, simple to use. Use Airplane Mode when you are not using your dumbphone, while phones still have it. I use a tablet and flip phone combination. When my devices are not being used, Airplane Mode is turned on and the device is powered off. I have no Internet connection in my home. No Alexa. When i get in the car to go somewhere, I turn on Airplane Mode and shut down the devices. If I use Maps to go somewhere, I am certain my VPN is activated at all times. For that matter, if I am using the device the VPN is activated at all times. Stop storing your information online, on a cloud, etc. Hard drives these days are the best they have ever been, they are huge, and they are cheap enough. Buy your own storage devices and keep your information to yourself, keep it offline. Iam barely scratching the surface on Internet security here, but it's all I have time for right now.
  13. Does anyone here write memoir? As of late, I have been contemplating another writing project. I feel compelled to write memoir. Anyone have experience here?
  14. What's "Shadowgate" and Millie's arrest all about? I suppose the best place to start is to watch the documentary. Here it is, in full. (I don't know anything about the channel I've posted below. I simply picked the first Bitchute channel that popped up that has the full video and watched it).
  16. Of course I can't say I'm a bigot. I'm not. All religion deserves a final resting place on history's scrap heap--all the way back to sun worship, and that includes Judaism, Islam, Christianity, etc., and I mean to help them get there. A bigot is someone who can't stand, won't tolerate the beliefs and lifestyles of others. Clearly, I am not that. I could care less how others believe or how they live until it interferes with my right to do my own thing. So we're not allowed to make fun of any religion here. Ok.
  17. Of course I know that. She is one of my favorite Jooz. I love her. Brother Nathanael was a Joo, too. He is one of my favorite Christlings. What of it? Obviously you don't agree with me. What of it? Do you expect me to fold up into a fetal position every time someone disagrees and tries to ridicule me and all the while hasn't addressed even one of the issues I've mentioned. Look who's planting signs... "Anyone who disagrees with us in any way is to be ridiculed and osctracised until he sees it our way." Again, be strong, fight for freedom--nothing else. You'll feel better. Freedom is the ultimate achievement.
  18. I'm not afraid of words or of being alone. You got the wrong guy. Amazing to see how enamored everyone is about Trump. Even the slightest criticism of him brings an avalanche of derision and ridicule. You should strive to be stronger than that. Fight for your freedom--not for Trump. There's a difference. It's true what they say about Trump: you absolutely love him or you absolutely hate him. I'm neither. I am absolutely entertained by him and his incompetent Zionist controlled federal beast. What a show!
  19. Fans? I wasn't aware of having any fans. I follow no one and I won't have anyone following me. He's Drumpf for all the things he hasn't done but should have done by now and could have easily done by now. But he is a salesman, a liar, a showman, and a renigger, et. al. And he's always been all of that, obviously, since long before becoming a politician. That is his trade. And he's Trump because, well, he's Trump, an original, a lone wolf, and he's gotta do what he's gotta do, like the rest of us. I admire that. He's your ordinary, average American with skin in the game. He's one of us. A very likeable, kind, generous, entertaining and capable fellow caught up in the trap of irrationality that looms large and will swallow us whole. He's gotten a taste of a new kind of power and it appears he is unphased by it. Amazing. And he's let a lot of people down. I don't hang my hopes on the president. Never have. I forgive nothing. I forget nothing. He does not pay my way. I did not vote for him, I will not vote for him. Though I have to say I was surprised and delighted when he was elected. Surprised because it actually happened. Delighted because of the steel toed boot in the face to Hillary Clinton and the Left in general. You see, I despise my enemies with a whole and full heart and I glory in their destruction. But Trump is not my enemy. He's just another public figure in a faraway land whom I'll never meet and who does not know me or the lay of my land from shine-o-la; the head of the intrusive, invasive Federal beast that should never have been and should not be. I don't fight for Trump. I fight for freedom.
  20. If I stab someone in the back, it means and demonstrates--they're not my pal.
  21. Actually, I like Trump. He's a loner, a Sigma, like me. Only he's a lot richer. I am not jealous of the man, but I would like to have some of that cash. Wow! I have a few achievements of which I am proud enough, I suppose. But I am not bent on achievement in the way you appear to be. I've written two books, not published, yet, perhaps they never will be. I am a martial artist and scientist and achieved recognition in four disciplines. I am an end in myself, you could say. I am my main achievement. I am not bothered by anything. I'm good to go.