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Everything posted by KorbenDallas

  1. How about Melania's jacket? The explanation seems plausible to me.
  2. Josh Brolin Reads Trump Tweets As Thanos:
  3. Yes white to black racism, I am aware of reverse racism as well, being from the south and all. I should point out that I was born and raised in the south. Institutional racism isn't what I was talking about, I was talking about individual racism, the kind where racism exists in an individual and they use covert manipulation to carry it out. I worked for the government for a while, there was a racist person who worked there (who was factually a racist), a black man got hired to work underneath this person, and within a few months that black person was fired for "work related issues". I inquired what those were, and it didn't add up. No institutional racism, but the individual the black person worked for convinced others he should be fired. There was an EEOC case that was going to be filed by the black person, but he didn't end up filing it. I also used to know people who use covert aggression against black people when they can, being opportunistic. I've spoken with some Latino friends I used to have that talked about the kind of racism around here. Anyway, it exists.
  4. Racism isn't dead in the south, I can tell you that. I'm not black but it ain't dead.
  5. Maybe I missed the point, but this interview was very smooth and tame. Trump didn't have to get aggressive and George wasn't either. Trump did fine here, I thought it was a good interview. How is George an attack dog? If memory serves, Trump and George have been somewhat cordial over the years. Are you saying that George chickened out and didn't get aggressive for some reason?
  6. Jon, William isn't a narcissist. Carol isn't a narcissist. I'm not a narcissist. Good news is that you're not a narcissist. Bad news is that Trump (likely) is a narcissist. Sad!
  7. Trump self-pardon, funny Giuliani, and more!
  8. ANOTHER VOLCANO ATTACK JUST HAPPENED --- were you paying attention?! I bet you weren't. Guatemala volcano: Almost 200 missing and 75 dead 6 June 2018 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-44378775 Dark forces are at work here people. Donald J Trump decided to start a tariff war with Canada over the weekend, and Trudeau called the tariff's 'insulting and unacceptable'. So what did Donald J Trump do---the current US 'President' and Avian Order scum? Donald J Trump unleashed fire and fury Sunday by calling on Avian Order operatives in the Deep State and ordering them to attack the Guatemalan people by setting off the Fuego volcano! First Hawaii, now Guatemala! Oh yes, and the Hawaii volcano is still creating terror for Hawaiian residents and birds: Hawaii volcano lava destroys hundreds of homes overnight Jun.05.2018 / 8:57 PM ET / Updated Jun.05.2018 / 11:27 PM ET https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/hawaii-volcano-lava-destroys-hundreds-homes-overnight-n880401 Look at all that Avian Order carnage!!!! It is clear from recent events that Donald J Trump's choice for terror is erupting VOLCANOES!!! We can't let him get away with this, people! He must be stopped! Join The Resistance today and we might have a chance against this new terrorism tactic by Donald J Trump! It's dirty, it's awful, and it's ugly! Fire and fury! #stoptheavianorder #justiceforthomas #teampigeon
  9. Trump wants the US to make its own steel again (MSGA), and Trump should know a lot about steel because his buildings don't fall down. MSGA! But note that Trump has used Chinese steel recently, a lot of it: Six Facts on Donald Trump’s Use of Chinese Steel https://aflcio.org/2016/10/12/six-facts-donald-trumps-use-chinese-steel [...] Donald Trump used Chinese steel and aluminum. The United States has a long history of producing high-quality steel and aluminum, but Trump chose Chinese manufacturers in at least two of his recent construction projects. The Trump International Hotel Las Vegas and the Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago both used tons of Chinese metals. The origin of the steel used was obscured. The origin of the steel used to build the Trump hotel in Las Vegas was hidden through a tangle of “various corporate entities, including holding companies registered in the British Virgin Islands," a popular location for offshore entities who place a premium on, ahem, discretion. Trump spent at least $350 million on Chinese aluminum. Newsweek estimated Trump used 207,000 feet of Chinese aluminum for the Trump hotel in Chicago. Conservative estimates based on pound per foot means at least $350 million in sales went to a subsidiary of a Chinese aluminum manufacturer. This, when the American aluminum industry is collapsing. In the past two years, “more than half of the country’s aluminum smelters in states like Ohio, West Virginia and Texas have closed as a result of being undercut on price by competition from overseas.” Chinese aluminum companies used predatory pricing. Trump purchased the aluminum used in the Trump hotel in Chicago “curtain walls” through entities that sold the aluminum products “below the cost of production or the amount charged in China.” This means American aluminum companies couldn’t possibly compete with foreign companies “willing to take losses on the sales of their building materials in hopes of driving companies in the United States out of business.” Patriotic. Trump’s use of Chinese steel and aluminum is at the expense of America's workers. Trump doesn’t operate a publicly traded company, and he has no fiduciary obligation to shareholders. His decisions are all about higher profits for himself and his family at the expense of American producers and their employees. Trump pays his Chinese partners. Or at least there aren’t any reports of Chinese steel or aluminum companies suing to be paid. Unlike in the United States, where workers have time and time again had to sue Trump in order to receive a partial payment for completed jobs. Sad!
  10. Are there any other possibilities that Soros smiling in this context could indicate? I have one in mind, and it's not an indicator of guilt.
  11. Problem with the Barr tweets is the conspiracy theory she is talking about isn't real, here is a page on Snopes about the conspiracy theory: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/george-soros-ss-nazi-germany/
  12. Roseanne goes full conspiracy theorist on Chelsea Clinton Trump’s favorite TV star was busy on Twitter this morning. https://www.vox.com/2018/5/29/17404972/roseanne-clinton-conspiracy-trump [...] First, Barr accused Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, of being married to a nephew of billionaire philanthropist George Soros.
  13. The Diplomat Who Quit the Trump Administration https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/28/the-diplomat-who-quit-the-trump-administration Still, Feeley was disheartened by his initial meeting with Trump. “In private, he is exactly like he is on TV, except that he doesn’t curse in public,” he told me. Well, there's that.
  14. Oh Lawd, every US President in the modern era is a subject of humor.
  15. The bird almost chickened out in the beginning
  16. Ah the value vote. And what to do when the lesser of two evils contracts one's values. The problem I had in 2016, so I didn't vote. Couldn't bring myself to do it.
  17. That is a fake Twitter account, Pompeo's official Twitter account is here: https://twitter.com/SecPompeo (Reference: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/385726-pompeo-issues-first-tweets-as-secretary-of-state)
  18. You think you know what's going on out there? Have you been paying attention? Like I said just yesterday, I said the Avian Order is planning an extinction event targeting birds, and it would come in the form of: an oil spill, a volcanic eruption somewhere on the globe, weather conditions altered to affect migratory bird patterns, and that this extinction event would be orchestrated by the Avian Order. And I also said that Donald J Trump is part of the Avian Order, along with other nefarious actors! I ask you again, have you been paying attention? In the news today there is a new volcanic eruption happening right now in Hawaii!!! Direct proof of the Avian Order's machinations---and exactly as I predicted!! Don't believe me? See for yourself, Published on May 22, 2018 by CNN (today): Look at all that Avian Order evil! And their devious plan gets worse! Never underestimate your enemy---the Avian Order set off this new eruption in hopes of blowing up a nearby geothermal plant! Want proof? Foxnews - New concerns as lava flow nears geothermal plant in Hawaii Do you realize how many birds will lose their lives over this?! And all of this was set in motion by none other than DONALD J TRUMP---the latest US President to be "elected" but is an Avian Order evil doer! Do you really think that the 2016 election wasn't RIGGED? Can anyone say the Mueller investigation? That's right, this latest "election" was rigged by deep state Avian Order operatives! And what happened yesterday? These deep state Avian Order operatives were waiting for a signal by Donald J Trump, and they received it: Justice Department to proceed with FBI investigation https://www.axios.com/justice-department-proceed-fbi-investigation-3d56e82c-5a37-4091-ba2b-537bb9592e96.html “Based on the meeting with the President, the Department of Justice has asked the Inspector General to expand its current investigation to include any irregularities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s or the Department of Justice’s tactics concerning the Trump Campaign. It was also agreed that White House Chief of Staff Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the FBI, DOJ, and DNI together with Congressional Leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested.” This was the exact signal they were waiting for---make no mistake, this was a dual-pronged order by President Donald J Trump himself: 1) To launch an investigation against The Resistance patriots in the deep state---the same patriots that are trying to protect all bird life on this planet and 2) The order triggered a series of events that led to deep state Avian Order operatives to set off this new volcanic eruption to create a mass extinction event for birds!! Do you remember the shadow war I have been talking about?!? Well here it is, folks. Buckle up, it's going to be a hell of a ride. #stoptheavianorder #justiceforthomas #teampigeon
  19. The Coup is coming folks, You need to get prepared for this, it's going to be an event, and it's going to be terrible, it's going to change the course of life on this planet as we know it. Yes, other people are predicting that a coup is coming---but they have got it all wrong---what is going to happen is going to rock this planet: the Avian Order is planning a mass extinction event of all birds!!! QAnon is a punk and he is completely wrong---what is really going on is the Avian Order created the deep state for the purpose of eradicating all birds from this planet! Extincting all birds takes an enormous effort, and it's the Avian Order that has infiltrated all areas of civilization to be able to pull different levers in order to execute various---and often combined---plots to destroy all bird life on this planet as we know it! Don't be fooled by others about the deep state, it is the Avian Order at work here! Don't believe me? In this thread I have already proven and exposed some of the nefarious actors involved in the Avian Order---The Koch Brothers, George Bush senior, George Bush junior, Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, Adolph Hitler, and DONALD J TRUMP!!!!! Trump is not having a coup planned against him: Donald J Trump is part of The Coup. The Avian Order has aptly called their most recent insidious plan The Coup, if you're smart you would have figured this out already that this is coded phonetics, syntax, and symbolism done by the Avian Order! A mass extinction event is coming! Be prepared folks, this is going to be yuge and terrible! I am seeing signs that it can come in a few forms, it's possible there will be another oil spill, it's possible there will be another---but larger---volcanic eruption somewhere on the globe, it's possible weather conditions will be altered to affect migratory bird patterns---or all of some of them can be combined to create even more havoc!!! Like I said before, they will often combine their plots! This is going to be horrible!! Don't be fooled people, the evidence is right there in front of you, the Avian Order has a lot of power! It's right there if you just look!! Join me----be part of The Resistance to stop these upcoming actions by the evil Avian Order!! Something is coming but we can end the terror before it can begin, before the Avian Order can change animal life on this planet as we know it! Rise up, people! #stoptheavianorder #justiceforthomas #teampigeon