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Everything posted by Strictlylogical

  1. Doesn’t running with the establishment deep state always come with whispers promising success and protection? Little birdies telling him he will prevail… of course he doesn’t see it. BUT do THEY see it? Are they using him … and to what end?
  2. Isn't that moral religion akin to holding as every individual human being sacred an end in himself?
  3. I'm not sure where timestamps are or why you are talking about them ... anywho... looks like the video is up to 18Million views now, and the tweet is up to 59.7Million views! I'm not a twitter user but that seems pretty good!
  4. Here is a screenshot less than 24 hours later: does anyone know why on the video it shows 16.4M views while in the tweet it shows 53.2M views? Either way, people are clicking, watching, and reading.
  5. eah... I prefer revolutions which involve paper, text, pens, voting, rallies... and would rather not wait so long as to require the likes of "the Terror" of the French Revolution... I do not believe we always had a benevolent oligarchy, in fact I think majority of what motivated the founding fathers truly was enlightened and principled, and that there are long lines of principled persons who executed the offices entrusted to them with utmost integrity and honor. I DO believe of course there was always some element of corruption at work, some people who were not so principled and who held positions of power and executed the offices entrusted to them for their own gain, be it material wealth, fame, power or any combination thereof. Yes, principled people getting together and starting parties, and running for office is usually downstream... but that is part of the play by the corrupt, the rapid swings require that we are all lost at sea. But today (recent decades) we see the resurgence in the culture of ideas connected with freedom, in connection with political movements such as the tea party, the freedom caucus and Trump... in today's information age of rapid and widespread communication... politics and culture may be coevolving more or less together.
  6. It’s not about Left versus Right anymore. The remnants of a Principled Democracy leaning to and fro are on the brink and all people who on either principled sides of the isle are threatened. We now have principles as such versus corruption, Republican Democracy versus Tyrannical Oligarchy. I dare say Trump should choose a Democrat as his running mate… but one who is principled and still fights for humanity and the ideals of the west. But perhaps this task is not for Trump and maybe it is decades away… all those principled dems and reps need to abandon the legacy parties …. there is a vast common middle ground and common values most Americans would rally behind… the new principled peoples party would directly reclaim freedom from those powers who aspire to reincarnate themselves as King George…. we need a new set of founding fathers and yes mothers… and one day perhaps we’ll see America slowly becoming more free rather than less.
  7. I do not particularly like thinking of things in terms of collectives or groups or even in terms of “we” as so many do in wider conversations… but over the centuries there has been a cultural decline in America and in the west in general, and although it may be easier to point fingers at foreign or domestic agitators and influences… in some sense the fault lies generally in us… somehow we have failed to stay “strong” (read moral, civil, principled etc) and whether we are strong enough to come through it, what we get, in some very real sense is exactly what we deserve…. and for a time, until we have had enough to deserve better, we may languish in the desert.
  8. Tucker is out at FOX Not sure what to think about this... So is it The Deep State Strikes Back! or The Deep State Panics Yet Again! I wonder where he will land.
  9. I got a few ("not really") doozies for the progressives: "When does an unborn woman's right to life begin in the womb...?" "Does that unborn woman's right to life ... qualify as part of womens rights?" "Is a just born woman's right to life any less than the desire of an older woman (or her male partner) to avoid responsibility?" [infanticide] Another one: "Can a man abort an unborn woman at any time... and only because / when he finds out it is specifically an unborn woman rather than an unborn man?"
  10. "Cartels have em, WEF has em, Bankers got em', and so does the FBI, CIA, the RNC and the DNC, and the WH and the GOVT... now I don't want you to open your phones yet... do not open your phones until I tell you... alright... open your phones... open your phones 1, 2, 3 You get an AI! You get an AI! YOU get an AI! YOU get an AI! YOU get an AI! YOU get an AI! YOU get an AI! .. YOU get an AI! ... EVERYBODY gets an AI!"
  11. The Babylon Bee is pure gold… from speechless disgust I went straight into what I can only try to describe as a cringing half squinting smiling half grimacing “Oh Geez” laugh.
  12. As long as there is no government intervention this is all part of the fun! Pundits need to dial down the alarm and angst in their commentary… business is what business does… and it moves and shakes!
  13. ChatGPT predicting what a person could or even would say and displaying it on a screen, is not what it is like to BE the person and the experience of choosing to say it.
  14. He turns the world on its head by exposing the local and global swamp simultaneously shattering the image of western democracy being for and by the people and confronting the sheep with their lack of freedom and power in face of a wide and pervasive corruption. This destroys the childlike, naive, and comfortable world-view so many have enjoyed their entire lives. He's the guy that showed them there ain't no Santa Clause. He's THAT guy. Now, all the kids are crying and throwing tantrums, the unavoidable flip-side of their useless evasion is their utter revulsion and scorn for him.
  15. Michael, I think you are an independent thinker understanding and integrating a wide context in arriving at your opinions. In general, even so called rational individualists get all tangled up in party politics, which represents a big mistake; an error of epic proportions. A rational person sees that the system is very broken... primarily due to the those who happen to "people" it... although it is still clunking along. A rational person sees that neither party nor all of the members of either party is perfect... even if more policies of one party were generally worse than the other. A rational person sees rights being trampled, violated, or eroded by actions and words of those who are in power from either party... left right (and perhaps one day center). There is no Kantian categorical imperative for or against everyone from either party for all time. A rational reality oriented person lets go of both party stripes and party gripes to vote for or support those in the specific context who have the best chance to move the government of the country toward a proper government which protects individual rights and freedoms, the only moral approach to allowing the opportunity for flourishing.
  16. You see… there! Someone causing crises to a specific end… but who’s end and who ultimately does the crisis serve? I have been only seeing the left totalitarian thing out there … what about the destroyer in the shadows … the playboys (or whatever facade) we are meant to despise? What if Soros IS Frisco? What if his public motives are all a lie? and we are just marbles… (edit: This is partly in jest…)
  17. I like this in the abstract, but I get the feeling you are alluding to something specific which eludes me…
  18. ha.. Well in order to distinguish new user driven profit motivated tech from the recent advertising driven ESG ecoterrorism woke government corrupted tech… I have coined and will use the term Authen-tech. Here’s hoping for the Authentech revolution!
  19. Well... if real, valuable, genuine tech rises up bigly, and Elon and Twitter start filling that void... and if some others follow... I wonder what should they call themselves or at least what should we call them? Surely not alt-tech or right-tech ... those are too political... Freedom Tech? Honest Tech? Real Tech? I dunno...
  20. To answer your question in the abstract, No one is above the Constitution. If someone, ANYONE were, he would be King, and America has no king, needs no king.
  21. Waitaminnit!!! Dang why didn't we think of it before??!! Just ban MURDER!!
  22. Banning all firearms is ab initio an unsupportable argument when applied to a free society. A ban is a law - criminals break laws - criminals will have the guns, ALL of them. The level of enforcement required to prevent all criminals and the criminal-minded from ever creating, trading, and using guns, would destroy freedom/privacy rights utterly. No ... bans are useless and hence illogical.
  23. How do you know this is not in their plan for the great reset, ensuing disaster and starvation or what have you.... an excuse for enslavement of the world, central planning and loss of most freedoms: because regular people are "irrational" and "selfish" when they act as individuals?